Witch Bitch Polemic
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witchbitchpolemic-blog · 6 years ago
So what is going to happen to the Nationals? The rough and tumble of a crumbling conservative face...
While the Liberal Party collapses under the weight of its internal contradictions (and a nod to K Marx), there is another party that hasn’t been so much in the spotlight, but which will be as affected by the fallout as the Liberals themselves. 
The Nationals are facing some serious challenges themselves. Although there are some genuinely quite progressive Nationals whose involvement in that party is I think a product of the local environment (liberals in the country), I expect that the party itself will stick with a coalition approach to the newly undivided reactionary Liberal Party of Australia because of shared interests in mining and reactionary social politics. They are just more natural allies with the Abbotts and the Duttons than they are with liberal thinkers. But the mining thing they are so wed to is creating a serious division between them and their glued on voters, who really have no idea where the hell to go. Although they are increasingly educated and increasingly green thinking, it's so deep historically, that it is almost in their DNA to hate both the party of the workers (Labor - a bit of ha ha, but there you go) and the idealistic city based lefty/liberal thinkers and hippies represented by the Greens. A new party was set up fairly recently designed to capture the disaffected regional vote. But ‘Country Minded’ took no time at all to merge with the Australian Democrats. That may or may not be a clever move. Building on now rump existing base v glued on perception of city based perspectives (same problem as the Greens, but with a respectably liberal background and a reliably 'centre ground' perspective). Whatever the case I expect that increasingly the Nationals will become irrelevant, and despite the reputation, regional people aren't really One Nation types - its all a bit uncivilised and as such its a phenomena that is fairly localised in parts of Queensland. In the short term we may see some new liberal minded independents, but they would also have to be very high profile locals. Beyond that? Wait and see...  
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witchbitchpolemic-blog · 6 years ago
The Morrison Phenomena (or how not to run a marketing campaign)...
Just read an awesome article on the aping of Trump by Scott Morrison. Well worth a read Morrison gets in touch with his inner Trumpiness 
I hadn't realised how closely Scuzza the Shadow was tracking of Trump - like a little brother that can’t help but imitate his big bad Brother’s every move. But what struck me was the 'marketing' aspect of this new imagining of our ‘accidental’ Prime Minister and renowned marketing man, Never before have we seen such a blatant reworking of political cartoons for public consumption as real humans. The campaign fails on many levels, and those failures are as fascinating as the idea of plastic manequins running a government is repugnant.
Morrison is modeling his image on second hand ideas that have worked elsewhere. Problem is, Scuzza’s rendition fails ‘The Insanity Test'. Trump is completely whackers - he is totally, authentically, as mad as a cut-snake. 
Morrison rendition is a marketing snake, and his product an actor's rendition - and a poor actor at that. It feel try-hard, not authentic. And he has made another critical mistake.  Tragically the most revealing aspect of this campaign is the insight it provides into how little our 'accidental Prime Minister' understands of what it is to be Australian - even just bloody English speaking European derived Australian. "Fair Dinkum" one might say, in a delivery providing a peculiar Australian equivalency to "Jesus, Mary and Joseph"
The first thing a marketing campaign should establish is the demographic and cultural features of a target landscape. Morrison has made the mistake of developing a campaign too close to his own territory. There has been no review - it is his grand idea. Self conceptualised, and not consulted with anyone who might point out the flaws of his marketing genuis. So the own-goal of the "Where the bloody hell are you?" marketing campaign, focused on the aspirations of deep south good ol’ boys, and released to middle-America,  has been revived. He is trying to redeem a ghastly mistake by proving that it really can work
And this time has managed a feat unheard of in his newly beloved sport of rugby league. He turned the home ground into a disadvantage. This is not an advertising campaign we can all walk away from red faced before quickly pointing to Nicole Kidman and going ‘look, isn’t she so elegant?’ This is Morrison's personal marketing campaign involving an identical mismatch between the aspirational focus of the material and the target audience.
It didn't work in America, and it doesn't even work on home ground. He has proved beyond a doubt the stagging fact that he has not a clue about the culture of the nation he leads, far less it women.
At some point, perhaps 20 years ago, the proportion of female Australian adults with a degree passed the 50% point. In terms of degree attainment, Australian men are not that far behind us. As a feminist from working class origins, I have questions about whether this high level of degree attainment is as much of a national high mark of achievement as the marketing would suggests.  I would argue that, the way we have developed the transitional landscape to adulthood has over time defeated rather than supported equal opportunity for both men and women from disadvantaged backgrounds, and further that we are in current place that was not an inevitable end point. But that is another story.
On the plus side, a very high proportion of Australian women, and indeed Australian men have developed the systematic thinking skills to sort through bloke bullshit and a less kindly or forgiving attitude to powerful men promoting gang objectification of women.
So Morrison is blindly courting, nay encouraging, the worst and most debilitating characteristics of a marginal group of Australian voters.  This celebration of animal biology targets socially under-developed males and is quite literally a imagined group wank over furtive porn (ref: comments regarding Pamela Anderson).
And he is doing this, almost reveling in the disgust of the demographic that delivers elections, along with many civilised fathers, brothers and lovers. He really is an mediocre to dreadful marketing man. I am not surprised the Tourism Board sacked him, but not before we could be saved from the appalling PR cost to tourism of “Where the bloody hell are you?”
The great news is, not even the ghost of luck is required for the Australian public to sack him for poor performance next May. Well, on the down side, that is, if he isn’t fired by his own party and replaced by a genuine fascist by Christmas 2018.  
The Jacqueline Malley article finishes her critic with a feature of Australian democracy, that I give thanks for. Compulsory voting. This feature is almost unique to the Australian electoral system. The educated classes have to turn up. That and preferential votings give an massive advantage to the centre ground. 
We also hold our elections on the weekend. Surprisingly a lot of countries don’t. So we don’t leave work at 5, and stumble exhausted to the polling booth to wait in line for 3 hours. In Australia you can turn up to the party anytime, just don’t want till until Saturday night. 
Morrison’s channeling efforts also involve calling on the spirit of Bob Hawke - the Australian leader whose populist appeal shared the most of any, with Trump’s. To be fair, Bob Hawke wasn’t insane, he didn't divide the nation by origins, and his government supported closer relations with near, non-European neighbours. We saw an exponential increase in students from those areas into higher education creating a far more culturally textured human terrain. He had a keen intelligence and a grasp on the broad spectrum of issues. He was a well educated and well connected ‘good ol’ boy’ who gained his most famous drinking credentials through Oxford University in England in the late 1950s and his experience through out the 1960s and 1970s as the leader of the highly male dominated trade union movement.  He wasn't a character I liked in large doses, he was like all of them, a politician, but he wasn't on record lying on a regular basis, his party was loyal, he wasn't aping an insane American President The key aspect that people were drawn to was their own not so much to his drinking, but his authenticity. The one thing I never heard was anyone calling him a fake.
We are no longer in the 1970s. Women no longer accept relegation to the private sphere as the rightful order of things. And they are no longer taking a Bex and having a lie down to manage the depression and isolation these limitations entailed. Domestic violence is no longer treated as a ‘private matter’ and ignored by police, and reporting a rape no longer involves a significant risk of a further rape. That was the 1970s. Women matter more now. Not just to ourselves, but by in our institutional culture.
So a fake preacher, mobilising the good ol’ boys with mass rallies or pub to pub sculling sessions as a born again, high status 1970s blokey boozer won’t win an election either. Morrison's skills are marketing. But his marketing skills are abysmal. And that along with some critical safeguards in the democratic framework, are what will save us from extremism.
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witchbitchpolemic-blog · 6 years ago
How not to feel fat
Simple trick. Have you got tight jeans in your cupboard? Throw them out, along with all your  over-tight skirts and shirts, hopes for return to another time or bought to feel a size smaller than you are. Rather than allowing you to feel smaller, what they are doing is highlight your humps and bumps. Your eye is a deceiver, where-ever there is detail it will focus on the detail and loose the picture.  Once out of these ‘highlighter’ clothes that highlight precisely the wrong features, because they were bought, not with your eye but with numbers in your head, you will immediately recognize the whole.  And finally, what you see will not be a failed disguise to cover your shame, but the truth.   
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witchbitchpolemic-blog · 6 years ago
TThe Scottish Clearout - easiest diet ever.
Not all magic involves spells. Some just uses mother earth magic. Having over a year and a half dropped from 87-67 kilos doing nothing else, this is the easiest diet technique ever. I learned it during 3 months in the magical land of Scotland.  Thinking perhaps I should try the Scottish experience (which most Scottish people don’t, but who cares if a ‘temporary Scot’ over-embraces traditions!)   Each morning eat a bowl of rolled oats. I use a packet and a half of the prepacked ones, add enough water for a loose gruel, and pop them in the microwave for 3 minutes (avoid the fancy ones with apple flavours and such - they really are ghastly.) Try things like brown sugar flavoured, they have enough sugar to be palatable but not too much. Add milk. Eat as you will for the rest of the day. It provides a good solid basis for the rest of the day, keeps your blood sugar steady (that is a really huge key to weight loss), keeps your ‘motions’ motioning, and you will probably eat less. But don’t sweat over what else you eat - stress makes you fat as well. And enjoy.
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witchbitchpolemic-blog · 6 years ago
First Magic - heal theyself
Peoplegenerally want to do witchcraft  to change what is around them. ‘Make him love me’, ‘make me rich’, ‘save my friend from dying’. These are things outside your transmission range when you start. If you commit enough of your consciousness to the path, your range may extend to these things. But before that is possible you need to bring your own being into your power. A leaky bucket cannot carry water to fill a well.
The leaky bucket
I’m porous. Specifically, I kinaesthetically receive the feelings in both the environment and the feelings of people I am connected to. Crowds make me feel jittery and unstable. I literally can’t breath around passive-aggressive people because while the talk is pleasant talk it feels like I am breathing in a heavy dark fog. Effectively, I am an extreme empath.
I have spent many years thinking this was a ‘gift’, something of great value, if only I could harness it. That was an egotistical delusion.
What is the leaky bucket?
It is not a gift, it is the product of deliberate psychic wounding by others. And it makes me a leaky bucket.  Only when I can choose what energy I receive is it a gift.
To understand, think about babies. They scream when parents are tense or angry, even when the parent is ‘putting away’ their feelings to ‘comfort’ the child. In fact, the more the parent ‘comforts’ the screaming child, the more they scream. This is because the child has a soft energy barrier. The child has become a radio receiving and is broadcasting the parent’s transmission - their silent screams. Normally, as babies grow their energy body seals and hardens. They stop screaming. 
Toddlers and very young children will still cry spontaneously when anyone else cries (I still have small child memories of the intense waves of grief that arrived from nowhere when another kid started to cry), but their boundaries become progressively firm.
The feeling wave
Think of feelings as a form of wave, like a radio wave. It has an effective range and a frequency you have to tune to. People whose energy boundaries have firmed generally don’t pick up these waves so intensely as the disrupt their lives. But for those of us whose boundary has been breached, these feelings can be so central that they disrupt our capacity to act - we have become the radio trying to be human.
How do boundaries get breached?
Boundaries are breached by others. Psychic attacks by the living send an unseen knife, or blade, pins or blunt object directly at our energy barrier. Sent hard enough, or for long enough and the barrier weakens and is broken. If the onslaught is continuous, part of a persons soul may flee, leaving a space for other things (undead and spirit entities) to occupy. Parents are a huge source of boundary damage. From hysteria, to repressed feelings to imposing their own identity on the child. Sometimes it is deliberate. We generally attribute this to mental illness, but it may also be that the parent (themselves damaged) has been infected by another entity.
What happens when boundaries are damaged?
This can manifest in mental imbalance (exhaustion, depression, confusion, indecision, voices) – this is where we expect to see it. 
But it can also be seen in physical manifestations. Just because we are no longer in contact with a toxic person doesn’t mean we aren’t still picking up their frequency.
I had a friend who went through an ugly divorce. His partner had torn the relationship apart for reasons he couldn’t fathom. He blamed drugs connected to an illness she had been experienced, but really he had no idea. Emotionally he hadn’t resolved the breakdown, and while they never saw each other, he remained intensely connected. He developed a bad case of psoriasis. Psoriasis if you don’t know is a condition where, among other things, the skin breaks randomly, leaving sores. Once you have psoriasis it is normally a life sentence.  About a year later he went on a holiday to the other side of the world.  During the 1st week of his holiday the psoriasis miraculously disappeared. It wasn’t a miracle at all. He had moved himself out of his ex’s psychic transmission range.
The range is very similar to a radio range. Within 200 meters you may well experience someone’s emotions intensely – even as if they were your own. Within 5 kilometers it will be clear. Within 20 kilometers it will be reliable. Within 60 kilometers it will fade in and out, like the annoying radio reception on a long country drive. Just as you are getting the groove it fades out and then cackles and fades in and then something else over-rides it.
Frequency tuning involves connection with others. That can be anyone from your sister to the work colleague to the lover to the barman that you had a chat with last night as he was cleaning glasses (you are very likely to loose your tuning to his frequency very quickly).  So for people with damaged barriers, now multiply the irritating country drive reception by the X number of people they have any connection with.
How do we fix porousness?
It is surprisingly simple.
Magical tools
The basic and essential tools of ‘magic’ are all made in the mind. Yes, there are advanced tools (dolls etc.) but they are  useless without the skills. So for now all you need is the magic equivalent of hand tools. The mind contains the entire hand-tool set – and makes up new tools whenever it needs to.
Getting to the magical workshop
To start doing magic you need to enter into a space of spirit (an in-between space). This requires being fully focused.
My spirit workshop (my in-between space) is the place between waking and sleeping – the place where I can think consciously, see in spirit, see tools when I decide what I need to use, and critically, remember later.
But be aware, I didn’t look for this path. At some point I was given it, but even then it took a long time to understand what I had been given. Everyone is different. 
If this road is not open to you, don’t waste time practicing to try using this route – there are others and none is more or less valuable than an other. If you are meant to have it,  you will be given it when you are ready.
Meditation as a path
Meditation is the other way to reach a place where you can enter your spirit environment. Lay down, ensure you are relaxed and your clothes are loose, make sure it is quiet and there will be no interruptions. Look towards your third eye. Allow thoughts to wash across your mind rather than grabbing for them as they float past. When your mind feels still, look towards yourself. When you can see your body, think about what needs to be done.  
Finding the concentration you need, can take a lot of practice. You can also use rhythmic drumming tapes if this helps. If it doesn’t work hang in there. At some stage it will just click into place. Until then, the true relaxation of your mind that comes with the mediation will in itself will make the rest of your life easier.  So win/win and no time wasted.
How to heal your boundaries (this is actually really simple)
One morning I found myself in-between, and I looked down and saw deep slashes all over my body. I knew immediately that they were injuries to my energy body that allowed psychic attack and invasion. I immediately thought - ‘sew them up.’ I’m a practical sort of witch. It was an obvious solution.
So I took a needle and thread and I stitched the wounds together.  As I was stitching another image superimposed. A lady in white rose from a laying position underneath the image, to sit upright on a horse (a medieval princess, but you may be someone else).  She faded and I continued stitching until I could see that all the wounds had been closed – and then I immediately woke up.
How did I feel when I woke up? More balanced. Not perfect but better than I had been.
How did I feel the next day? Life threw a lot at me and I wasn’t able to completely deflect the sharp energy shards that were sent my way. Hey. That is life.
Did that work ‘magically’ fix my damaged energy body? No. Magic doesn’t equal immediate. Deep injuries need to be tended. I needed to go back there and stitch the wounds again, many times.
So what will you see when you go to that place?
Do you see wounds at all? If you do, are they infected? What  sort of instrument do they look like they were made by?
Look for the appropriate removal/cleaning fixing tools. Tools are always available in spirit, you just have to imagine them and they are in your hands. So for an infection, look around for disinfectant.
You might see something entirely different.
Do you see people? If you want them to move away from you, do so in spirit.  Damage them in the material world and you have damaged your Karma. But if you push them away in spirit, the material world will gently follow you - they just won’t matter so much.
Do you see some lost place that needs to be reclaimed? Is it a place or is an eternal place? An eternal place is home. A physical place may be a metaphor. Sometimes the two collide.
Whatever you see, if it is good let it be.
If you want to do magic that changes the material world, firstly heal theyself.
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