what-witch-blog 10 years
Hi I really like your divination post cause I have a hard time getting/affording materials I was wondering if you have more information on smoke scrying like what symbols you may see Thanks so much 馃槉馃槞
Smoke scrying is a form of Fire Divination, It helps to look at the actual fire as well (although not directly or you'll hurt your eyes X.X )聽
Seeing things in the smoke is really different from person to person so it's difficult to tell you exactly what to look for. I would try look for shapes in it but also at the flow of the smoke. It is very important there is no wind or draft whilst smoke scrying otherwise your results will be messed up.
Shapes can consist of anything really, you might see a crescent which could symbolise the moon in waning or waxing. This would be an example of growth perhaps or the opposite if waning.聽Really it's mostly up to the reader and instinct. It's not as clear as Tarot with definitive meanings. I'll try make a post on this for you later in the week with more info and help with shapes, I'll just do a bit more research for you ^.^
Bear with me please and thank you for your question.
Blessings on you and I hope I can help ^.^
Moon x
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what-witch-blog 10 years
Day 2
How long have you been practicing witchcraft?
Uh.... A few years with my knowledge. I think. My memory is so bad!
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what-witch-blog 10 years
Day 7
What Divination techniques do you practice?聽
I do Tarot mostly, But also Fire from time to time.
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what-witch-blog 10 years
Day 6
Solitary or in a coven?
Solitary always, though I hope to teach my children my Craft (When I have them that is).
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what-witch-blog 10 years
Healing: Good for Bones. Water?: No Sun?: No Heat damages it. Correspondences: Drawing good Energies to you and bad ones away.
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what-witch-blog 10 years
Day 5
Do you have any Ethics or Moral codes that you follow?
I never do anything that will hurt anyone in any way (slip ups are made). I try to be good to the environment and help others in need. Those are really the only rules I have.
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what-witch-blog 10 years
Witchy tip #2
If a stone cannot be cleaned in water, salt or sun try Smudging or leaving it in moonlight.
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what-witch-blog 10 years
Healing: Good for generalized Healing. Especially Moss Agate. Water?: Fine Sun?: Fine for Short periods, but can vary between types. Correspondences:聽
Blue Lace: Calming and Harmony
Dendrite: Wealth and Wisdom and Long life
Eyed Agate: Ward off Evil
Fire: Power and Vitality
Moss: Plants and healing
Turritella: Spiritual connections
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what-witch-blog 10 years
31 days of Witchcraft
So I've decided to this so everyone can get to know me again:
1) How did you discover your path?
This is difficult to remember. All my life I believed in magick. However growing up in a catholic household with little access to the internet I had no way to move on in it. Around primary school age I discovered about psychics and internet and started my journey there, only to come across Witchcraft in secondary school. Without knowing it I had already been doing little spells and energy stuff. So it all came quite naturally to me and I moved in to Witchcraft.
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what-witch-blog 10 years
Anyone who has every held a conversation with me, could you just remind me who you are if there has been a url change OR just tell me all the things I've missed in your life because I am sorry I've been away and I've missed you all!
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what-witch-blog 10 years
Witchy tip #1
Drink Green, Ginseng or Nettle tea for an extra energy boost this summer, but please be careful with Quantities.聽
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what-witch-blog 10 years
This blog is about to undergo a makeover, in a day or two, it should be back to being a daily blog full of witchy stuff for witchy people and will be running for most of summer and hopefully beyond. Be back soon, X Moon x
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what-witch-blog 10 years
You've been gone far more than 1 month!!!
My My, I have indeed!
聽well I have actually been thinking about this blog quite a bit. Like my other 2 blogs, I have decided to聽redesign this blog and start being active.
聽i left this blog till last as it requires far more work, I intend to start looking at it in 2 weeks. So if you could hang on a week or so, this blog will be revitalised!
聽Thankyou anon for your reminder! I am much obliged, if everyone could wait a few more weeks, I promise to be far better than I have. Especially since there will be nothing stopping me then.
聽blessings on you all and I look forward to being active again ~
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what-witch-blog 11 years
Wow I suck at this blog....
If i disappear for more than a week can someone send me an ask, because I'll get that through my phone as a reminder I need to do something on this blog.
Moon x
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what-witch-blog 11 years
Can you tell me some spells or herbs or anything for relieving headaches/migraines and I'm fairly new to wicca and thank you Blessed be
Frick Frack! I swear to god I replied to this!? TUMBLR WHAT ARE YOU DOING!
So this is like a decade late but whatever. As i used to get headaches everyday I can answer this one quite well I hope. I find a Quartz or bloodstone pressed on the head and meditation clears my head quite well. Lavender can do wonders as can Mint and Ginger and elder flower, perhaps in a nice drink? A good massage to the head can dilate veins that sooth headaches. I can also link you to a simple healing things here.
I cannot stress enough that Paracetamol or ibuprofen will work best, and Herbs, crystals and spells should be used to aid and not alone.聽
I hope I helped ^.^
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what-witch-blog 11 years
once you get this, you must share five random facts about yourself, and then pass this onto your ten favorite followers
1) I'm a Victorian Goth
2) I just brought a new Corset
3) I have a girlfriend
4) My Favorite fruit is Mango
5) I hate the colour blue
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what-witch-blog 11 years
Hi! Do you know of anyway to work with planets, stars, the moon, etc in any fashion?
Yes, Yes and Yes.聽
I love using astro stuff in my magick!聽
This is basic Planet correspondences here聽
Also planetary symbols I like to use to envoke the power of the planetThis is a list of them here. 聽
The 聽Moon is a whole other thing! As Witches the moon means alot to us and different phases mean different magickal properties. A few nots on that can be found here, here, here and here. Doing Spells under diffrent moon stages will have different outcomes.聽
If you want more detailed Knowledge on any planets I can certainly help. Just give me an ask and I will reply!聽
Blessings! :)
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