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whassupp · 17 hours ago
✧˚ · 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 ✧˚ · .
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My astrology observations 🧞‍♂️
Top beauty indicators in a chart 🫦.
The dark side of Lilith:
❥ Part 1 ( Aries-Virgo)
❥ Part 2 ( Libra-Pisces)
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whassupp · 19 hours ago
The real side of - Lilith through the signs and houses 🌙🐍🔪 (asteroid 1181) *house 7-12*
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Lilith in Libra or 7th house
People always comment on your looks. How you look is what makes them jealous of you also the main topic of jealousy in this sign is relationships. People will try to ruin your romantic relationships set your partner that he cheated on you, they can even set you up. Be aware of that. Your closest friends may be your enemies and stab your back. Don’t trust your friends so much. You are prone to attracting jealousy from that. Big Issues with relationships. You may struggle to find a partner. Be aware of toxic partners, you attract them.
Lilith in Scorpio or 8th house
A very dark placement for Lilith. Struggling with the thought of death. You may have experienced many losses in your life. You experience lots of transformations trough them. Sexual violence is common with this placement so you may have experienced that kind of abuse. You hide your true from the world and your feelings also. My advice is to try not to hide yourself and express feelings to someone you trust. People are jealous of your character and mysterious side.
Lilith in Sagittarius or 9th house
This Lilith is so underrated. Although it’s not as intense, it has its meaning. People with this placement struggle with school, teachers college any form of learning school. They may have experienced being left out by the professors and them not treating you equally like the others. You attract violence in a place where you are being educated. Be aware of professors that act like pedophile, they will stalk you and can even get obsessed with you. People jealous of your knowledge and your ability to find out everything. People assume you know everything about them. Trouble with grades, getting less than you deserve.
Lilith in Capricorn or 10th house
While virgos attract stalkers from their co workers you attract stalkers from authoritative figures. Like your boss manager etc.. You attract attention easily and can gain success. Butt since you have Lilith here the success won’t go as planned. You will be praised for something you are bad at. People will always try to bring you down even if you have good reputation. Bad rumors may be gossiped about you. Even false rumors. People are jealous of your success. You attract violence in your job so be careful.
Lilith in Aquarius or 11th house
Your thoughts are all over the place. You are afraid to make new friends and don’t want to talk to strangers. The friends you have may be backstabbers and liars. Prone to attracting hate online. People hate commenting on your posts or sending you hate messages. People may even create a fake account of you and even post fake nude pictures of you. Be aware. You attract a lot of gossip. Friends are most likely talking behind your back. Overall issues and dramas involving friends and the internet.
Lilith in Pisces or 12th house
Very dark placement. May have issues with having children or longterm partners. Prone to heavy addictions involving drugs, alcohol, gambling. You take it way too far when doing something illegal. Mentally not stable. You may have experienced losses in your life that got you into an addiction. May suffer from mental illness. You want to escape from reality and i don’t know why(tell me in the comments) that’s why you do drugs, smoke weed in order to escape. You have secret enemies watching your every step be careful of who you trust. The enemies will come when you least expect them. The only violence you are experiencing is with yourself.
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‘Important- if these observations don’t apply to you then lilith isn’t a prominent planet in your chart.
Prominent lilith:
Lilith making strong aspects with personal planets(sun,moon,mercury,venus,mars,asc,mc)
Lilith in the 1st, 8th house
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whassupp · 11 days ago
The real side of - Lilith through the signs and houses 🧞‍♀️🎀🔪 (asteroid 1181) *house 1-6*
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Lilith in 1st/Aries house
Here lilith is the darkest. It affects the person appearance. They may be insecure about themselves. People are jealous of them because of their looks, they are talking behind their back. They might act tough and these people attract violence. They are prone to violence, fights. People comment about their appearance so much and it’s the first thing people notice about them. They attract stalkers and people might use them for their body. They are intimidating.
Lilith in 2nd/Taurus house
People that have this placement are prone to financial losses. People are jealous of the things you possess and the things you wear, anything that is aesthetically pleasing about you or that you have. People may steal the things you own and gossip about the things you own. Dark things happen to you where your money is involved. You either owe money to someone and can’t give them back so you have serious problems with them, or you have money and people ow you money and don’t give them back. Either way you have serious problems involving money.
Lilith in 3rd/Gemini house
Here people gossip a lot about you. You have issues involving neighbors and issues with your sibilings maybe. People are jealous of the way you make so much connections by talking to others and meeting new people. There is violence involved with the neighbors maybe you don’t get on with them and there is serious issues involved. Also violence happening between you and your sibiling like not fighting but in a way where you despise eachother and there are issues. Anyone people do gossip about you so be aware.
Lilith in 4th/Cancer
People are attracted to your chest area. You attract stalkers who sexualize your chest. Issues involving family. You have a dark home live. Involving violence at home and you not feeling save. Female figures see you as a threat. People take advantage of your kindness and walk all over you. You may like kids but don’t want one of your own. Prone to attracting manipulative partners, you are also manipulative. You sometimes don’t feel save in your home. I have this placement and i know how it feels😞.
Lilith in 5th/Leo
Here people are jealous of your hair and comment about it a lot. They may laugh about your hair or tease you about it so you might be insecure about it. Also people are jealous of your talents so they mock you when you try to show your talent. That makes you insecure about what you love to do and you can’t fully express it because you are scared of judgement. Keep shining tho they hate to see it 😉.
Lilith in 6th/Virgo
Issues involving health or every day routine. You struggle with routine meaning you hate when things are not going as planned and that may happen alot since lilith is here. Also struggles with body health you may be overweight or underweight. People may comment on your weight. And that makes you insecure about your body. Struggles with work. You can’t find a place to work in or your colleagues at work may be too harsh on you, they may expect you to do all the work. Prone to attracting stalkers at work.
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‘Important- if these observations don’t apply to you then lilith isn’t a prominent planet in your chart.
Prominent lilith:
Lilith making strong aspects with personal planets(sun,moon,mercury,venus,mars,asc,mc)
Lilith in the 1st, 8th house
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whassupp · 11 days ago
Hey, whats that mean if i have mean lilith in cancer in 1st house very close to the next house cusp + true lilith in 1st house + asteroid lilith in 1st house but sirene in 2nd house in cancer sign?
So lilith in the 1st house in cancer.
It means that people really sexualize your cheast/breasts area the most. Also you may be someone who has provocative nature and people may see you as naive and take advantage of you. They see you as very kind and nurturing and that makes you their target. You may feel outcasted and sometimes feel insecure about your appearance since lilith is in your 1st house. Also female figures may hurt you the most since you have cancer.
Sirene in 2nd house in cancer. People see you as like i said very nurturing and down to earth. Sirene is how you seduce and you seduce with you being nurturing also by your beauty since sirene is in the 2nd house. You can seduce by wearing more reviling tops like in your chest area and act innocent also by giving gifts.
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whassupp · 11 days ago
Love ur Tumblr:) I wanted to ask what does Venus conjunct Bella in 8th house in the sign of Leo could mean in a chart.
Tyy, i am just seeing this.
Hmm interesting placement. So it could mean that the first thing people notice about you is your beauty they are fascinated by it and also a little bit intimidated since it’s in your 8th house. It could mean that they see you as too much. It’s something about your appearance. Also your hair might stand out since is in the sign of Leo. And people are fascinated by it.
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whassupp · 15 days ago
Good Morning Zelda💃 I recently found out I have Black Moon Lilith Square Ascendant so if you can please tell me about it?
People might have strong reactions to everything you say or do or just your presence in general. For example if someone does something embarrassing and everyone laughs but when YOU laugh everyone is like ”How can you laugh at that?!? Do you think its funny he might be hurt?!”. People might misread everything you do as something negative, dark or sexual. People might just find you off putting or just project a lot of darkness onto you. But this aspect is not only negative ofc! This aspect tend to make someone very understanding of dark energies so you very quickly figure others out and you tend to not be easily scared or fooled. It also tend to make someone physically attractive. This aspect will be easier to handle with age bc then you learn to accept that you are not for everyone and thats ok. The attention you get from others tend to often be sexually motivated. A lot of unwanted attention. You might not feel comfortable with your feminine energy and suppress it instead of embracing it and therefore come across as tense and angry. Witchy appearance. The relationship to men is often very complicated because of early experiences with them. You might feel like your vibe and appearance kinda ”ruins your life” bc of how you are treated.
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whassupp · 15 days ago
ᴀꜱᴛᴇʀᴏɪᴅ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴇᴘʜᴏɴᴇ [399]
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❦  asteroid persephone [399] i wanted to do something different with asteroid persephone, it has been interpreted before, but i wanted to take a different out look, persephone is known to be the goddess of sirens, she was accompanied by them before she was captured by hades to be his queen in the underworld.
♇ ASTEROID PERSEPHONE IN 1H/ARIES ⟶ this asteroid in aries/1h shows that you are someone who could be pretty infatuated with sirens, and can have features thare are very pulling and enticing, could have a very specific feature on your face, very strong cheekbones as well. you could have a skill with singing, swimming or dancing, and people, particularly men could feel like they have an ownership over you. on the other hand, this is an indicator of being someone who attracts energy vampires.
♇ ASTEROID PERSEPHONE IN 2H/TAURUS ⟶ could have a lovely voice, likes to listen to music and can be very talented with manifesting/praying. this placement does show that you could be someone who could be into sugar-daddies, nsfw audios and you might attract people who like to use you for your money or for what you have. people with this asteroid placement are considered to be very pretty, could have quite arched eyebrows, always looks like they're surprised or about to ask a question.
♇ ASTEROID PERSEPHONE IN 3H/GEMINI ⟶ indicator of attracting liars or being the liar. could be interested in writing and researching sirens, might also attract stalkers who want to know everything about them. deceptive relatives, people who usually have something up their sleeve, could've been that one person in school people were attracted to and other people wondered why. might've had a teacher that was weird to them, native might've not realised during the time but realise it in the future.
♇ ASTEROID PERSEPHONE IN 4H/CANCER ⟶ very beautiful people, people could find the need to help these people all the time, and to have this asteroid placement could imply that this person could have a really nice body. is a beacon of being very bitter and envious though, the type to want to have it all, or could have lovers or admirers who want them for a very long time, it could be hard for people to get over them. could have deceptive people in their family, or might've lived in an area where there was much water, or even bars.
♇ ASTEROID PERSEPHONE IN 5H/LEO ⟶ indicator of being amazing dancers, nice bodies, backs and upper bodies. could be into remaining fit or being a better version of themselves. people with this asteroid placement have a high chance of being entertainers, they catch people's attention very quickly, but this can also make them pull in powerful people who usually have 2 motivations when it comes to the person with this placement. likely had a strange childhood.
♇ ASTEROID PERSEPHONE IN 6H/VIRGO ⟶ people might want to do many things for this person, epitome of having people-pleasers around them, but they can be someone who likes to please other people, sexually, or with their entertainment talents. they can be someone who are likely stalked or preyed on by men, or just weird people in general, could like to have alone time and might like to sing and find ways to become a better version of themselves.
♱ ASTEROID PERSEPHONE IN 7H/LIBRA ⟶ similar to the previous paragraph, these people might attract people who want to do everything for them. but since this asteroid is in the house of relationships, this could mean they could attract very dominating people, people who can sell a dream, and then show a completely different side to them after spending more time with said person. since this is a venusian home, specifically of style, this person could be into whimsy/mermaid-like clothing.
♱ ASTEROID PERSEPHONE IN 8H/SCORPIO ⟶ easily has eyes on them, people watch what these people do all the time, could be very intuitive people as well. clairaudient is a theme for these people. might feel like people have it all for them as well, could be very fascinated with sirens and could like to swim. their voice could be very enchanting, especially their eyes, something about it sparkles or is very sharp, intimidates other people with their beauty and their essence, and because of this there's a lot of one-sided competition made with native who have this placement.
♱ ASTEROID PERSEPHONE IN 9H/SAGITTARIUS ⟶ people might want to listen to their advice all the time, what they say is literally the holy book to other people. on one hand, this can manifest into a circumstance where people want to use their beliefs on people who have this placement to trap them, hold them down. people from higher status could like to prey on them, and they could have beliefs that are conflicting with other people around them. this person can be someone who can be into water/siren magick.
♱ ASTEROID PERSEPHONE IN 10H/CAPRICORN ⟶ man-eater status. people want to be around them all the time, usually preyed on, need to be careful in workspace, and can be someone who steps on people's toes to climb the social/work ladder. people could like to use them for what they can bring to the table, father's side of the family could of had a lot of affairs, people easily tempted, especially you, you can be someone who is easily tempted. people might underestimate you within the work field or in general. on the other hand, this can manifest into being worshipped.
♱ ASTEROID PERSEPHONE IN 11H/AQUARIUS ⟶ could get taken advantage of in friendships if we look at the hades perspective of the story, and could get harassed/stalked online. on the other hand, this could also mean person with this placement could be really popular online, usually the top of the game when it comes to their content. person can be admired because of the things they can come up with, and the type to defend the underdog, or could have the underdog to queen bee type of fame.
♱ ASTEROID PERSEPHONE IN 12H/PISCES ⟶ can easily falls for scams, and the type to wear rose coloured glasses towards future significant others, people might gloss over the rudeness of this person, the type to get away with everything and praised for everything they do. this placement is the epitome of the halo effect. this person can be very enchanting and creative, great song/story-writers, and could have a soft voice, if not, their voice can easily take the attention of other people, could be many people's fantasy, which causes people to want to have them all to themselves.
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♇ pluto
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whassupp · 20 days ago
Mars in the Houses: The Blood, the Carnage, the Madness Edition
Mars is the raw, unfiltered essence of war, rage, and primal desire. It is the blood that pumps through your veins when your fists clench and your pulse races. It is the fire in your chest when you’re ready to destroy or be destroyed. Mars doesn’t ask—it takes. It doesn’t negotiate—it conquers. It lives for the thrill of battle, for the taste of blood, for the screams that echo in the aftermath.
But Mars is more than violence—it’s seduction, hunger, and the driving force behind every carnal urge you’ve ever felt. It whispers in your ear to go further, push harder, break the rules, and taste what’s forbidden. It’s the fury that makes you throw the first punch and the lust that makes you pull someone closer, knowing it might ruin you both.
In the houses, Mars shows where your battles rage, where you destroy and rebuild, where you ignite passion or chaos. This is not a placement for the faint of heart. This is blood on your hands, fire in your soul, and war in your bones.
Find your Mars. Face it. And pray it doesn’t destroy you.
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Mars in the 1st House
You are war incarnate. Mars in the 1st house doesn’t just give you presence—it gives you a thirst for dominance. You don’t enter rooms, you invade them. You don’t want to be noticed; you demand submission. Every look, every breath, every move you make is a silent declaration of war. People fear you because they know, even if they can’t articulate it, that you are a weapon. Your rage is a beast with no leash, a wildfire that consumes everything in its path, even you. But what makes you truly dangerous is your refusal to stop. Even when you’ve destroyed everything, you’ll fight the ashes themselves because surrender is your ultimate enemy.
Mars in the 2nd House
This is the violence of possession, of obsession so deep it leaves bruises on the soul. Mars in the 2nd house fights not just to protect, but to hoard, to conquer, to claim. What is yours is yours, and anyone foolish enough to challenge that will feel the crushing weight of your retaliation. You don’t just take revenge—you starve your enemies, strip them of everything that makes them human, and leave them crawling in the dirt, begging for scraps. You want them to feel your absence like a knife in their throat. Your violence isn’t loud; it’s precise, merciless, and always lethal.
Mars in the 3rd House
Your words are murder weapons, sharpened and ready for the kill. Mars here doesn’t just argue—it dismembers. Every conversation is a battlefield, every disagreement an opportunity to annihilate. You don’t fight fair; you dig up secrets, weaponize insecurities, and leave your opponents bleeding out from wounds they didn’t see coming. Your mind is a predator, stalking its prey until the perfect moment to strike. You’re not just smart—you’re sadistic, reveling in the psychological carnage you leave behind. But be warned: every word you use to cut others is a blade you’ll eventually turn on yourself.
Mars in the 4th House
Home is your prison, your sanctuary, and your hell. Mars in the 4th house takes the place meant for comfort and turns it into a war zone. You grew up knowing violence—not always physical, but emotional, the kind that leaves scars no one can see. And now, you repeat the cycle, bringing chaos into every intimate space you touch. Love for you is suffocating, a stranglehold that leaves no room for escape. But hate? Hate is a fortress, a cold, impenetrable wall that keeps others out and traps you inside. Your home is a battleground, and you are both the victim and the aggressor.
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Mars in the 5th House
Your passion is destruction. Mars in the 5th house takes joy, love, and creativity and twists them into weapons of chaos. You don’t just love—you consume. You don’t just create—you destroy what came before. Relationships with you are intoxicating, addictive, and utterly devastating. People fall for you like moths to a flame, knowing they’ll get burned but unable to resist the pull. Your love is a drug, your rage a plague, and your presence a hurricane that leaves nothing but rubble in its wake.
Mars in the 6th House
Mars in the 6th house is self-destruction disguised as ambition. You grind yourself into dust chasing perfection, wielding discipline like a whip against your own back. But the war doesn’t stop there—you turn your fury outward, lashing out at anyone who dares to disrupt your carefully constructed routines. Co-workers, subordinates, even your own body—they’re all fair game when your rage takes over. You don’t just fight for control—you demand it, and when you can’t achieve it, you dismantle everything, piece by agonizing piece.
Mars in the 7th House
Love is a battlefield, and you are its most ruthless combatant. Mars in the 7th house doesn’t seek harmony—it seeks dominance. Your relationships are power struggles, full of passion, rage, and destruction. You attract lovers who mirror your intensity, partners who thrive on the chaos you create. But this isn’t love—it’s war, and the casualties are high. Arguments become bloodbaths, and reconciliation feels more like a ceasefire than true peace. You leave people scarred, haunted, and forever changed.
Mars in the 8th House
This is the Mars of obsession, of control so absolute it borders on possession. The 8th house is the realm of sex, death, and transformation, and Mars here revels in its shadows. You destroy to rebuild, seduce to dominate, and love to control. You don’t just crave connection—you demand it, pulling people into your orbit and refusing to let them go until they’re completely consumed. But your power is a double-edged sword. The more you destroy others, the more you destroy yourself, leaving you trapped in a cycle of pain, desire, and rebirth.
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Mars in the 9th House
Your beliefs are your weapons, and you wield them with a ferocity that terrifies even you. Mars in the 9th house turns conviction into carnage, making you fight for your truth with unrelenting zeal. You don’t just argue your point—you decimate opposition, burning bridges and cities in the name of your ideals. But this righteous fury comes at a cost. The more you fight for what you believe, the more isolated you become, until all that’s left is the scorched earth of a war you can’t stop waging.
Mars in the 10th House
You are ambition made flesh. Mars in the 10th house doesn’t just climb the ladder—it tears it down, piece by piece, until only you remain at the top. Success for you isn’t a goal—it’s a war, and every opponent is just another obstacle to conquer. Your ruthlessness is unparalleled, your drive unstoppable. But your rise to power is littered with casualties—friends, family, even your own integrity. And when you fall, as all warriors do, you’ll rise again, more dangerous and determined than ever before.
Mars in the 11th House
Even friendship isn’t safe from your wrath. Mars in the 11th house turns social circles into battlegrounds, where alliances are forged and broken with brutal efficiency. You don’t just belong to a group—you dominate it, using intimidation and manipulation to maintain control. But when conflict arises, your fury is swift and devastating. Reputations are destroyed, relationships dismantled, and chaos reigns. People fear you, admire you, and ultimately, never forget you.
Mars in the 12th House
Mars here is a ticking time bomb, hidden in the shadows of your subconscious. Your battles are internal, fought in the dark corners of your mind where no one else can see. But when the bomb goes off, the destruction is catastrophic. Your rage is unpredictable, a force that lashes out at the world even as it tears you apart. This placement makes you a master of hidden warfare, striking from the shadows with a precision that leaves no survivors. But your greatest enemy isn’t out there—it’s within you, waiting for the moment you let your guard down.
This isn’t just a post—it’s a mirror. Look into it and see the war inside you. Feel it. Fear it. And when you’re ready to face it, you know where to find me.
© PhoenixRisingAstro, 2025. All rights reserved
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whassupp · 1 month ago
𝔗𝔥𝔢𝔶 𝔚𝔞𝔫𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔓𝔬𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔰𝔰 𝔜𝔬𝔲: 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔄𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔶 𝔬𝔣 𝔇𝔞𝔯𝔨 𝔄𝔱𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫
There are lovers you forget, faces that blur into the past like whispers in the wind. And then, there are those who mark you, stain you, haunt you. The ones you can’t shake no matter how many years pass, the ones who live inside you like an unrelenting ghost.
Some people are designed to be unforgettable. Their energy lingers, their presence intoxicates, their touch leaves permanent fingerprints on your soul. These are the people who possess you—or the ones who make you crave to possess them.
So what makes someone unshakable? What makes someone a walking addiction, a fever that never breaks? Look to the stars. Because some people are just born to be worshiped… or feared.
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The Placements That Make You a Living Obsession
Some people don’t just love—they devour. They don’t just leave an impression—they imprint. They pull you into a world where time doesn’t exist, where they are all you can think about, all you can crave.
If you have any of these placements, consider yourself a walking temptation—dangerous, hypnotic, inescapable.
Pluto Conjunct the Sun, Moon, Venus, or Ascendant
Pluto is raw power, magnetic dominance, the abyss you can’t escape. When it fuses with personal planets, you don’t just exist—you consume.
Pluto-Sun: Your very existence commands reverence and fear. People will try to break you, tame you, but they never will.
Pluto-Moon: Love with you is trauma-bonding. Once someone loves you, they never truly stop. You own them, even after they walk away.
Pluto-Venus: Your lovers either worship you or destroy themselves trying to have you. Even if they escape, they’ll compare everyone to you forever.
Pluto-Ascendant: The world sees you and wants more, but they don’t realize that once they get close, they’ll never leave whole.
You’re not just a lover—you’re a religion.
Venus in Scorpio or the 8th House
Venus in Scorpio is not here for a “normal” love. They don’t want surface-level connections. They want blood oaths, psychic bonds, vows spoken in whispers against bare skin.
Love with them feels like jumping off a cliff—once you fall, there’s no coming back.
They have a way of looking at you that makes you forget how to breathe.
Even if they never touch you, you’ll feel owned by them.
They don’t love lightly. They possess.
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Lilith Conjunct the Sun, Moon, Venus, or Mars
Lilith is the forbidden, the untamed, the bite of desire that tastes like sin. If you have Lilith touching personal planets, you exude an energy that makes people act out of character.
Lilith-Sun: You are unapologetic in your darkness. People both despise and crave you.
Lilith-Moon: You awaken people’s deepest taboos, their secret fantasies they’ve never spoken aloud.
Lilith-Venus: Your beauty isn’t just attractive—it’s dangerous. People see you as a temptation, an obsession, a curse they can’t escape.
Lilith-Mars: People don’t just desire you—they want to conquer you. But once they get close, they realize they’re the ones under your control.
You are the unholy temptation they can’t resist.
Mars in the 8th House
Sex with you feels like a ritual, a death, a rebirth. Mars in the 8th house isn’t interested in meaningless pleasure—they want to merge, to own, to ruin and be ruined.
You pull people in without trying. Even those who swear they’ll keep their distance find themselves crawling back.
When you leave, you don’t just go—you haunt.
Lovers will remember you for a lifetime, even if they don’t understand why.
You don’t just take lovers—you consume them.
Aspects That Make You Addictive
Some synastry aspects make people feel like they’ve known each other forever. Some make them want to escape but never will. And then there are the aspects that make people willing to burn their lives down just to keep tasting you.
These are the aspects that make love feel like a spell, a hex, an inescapable fate.
Venus-Pluto Aspects (Synastry & Natal)
This is the mark of obsession, possession, destruction.
Love feels fated, intoxicating, irreversible.
Even when it’s over, it’s never over.
Someone always comes back… even if they shouldn’t.
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Mars-Pluto Aspects (Synastry & Natal)
Lust at first sight? No. Lust that feels like a past-life curse.
The sex will ruin you for anyone else.
Power struggles, jealous rages, nights of passion followed by days of war.
Even after you walk away, you’ll dream about them.
Moon-Pluto Aspects (Synastry & Natal)
This is not just a connection—it’s a soul contract.
They will see the deepest parts of you, even the ones you hide.
When they touch you, you’ll feel exposed, vulnerable, like you belong to them.
No matter how far they run, they’ll always feel your energy around them.
Pluto never lets go.
Are You the Possessor or the Possessed?
You know the feeling.
You meet someone, and suddenly, they live in your thoughts rent-free. You tell yourself it’s nothing, that you can stop thinking about them whenever you want.
And then you realize—you can’t.
Maybe it’s their energy, their mystery, the way they see through you like no one else has. Maybe it’s the way they touch you—like they already own you.
Or maybe… just maybe…
You are the one who possesses.
Maybe you’re the one who lingers in their mind, the one they can’t shake, can’t leave, can’t replace.
Maybe you’re the reason they check their phone at 3 AM.
Maybe you’re the reason they stare at their ceiling at night, wondering why they can’t stop craving you.
Look at your chart.
Look at theirs.
Then ask yourself…
Are you the hunter? Or the prey?
© PhoenixRisingAstro, 2025. All rights reserved
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whassupp · 2 months ago
These are my personal observations and not facts. If you are someone whos sensitive to reading negative observations about your placement then dont read this post or only read the evolved part.
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evolved: Strong leadership abilities, independent, sexy, brave, confident, attracts attention easily, ambitious and driven, using your drive and energy for good purposes, indpiring, refusing to back down, standing up for the underdogs, goes against societal expectations.
unevolved: No boundaries when it comes to your body, treating your body like an object, hiding behind a bitchy phacade, feeling a strong need to change your looks, overdoing the ”the bad guy” act, aggressive, too much need for excitement, seeking conflict, too attention seeking, shocking others for reactions and attention, rude.
evolved: Good at making money, not letting people use you, able to recognize those who are only after your for your looks or money, saving & investing, using your sensual energy for good, artistic, good at cooking, good at pleasing all senses, seductive, understanding the power of your smell, touch and how you look.
unevolved: Low self worth, settling for less than what you deserve, letting people use you to feel a sense of worth, no self respect, shopping addiction, materialistic, financial self destruction, trying to heal emotional issues with material stuff, body image issues, greedy, never satisfied, settling for less.
evolved: Extremely intelligent, cunning, always an ace up your sleeve, able to get yourself out of any situation, the perfect socialite, great storyteller, using your communication skills for good, picking up on hidden undercurrents, able to seduce and convince others easily, musical talent, writing talent.
unevolved: Lying, strong envy towards a sibling, mindfog, hard time controlling your tongue, gossiping, tongue turning into a knife when you feel insecure, calling out peoples insecurities, underestimating other peoples intelligence, unnecessary mean comments.
evolved: Nurturing, understanding of other peoples needs, good mothers if you choose to have children yourself, a soft aura that others are super drawn too, excellent sense of hospitality, generous, sensing other peoples psychological state easily, breaking the generational curse if you have your own children.
unevolved: Moody, bad relationship with women, projecting your motherissues onto other women, homewrecking, issues with femininity, treating other women like your mom treated you, fixated with traditions, manipulating, cold when in a bad mood,
evolved: Healing your inner child, marching to the beat of your own drum, knows how to make others feel special, great party planner, decides to do different for your own children, praising yourself instead on looking for praise and admiration from others, making your taboo taste into art, changing the industry.
unevolved: Using arrogance to make up for feeling small, no sense of reality, boasting, projecting onto your own child, refusing to co parent, going out of your way to get attention, deadly afraid of rejection, gambling, fixation with dark art, baby trapping, gambling, repeating childhood patterns with your own children.
evolved: Interested in health, healthy relationship to health and your body, learning that its ok to be human and not a perfect robot, very skilled at what you do, being of service to others because thats what you live but not to the point of forgetting yourself, taking care of yourself, taking small steps instead of expecting instant perfection.
unevolved: Neglecting your health or obsessive about health,living in filth, unable to follow a routine, not visiting the doctor for years, refusing to ask for help, critical, overworking yourself, not feeling satisfied until its perfection, overdoing your work, envious of those in the same business as you, envious of other peoples work, weird relationship to pets.
evolved: Charming and social, excellent social skills, seeing your own faults in your relationship, learning that sometimes confrontation is needed, compassionate, supportive instead of competetive towards others of your gender, refusing to fight or manipulate someone into loving you, seeing your own beauty instead of focusing on others, setting boundaries.
unevolved: Passive aggressive, inappropriate relationships, attracted to 3rd party situationships, attracted to the bad guys, homewrecker, using politeness as a weapon, turning people against eachother, naive, thinking everyone wants your partner, losing yourself for the sake of pleasing others, manipulating instead of confronting, too nice for your own good, people pleasing.
evolved: Using your power for good, magnetic, born psychologist, spiritual, strong but healthy interest in dark subjects, self aware, exploring your sexuality in healthy ways, good at uncovering the truth, letting go of the control issues, learning that your body belongs to you.
unevolved: Obsessed with power, abusing your power, lack of sexual boundaries, sex addiction, having to rely on others for money,control issues, struggling with obsession, vengeful, risky sex or sex with risky people, unhealthy interest in dark subjects, unhealthy fixation with sex.
evolved: Intelligent, humanitarian, fast learner, adventurous, able to find hope in any situation, exploring other belief systems instead of judging, giving back to your community, rebelling against cultural expectations, modern, not afraid to break societal rules, refusing to be forced or silenced into conforming.
unevolved: Extremist, hypocrite, cultural appropriation, too easily manipulated when it comes to opinions, fixation and envy towards another culture, using religion as a mask, hiding your faults under a ”churchmom” image, fanatic, hard time understanding people who are different, lying about where you are from, extremely judgmental.
evoled: Ambitious, seeing worth in yourself no matter what others think of you, refusing to bow down to ”high society”, refusing to be labeled, a force to be reckoned with, refusing to beg your way into rooms you are not welcomed in and instead kicking the door open, letting go of the need to be seen with the right people, letting go of trying to be accepted by a toxic father figure.
unevolved: Workaholism, working as a way of avoiding pain, social climbing, using others for status, obsessed with status and image, seeing ”important” people as better, thinking that social standing is everything, judging people based on social standing, seeking fame or clout to feel protected, hiding behind a ”name”.
evolved: Humanitarian, understanding of people from all walks of life, thinking for yourself instead of being influenced, not afraid to befriend the outcasts, seeing more than labels, rebellious, fighting for justice, standing up against the ”in crowd”.
unevolved: Envious of friends, befriending or staying friends with someone to keep an eye on theme, fake, detached, mistrusting everyone because of early experiences with friends, betraying before you get betrayed, unable to see whos your friend and whos your enemy, befriending bad people bc you think they will be different to you.
evolved: Psychic, accepting your shadow side, listening to your intuition, saintlike, working on your triggers, dealing with issues instead of escaping, extremely compassionate, using your psychic abilities for good, helpful but without sacrificing yourself completely, very empathic, saviour.
unevolved: Unable to be alone, addictions, hard time facing reality, making up a fantasy image of things in your head to avoid dealing with reality, self sacrifice, thinking you are the victim in every situation, constantly, finding ways to escape your feelings, refusing to deal with your triggers, focusing on other peoples problems to avoid your own, naive.
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whassupp · 2 months ago
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Scorpio in your chart can show the things that you should keep private so other people don’t ruin them for you or use it against you 🧿 but it also requires the discernment needed to not let this energy become paranoid or obsessive 🖤
Scorpio 1h: sometimes u might believe that there is genuinely something wrong with you bc other people can gaslight you or make you feel like them hurting you is not a big deal, you should keep private your plans when you want to change your image or your outlook on life suddenly shifts, protect yourself from those that intend to use what they know about you against you, allowing yourself to heal through years of trauma that you’ve managed to brush under the rug
Scorpio 2h: keep your opinions on your values private, any streams of income also keep private, keep your most personal/ loved items private and don’t share them, get more comfortable treating yourself versus others, keep reminding yourself you have to accomplish your deepest desires on your own sometimes and thats okay, model to people exactly how you’re going to be treated, letting go of the fear you have in regards to earning and saving money 
Scorpio 3h: keep any small/ short trips you take private & when u buy a car, be careful of letting your mind become your enemy, keep your siblings lives private from other people, don’t just let anyone know the neighborhood you live in, reflect on your early childhood experiences if you really wanna do some shadow work, you believe that knowledge is power but there was just something in your early education that you just did not like, you seem stuck and forcing yourself between only two categories: taboo or innocence 
Scorpio 4h: keep anything regarding your family private or limit details, there is a part of you that insists on taking care the needs of others at the expense of yourself, don’t just show just anyone your house or room, keep your values and self realizations private, keeping your grounding techniques private, avoid become the oppressive force that you hated growing up, focus on finding a home where you don’t have to always be on the defensive or have your guard up
Scorpio 5h: keep your relationships private aka be private about your dating life, enjoy your passions and interests without feeling like you have to explain yourself to everyone else, you have the right to nurture your creativity just for the sake of it, embraces life’s pleasures without asking for permission 
Scorpio 6h: keep some things about your daily routine private, don’t let anyone try to tell you how in what or how you should invest your time, don’t let ppl dictate your approach to ur body and health, don’t tell people about the job your’e applying to until you’re already working there, don’t be afraid of your routine drastically changing because any bad habits or self sabotage can leave with it too 
Scorpio 7h: keep who you’re dating private, don’t tell people about any of your business plans or goals and plan those in silence, ignoring the weird ass people that will dislike you for no reason, remind yourself you are a formidable opponent and can hold your own, you need to practice how to tell people to f*ck off more 
Scorpio 8h: keep private your funds/ finances, the people you’re having s*x with, your money mixing with other people’s money, investments, big business, and your spirituality, I know it can be hard when the things that were handed down to everyone doesn’t come to you without sacrifice, there is a familiarity with loss and pain but great transformations always follow  
Scorpio 9h: keep private your religious beliefs, aspects of your culture, or your spiritual beliefs and practices, stop over-explaining yourself to people, you don’t need to consistently justify your existence to others, keep your vacations or trips to foreign countries private until after you come back, keep your plans in regards to higher education private and just follow your gut in regards to ur choices
Scorpio 10h: Keep your career choices private, don’t stoop down so low as to acknowledge or pay attention to any of the envious rumors about you, when you do what you and your intuition feels is right then success will follow, if you want to do shadow work focus on your relationship with fatherly figures or authority in general, use the hate from others to fuel you even more into accomplishing your dreams
Scorpio 11h: keeping your goals and dreams private, keeping your friend groups and online community private, the money made off your career is best kept private, any business contacts or networking connections you have made is best kept private, protecting yourself from the hateful projections of others, not allowing others to take their anger out on you
Scorpio 12h: keeping your fears and trauma private so no one can use them against you, another placement that should be mindful of sharing their spiritual practices, protecting yourself from nosey people from the past that wish they still had access to you, learn to go with the flow and be more open to receiving from the universe, you can have prophetic dreams, protect your night time routine and your sleep like not letting people interrupt it 
🧿Please do not plagiarize or reword and post my writing as your own🧿
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whassupp · 3 months ago
indicators of being bitchy having bitchy attitude?
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MERCURY/MARS OR MARS 3RD HOUSE: These people can be bitchy just for the sake of being bitchy. They just had to say it & they are not sorry.
PLUTO 1ST HOUSE: It comes naturally for them to oppose others and question people but sometimes this gets taken too far and they act bitchy just to show dominance.
LILITH ASPECTING PERSONAL PLANETS: Well being outcasted from society and people avoiding you like you have some kind of disease would make anyone a little bitchy. These people are bitchy out of bitterness.
CHIRON 1ST HOUSE: When you feel insecure what works better than putting on a bitchy phacade so that nooobody will see how you REALLY feel about yourself?
MOON/PLUTO: Well women have been bitchy towards them since kindergarten so ofc they became a bitch themselves.
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whassupp · 3 months ago
Placements for a very attractive/seductive person:
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dedicated to @fatalinsomia that has requested this post
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- In general: Masculine planets and harsh aspects add a more seductive, alluring, edgy and hot type of atttactiveness, while feminine planets and positive aspects add a more cute, ethereal, peaceful and friendly type of attractiveness
- Lots of Taurus or Libra energy in the chart: the Venus ruled signs are all about beauty, they have a naturally beautiful energy but also characteristics. there is sth very magnetic about them.
- Lots of sagittarius energy or lots of planets in the 9th house, may create a very attractive body as well. Sagittarius rule the thighs so the specific area may be the most emphasized and the body characteristic that stands out the most. Even for men, they may have very toned muscles in their thighs, or they are either very finely defined.
- Lots of Capricorn energy can create a great bone structure, very beautiful hands, fingers, back. Just the whole posture holds lots of power and tenderness at the same time
- Lots of pisces energy can actually create a very desirable body shape that is very alluring.
- Every scorpio placement in the personal signs(sun, moon, mercury, venus, mars) or the ascendant: Scorpios are just the ones on the top for carrying the most sexual energy. There is just always sth very seductive and sensual in their energy and whole behaviour. There was no way that i would not put my dear scorpios as in the most attractive babes. Literally every scorpio I've met irl have the most attractive gazes and very deep and magnetic eyes. They will make you blush just by seeing them staring at you istg- KDUDJW
- Pluto aspecting with personal planets(sun, moon, venus, mars, except mercury cause i have other opinions for it): Since i said all scorpio placements create a very sensual, magnetic and seductive person, there was no way that i wouldnt mention their Planet. Pluto harsh aspects(square or opposition) with another planet create an even more attractive and seductive person than with the positive ones(conjuct, trine, or sextile). But even with the positive aspects, it still creates a very attractive person, with more friendly and cute characteristics.
- Moon in capricorn: This one is especially for guys. I dont remember where i read it since it was long time ago but ever since i started noticing guys that have moon in capricorn, there is literally sth so attractive about them. Its their whole energy.
- Moon, sun, venus or mars in the 8th house: Yall know that 8th house is the house of Scorpio. It creates a very sensual energy about them and especially the moon in the 8th house creates a person that you can get emotionally attached to since when they express their feelings, there is just sth very appealing to it. Ik this post will end up being a clownery dedicated to scorpios- HAHSHAHA BUT I JUST CANT RESIST MAN, THEY ARE SO GOD DAMN ATTRACTIVE, IDC IF YOU SAY IM BIASED BUT WITH SCORPIOS YOU EITHER HATE THEM OR JUST LOVE THEM TOO MUCH AKXHSJAK
- Lilith conjuct Midheaven, mercury, venus: This doesnt need many explanations, Lilith is the asteroid for sexual desires, dark emotions. With lilith conjuct in Midheaven, this persons social image gives off a very dark but hot aura at the same time. With lilith conjuct in Mercury, there is sth about the way this person's communicate that will leave you hanging and wanting to hear more and more from them. And lastly with lilith conjuct Venus, i just have no words, you may be a lil freaky cause the planet of love gets involved with very strong sexual desires and dark emotions, so this aspect is more attractive towards the ones that like more of a coldhearted but quite kInKy partner-
- Lilith in Leo, Scorpio, Aries, Aquarius or Libra and lilith in the 1st, 5th, 7th, 11th or 8th house: firstly i have a Disclaimer for lilith in the 8th house; there is a ver extreme scenario with them ending up somewhat a bit twisted and i dont ever wonna sexualise anything that is fucked up. But as i said, its a very extreme scenario where it needs more factors from the chart to be true so rn lets appreciate the Lilith in 8th house as a normal hot sensual ass- JAJSHAH I want to say that all of them are so hot but there is also sth about Lilith in the 11th house/Aquarius that is just too appealing. Aquarius are very cool people, they always have this zen energy around them, seeming like they dont give a fuck. I have noticed that many people get attracted with such independent individuals so ofc lilith in aquarius/11th house, is just HOT.
- stellium in the 7th house: I put this placement here cause 7th house stellium people get along romantically with lots of people easily. There is sth in their energy and whole aura that makes them so attractive and well-liked. So imo to be so likable romantically by other people, makes you a very attractive person
- Mars, Venus, Pluto, Uranus in the 5th house: 5th house is the house of Leo. Most of us know that a trait that characterizes Leos is their flirtatious and very confident aura. As you can guess with this placements in the 5th house, the person has more of a flirty, confident, attractive type of energy. This people will draw you towards them without realising.
-mercury conjuct venus: Mercury is the planet of communication and Venus is the planet of Beauty so a person with this aspect has very good manners and a very beautiful way of speaking. Maybe even their voice will be very pleasing to hear. Its the people that you will want to hear them talk and just start falling in love with them.
- mercury conjuct or trine Neptune: Again very great manners and very appealing ideas. This person's remarks and suggestions will surprise you very positively as you will see the depth of their brain and how creative they can be. You get attracted to them cause of their unique imagination and charisma in talking very elegantly.
- Juno positive aspects(conjuct, trine or sextile) with Sun, Asc, Venus: Juno is the planet based on Beauty and influences in your life. The most important from these aspects would be Juno/Asc as asc is associated with yoru appearance and first impressions, while Juno and its beauty, will give a magical and magnetic aura in the person.
-Mercury aspecting positively with Pluto: A person that will stay in your memories. A person that you may even get obsessed for the way they speak and behave. This is an aspect that gives the person a very addictive aura towards the others as their speech and communication skills are magnetic.
-Venus positively aspecting with Sun, moon, ascendant: the one with asc is the most important one as once again Venus is all about beauty and sensuality while ascendant is your appearance. With this aspects, the person has just so much charisma and beauty in most things that they do. Many positive Venus aspects in a chart, just give such an attractive and elegant individual. Blessing to be around.
- Mars conjuct Venus: With this placement, the person may not be considered that attractive in their appearance BUT this folks have such a way to make you so frustrated around them. They know what to say, when to say it, how to act. Somewhat bold and fierce in the way they express themselves but that is well liked by most people and can give you sparkles. They are very passionate and it can be very evident in their energy and behaviour.
- Mars in the 1st house creates a very nice figure with a very fit and attractive body type.
- Neptune positevely aspecting with Venus: this placement can actually create a very attractive figure throught the years. This person may become more and more attractive as they get older in age.
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I wish i could put even more but this list would just never end.
You should remember that each one of you has their own type of attractiveness and you should be confident in yourself no matter what. You are such a unique indivual and you shouldnt worry if you will end up with someone or not based on your "beauty". Cause believe me at the end of the day, there is always a person that will get attracted to you for whatever negative or positive you have on you. We are not perfect and most of the times, the beauty inside us is what comes out long term and not just from first impressions. Have confidence and trust in you. Youre beautiful💕
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whassupp · 3 months ago
☀︎ Moon in Sagittarius/Moon in Aquarius people like you are the reason the world is moving forward. Your humanitarian nature and nonjudgmental mind is the reason for the change in the world. When I think back what a horrible history humans have I think of people like you. YOU are the ones who start the protests, who refuse to let anyone be treated less because of how they look or who they are. You are the true humanitarians of the zodiac.
☀︎ Sun in the 8th house the things you have been through and the painful transformations you have made would be too much for most people to handle so please be proud of how strong you are.
☀︎ Erato conjunct Ascendant you were made to be in the magazines.
☀︎ Leo Moons the way you stand up for your friends and how loyal you are is so beautiful.
☀︎ Venus in Scorpio the way you want to understand the people you love and help them through the worst kind of trauma. Nothing can scare you away, you stay through the worst trials.
☀︎ Pluto 1st house the way you will stand up for the ones who cant stand up to themselves. Ready to even get into a physical fight to help someone else. The civilcurage placement.
☀︎ Virgo Moon yes you can be nitpicky but you just want to help. Its in your nature to fix when you see a problem.
☀︎ Cancer Moon the way you will always stay loyal to the people you like. It doesnt matter if the whole world is against that person you will still stay by their side even if it means that you will get hated too.
☀︎ Lilith aspecting Ascendant you are not only extremely beautiful and desireable but the way you stand up to authority even if you get outcasted. Your strenght is unmatched. Power personified.
☀︎ Venus 8th house your beauty is UNMATCHED. You also understand the darkest of souls to the point nothing can scare you away, which can be dangerous tho so be careful. A lot of people want to ”humble” you so be careful who you let into your life.
☀︎ Virgo Placements you are the kind of people to help someone in silence not even letting them know it was you. You genuinely want to help but you dont want anyone to feel like they owe you.
☀︎ Leo Venus your generosity and loyalty to the people around you is so beautiful. Just make sure you dont get used.
☀︎ Moon in the 1st house the way you want to help everyone with everything to the point of exhausting yourself. Dont forget yourself.
☀︎ Medusa conjunct Ascendant you have been a victim of the worst hate from other women but you refuse to let men win. You know how men take advantage of women hating on other women and you refuse to be like those women.
☀︎ Taurus Moon you might be stubborn but thats also what makes people around you feel safe with you. You wont leave because you found someone better. Once you settle you stay.
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whassupp · 4 months ago
Placements that attract jealousy
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🟤The brightness that the natives with Leo placements emanate is something incredible. You can always count on many people admiring whether it is your beauty, your work or your talents, you have this radiant quality that can attract all kinds of people. There is always one or more people attentive to what they do, and some of these people can feel a deep envy for how bright and grandiose they appear to the public. They can attract envy for some talent they have, and because these people think that natives are more capable or talented.
🟤The beloved Scorpio placements, being ruled by Pluto, usually carry with them a magnetism that is difficult to ignore. They present themselves as powerful and unbreakable and this can attract bad energies and desires from other people. These same people will be intimidated by them in some way, and will feel angry seeing how much the public adores them and how much they stand out without even trying.
🟤The skills and confidence that natives with Capricorn placements project is something that many envy, especially people of higher age, rank or status. These natives tend to attract the attention and envy of people who are supposed to be more mature or capable than them, since they see them as a threat, either because of the power they have or the capabilities they show. These natives' prestige has cost them, but for those who envy them, the natives have always had everything at their fingertips. 
🟤That unique and resplendent essence of people with Aquarius placements is something that dazzles those who envy them, since they know that not in a million years will they reach the soles of their shoes. They are usually envied for their unique personality and for that way of nonchalantly projecting themselves before the comments and opinions of others. The planet that is in Aquarius may give you hints about in which area of your life you are more envied. 
🟤People with a Stellium in the 1st house have an undeniable appeal and natural charm, people are curious about their fun and authentic personality, as well as projecting themselves as very confident and strong in many ways. They tend to attract people who are naturally very competitive with them and behind that competitiveness they have a feeling of jealousy about who they are and how they look, being able to attract many people who are too focused on them.
🟤With Stellium in the 5th house we have very charismatic, charming and attractive natives, who precisely because of these qualities are in the sights of many people, who compare themselves a lot with them and feel unnerved to see how well they can do. These natives attract envy because of how recognized they can be for some skill or quality that makes them stand out from the rest.
🟤Those with Stellium in the 8th house/Sun in the 8th house can attract a lot of people who are jealous of them, their beauty/appeal or even their power. Many of those who envy them may even feel hatred because these natives seem to attract many people or opportunities so easily. These people who envy them do not usually come to light, they are afraid to show themselves because of the power and strength of the native.
🟤Sun in the 2nd house can attract a lot of approval and appreciation from other people. 2nd house rules over self-worth and the Sun in this house favors being seen as a person who is worthwhile, who wins and achieves many things and who has plenty of opportunities, many faced with this image they have of the native may feel jealousy towards them. These natives project themselves very attractively, which is also why they attract the envious glances of others.
🟤Sun in the 7th house, in addition to having a lot of charm, an enchanting and kind personality, they tend to attract people who want the spotlight they have. People tend to envy them for the amazing reputation they have, for the way they are seen by other people and for the appreciation they usually have. Those who envy them feel that they fit in easily and that annoys them, since they usually feel left out.
🟤Moon in the 1st house tend to attract the sympathy and affection of others very easily, they seem to have the attention of many without wanting it, and this can make them attract very jealous people. Particularly women. Those who talk a lot behind the native's back and even if it bothers them, they will not be able to get them out of their minds, nor the fact that people appreciate and protect them. 
🟤Similar to the previous point, those with Moon in the 10th house tend to become very popular and may be put on a pedestal by many, which can upset a lot of people who would like to be on that pedestal. They attract envy and people who never tire of making them the protagonists of their most personal conversations, it even seems that they cannot talk about anything other than the natives.
🟤Mars in the 1st house show that they do not need anything or anyone, that they are fine on their own and still attract the eyes of anyone who passes by. Their power of attraction, their beauty, their strength and independence are things that those who envy them would like to be. They attract people who are very competitive and invested in being better than them. It is sad that the natives, without even focusing on them, show themselves to be much better than all those people in all fields.
🟤In the case of those with Mars in the 7th house, they tend to attract a lot of people who are naturally competitive with them, they can attract people who pretend to be friends but deep down they feel this need to beat them in everything. These people envy your charm in social situations and your power of attraction.
🟤Mars in the 10th house tend to attract envy and a lot of competition for what they have achieved or want to achieve. Their strength and determination is something that others would like to have and although those who envy them will not admit it, they hate to feel that they are superior on many levels.
🟤Mars in the 8th house attracts people who feel very helpless for not being able to match their power and beauty. Like the previous one, they attract extreme competitiveness and people who want to be better or bigger than them in every way.
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🟤There are many people who please people, but there are very few who are able to charm them almost immediately, this is where Neptune in the 1st house comes in, who intoxicate people with their unique personality and hypnotizing beauty, things that They make them able to have power from whoever they want, those who envy them want that effect, they would yearn and would give everything for people to feel the same way they feel for these natives.
🟤Neptune in the 7th house is not far behind, since they have this ability to amaze whoever gets in their way, in addition, they can attract people willing to do a lot for them (especially if it's aspecting Jupiter, Pluto or Saturn, minor aspects are also valid). People can envy them for how appreciated they are, for the affection they receive, for their magnetism. They may attract people that pretend to be friends with them that actually envies them from the deepest parts of their being. 
🟤Uranus in the 5th house has a unique charm and dangerous appeal, just like the forbidden fruit, such a unique way to seduce you and shine under the spotlight that no one compares to it. That brightness, that fascinating way of having you on the edge of the chair and that ability to provoke so many exciting sensations in others is something that many would like to have. Your ideas and creativity is something that is also added to the list of things that people can envy.
🟤Pluto in the angles have an addictive quality about them, it doesn't matter if it's 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th house, they have something about them that makes everyone turn their eyes on them, that something that you just can't get out of your head easily, not even those who envy them. These same people can become obsessed with them and with keeping up with them, they want to be like them deep down, they want to feel even a hint of the power they have.
🟤Pluto or Lilith in the 12th house unconsciously project themselves as the kings and queens, the gods of Olympus, as a person in total control of things and someone magnetic and attractive at the same time. Who wouldn't want to be that appealing king/queen that has everyone interested in them? This is something that those who envy them feel they could never experience, they envy their enchantment. The 12th house also indicates secret enemies, so it is not surprising that this planet and midpoint, usually related to these matters, attracts enemies that perceive them that way.
🟤Lilith in the angles often attract controversy and envy from people, who would like to be as appealing as the native. They have a very superior image of the native, as someone who can hardly be equaled, someone interesting.
🟤Lilith in Air houses can attract the envy of people with whom they actively interact. Lilith in the 3rd house can attract envy from a cousin, sibling, classmate, neighbor or someone you live with on a daily basis. Lilith in the 7th house can attract envy for her charm, social skills, beauty, and appeal. Lilith in the 11th house can attract envy from people they approach as "friends", especially because of their authenticity and personality.
🟤Sun making hard aspects with Pluto have something about their personalities that makes them incredibly attractive and eye-catching to other people. They can attract people whose envy turns into obsession or hatred. These natives usually give very strong first impressions and are difficult to erase from people's minds, especially those that reach extremes such as love or envy.
🟤The beauty of those with Venus-Pluto hard aspects is something that many people may envy, especially people of the same sex. They tend to attract people of the same sex who are very competitive with them and do not stop comparing themselves physically with them.
🟤08°, 20° tells us about a person who can attract a lot of envy or negative vibes from other people. The planet you are on can tell us about the area and how they can attract envy. I.e, Moon in this degree can attract envy from women. MC on a professional level. Saturn, of people older than them. Mercury, from siblings, cousins, schoolmates or people younger than them.
🟤Ruler of the 1st in the 8th or vice versa are often envied for their personality, their beauty and the power they project. They envy his charisma and that envy quickly turns into an obsession, one that pushes them to want to equalize.
🟤Ruler of the 2nd in the 8th or vice versa they are envied because they seem to be more valued, appreciated or taken into account, just as they seem to have everything the other person wants.
🟤Ruler of the 5th/7th in the 8th house attract jealousy because of their beauty, their talents and abilities, and their charisma on a social level. They can be envied because they seem to have more luck in love or when it comes to attracting who they want.
🟤Ruler of the 10th in the 8th or vice versa they attract envy for what they achieve, for their prestige, social position, reputation, and for how respected or admired they are by other people.
🟤Ruler of the 12th in the 8th or vice versa tend to attract many people who are jealous, envious or obsessed with them, they may feel jealous because the native is simply themselves or because they project things that the person is afraid to project with great freedom.
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whassupp · 5 months ago
How a connection ends: Composite 12th house in the Composite chart
Credit @astroismypassion
Inspired by my very own heartbreak recently guys! At least I hope you enjoy.
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The connection ends, because you are both too selfish and rebellious with your decisions, lack of unity and teamwork. The connection ends in an impulsive, impatient, passionate, spontaneous manner. It ends with a bang, very suddenly, in a more angry, irritated and dissatisfied way. One of you was feeling more bold, courageous, energetic but also more impatient than the other. One of you was not expecting an ending. The connection ends, because both wanted things your own way (my way or the highway mentality). Or because one was too immature. The connection ends in an irritating, angry, frustrated way. Also, due to self-sabotage, for example one ended the connection due to self-sabotage (such as thinking “I will end the connection first, because I fear the other person ending it, so I’ll self-sabotage myself first). Both might also not see eye to eye on important issues of the connection. It can end due to ego struggles. The connection ended in a direct manner, face-to-face, they probably told you themselves, in person. It ends, because one is wearing a mask, not being authentic enough, due to dishonesty, not being transparent enough, due to not knowing your own personality, identity. It ended because you were tired of the “push and pull dynamic”. It ended due to individual personal issues that started affecting the connection. Or because you felt pressured into things you didn’t want.
The connection ends due to both having different values, different love language or because you are not on the same financial level, both could have different finances. You may also not have the same taste in music, food, clothes, not enough shared interests. You might have had a different relationship style. The connection ended due to possessiveness, being too territorial with each other. It ended due to both not wanting to “give in”, both being too stubborn or due to one entering a partnership. Or because you were not affectionate enough with each other or you never revealed your true feelings to the person or because you were holding back and not expressing what you feel for the person, but you were only knowing that yourself. The connection ended because a person with Taurus Sun, Sun in the 2nd house, Sun at Taurus degree (2, 14, 26) or a Sun Venus aspect came between the two of you. You ended the connection because one started making more money than the other. It ended because one was putting more effort into the connection than the other and it showed. Or due to one feeling financially drained.
The connection ends due to poor communication, close friends getting involved, mutual friends being involved. Maybe you were also left on read often or your messages were ignored. There was a communication issue. Someone’s siblings, cousins or even a neighbour could get involved. It can end due to seeing certain messages on social media, online or on the phone. It can end due to someone entertaining two people at once. It ends due to different opinions, different communication style, due to a misunderstanding. It might have ended via a text message or a call over the phone or an email. Maybe you ended it because it was hard to live together due to different habits. Something about 2, 3 is significant here. Maybe you ended the connection after 3 months or 2 years. Or because you wanted to fix or change the other person. Or you were waiting for a change that never happened. It ended because you simply drifted apart and didn’t share the same interests anymore. Or because you felt taken advantage of. Or because you couldn’t adjust to the new changes in the connection.
The connection ends due to emotional immaturity, emotional issues, lack of emotional intelligence or lack of expressing emotions, feelings in the connection. Or because one’s family (maybe even the mother) gets involved. Or someone’s family opposing the connection. Or because one got someone pregnant. It can end with someone crying or in a very emotional way, feelings blown out of proportion. The connection ended, because you were too changeable, moody with each other. You might have ended it at each other’s home or you started immediately crying after. Siblings could get involved as well or the first person you talked to after was your close friend or a sibling. This might have been your first proper heartbreak. The connection ended because the person reminded you too much of your family member. Or because the person didn’t want to have children or start a family. It ended due to negativism, or you were emotionally drained.
The connection ends due to not taking the connection seriously enough, only viewing it in a short-term manner, due to affair, flirting with other people, due to lack of romance in the connection. It ends due to pregnancy or discovering that one has a child. Due to not giving each other enough attention or due to one seeking attention elsewhere. It can end in a dramatic way with one being too selfish, self-focused or due to ego struggles. The connection ends because one being too bossy, domineering or only wanting things their way. It can end due to realizing you are the other person. The connection ended because you didn’t show your full personality to the other person or you made too many sacrifices for the connection, completely lost yourself in the connection or because you had troubles seeing the connection for what it really is. The connection ended because you idealized parts of it or fantasy was better than reality.
The connection ends due to communication issues, different profession, job, daily routine, insecurity or too much stress in the connection. Or due to seeing something online, social media, like one liking someone else’s photos. You may not be able to see each other on a daily basis. The connection ends, because you wanted the other person to do things “your way” too much. It ends because you both taught that only way of doing things, living is “the correct way”. It ends because you friendzoned each other. It might have ended due to gossip in real life or online or because you changed jobs. The connection ends due to being indecisive or not really knowing what you want or one was entertaining two people at once. It ended because one of you had poor hygiene. Or due to difficulties in mental or physical health. It could have ended because one got together with a co-worker. It ends due to many conflicts, over a misunderstanding or miscommunication or because you could live with each other anymore. Or due to a conflict over minor, petty thing. Or because you feel too criticized in this connection. Or because you wanted to fix or change the other person. Or you were waiting for a change that never happened. Or because you felt taken advantage of. Or because you couldn’t adjust to the changes in the connection.
The connection ends, because one of you or both enter a committed partnership, one gets married, engaged. Maybe one was not committing to this connection, so you decide to end it. You may not be on the same terms, one in the connection having platonic feelings, the other one having romantic feelings. There was lack of teamwork and team effort, you were not acting in unity enough. In the connection you were not equals, very different on educational, cultural, religious, maturity level. There wasn't equal give and take or the energy and effort were not reciprocated, things were not balanced on both sides. You both wanted different things when it comes to label of the connection. Other people came between you two. One or both were indecisive about the connection, that’s why you ended it. You ended the connection in a cerebral, polite, diplomatic way on good terms. You were talking things through with each other upon ending the connection. But there is still this feeling that some aspects of how you ended the connection were fair and balanced, but some were not. There was likely forgiveness involved. The connection could have ended, because one was more social, carefree, fun-loving that the other. You might also have been polar opposites, such as one is a homebody and the other is social butterfly. The connection ends, because you have different approach towards a friendship or a partnership. Or because one met a new person or due to both of you isolating too much. Or because one didn’t want to marry the other person. Or due to passive aggression.
The connection ends due to betrayal, past hurts, debt, financial difficulties, secret desires, fear, deep wounds, violence, lack of trust, trauma or due to being too scared to be vulnerable, raw with your feelings, due to too much or not enough passion, due to sexual incompatibility. One is too sceptical and doubtful of the connection or of the other person’s intentions. One can also be more sexual than the other or have a higher libido than the other. You may also end the connection due to a Scorpio Sun/Sun at a Scorpio degree (8, 20)/Sun Pluto aspect/Sun in the 8th house getting involved between you two. The connection can end due to too much resentment, holding too many grudges or because there were too many conflicts that were not fully resolved and they kept piling on each other. The connection ended in a straight-forward manner, face-to-face, they told you in person. It ended due to jealousy and envy. It ended due to financial struggles, debt or due to conflict on shared resources or how the other person spends money. It ended because you were tired of “push and pull” dynamic or because you were tired of manipulation. Or due to secrets, lies and manipulation or lack of trust. Or due to divorce. Or because you felt taken advantage of.
The connection ends, because one was acting non-committal or didn’t want to put a label on the connection. Or due to long-distance, living in different cities, countries. It ends, because you are not on the same educational level (be it formal or non-formal), one might have a degree, the other doesn’t for example. It can end due to poor communication, but not due to lack of communication, more so due to overly explaining and justifying yourself and your decisions. It can end due to not seeing each other in person enough or not being enough in each other’s physical space. The connection ends due to having different lifestyle and different habits or ones that are not compatible enough. The connection ends because you had different opinions, outlook on life or you wanted the other person to see things your way. You ended the connection, because one of you entered higher education, college, university. Or because one moved to another city, country or because one wanted to chase an opportunity. It ended due to not supporting each other’s dreams and goals. It ended because one was feeling their personal freedom was too restricted. Or due to not taking the connection seriously or because one was too preachy, acting as a know-it-all or too arrogant. Maybe you didn’t want to grow and evolve, expand together or one did more than the other. Or because you exaggerated the connection in your head, not seeing it realistically for what it is. Or because you kept hoping the would change for the better.
The connection ends, because of one’s parental figure (could be the father), due to not seeing each other enough, not taking enough time for each other, due to too many duties and responsibilities in your studies, work, due to long-distance. You end the connection, because you are not on the same level when it comes to social status, reputation, career. Maybe someone’s parents didn’t approve of the person or the connection. There was a difference in maturity level or an age gap. Maybe there was a lack of defining the connection, make it exclusive or but a label on it. The connection ended when one was starting a new job, pursued a career opportunity. The connection ended due to control issues or because one was trying to restrict the other or because you were not on the same page when it came to future long-term goals. You didn’t share enough future goals or too little shared interests. It ended due to one being more well-liked than the other. It ended in a very professional, orderly manner, in a very cerebral way, your probably said you will stay in touch. It ended because one became more successful than the other.
The connection ends in a way that one of you has a shock. There was probably a revelation or uncomfortable news, information. One friendzoned the other. Or you just enjoyed conversations, but there was too much detachment and cerebral energy in other areas. The connection ended due to long-distance. It could have ended online, via social media or instant messaging. You decided that a platonic connection, friendship is better for this connection. The connection ends due to different maturity level or due to age gap. The connection could have ended due to never defining it or never having a “what are we?” conversation. It can end due to realizing you are in a love triangle. It might have ended online, via a text message or social media. Or you ended it via friends. It ended due to not supporting each other’s dreams and ideals for the future. It ended due to other people involved (mutual friends, acquaintances, people online or people from the friendgroup). The connection ended due to too many changes, unpredictability, not being consistent enough with each other, due to irregular messaging, due to both being too independent, erratic or too individualistic. You might talk still randomly to them after longer periods of inactivity. It ended because one was more successful than the other.
The connection ends, because one was leading the other on. There was deceit, illusions and unclear energy, intentions. You never knew where you stand with this person. The connection ended due to escapist tendencies (substance abuse, oversleeping, overeating) or possible addictions. Or simply because you felt lethargic, hopeless, had low energy and moods. There could have been issues with mental or physical health. The connection ends due to long-distance or maybe because both were living in different cities, countries, states/regions, even continents. The connection ended, because one moved away. The connection could have ended in a confusing manner, the reasons for separation were unclear, you ghosted or just ignored each other. You probably didn’t get closure. It ended, because you felt lost in the connection or due to lack of boundaries or even overstepping boundaries. Or due to not letting go past issues and conflicts, due to false hope or false, empty promises of changed behaviour. It ended because one was too forgiving than the other. Or due to secrets, lies and manipulations or lack of trust or even because you felt ignored, not seen or neglected. The connection ended because you both had old baggage that needed to be resolved. Or because you wanted to save the other person but lost or sacrificed yourself.
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Credit @astroismypassion
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whassupp · 5 months ago
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note: this isn’t dedicated to every person who has these life paths these are just some negative traits i’ve seen in the life paths and is about specific people i’ve met that were lower vibrational
₊˚ෆ LP 1: asshole that argues too much and has to be right in every situation
₊˚ෆ LP 3: know it all who acts childish when people don’t agree with them
₊˚ෆ LP 4: boring karen who doesn’t know how to have any fun and is a tattle tale
₊˚ෆ LP 5: hoe that can’t be loyal and breaks everyones hearts
₊˚ෆ LP 6: just a loser who’s lazy
₊˚ෆ LP 7: heartless psycho who has lack of remorse
₊˚ෆ LP 8: greedy af even when they’re legit rich
₊˚ෆ LP 9: uses people just to f*ck them over
₊˚ෆ LP 11: emotional gaslighter to the max
₊˚ෆ LP 22: violent and literally evil (coming from someone with 22 energy. it’s not hate to 22’s this person specifically was just literally horrible)
₊˚ෆ LP 33: ego worse than anyone i’ve ever met to the point where they’re intolerable
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