warstvrm · 4 years
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issue 06: kuroo tetsurou
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warstvrm · 4 years
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Flight of Hinata Shōyō 日向翔陽のフライト 🧡🖤
Ahhh...I finished it. All of Hinata's vital arcs in his growth as a strong athlete! Just so proud of him and everyone around him. 🥲
Many of you might notice that recently I've been "haikyū this, haikyū that" and I can't put enough emphasis on how this manga/anime changed and reframed some of my perspectives in life. Heck! It even became the root of building my own shop. 🙏🏽 I'm just so grateful to Haikyū!! and its creators. Also to the people who recommended this to me and those that still talk about it.
There are so many key points that left a great impact on how I take things on. There are a number of characters you can relate to and share view points with and there are some who challenges you. But it's all for the better—for striving and working harder for the dream you hold dear.
I could go on and on and explain the beauty of humanness in Haikyū!! but I'll stop here.
That's why this took longer than expected cos this is something I really felt that I should take time to tell the protagonist's story. And it's all worth it! It was a joy making this and learning from it. 😊
This will be the first of many in this concept—a piece that tells a journey in one go. This will also be my practice for studying human figures again so please forgive the inconsistency of heights and sizes. I'll make sure to learn from this and get better at it.
There are tons of worlds I wanna do in this form! Maybe this is where all my fandoms meet. Who knows who knows. 🤭 Too early to tell. Fandom life chose me. Hahaha. But I can imagine the journey to Mount Doom now. 👁🔥
P.S. Maybe I just like overcrowding too much cos I want my eyes to roam around...🤔
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warstvrm · 4 years
Who dares speak aloud these words (intended for the heart to speak)
Notes: Title stolen from Song Of The Soul XXII by Khalil Gibran.
Companion piece: In the absence of sound (she hears her heart break)
Wrote this indulgent piece angst and fluff to reset after the very angsty The Astrophile (which took a lot of my own heart). As always, comments are gladly appreciated <3
(Reposting cos Tumblr ate all my tags, rawr). 
Yaku bursts into her life like a hurricane, even whilst Akaashi lingers on like the memory of a summer breeze.
She runs into Yaku at the New Year’s Party the Japanese embassy in Moscow throws for expatriates (a fancy term to describe birds who’ve flown the coop after finding it unbearably small). He’s in the middle of chattering with a bemused waiter in very broken Russian about the spread when he explodes into a delighted laugh, so loud that she startles and spills her drink all over his shoes.
Pandemonium ensues – the restaurant staff scatter to fetch napkins and she’s trying to pick up the pieces of her broken glass, stammering out apologies (because dear god, her boss is going to have her head for upsetting a guest – especially one so prominent as Yaku Morisuke, the only Japanese volleyball player who broke into the Russian professional league), when his laugh cuts through the noise.
‘This was my favourite pair of shoes’ he tells her when he stops laughing, and she’s about to launch into a litany of apologies when he grins at her cheekily – ‘But you can make it up to me by buying me dinner instead’.
Keep reading
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warstvrm · 4 years
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Happy Birthday Kuroo! 11/17
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warstvrm · 4 years
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✧ Haikyuu!! 30 Day Challenge - Day 12
└ Favorite Captain: Futakuchi Kenji |  二口堅治
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warstvrm · 4 years
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haikyuu!! + (some) basics 
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warstvrm · 4 years
this user ugly cried at the hamilton movie and is not ashamed 
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warstvrm · 4 years
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major areas in fallout: new vegas.
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warstvrm · 4 years
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the hetalia fandom might be dead but my love for fem!america never will :))) someone pls write more content for fem!america i’m begging you
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warstvrm · 4 years
If you’re wondering why all your Filipino friends are especially introspective and/or devastated today, this may be the reason why.
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warstvrm · 5 years
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This is potentially life saving information everyone should know.
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warstvrm · 5 years
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May the 10 of Pentacles bless your account with more money than you can spend. 💵✨
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warstvrm · 5 years
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Heard all about these rockin’ chicks, loved every song and each remix. So I went out and found them and we laid down an album! 
Now I don’t need your love, all I need is Six.
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warstvrm · 6 years
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warstvrm · 6 years
I wanna know, how many of you actually ship serinuma and mutsumi
reblog/like if they your otp
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warstvrm · 7 years
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hana lee aesthetic // the royal romance
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warstvrm · 7 years
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nevrakis + color palettes
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