warfused-blog · 6 years
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SUNNY-SIDE UP. fuck i forgot the login here lmfaoo
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warfused-blog · 7 years
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SUNNY-SIDE UP.people still do these right? i’m trying to get back into this fandom and i’m excited to meet some new people, so please give this a like or reblog if you’d like to interact with Martel from fullmetal alchemist (manga based). i’ll check your blog out and probably give you a follow!
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warfused-blog · 7 years
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SUNNY-SIDE UP. martel cut her hair post experimentation and never looked back.
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warfused-blog · 7 years
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We are too aesthetically obsessed, defining people by how they look, or choices they’ve made. We should all support each other more often, and stop looking at ‘Where did you go to university?’, 'How many kids have you got?’, 'How high are your heels?’, 'Are you on social media?’ It took us a bloody long time to get this far, so can we get our priorities in order? Sorry, there you are, if you wanted a feminist rant, there it was. And embrace the men. We need to support our male feminist support, not berate them. Let’s all start looking after each other. — Happy 36th Birthday, Natalie Dormer! (February 11th, 1982)
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warfused-blog · 7 years
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whose muse is the Wormest martel needs a living hot water bottle
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warfused-blog · 7 years
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SUNNY-SIDE UP. martel's heart rate slows down significantly when she's cold which leads to a fun game of 'is martel dying or is it just winter'
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warfused-blog · 7 years
Renegade- Styx
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warfused-blog · 7 years
hc + animals
headcanon meme! | @theburningsins​ 
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SUNNY-SIDE UP. (martel, picking up a rattlesnake and looking it in the eye) go home you bitch. the snake leaves as soon as she puts it down. it’s never seen in Dublith again.goofs aside Martel does sit still in one place for long enough for animals to interact with her on guard duty. she stays in her reptilian lane most of the time, though. lizards climbing up her hands? excellent, she’d never bother it. a tortoise sunning itself in the same spot as her? definitely deserving of a couple scratches.
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warfused-blog · 7 years
@chimeramade liked for a starter! (for dolcetto)
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it’s cold enough (about 16 degrees, in actuality) that Martel is slow, tired, and absolutely drowning in sweaters and blankets. being unable to regulate her internal temperature is a daily struggle. “ i thought this was the south dolc, why isn’t it warmer, ” she says plaintively, carefully thinking over her words and whether or not it’s worth it to even get through the sentence.
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warfused-blog · 7 years
// hc + flowers !! ! !
headcanon meme!! | @chimeramade
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SUNNY-SIDE UP. Martel doesn’t mind flowers. she doesn’t actively seek them out, and since she’s kinda got a tough girl thing going she doesn’t expect folks to go out of their way to give them to her. so if some random guy gave her flowers? that’s a quick slap in the face. but if one of the nesties did she’d at least put them in water. Martel doesn’t have much of a green thumb, but the thought’s there. 
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warfused-blog · 7 years
SUNNY-SIDE UP. say what y’all will abt 03 but marta holding her knife to bradley’s throat...cathartic.
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warfused-blog · 7 years
mammals: dishonest, attempting to cover our true nature with extraneous lanky growths, distancing ourselves from the filth and earth from which we rose
snakes: honest, accept that they are tubes, writhe in mother dirt as is their wont
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warfused-blog · 7 years
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SUNNY-SIDE UP. a couple headcanons.
- just fuckign let martel sit in the sun. she’ll say its cold even in the dead of summer, but does have significantly better reflexes and is faster than a normal human after being warmed up (this has been tested both in the lab and as a joke). - it’s harder for her to get drunk than it used to be. - martel’s incisors are a little longer than average. it’s not noticeable unless you’ve got a direct comparison. it’s the kind of thing a dentist would say ‘man, nice incisors’ at and not ‘shit, you’re a vampire’ level. - she’s stretchy, of course. if she stretches too far it becomes painful and her bones might crack or flat-out break. that’s happened before. 
- martel’s skin is MUCH more elastic that a human’s. her jaw looks like it unhinges when she yawns, but it’s actually that her jaw is barely connected to her skull; her bone structure was completely altered alchemically.
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warfused-blog · 7 years
Send ‘hc + a word’ that you want a headcanon about my muse involving that word
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warfused-blog · 7 years
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SUNNY-SIDE UP. martel has two moms and that’s just how it is!
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warfused-blog · 7 years
‘ be nicer to yourself. ’ imagine this from roa tho
‘the good place’ starters | @chimeramade
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“ roa, i do a lot of things for you, ” she starts, taking a long, dramatic drink. Martel is just intoxicated enough to be unusually self deprecating. “ but i draw the line there. my whole squad died because i stepped on that mine, and now i’m, ” she gestures to herself. “ whatever the hell this is. let me be guilty about this one thing, shit. ”
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warfused-blog · 7 years
‘  hi, guys! i’m broken.  ’ ‘  send nude pics of your heart to me.  ’ ‘  man, repressing your feelings is great.  ’ ‘  i just want to sit and stare at nothing and silently scream for the rest of time.  ’ ‘  birth is a curse and existence is a prison.  ’ ‘  it’s ancient history? it was happening until twenty seconds ago.  ’ ‘  one of the perks of living alone is that i get to just walk around naked.  ’ ‘  i’ll miss you too, you sexy skyscraper.  ’ ‘  you were already at almost-maximum hotness, but now you look like a sexy, tan rapunzel. ugh, the dream.  ’ ‘  well, hooking up with someone with the exact same name, it is kind of a fun, narcissistic fantasy… i could be into it.  ’ ‘  so far, i’m the best student. i’m gonna be the velociraptor.  ’ ‘  i feel like ‘friends’ in season eight, out of ideas and forcing joey and rachel together, even though it made no sense.  ’ ‘  i once got lost on an escalator, so i’m not exactly christopher columbus.  ’ ‘  we’ve been through this thousands of times. i mean, can you… just chill out? is that possible?  ’ ‘  you deserve to be happy because you are an impressive, thoughtful, and special person… not to mention, you have a rockin’ bod.  ’ ‘  any place or thing in the universe can be up to 104% perfect. that’s how we got beyonce.  ’ ‘  because of reasons. there are reasons! they exist and i don’t want to explain them right now.  ’ ‘  i’m a canyon… full of poo-poo.  ’ ‘  they are a couple and i am a third part of that couple.  ’ ‘  it’s suddenly very important that i get drunk.  ’ ‘  you got dreams in life? that’s lit.  ’ ‘  be nicer to yourself.  ’ ‘  how can i say no? …can i say no?  ’ ‘  i don’t have a house. i live in a boundless void.  ’ ‘  i have no idea what’s going on, but everyone is talking and i should too.  ’ ‘  be nicer to yourself.  ’ ‘  i’m too young to die and too old to eat off the kid’s menu. what a stupid age i am!  ’ ‘  is this a game? i go first. i call blue!  ’ ‘  aw, man. i wanted to push that button. not cool, dude.  ’ ‘  we know everything. i don’t understand much of it, but you know, i know it.  ’ ‘  that was my first time as a fashion ‘don’t’ and i did not care for it.  ’ ‘  i’m just a girl, towering over a boy, asking him to admit he loves me.  ’ ‘  hey there hot stuff, can i get you a cup of coffee?  ’ ‘  do you have any feelings like that for me again now?  ’ ‘  no, no, no, dude, dude, dude, you don’t have to explain yourself. we are on the same page.  ’ ‘  i am revved up to learn, man. my brain is horny!  ’ ‘  i used to think about how it’s weird they don’t make pants that are just one big pant leg for both your legs.  ’ ‘  i felt bad about what i did. it was a weird feeling. not used to it. didn’t love it.  ’ ‘  yeah, i love you. ugh, that’s embarrassing. i feel so itchy.  ’ ‘  go fork yourself, you mean giraffe.  ’ ‘  who needs a soulmate anyway? my soulmate will be… books.  ’ ‘  what do we do? panic? freak? i usually panic, but i am happy to freak!  ’ ‘  we’re gonna have assignments and quizzes and papers… it’s gonna be so much fun!  ’ ‘  i’m in a perfect utopia and i have a stomachache.  ’ ‘  i need to step outside for some air. and… i will not be back. for many days.  ’ ‘  the point is, you’re cool, dope, fresh, and smart-brained.  ’ ‘  yeah, dude. i’m not a monster… anymore.  ’ ‘  i’m good. just hang out with her and name constellations after each other or whatever it is nerds do. i’m fine on my own.  ’ ‘  i’m in this. we’re a team.  ’ ‘  she makes the bass drop… in my heart.  ’ ‘  is that some kind of nerd pick-up line? because it’s only kind of working.  ’ ‘  ugh, of course your hugs are amazing.  ’ ‘  okay, that’s really specific and that makes me think that you definitely did do that.  ’ ‘  yeah, mm-hmm, everything is fine, it’s okay, yeah. i’m fine. so, it’s all fine.  ’ ‘  look away! everybody look away. i’m going to keep watching, but you guys look away.  ’ ‘  ugh, talking about your feelings is the worst.  ’ ‘  i’ve been keeping a secret from you… about you. the thing is, it’s not even harming you and if i tell you i feel like it might harm you. so, uh, ethically speaking, i don’t think i have to tell you.  ’ ‘  has anyone ever told you what a drag you are?  ’ ‘  ‘bearer of bad news’? uh, i think you mean ‘bad news bear’.  ’ ‘  honestly, the best move is to get another dude and just go to town. rebound guy.  ’ ‘  but i am happy for them! i am! i am! am i? i am! i am not. i am not. i am not that. i am not happy for them.  ’ ‘  i totally get it. i mean, he’s a ding dong, but also a straight hottie.  ’ ‘  you want to hear his side? oh, no, no, no. that’ll only slow things down.  ’ ‘  no! right? no, it felt like a no when i was doing it.  ’ ‘  here��s the thing, i’m nice to you and you’re mean to me. there’s something wrong about that, but i can’t put my finger on it.  ’ ‘  how am i doing? oh, well, you know… stomach’s in knots, i’m stress-grinding my teeth, and it feels like i’m being suffocated.  ’ ‘  just shove your feelings way deep down, plaster on a smile, and pretend your having fun.  ’ ‘  just shove your feelings way deep down, plaster on a smile, and pretend your having fun… just like i do when someone starts talking about their kids.  ’ ‘  how do i put this delicately… it’s all stupid garbage!  ’ ‘  i’m sorry i dragged you into this.  ’ ‘  i’m sorry that i never did laundry… and that i waited until you were about to do yours and secretly tossed mine into the basket to trick you into doing it.  ’ ‘  that’s a very, very bad idea. don’t be yourself!  ’ ‘  great. yet again, it’s everyone against me because everyone except me is an idiot. why am i the only person who clearly sees what’s going on here?  ’
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