Poetry From a Broken Soul
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-Veltra-Music Teacher-Seattle-Poet- Let me know if you like what you see!
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veltra-fang-poetry · 3 years ago
Healing is so hard.
Healing is so hard when the stress keeps piling up. When you think you are doing great But then your body says that’s enough.
Every day is more stress Every day is something new. But the more I think back I’m happy i’m with you.
Even when I break You’re there to hold my hand I might say you are to blame But you stand there and hold my hand.
Just give me a little bit of time and maybe some therapy. And I will be good enough for you So please... will you wait for me?
~Veltra Fang
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veltra-fang-poetry · 4 years ago
Honestly It’s needed to finally be free. To just become invisible. and it looks like you agree.
Took so long to happen. Now I should disappear So i can remove this habit. Then my mind will be clear.
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veltra-fang-poetry · 5 years ago
Need some Sun during lockdown
I want to tour the world with you I want to see you glow That perfect smiling face of yours I want it to always show. But since we’ve been cooped up inside our smiles start to dwindle. But we shall take this in a stride as a spark will sure Rekindle. We live in such a gloomy place a place where is always sprinkles. The sun sometimes on our face And then come the giggles.
But if we could tour the world We could always go where it is sunny Just like a cat we’ll get curled and snuggle and laugh at something Funny.
~Veltra Fang
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veltra-fang-poetry · 5 years ago
What hurts the most.... Is I know i’m the reason... For so much pain.
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veltra-fang-poetry · 5 years ago
A lot of things are happening And it’s all at once. My day's here are numbered but at what cost. There is nothing here left for me Just a shell of who I was. Now it’s time for a new me. Instead of this Pause.
A new life is starting. My dreams have finally come true. I am a music teacher But it wasn’t an easy thing to get through. My mind is always turning Trying to figure me out. Am I really going to be finished Or is this just one more stop.
I’d like to think I’m stable. I’d like to think I’m ready. For now, I’m just going to go. Since I have this whole life ahead of me.
~Veltra Fang
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veltra-fang-poetry · 5 years ago
Lamb to Wolf
Just open a book and let yourself dream of a person, you could have been if you had a self-esteem
So much confidence So much strength The person you could love Instead of keeping at arm’s length
You could have been that person with a personality so beautiful you could have been your own heroine but instead, you’re delusional.
If you were just written into a book   you could have had powers Thankfully you met your prince and he brings you flowers
But some nights I’ll dream That I’m the girl in my books with so many powers and with some good looks
I’ll meet a prince and be proud of who I am I won’t need to hide behind him and be this shy lamb.
~Veltra Fang
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veltra-fang-poetry · 6 years ago
for a second every morning before I open my eyes that burning desire makes me always want to try.
The flame is there wanting to get out but I know it's just from my dream but it brings about this doubt.
this doubt that I'm happy That my life is right that my prince is right next to me each and every night.
I do know one thing. that my dreams ring true. That that flame will always linger. But I’ll never know if it is for you.
So I’ll feel this in the morning before I open my eyes. I’ll let my head wonder Until I have to normalize.
And then I’ll get on with my day With that dream in the back of my head Whispering sweet nothings in my ear. But I won't be misled. ~Veltra Fang
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veltra-fang-poetry · 6 years ago
The truth
You tore me apart. You told me I was wrong That I chose the wrong path And that I wasn't very smart
You told me I wouldn't make it That I wasn’t pursuing the right thing That I wouldn't make any money and that music wasn't my thing.
What you don't know  Is how much it hurt when a person I looked up too just didn't understand.
I love music. But I'm unsure what to do. Because I can’t play the music and what you told me would be true.
But from what you said I had to prove you wrong. You dont know the real me. You dont know my song.
but you tore me apart. You ripped up my heart Not knowing what you were doing but actually making me smart.
constantly aware of what is said to me making me numb but also making me Free.
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veltra-fang-poetry · 6 years ago
It hurt. You changed your name Hid your life Thankfully it was all a dream.
But it felt so real Felt so wrong. But all I wanted Was to make sure you were ok.
Through the whole dream I searched and searched calling out your name. But you couldn't be found.
Everything was confusing I thought I knew you. But in the dream You changed your name
Thinking I knew you How could you change your name You hid from me The only way you thought you could.
Thankfully I found you. I asked my question. But still, don't understand Why you felt the need to change your name.
Veltra Fang
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veltra-fang-poetry · 6 years ago
everything hurts and I feel like no one understands. I am losing all control life out of my hands.
I thought it would be all so simple I finish school and we would be happy. nothing could go wrong
But nothing is ever so easy The mess that has been made. but things always will look up at least that’s what I choose to believe.
So at the moment, I’ll feel down. Just give me some time And I’ll come around.
~Veltra Fang
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veltra-fang-poetry · 6 years ago
Do you have a personal blog? Does your sister have a blog
I no longer have a personal Blog.  I do have a twin sister who does have her own blog.
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veltra-fang-poetry · 6 years ago
Maybe I’ll never be good enough.
In your eyes Im still a child Unwilling to learn Unwilling to try. You think you must be stern But you’re unwilling to look through my eye’s
Nothing I do is good enough. No matter what I do I’ll never be them. But if only you knew this to be true. Instead, you just condemn.
I will play my music, I will do the best I can. I will never be them It’s all in my plan These are the things I will overcome.
You’ll just have to learn That this is my music This is my day to shine You can try your best to keep me muted But I’ll catch that headline.
This music is within it may take some coaxing But it is always there. I just need to be controlling.
You cannot comprehend all that goes through my head I worry about how im compared especially as I go to bed.
You’ll never understand how much I need this I may not show it But I need you not to dismiss
All that I feel All that I show I struggle to know Where I'm supposed to go.
But i know You cant shut me down I’ll do what I need. And I’ll never be good enough.
in your eyes.
~Veltra Fang
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veltra-fang-poetry · 6 years ago
 could not My heart and my mind have never felt so aligned. But what's causing these tears is not as kind.
With planning and practice everything was in place. But just like everything else I should have been ready to brace.
My plans have failed their falling into tiny pieces. But what’s the surprise they are always only HALF decent.
checking off the boxes Making my lists. Making sure everything is perfect. But now I’ve clenched my fists.
I knew this would happen How could I be so stupid? All the signs were there But of course, the world could not care.
~Veltra Fang
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veltra-fang-poetry · 6 years ago
Speaking in Riddles, Will never fix the problem. Speaking only in silence. makes me seem so solemn.
I’ll twiddle my fingers as I listen to the riddle. Being slightly confused and stuck in the middle.
unsure what to think. Confused with what I know. listening and listening making my head want to blow.
Just wanting to help but everything goes awry. Just looking around and being dazed by a firefly.
Waiting for the answer. the one to this riddle. I can’t ask for help I need to be civil.
~Veltra Fang
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veltra-fang-poetry · 6 years ago
Now that you’re gone I don’t know what to do. I feel so lost and cold. after we said Adieu
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veltra-fang-poetry · 6 years ago
Being able to wake up next to you makes my heart race more than you could ever know. Just give me a quick smile and I’ll wish this happened ages ago.
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veltra-fang-poetry · 6 years ago
Merry Christmas to all my followers!!
I hope you all are having a great Christmas and spending it with the people you love. Although I can’t spend it with everyone I love I do get to spend it with the man who holds my heart!
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