Independent roleplay blog for Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn of DC Comics.Pre-New52Please read about page and rules before interacting.
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TRICK OR TREAT, smell my feet, give me something good to eat--!
He squints at the woman lack lusterly before fishing into his pocket.

Plunk! He drops it into her palm with a deadpan expression.
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How's Mr. J?
I dunno. How should I know? It–It ain’t like he broke out without me an’ left me ta’ rot–
It ain’t like I’m gonna kick his clown butt when I see him next–
It ain’t like he hasn’t even called or tried ta’ check on me–
[Deep breath]
….So. Ta’ sum it up… I don’t know.
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Ain't you a stinker?

You bet’cha.
But I’m more of a Babs than a Bugs.
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Send 🔒 for your muse to get locked in somewhere with my muse
“I can’t believe ya’ kept our old yearbooks,” Her tone was soft--almost sentimental. There was nothing manic about the smile, nothing the doctors would have called crazy. By all means, if it weren’t for the Arkham inmate uniform and the guard outside the door, it would have been a picturesque scene of old friends reminiscing over high school.
Fingertips brushed over a photograph of the cheer squad at... Hell, that must have been a homecoming game, they were wearing their best... “...Ronnie nearly made me tumble that night,” She laughed, “I was supposed ta’ be at the top of the pyramid that night, remember? And she nearly lost her stance... A’course, t’this day, she’s gonna swear that--”
The blaring of an alarm cut her off.
Harley’s head snapped up, eyes going wide. She knew that alarm, and she knew it well. An inmate was missing from their cell--likely already escaped, or currently. The blonde pushed up quickly from her chair and crossed the visiting room, vacant apart from them. There was no guard there, as her face pressed against the glass. But oh, she saw her opportunity, and she was taking it. Hands rattled at the doorknob--freedom so close she could taste it, to hell with the friend still behind her. Alice walked out of here free at the end of the night. Harley planned to walk free, too, one way or another.
Alas, the automatic lockdown had already set in across the building. They were stuck until it was turned off...
Frustrated, Harls slammed a fist against the door.
So close...
#//I hope you don't mind#//I recently had the post about Joker escaping without Harley#//so I figured I'd put them in that moment :3c#imnotyouralice
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Harley Quinn Halloween icons for anonymous
Please like/reblog if you use
Icons Page | Halloween Icons
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Send 🔒 for your muse to get locked in somewhere with my muse
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straysavoirfaire replied to your post: He LEFT ME THERE– THAT GOODFA’NOTHIN’–SONUVA– We...
“The Joker? Treatin’ you like dirt? Gee, I never woulda guessed. It’s sooo unlike him.”
Ain’t in the mood fa’ ya’ sarcasm there--!

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We got arrested TOGETHA’.
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‘I’m burning the MEMORIES- Burning the LETTERS that might have REDEEMED YOU!’
[I got a little inspired today to do a Harley piece based on one of my new favorite songs that I thought suited her. Had a TON of fun with this!]
[Commission info!]
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Well that certainly earned a reaction, a twitch as his eyes widened slightly at the admission. Hardly what he expected, most of his former colleagues hated to ‘work’ with him, and the newest doctors were…. well, usually far easier to manipulate with that speech.
She certainly had promise.
His face settled back into a more curious expression as he leaned forward in his seat, not uncomfortably close, not yet, especially with the desk still safely between them, but close enough to properly see her reactions now that she’d caught his interest. “And why, pray tell, would you do that?”
Well, wasn’t that the million-dollar question. Perhaps it was interest in the bigger cases. Perhaps the call to prove herself as a doctor. Perhaps it was really just the chance to gain a little fame, herself--to be the one to get supervillains to open up, to spill what’s on their mind and come forward.
...Maybe it was a little of them all.
Either way, it wasn’t his place to know those. The more he had to hold over her, the less power she had in this situation. So instead, Harleen clasped her hands together calmly and rested them atop the desk.
“Because I’m good at what I do, Doctor Crane. And from one--ahem--professional to another,” Yes, buy a little cooperation, “I expect you to respect such.”
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“Unfortunately my time to make hats has been rather limited. This one came from a boutique.”
“And a very friendly one at that! I walked in and they gave the hat to me for free! So that I would ‘get out’. I suppose they could sense I was in a hurry.”
“Dont’cha just love when people are generous like that?”

Her hand made one more run around the inside of the brim. Satisfied that she didn’t feel anything out of the ordinary, Harley plopped the hat on her head and grinned proudly. “Howzzat, Jervis?”
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“I stopped by to see ‘Ronnie today! She says hi and hopes you have a speedy recovery.”
Alice smiled across the table at Harley in the Arkham rec room. Usually she wouldn’t be in there but they managed some time where it was just the two of them. In her lap she held a photo album full of old pictures of their ‘glory days’ she’d brought to share with her old school friend. With a slight flourish she popped it up into view and opened it up on the wooden table between them.
“She also asked that I bring you this!” She flipped through the pages, old, faded photos grinning up at them from years past. Pictures of them in their Cheer squad in High school and college, lined up with their dates at junior prom, throwing punch on a jerk at senior prom… Good times. “I told her what i got you for your birthday and you know how the Vreelands can be. They have to one-up everything.”
“Aww, really?” She hadn’t heard from Veronica since their last run-in.... Which... Admittedly could have ended worse. Could have ended better, but still.
She didn’t have the heart to tell Alice she was already thinking about the next breakout, though. She had plans, right now, and sticking around here would have to wait. First chance she had, she wanted to am-scray.
For now, Harley scooted her chair closer to pour over the photo album with her old friend. Familiar faces of the past grinned up at the two of them...Page after page of happy memories. Her hand lifted to tap against a photo of them, squeezed into one side of a diner booth, grinning and saluting the camera with raised milkshake cups. “Hey! That’s when we went to State Finals!” She beamed at Alice, then pulled the book closer to herself for a moment.
“Did Ronnie make this? I forgot some’a these pictures even existed--”
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//An update on me, for anyone who is interested.
As some of you know, and some of you do not, I work at a Renaissance Faire all summer. It means the world to me. This season was no exception. I had an amazing time. I even got to try my hand at playing a villain for a day!

It has come to an end. It ate up my weekends though, and left me drained durring the weekdays. Add work and a personal crisis in there (of which I'd like to not go into detail) and you might be able to see why I've been so absent. Things will get easier from here out.
Thank you all for your patience--!
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More nonsense between @doktahquinzel and I during some Discord rps. She’s hilarious. uvu
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//I'm SORRY I haven't been online much. I'm... Not in a good headspace, and I'm kind of pulling into myself. And I'm sorry...
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