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vanessait · 8 years ago
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#kisahDevon My Pretty Boy😚 kalo temen-temen lainnya handsome kamu pretty boy aja ya Nak. Sejak dalam kandungan Mami Devon selalu dikira hamil anak perempuan. Sampe sempet ragu juga apa salah ya USGnya tiap bulan. Ternyata bener kok cowok tulen len. Eh Devonnya uda keluar masih aja selalu dikira baby cewek😅 ada yang jelas-jelas tau Devon cowok juga sempat ragu sampe tanya lagi bener cowok nggak. Mau sekarang udah digundul juga masi dikira cewek. Nah semoga hatimu juga selalu semanis wajahmu ya Nak❤
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vanessait · 8 years ago
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Hello world! We want to introduce you all to our first son DEVON Matthew Lokman Born on 1.11.2016 at 7.27PM We thank you all for the prayers, support, and love. It really means a lot to us. Proudly parents, Agustinus Leonardi Lokman & Vanessa Irma Tanojohardjo
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vanessait · 8 years ago
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When i look at you, i realize how blessed i am❤
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vanessait · 8 years ago
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I hope someday my kids will grow to be just like you❤ Thank you for being the best husband i could i ever asked for💋 Magic 📷 by @theycallmemoo
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vanessait · 8 years ago
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🎵I knew I loved you before I met you I think I dreamed you into life I knew I loved you before I met you I have been waiting all my life🎶 📷 @theycallmemoo (koko kesayangan, thank you! I love you❤) #36weeks #36minggu #pregnant #maternityshoot #maternity #iknewilovedyou #iknewilovedyoubeforeimetyou
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vanessait · 8 years ago
What happened?😂 always have so much fun with these 2 ladies😚 Missing @laurentia_gs and @ratna_tedjo #girlpower #bestfriends #bestfriend #family #qualitytime #shorttrip #holiday #funtime
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vanessait · 9 years ago
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Our little "Cimpluk" at 30 weeks❤ Excited and grateful for this gift, God is always so good to us. Most of the time I don't feel pregnant and even most people said that i don't look pregnant😂 but it's the movement that's being a constant reminder how fast Si Cimpluk is actually growing inside my belly. At 30 weeks Cimpluks head is already at the bottom as if he's so ready to come out😂 No nuchal cord so everything's going smooth and great right now. Although he's still inside but Cimpluk already brings us so much joy, happiness, and we believe luck😇 We pray that it will last until the day we will welcome this little one to the world🙇 #pregnancy #pregnant #baby #30weeks #30weekspregnant #insidemybelly #unborn
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vanessait · 9 years ago
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"Throughout life you will meet one person who is unlike any other. This person is one you could forever talk to. They understand you in a way that no one else does or even could. This person is your soul mate, your best friend. Don’t ever let them go, for they’re your guardian angel sent from heaven above" -Pamela Ann- This is so us @meylie07 ! Thank you for always caring Thank you for always calling Thank you for always being there Thank you for always listening Thank you for all the good time we always have Because of us, i am always learning to be a better person So thank you for being my forever soulmate❤ (at Kudos Cafe,pakuwon Square Surabaya)
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vanessait · 9 years ago
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"The great marriages are partnerships. It can't be a great marriage without being a partnership." -Helen Mirren- 6 months down 3 months to go😗🙊 oh yes and we are better than ever😎
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vanessait · 9 years ago
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Well and after awhile, i guess we all will find out who is "too" busy for us😊 #life #lesson #lifelesson #quote #quotes #wisdom #words #truth
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vanessait · 9 years ago
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Happy 1st Anniversary my dear Leo! Thank you for this amazing year. Well maybe we still struggle in certain things. But i couldn't ask for a better year than this. I always believed that my marriage will be a fairytale and well, i still feel like it is. I definitely don't feel our marriage as hard work. And it's definitely not as scary the stories people would tell about. People used to say it is because you're still in a new and fresh relationship, of course everything feels sweet. And when we were together for 2.5years then they said it is because you're still in a relationship and not married yet, of course everything is different. And finally when we got married, they still said of course you still feel so warm with all the love because you just got married. Haha! And we know they will just go on and on. But i do believe we will stay "in love" and "more and more" everyday. So thank you darling for taking this love journey with me and being my prince charming everyday. I know it's still 1 year and there's a long way to go but hey there were a lot of things happen in 1 year. We cherish each other everyday and that's why we live in an unending fairytale. I love you! ❤ #lovestory #anniversary #fairytale #weddinganniversary #lifepartner #love #loveyou #besttime #positive #marriage #happywife #happywifehappylife #story #positivevibes
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vanessait · 9 years ago
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WELCOME TO MAY Hi guys... @makeupbyie will give free makeover (makeup only) for 2 person.. The free makeover can be use during 2016 Period : 1-15 May '16 RULES • Follow the IG @makeupbyie • Regram this photo & give #makeupbyie #makeupbyiegiveaway • Tag 5 of your friends & @makeupbyie • Likes as many picture as you can at @makeupbyie • Your IG should be unlock The 2 lucky person will be announce on 20th May'16.
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vanessait · 9 years ago
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Well i haven't post anything for awhile because i've been kinda busy lately. But like i promised, i will always make time for the most important people in my life. And that includes you! Had a great day celebrating Meyli's birthday. But the best part is that it also kinda feels like a gift for me. Having chances to spend time with this awesome ladies! So cheers for you Mey, let's make Gen come true, and may your life always filled with joy and happiness. I love you!❤💋 #myprecious #sisters #soulmates #loveyou #happybirthday #bff #bestfriends (at Tunjungan Plaza Surabaya)
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vanessait · 9 years ago
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vanessait · 9 years ago
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There are times i doubt myself. I doubt my life. I doubt everything. In those times i don't even know if keep going is even worth it. But the people i love, kept me going anyway. So i kept going, not because i'm strong. I kept going because of you people and your love❤ #grateful #love #dontgive up #heartheheart #saying #words #encourage
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vanessait · 9 years ago
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Valentine is sharing your love with the people who matters the most. Not only with your partner but also with your family and friends. Today i celebrate my late valentine with ny closest friends. So happy late valentine from us! (at Panties Pizza)
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vanessait · 9 years ago
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"For Valentine's Day and Every Day. All You Need Is Love" -The Beatles- Happy Valentine's Day guys! Hope you make time today to express your love to the people who matters the most. May the love be with you forever and ever😊 (at Piazza Italia - Lenmarc)
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