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encrucijada · 6 months ago
google how do i fucking block any and all mentions of the usa elections i am exhausted
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sherb-stitch · 8 months ago
can the roblox christians PLEASE leave me alone i dont want to hear about how me being a fan of laufey and mitski is somehow a sin according to your paper
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theoitems · 1 year ago
The urge to rip my heart out and scream in agony to get a reaction out of those staring at me when I wear cute crop tops out in public is strong tonight!🔥‼️
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geffenrecords · 1 year ago
like itsnot a big deal but i wish the final scene between anakin n obiwan in rots was more dramatic....not that it isn't already but when anakin is like being fucking Cooked alive i wish obiwan was like...idk...struggling to walk away...like he just turns n leaves he's so ready to kill anakin i don't like it...i wish he was like tearing up and hesitating more in the fight or like he didn't immediately try to do that i wish he was yelling i won't fight you but then eventually he had to and when anakin is burning i wish he was rushing to try and pull him up to savehim and put him out but anakins still like trying to get him...like he tries to bite him skull emoji....whatever i wish anakin hesitated too i wish their fight was fucjing brutal because neither of them wanted it and kept having moments of clarity but also don't want the other to win like...okay whatever
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xx-glitch60902-xx · 10 months ago
I dontgive a shit about gun control laws I just want to see some cool fucking guns leave me alone
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humongousabysmal · 7 months ago
I have a huge pile of dirty pillows and plushies on my bed right now and i should clean them but honestly i justDGAF anymore. I dontgive one fuck two fuck red fuck bleue fuck illjusy keep my bed like this forever.
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mariailoveyou-guerin · 8 months ago
Nicola in big Hollywood agency in pop terms that’s like a trainee joining YG to debut in idol group or actor joining joining big franchise oh she about to be in everything an eveywhere prepared to be sick of her especially her antis now Luke next let’s go talent people always win and I’m so excited for them both!
Why would Nicola go to comic con she’s a guest star unless she’s more they don’t let guest star be at comic please Nicola is playing a bigger role is future companion or Rani or the doctor’s daughter I mean even Peal (bill) only went to 1 comic con I believe and she was literally A companion for a whole series and 2 special episodes that does this mean? Nicola regular cast in doctor who? I think so bc why would a guest appearance character be asked to come to comic con for doctor who? If not? anyways she’s really getting that big love to see that for her also she’s not only a step away from being in the bear s4 I’m letting y’all know now but she’s also about to be Emmy nominated next year like that’s my girl I knew the sec I laid eyes on her in 2018 in derry girls she’ll be huge now I’m never once wrong about anything or anyone!
In conclusion my mind wouldn’t even surprised if Nic isn’t in marvel or dc by the end of 2024 start early 2025 because they literally use doctor who episodes as audition tape unless your American then you get ur job by connections money and being friends with horrible people but British actors that’s not mf henry C whi also got roles bc of spite the rest of them get trough doctor who the crown or game of thrones! So Nic booked and busy oh s5 lf Bridgerton about to be cancelled or postponed to when nic is free to comeback as LW and Penelope I’m seated!
Nicola in doctor who ep not even been in the ep and theh already wanted for comic con San Diego actors who’s been in something for 10 years don’t even often get to go the biggest comic con but her already oh yeah she about to deliver in that Joy y’all are not ready for it TRUST!
Moffat doctor episode at xmas in present day london oh it’s gonna EAT! Sad nic character d wording but at least she gonna deliver show us what acting truly is oh she’s set for that Emmy nom! not bc of this bc they dontgive doctor who the respect it deserves at award shows but
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weedsollux · 1 year ago
i lied I actually dontgive a fuck
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domesticabuser · 2 years ago
I'm going to slit my wrists if a bunch of boys dontgive me attention im going to slit.
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shdoaw · 2 years ago
I Miss 2009… I dontgive a fuck about the global financial crisis or whatever like i miss 00s WEB i miss you youtube before google i miss u social media that was actualy social and not capitalism marketing hubs i miss u forums i miss u old deviantart i missyou deleted and lost forever websites and videos and content and media and all the rest. every new day of these stupid ass changes and updates from these modern mainstream sites just makes me miss all of it even more i feel genuinely mournful
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zoloftuser · 8 months ago
im probably repeating my other posts but whatever im just so Angry seeing all these people proudly saying they dontgive a fuck about other people. Its always about them. They dont give a shit about anyone but themselves.
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starsofthestorm · 8 months ago
you guys wanna hear a ramble abt my favorite drumcorp right. right.
of course you do. tw for this being a mostly negative ramble, sa mention, and a lot of swearing
i am genuinely so so so fucking SICK and TIRED of the endless troopers hate. holy fuck. you guys are so boring and unoriginal and honestly just exhausting for no fucking reason.
it is PERFECTLY FUCKING FINE TO NOT LIKE SOMETHING. there is ZERO issue with not liking something, including not liking a specific drumcorp for whatever reason !!!!! thats not the fucking problem and i say this as a HUGE troopers fan for three years now !!!!!!!
the issue is that nobody who hates troopers shuts the fuck up about a situation that happened YEARS ago. LONG FUCKING GONE that just about EVERY SINGLE DRUMCORP HAS EXPERIENCED.
"ougggghghhh oooooooo awuhwuwuhhhhhh they dontgive enough wateerr breakkkssss :[[[[[[" the genuine issue they had with not giving enough chances to drink water happened at the very least like FIVE FUCKING YEARS AGO and when i looked into it the earliest mention i found was from 2015. it was for one single fucking season and the director was fired and replaced for the next because of it.
why are you obsessed with that when you dont see people throwing a hissy fit over the fact that only like a year or two ago blue knights had a fucking sexual assault situation happen with their brass staff? nobody blames bk for it anymore because they replaced all of their brass staff???? and that is a MUCH more serious issue than water breaks and i am so so so fucking thankful that dci is very, very good at handling problems like these quickly.
"awwouuugggghhh i dont like that they do a western theme with a big flashy prop and a weird instrument solo every single eyarr ouggughhhh" holy shit guys. its part of a set. the set ended this year with Dance with the Devil. i think youre all just whiny actually because they pull it off SO FUCKING WELL and thats what ive been told by friends and family who arent troopers fans at all. they are an incredibly talented group.
and if they do it again next season, so fucking what? are you saying the giant tower with the electric cello was lame? are you saying the huge working sun prop was boring and the harmonica solo was bad? are you saying the return of the prop now repainted was stupid and the TWO guitar solos sucked? is that what youre saying? is that it?
if youve ever marched dci i think youd realize that marching band as a whole, especially at world-class drumcorps level, does not give very many true water breaks. i have a sibling who is in drumcorp this season who has admitted that those kind of breaks are not frequent
have you never noticed on every headcam and troopers video you see online posted by a troopers member often includes them talking about how much they loved the season? how they talk with fellow corp members about how amazing it was?
when i went to a show recently, while looking at some troopers merch deciding what to buy a couple of people stopped next to me and stood there for a few minutes looking at the merch with me while commenting about how much they hated it. all i heard next to me while i was looking at their merch and buying their merch was "ewww troopers" "dude theyre so unoriginal" "i hate troopers omg"
like. ok maybe go look at someone elses fucking merch??? whats your issue actually? do you not see the several other dci merch stands here?? try looking at some?
and just saying, i think it means something when all the shows ive seen / my friends and family have seen all have one thing in common- troopers show was the first to have almost EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE STANDS standing up to clap and cheer for them. maybe its because theyre actually pretty fucking talented? have you considered that?
chill the fuck out. if you started throwing tantrums like this over every drumcorp that has a season where the director doesnt give enough water breaks i dont think youd be able to attend a single show anywhere without seeing several corps you hate.
suck it up. please just focus on enjoying the shows, whether its troopers, blue devils, blue knights, vanguard (which have an INCREDIBLE show this season i am delighted to get to see them live), phantom regiment, genesis, jersey surf, ect. youre the reason you arent enjoying dci because you cant see past your pure blind irrational hatred for a group of people that almost completely changes every season. when you comment on how much you hate the instrument solos, it really seems like youre insulting the soloists for not being "interesting enough". when you cant shut the fuck up about how much you hate troopers, it seems like you hate the corp members. the people who dont choose the show. when you whine and whine about how boring and unoriginal the show is, it seems like youre insulting and blaming the corp members, the ones who are performing a -quite frankly- incredibly impressive show.
if you dont like troopers thats FINE. you dont fucking have to. you dont have to like everything and thats part of life. but being such a determined and irrational hater of something that has no reason to be so hated doesnt make you anyone but an annoying asshole who cant shut up and enjoy the fucking marching bands that work their asses off for months in pure blazing sun and pay thousands of dollars for nothing more than their pure passion and love for what they do.
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milo-myhigh · 7 months ago
"I know genocide is bad but maybe if we just ask nicely after giving her what she wants she won't do it 🥹" has got to be the most idiotic, tenderqueer-type, racist ass bullshit I've heard this election season. Y'all don't fucking care about brown people. Y'all don't fucking care about Black people. Y'all don't fucking ACTUALLY care about queer and trans people. Y'all don't give a flying fuck about disabled people. And even tho literally 99% of this site is poor people, y'all dontgive a fuck about people in poverty either. If you DID care, you would be TELLING HARRIS TO PUSH LEFT IN ORDER TO GET YOUR VOTE. Hold your vote as the fucking power it is, and refuse to vote for genocide
I legitimately despise all of the people who were vocally speaking out about biden to only full throatedly support Kamala because all that hard earned pushback and solidarity is just slowly receeding to the point where kamala is certain she can make empty promises and be rewarded for them AND publicly show disgust to Palestinian protestors while having people defend her as if she's not the privileged politician that we've been saying she is. The reason she feels so comfortable about yelling at arab and Palestinian protestors is because you guys just outwardly supported her without any pushback. I can't believe that all these months worth of education and watching children being burned alive and you're jumping at the chance to promote the person who knows how to speak nicely without actually doing anything.
If you had shown some amount of pushback these past couple weeks, she would never have dared to pull these stunts. If you had made it an actual hardline issue, she would have known that she can't be wishy washy about these things. But of course you'd rather protect yourself than millions of people at the mercy of your policies without so much as a say in anything.
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babyawacs · 1 year ago
#grant #s #thetruth #barely #outsourced #babycare #reframed #judge #judges #because #intel #itis @judge .@judges @law @a ll @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoe nix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @ berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart  #the #it #is #thetruth #theneed #hooooooooooow #piracy #harm #instead #wit nessprotect #sexualassault_is_powerasymmetry #andtheyknow #i #demystified #intelcrimes #of #theirs #allalong #case #inanuts hell #situational #framing #itis #known #wars #fxucktup #fr audsystem #sgermany #sgerman #criminallawyerspin #intel #foole d #judges yougrant scums way toomuch wiggle room. them must pander to humanity to humane but dont unless theyre brute ruth less advantaged to. dont turn bitter about it dontdegradeyou r people. makethempay dearly focus onprevention the next are w aiting. savelives. dontgive scums a wiggleroom in their crime s mercyalways serotolerance with the factsitis not judicial reli ef of criminals and terrorists whenthe victims are furiousa nditis not shared guilt when the victims are furiousyoucannot appease monsters with disregard of the victims letalone rewa rd them because they take hostages in an escalation step alread y/////howmany rapes doyouneed untilyou get furiousallgovt ca used howmany moelsts poisons undeway to cinema to class doyoun eedhowmany scums doyouwant to shufflebefore kicking their ass is not provocation or escalationyouare fools or safe incontrar y to daily victimised humiliated degraded damamged in dynam icsyouare fools that donot undestand whythey themselves shuffl ed accesses hourlyas solution to let who near thebabywhen dee drepeats.becomes habit.becomes. p r e r o g a t i v e becomese x c e s s becomesmonstositybecomesgerman nothinghappensessth en afteranother coaking and damagethe system sanitsesthemplays twoweeks nothinghappensthenl e t s moreyouare the enemy thei r proxies plausible deniableall govt causednow trickflipped to:
#grant #s #thetruth #barely #outsourced #babycare #reframed #judge #judges #because #intel #itis @judge .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart #the #it #is #thetruth #theneed #hooooooooooow #piracy #harm #instead #witnessprotect…
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digifire-media · 2 years ago
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Never Ever Give Up! Just Believe In Yourself! ₘₐₖᵢₙg ₛₑcᵣₑₜₛ #neverevergiveup #nevergiveup #dontgive http://mediacoverage.eu/St8kGc
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fawnstarmoss · 2 years ago
Something about me is i dontgive a fuck who made it,how well seasoned, how long its sat in the fridge, how hot or cold it is, I Dont care i will fuck up a bowl of chili fastly
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