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Putting your work out there when you know it's not "home decor" can be one of the biggest challenges in life as an artist. That's what people want nowadays, they want the greys, the beiges, the gold leaf, they want what anyone can make. DIY art. It's hard to put your work out there when you know most people won't get it. They won't like it. Especially if it makes them feel something they don't want to face. My art is me, a glimpse inside my soul, a teaser of what I face daily. My heart is filled with color but each piece has a little bit of Darkness too. And that's okay. Darkness, my old friend, is the reason that I love my light even more. It's because of the darkness I value the color. I've been told "Valerie paint something that is bright in light!" My paintings are bright and light, they simply have a dark background. Just like me.😘😁😀❤💋 #art #quotes #keepingitreal #selfworth #selflove #Instagramart #instart #yegartist #yegart #mentalhealth #depressionisasilentcompanion #depressionisasickness #arttherapy #artinallshapes #artist #artistsoninstagram
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Experimenting with some new techniques. It didn't turn out the way I wanted but one can't learn if one isn't willing to fail. . . #abstractart #abstract #art #arttherapy #artist #yegarts #yegartist #edmontonartist #contemporary #canadianart #mixedmedia #journey #gratitudeforthelikes #gratefulforthesupport #vulnerable
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I love crafting and these two lovely ostrich eggs are my version of the classic Ukrainian Easter Egg. I used to watch my Mother draw the intricate designs of her eggs using ink and bees wax and I always admired her patience and talent to create such works of art. With these Eggs I honor her memory, may she rest in peace. #artinallshapes #art #ukrainian #tradition #creation #inlovingmemory #Instagramart #instart #loveyourself #loveothers #artisticexpression
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"Avalanche" 12x12 Acrylic on Canvas Available for purchase. DM for details. #valerieharrisonart #abstractart #abstract #arttherapy #art #yegarts #yegartist #Instagramart #instart #instartist #painting #acrylicpainting #acrylic #blackandblue
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Untitled-Acrylic in Glass I'm experimenting with using other formats to frame my work other than a stretched canvas. This piece is not yet fully completed as I'm going to add a clear hard resin so that this artwork can be used as a base for candles or a vase etc. The painting has been poured into a glass tray. I really like the way it's turning out. Once the resin is done I'll load a short video to show the final work. In the meantime, please feel free to suggest what you think the title for this piece could be! 😁✌😀😎 #valerieharrisonart #abstractart #acrylicpainting #acrylic #yegarts #yegartist #localart #Instagramart #abstract #pinkandblack #nametheart #passion #artexperiment #art
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I know there are some women who might not like this little post, but I don't care. Sometimes you just got to give yourself a little self-love LOL. It's good for your skin, for your body and for your soul! ❤❤❤ #askmequestions #ask #aşk #askvalerieanything #wisdom #knowledge #awareness #awake #insight #lovefirst #loveyourself #growth #journey #letitgo #advice #learning #peaceofmind #mindfulness #emotionalintelligence #itdoesntmatter #selflove #humor #funny #keepingitlight #insta
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Do you find yourself picking up someone else's garbage? It's really hard sometimes to take the high road. People disrespect other people unfairly all the time and it can be a domino effect on your emotions. Consider this...Do you want to be angry; do you want to be upset; do you want to have yourself in a really bad mood? Because the more you react to other people's crap, the more you're picking up there garbage and poisoning yourself with it. Get a moment alone and say out loud, as loud as you can. "THEY DON'T MATTER AND I REFUSE TO PICK UP THEIR GARBAGE!!" Say it, yell it, sing it. Don't let them poison you! #askmequestions #ask #aşk #askvalerieanything #wisdom #knowledge #awareness #awake #insight #lovefirst #loveyourself #growth #journey #justice #pickingupgarbage #letitgo #advice #learning #peaceofmind #mindfulness #emotionalintelligence #itdoesntmatter
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Prior to reaching my 40s I never understood the concept of individual reality. What it meant, how to handle it, and what kind of tools to use to cope with it. What individual reality is, is an understanding that how we perceive things as an individual is not the same as everybody else. You may see something and have a similar opinion but each of us have very different value systems, environments, thought processes, all of which will affect our perception of reality. It's really easy to misunderstand other people because of that. How one person says something and how you would say something on the same topic are not necessarily the same and how we interpret what we say is based solely on our own level of reality. If you find yourself in a situation where you're overthinking things and you're in a state of panic or worry, especially when it's when it comes to dealing with other people that are close to you, the only way to resolve those situations is to communicate effectively and to ask for clarity. Don't sit in your mind; don't dwell. Our minds are programmed to avoid anything we think is going to be uncomfortable but how we think is often way worse than the actual reality ever is. What we think, versus what is, are often very different. To get peace of mind, understand what goes on inside your thoughts is way more chaotic then it needs to be. #ask #askvalerieanything #advice #guidance #self #selflove #forgiveness #forgive #mistakes #askmequestions #aşk #wisdom #knowledge #awareness #awake #insight #lovefirst #loveyourself #growth #journey #inspiration #inspire #learning #mentor #regret #regrets #guilt #panic #worry #individualreality #perception #anxiety
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The burden of guilt can be a debilitating emotion. All too often we find ourselves swimming in the past, drowning from our own mistakes, slowly dying from our own guilt. It's important to recognize each of us have opportunities to become better people. It's through regrets, through guilt, that we learn those lessons. When you find yourself in a position where you want to beat yourself up, not allow yourself forgiveness, you are simply preventing yourself from continuing in your growth. Every single person through their lifetime makes mistakes. Good people make bad choices. It is what you do after that makes the difference. Promise yourself you won't repeat the same mistake, promise yourself you will forgive yourself, do your best to make amends, and move forward. Be mindful that if you're not doing that, it's your ego looking for salvation or pity or an excuse. You are allowed to make mistakes, it is how you learn from them and how you grow from them that will determine your character. Your worth is based on whether or not you learn from those mistakes not that you make them in the first place. #ask #askvalerieanything #advice #guidance #self #selflove #forgiveness #forgive #mistakes #askmequestions #aşk #wisdom #knowledge #awareness #awake #insight #lovefirst #loveyourself #growth #journey #inspiration #inspire #learning #mentor #regret #regrets #guilt
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Meet the Artist! Hello and thank you for visiting my page! My name is Valerie, born and raised in the biggest small town you will ever encounter, Edmonton, AB Canada!🇨🇦❤ * I'm celebrating my 50th year on this Earth in October! It was the realization that time is a gift and not to be taken for granted that I decided to put my work out there for the world to see. Working in my basement, I created my "studio" earlier this year and started to paint. I said to myself "Just do it"! * In March I participated in #RAW, an artist exhibit for amateur talent that included musicians, photographers and painters alike. In July I joined up with over 400 other exhibitors and signed up for the Edmonton Art Walk sponsored by the #paintspot! There was fear, stress and anxiety but in the end I was amazed at the amount I learned! I was surprised and so grateful for the Friends and family that came by to show support! I met some fabulous people, chatted with guests and feeling the vibe with the other artists; it was an incredibly fulfilling experience! ❤❤ * When I began I put a lot of pressure on myself to make money and sell my art. Now that focus has shifted to simply creating and sharing. I've realized how nurturing my creativity puts me in a place of complete presence, where I can be in the flow, in the moment and quiet my mind. Art has become my safety. My hug. My light. Creating allows me so see more light than dark. I've taken the attitude that although selling my art is a great feeling, the real joy, the success, is in the creating, the learning and the connections through sharing. * Thank you for being here. I hope you enjoy sharing this journey with me. I am grateful and blessed. And hey! If you see something you like please don't hesitate to contact me! 😉 ❤❤❤ Thank you! * #valerieharrisonart #Journey #selfdiscovery #passion #learning #abstractart #abstract #art #acrylic #acrylicpainting #canadianartist #edmontonart #supportlocalart #RAW #yegartwalk #theartwalk #oldstrathcona #thepaintspot #meettheartist #painting #presentmoment #artistherapy #arttherapy
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"Insanity" 9 x 12 Acrylic Original by Valerie Harrison * There are times when the thought cycle can be out of control. For me it would start with one self-deprecating memory of things I was told as a child and then a spiral of thoughts would follow. "I'm too sensitive, I'm too deep, I'm too boisterous, too flamboyant, too assertive, too naive; I was told I talk too much, dream too much, feel too much! I was simply too much. My head would scream I'm not like everybody else so no one else will like me! I became so fearful, so worried about everybody else, of being hurt, my mind would become a tornado of insanity. I'm learning. Quiet the mind, love yourself, live true to your purpose and authentically. Fuck it if they can't handle me. We are all a little insane! 😛 #valerieharrisonart #insanity #artistsoninstagram #Instagramart #follow4follow #likeforlike #mentalhealth #art #yegart #yegartist #edmontonart #Journey #authentic #acrylic #acrylicpainting #painting #abstract #abstractart #sharingart #creativity #therapy #red #passion #selflove #expression
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Another of my first creations! 24x36 The Surf! Is my first attempt at a liquid pour however I didn't use a pouring medium for this piece. I used craft acrylics which have a liquid texture. I didn't realize at the time but an acrylic liquid medium should have been used to save on the amount of paint necessary to cover this canvas however I would not have achieved the same affect so overall, no regrets. The sub title of the painting!😉😘 The hue of this painting will change slightly depending on the lighting reflected on the surface. Available for sale! $450.00 * * #valerieharrisonart #abstractart #abstract #art #painting #passion #Thesurf #yegart #yegartist #canadianart #edmontonart #madeinedmonton #journey #Iloveblue #blueisthewarmestcolor #acrylic #acrylicpainting #contemporary #contemporaryart (at Trumpeter, Edmonton)
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“Time to Reflect” 30x40 Acrylic original by Valerie Harrison SOLD
This piece was created for my sister whom I’ve yet to meet in person. We found each other on facebook but we live provinces apart so although we have chatted online, we physically have not yet met! This artwork is currently hanging in her home and I’m so grateful! - -
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"Out of the Darkness" 30x40 Available for sale Acrylic original by Valerie Harrison. - - This creation was the beginning of a transformation for the artist. Although Valerie was always creative, due to a troubled childhood and struggles with mental health, the confidence to share her work never existed until now. After losing her Mother in 2016, while going to therapy, she was using her art as a way to cope. Working nights and feeling isolated but yet connecting with her true self, this painting came to life. It was after this painting Valerie decided to face her fears and begin to share her visions and talent. - You will notice her work often has an element of darkness. Valerie has dealt with panic anxiety and clinical depression for most of her adult life having experienced a full mental break in her mid 20's. The episode resulted in the termination of her career, the dissolution of her c/law marriage, foreclosure of her home and subsequent bankruptcy. Since then Valerie has remarried and is learning how to have strong interpersonal relationships with co-workers, friends and family while learning to address deep fears within. Valerie has remarked although she lives with a touch of darkness and fear, there is an indisputable awareness inside of love, light and beauty, needing to be nurtured and cherished, ready to come out and shared with everyone she encounters. - #valerieharrisonart #facingfears #livingwithanxiety #lightwithin #abstract #abstractart #red #black #artimitatinglife #painting #passion #outofthedarkness #spirituality #yegart #yegartist #edmontonart #canadianart #acrylicpainting #journeytoselfdiscovery #mentalhealth #roadtorecovery
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"Urban Decay" 36 x 36 Acrylic original by Valerie Harrison. Textured surface. Available for sale. $700.00 . . Valerie retired early from a position with the Federal Government in 2009. She remembers feeling like she was driving into a concrete jungle everyday on her way to work. A place where the need for survival would cause her soul to bleed. This painting's texture resembles that of pavement and concrete which is not clearly visible in the photograph. . . #cityofEdmonton #concretejungle #pavement #purpose #zombieliving #valerieharrisonart #abstract #red #black #grey #texture #survival #yegarts #yegartist #canadianart #acrylicpainting
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Art Walk 2017... It was an amazing experience where I learned how much selling your work is so much harder than creating it! Putting yourself out there is not an easy task but the artists in Edmonton are fabulous! I learned so much and received awesome support. Thank you to all those who came to see my exhibit, to all those who helped in any and every way, I am truly grateful. . . . #thepaintspot #oldstrathcona #artwalk #acrylic #artfestival #edmontonart #valerieharrisonart #exposure #yegartist #yegart #findingcourage
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