University Field Observations
18 posts
Observations from the University of Alberta
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universityfieldjournal · 10 years ago
Spring Term, Day: 2
Summer students forced to do their required fine arts credits. One can see the desperate, the bored, the eager, and the jackasses. Of these species of summer students, the Jackasses are by far the worst. They lurk in the back, loners, hunting for the moment to strike. The hyenas crack their poor jokes and cackle over their cleverness. Like mosquitoes, one finds a yearning for them to disappear.
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universityfieldjournal · 11 years ago
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By David Olenick
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universityfieldjournal · 11 years ago
….studying and midterms
During this period of stress I have come to the conclusion that Highlighter Yellow stick note page flags are evil. 
If satan and a yellow highlighter got together these things would be their offspring
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universityfieldjournal · 11 years ago
Sass and Irritation, Fall Term
Pre-warning for all, This post is not nice.
After surviving the jungle that is travelling the university halls and somehow managing to get through the Tim Hortons line before I manage to die and the 14Carbon in my bones made it to its first half-life, all I wanted to do was sit and prepare my notes peacefully and then kill the rest of my spare time with tumblr before my next class. Do you think I could do that with little problems, only dealing with the expected problem of actually finding a table? 
Well apparently not. When I finally locate  table (thankfully without the recreation of a group of animals clamouring to get to the same watering hole first), I am horrified on a small level. There are fruit bar wrappers, ripped and tattered on the table and on one of the chairs is a Tim Hortons bag, when I lift it up to remove it, there is a massive pile of croissant crumbs...I honestly doubt this person's ability to actually get food into their mouth. So I ended up spending 7ish minutes cleaning up someone else's mess.
The cleaning part was not my issue, cleaning up a mess that was not mine was what made me angry. I have never left my garbage for someone else to clean, that is just plain rude.  Come on people, Let us at least attempt to act like the adult we are and clean up after ourselves. Is this not a task that we should have mastered by the latest of 10 years of age? Be nice and do not make others clean up your mess. 
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universityfieldjournal · 11 years ago
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Green and Gold Sale. Welcome to the carnage.
It appeara our subjects have lost muscle control and any real sense of order. The boxes may be labled with the following information: Size: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL Color: Grey, Yellow, Green, Black Style: Hoodie, Zip Up, Sweat Pants
But apparently the old rip and toss method is preferred to reading the box and grabbing the appropriate: size, color and style. I conservatively estimate 80% of the plastic wrapping has been left on the floor.
Updates to follow as the sale continues. J.N.
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universityfieldjournal · 11 years ago
Jones, Croft and surveying, OH My! Fall Term Day 20
I have finished one of my more amusing classes of my day, archaeology. My professor usually says something with some entertaining value each class and most of the time I find my self wanting to write a notebook full of quotes from him. Today I will share with you the best from today's class:
context: our lecture of the day was on surveying (A.K.A digging in the dirt hoping to find some old stuff left by dead people)
his quote: "This is the most exciting work, some really cool stuff. It's not like indian jones or Lara croft or any of those t.v guys running around. Like I have yet to wear spanex and and be on the run from Nazis. But this is some really exciting work."
I spent the last 10 minutes of class quietly laughing to myself. A piece of gold in my mind. Reasons why arts class are fun and should be kept.
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universityfieldjournal · 11 years ago
Oh woe of lost breakfast! Fall term day 17
The lineups at CAB Timmies are ridiculous in the mornings, but that makes sense -- CAB is student central.
SUB is not. However somehow The Grind (formerly Cram Dunk/Juicy, located in Java Jive) had a Tims esque lineup never before seen. None of the former trio ever had lineups such as that, proving that nothing is better than shiny new food places (or SUBSub)
Breakfast from l'express is edible and relatively inexpensive (no lines!). Add seasoning.
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universityfieldjournal · 11 years ago
Fall term Day 12
bit of a very late update but here we go! So after a week and a bit of partying it up in the main quad, things have finally calmed down. Unfortunately I had to endure five days of overplayed and for the most part craptastic top forty hits during my pre-modern Europe History class. Needless to say, I am overjoyed at the development in loss of crappy, loud music! Most of my classes have actually begun to start teaching versus going over the don't cheat rule and how to write proper short answer except for one, in pre-modern world we are still going over basic housing keeping....I feel that I am going mad, I may not last much longer; updates on this to come later.
As we head into the third week of our term we can predict that readings will come in avalanches, there will be essays to be written, exams to write and the occasional class we must force ourselves to not sleep in/through. While trying to survive in an environment that is as welcome as it is hostile(stressful). We will update more frequently and with more tales to tell as we wade our way through this adventure.
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universityfieldjournal · 11 years ago
Fall Term Day 4
As Week of Welcome and clubs fair moves into "LOOK AT HOW WE CAN PARTY EVERY DAY!!!" mode in Quad, students on campus once again showcased their love of overplayed top 40 hits. There wouldn't be anything wrong with this if they didn't do a twerk off. 
Food trucks, an ambulance and a peace officer car were present today, near an unidentifiable inflatable object. (Sadly you're supposed to get to class on 'time' despite wanting to investigate things further).
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universityfieldjournal · 11 years ago
Sandwiches will lead to world peace! Fall Term Day: 2
Only just had my first day of my history 110 class and I can already tell I will enjoy my term in this course! My professor was giving us an overview of pre-900 c.e(AD) China so that we would have some background information before we started.
When he started explaining Confusius and Confusianism, he asked the question of what does everyone have, a student in my class answered sandwiches. My professor then excitedly then states how he and the student were talking about how every culture has their own version of a sandwich and that world peace could happen if we all just sat down and enjoy sandwiches together.
The best conversation to happen. Class will almost certainly be very fun! Will share as developments happen.
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universityfieldjournal · 11 years ago
University Fall Term: Day 1
Well, here's to kicking off another school year. A few highlights thus far:
1) Syllabi. Remember don't plagiarize or cheat.
2) Syllabi. Also exams. You have lots of them. 
3) Lineups. Approximately all of them. Lockers, proof of registration, pancakes, agendas, pancakes. Escalators (Stand right, walk left people!)
4) The bad music in the beer gardens. And the tents in quad.
5) No more doors in CCIS! -- no more traffic jams *fingers crossed*
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universityfieldjournal · 11 years ago
University Fall Term: T-2 Days (Orientation Day 1)
The subjects came in waves, bunching together to stare in awe at the contact jugglers from PAJE (Props and Jugglign Ensemble) today. Clear acrylic balls and some semi believable acting was all that it took to have people bunching around our table. The female Greeks who were running the table next to PAJE continued to look around in confusion whenever a juggling bean bag was dropped.
Scoffs from people mocking PAJE only to be cut off by a faux-gravity trick and hushed murmurs of "I can't juggle so I can't join." If you can throw a ball in the air, you're juggling. If you catch 1+ you just succeeded at your trick.
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universityfieldjournal · 11 years ago
University Fall Term: T-7 Days
The University has managed to again not order required textbooks (for some select courses). Students in courses with missing course textbooks will need to endure the Textbook Rush (more coming).
The sounds of wallets weeping can be heard from outside of the Student Union Building (SUB).
J.N. and B.W.
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universityfieldjournal · 11 years ago
University Fall Term: T-7 Days
Welcome to the countdown!
There was some general hustle and bustle on campus with the Exchange Students Orientation taking place as well as the beginnings of campus tours and Orientation Prep. (Welcome to the University of Alberta!)
We spent the first half hour we were on campus today, trying to help people find buildings as our campus is known for the following:
Manageable size (Constant comments about how large the campus is)
Logical Layout (CCIS)
Simple Acronyms (Well not too bad overall... TL and T are sort of annoying to explain)
Logical Numbering Systems (Bio Sci Building, more to come)
Abundant Maps with a Quick to Read Key (Evidenced by future students staring at maps for 5-10 minutes before I ask if they need help)
Observation: It turns out that providing private guided tours around campus is a great way to meet new people. Some great questions to ask include: Do you need help finding a building? Is this your first year or are you on exchange? Which faculty are you in? Are you from Edmonton?
Giving one's name is also important.
J.N. and B.W.
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universityfieldjournal · 11 years ago
University Summer Term: Day 49 (Summer Break Day 130)
The elusive Textbook list has been spotted. After days of hunting and stalking the university website, it has been found! Praise to all! but now I must determine how to procure the funds and means to collect my long sought after items. I am currently considering my options, will check in when there is progress.
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universityfieldjournal · 11 years ago
University Summer Term: Day 47 (Summer Break Day 128)
Deadlines are quickly approaching. Student loans applications are due by the 26 of August and then the dreaded fees are due in September. Students are beginning to panic. The quiet that blankets the University is, the only way I can describe it, the calm before the storm. In a matter of a week students will descend upon the university and the mad scramble for books, to claim the best seat in the lecture hall and supplies that will be needed over the school year will begin. I greatly fear the first week and the panic and mayhem that will spread. I will check in as often as I can, for proof of my survival.
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universityfieldjournal · 11 years ago
University Summer Term: Day 46 (Summer Break Day 127)
Everyday Fall draws nearer and nearer. Book lists and still not solidified and the University bookstore is still missing text books for a few classes. I am still waiting for book lists to come in from my professors, but alas nothing.
I know what this means, I know that I will be waiting in line for hours come the end of august and beginning of September purchasing books, standing with all the others. I do not look forward to this, it is something that I dread but it can not be avoided. Better to not dwell on the future.
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