ask the proxy
3 posts
ama blog but hoodie and brian ,,, you know how this goes.
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underthemaskk · 1 year ago
No ask but I just wanted to talk! Rant I guess.
Hghh … Tim is … acting up. Listen. I get it, slender sickness and blah fucking blah but this? Seems so different. No headaches, no control, no nothing. I checked last night and he’s still got a full bottle of his anticonvulsants. Maybe he’s not taking them? Maybe he is and I just checked on a refill day?
But what’s getting at me is his attitude towards Masky and Hoody. He’s being … almost nicer to them. It’s really weird. I can’t help but think something is going on. He’s not usually this nice and he never goes out of his way to go an socialize with those two, so this is really uncharacteristic.
I don’t know how to help. If he’s not taking meds I can’t force him to. But he hasn’t missed days. I’m thinking they’re doing something to him. I can’t investigate much farther at the moment but … I’m nervous
If you all have any clues on what to do or ask him, send it in. (yes seriously! send it to my ask box!) I want to help him. Please help me figure out how to help him.
- Brian.
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underthemaskk · 1 year ago
hey bri! Can I call you that- anyway!
how’d you end up a proxy? Didn’t the operator like.. fuck your life up multiple times.
yes! you can call me bri ^^
Anyways … we call ourselves “proxies” but that’s not really the truth. The Operator fucked us over so much it’s hard to even associate with him. For me and Tim, that is. Masky and Hoody ARE his proxies. They are under his complete control, the operator sickness got to them badly. We’re unsure if it’s reversible at this stage but … we highly doubt it. And as for Tobias, he’s also not really a “proxy”. Just had nowhere else to go. He’s kind of like our kid in a sense.
Me and Tim mostly just hang around. Look pretty. Heheh.
I hope this answers your question well !!
(and since you’re the first non anon, send me a dm! you get a special fic ^^ custom … tee hee)
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underthemaskk · 1 year ago
if you followed me from my other post ,,, nuh uh !! welcome to my blog ;) i’m brian and this is a character blog for slenders proxies. specifically Brian and Hoody, but i can take asks for Tim and Toby too.
How this works is you send in an ask for one of the characters, label it! if you don’t i’ll assume it’s for Brian. I’ll respond in character !! how fun is that?
You can ask me anything! Just no NSFW asks or overly weird ones, please. Other than that, i’m very open to asks outside of the normal creepypasta range!
some things to know about my brian/hoody
they are two different people!
both are 34 years of age
very different personalities, almost opposites of one another.
brian talks more than hoody. he likes to elaborate on things quite a lot.
brian is a fan of technology, as shown in totheark.
hoody is more old knowledge, where as brian knows a lot more about updated things.
brian loves dad jokes.
hoody likes darker jokes.
brian loves tim !! hoody doesn’t.
hoody is indifferent to masky. brian is scared of him but friendly
hoody reaches out less and brian likes to try and find friends
learn more by sending me asks !! ;)
that’s all for now! first non anonymous ask gets a present (i have no idea what it’ll be. ugh ! i’ll find out. maybe a short 500 word fic of your choice … we will talk.)
send me asks now !! please !!
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