ultimatetvreview · 9 years
could you not post stuff in the PE tag? Your icon is an eye and freaks the fans that have autism such as myself out.
Sorry, dude! I’m actually working on a new icon right now to use. It’ll be up as soon as possible.
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ultimatetvreview · 9 years
"The Terrible Turkey Leg of Doom!” -- Pirate Express
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ultimatetvreview · 9 years
Sorry I haven’t been active in a VERY long time
I’ve been crazy busy.
Also, I am linking this blog to a YouTube account I created. It is where I am starting new reviews like I did here. Don’t worry, I may still post some reviews here in text form, but I am going to mainly be reviewing on YouTube
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ultimatetvreview · 9 years
Do Detentionaire. If not for us, then for yourself, it's that good a show
I'll check it out and review it when I can.
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ultimatetvreview · 9 years
Codename: Kids Next Door
Sorry for the lack of activity here lately, I've been busy... Anyway, let's get started on my first review of the year, Codename: Kids Next Door.
The plot is about a group of kids called "The Kids Next Door," or "KND" for short, who fight adult tyranny. The story revolves around Sector V (Not the Roman Numeral, the Letter V), which is made up of Numbuhs (Yes, that's how they spell it, but I'll get to that later) 1-5. The characters are called by their code numbers most of the time, but their real names are said multiple times. Numbuh 1 is Nigel Uno, Numbuh 2 is Hoagie Gilligan, Numbuh 3 is Kooky Sanban, Numbuh 4 is Wallabee Beetles, and Numbuh 5 is Abigail Lincoln.
Throughout the series, the KND fight a number of villains such as: Stickybeard the Candy Pirate, Mr. Boss, Common Cold, The Cat Lady, The Toiletnator, Robin Food, The Delightful Children from Down the Lane, and the biggest villain of them all, Father.
The KND use weapons made from common household items, which they call 2-by-4 Technology, and these weapons are actually pretty cool! I can't name all of them here (that'd take hours) but they are awesome. Impossible to build IRL, but awesome!
Codename: Kids Next Door was an amazing show, and I'm sorry that it had to end, but C'est la vie. It was cool while it lasted!
For Kids: 10 For Teens: 10 For Adults: 10
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ultimatetvreview · 10 years
Happy New Year, everyone!
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ultimatetvreview · 10 years
This guy gets it!
reasons to watch steven universe
very positive
super pretty backgrounds and colour schemes
characters that actually have different body types (and not made fun of it)
non nuclear family
main and side characters of colour
canon non-binary characters 
super-duper precious protagansist who doesn’t have a single mean bone in his body
one of the best soundtracks ever it’s really calming and just even sounds pretty
love is quite a big theme???
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ultimatetvreview · 10 years
It's trolls like this that make me weep for mankind an where we are going.
miya is a stupid slut who can go to Hell. and you're a fake troll.
And you are nothing but an insignificant piece of shit that lives only to torment others for your own amusement. The Devil takes cues from you. Y’know, there’s a special part of Hell just for sick twisted bastards like you? It’s called Tartarus, and it is 10,000 times worse than any kind of agony imaginable by any mortal man. I hope you enjoy it!
Miya, on the other hand, is the nicest, sweetest, most beautiful woman in the world. I’m proud to call her a friend, and anything you say or do to hurt her, will be reciprocated ten-fold someday.
If I ever find out who you are, I will personally come over to your house and make sure that you never have children. That way, there will be no demons spawned from your loins and taught in your ways. Then, I’ll take your computer, phone, and any other device that allows for Internet connection and douse it in gasoline and set it ablaze so that the internet might be protected from your trash.
And finally, here’s a video you should watch. I hope it’s an eye opener. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exiSUGTMLg4&list=UUOCs7lAn_5fZWhnqMOOYfXQ
Now, get off my blog and leave Miya alone, you stupid bag of shit.
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ultimatetvreview · 10 years
Black Hole High/Blake Holsey High
The video says it all, but for those of you who can't see the video because of technical difficulties...
The show revolves around Josie Trent (the new girl), Corrine Baxter (the Valedictorian), Lucas Randall (the conspiracy theorist), Vaughn Pearson (the jock), Marshall Wheeler (the techie), and Professor Z (the science teacher). The boarding school they go to seems normal, except for the wormhole in Professor Z's office that causes weird stuff to happen all the time. For example: Josie shrinks to the size of a grape, Marshall turns invisible, Lucas suddenly can see through walls, Vaughn and Corrine get molecularly bonded together, and Professor Z's memory gets sucked into the wormhole.
It was a great show and you can find most of the episodes on YouTube. I'd recommend it to anyone.
For Kids: 10 For Teens: 10 For Adults: 10
Perfect Score!!!
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ultimatetvreview · 10 years
Sorry for the inactivity!
I've been busy with schoolwork.
More reviews coming soon!
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ultimatetvreview · 10 years
Reblog if you noticed this when it happened
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Mal’s return was foreshadowed in the episode Grand Chef Auto…
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ultimatetvreview · 10 years
Miya Does Old Reviews: Teen Titans Go
Since I wasn't around for every review (and some of them I haven't seen before or in a long time) I'm gonna review some of the things Matthew reviewed a while back in a new segment called "Miya Does Old Reviews". I'll start with Teen Titans Go!
I think it has heart. The jokes tickle my fancy, and I like it. All the characters are great—However, Robin is a jerk in this incarnation, and I prefer Teen Titans Robin over TTG Robin. All the other characters are still great in my opinion.
Miya's Rating
For Kids: 9
For Teens: 8.5
For Adults: 7
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ultimatetvreview · 10 years
Please sign you guys!!! The pilot was good and it deserves a show!! The petition has 813 signatures!!
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ultimatetvreview · 10 years
Reblog if you are in the Modifyers fandom.
I want to see how big we are.
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ultimatetvreview · 10 years
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Roblox is doing the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge!
If you play Roblox and have 10 Robux, please, please, please buy this gear!
My dad has ALS, so I would really appreciate this getting more buys. I plan to buy it myself when I have enough Robux.
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ultimatetvreview · 10 years
Teen Titans Go
Yes, I know there's no video. I did that for two reasons. 1, I couldn't find a video that wasn't altered. 2, I really didn't care enough to look for long.
When I heard that they were bringing back Teen Titans (I used to watch it in and I loved it) I was ecstatic! But then I saw it, and I can't believe that they would take a perfectly good show and ruin it as badly as they did.
Teen Titans go is supposed to be like the previous incarnation, but with more comedy in it. Up to date, I haven't found one thing funny about it.
Here's a list of all things wrong with it.
The animation isn't even remotely as good as the previous incarnation.
Robin is a power-mad weirdo.
Starfire isn't hardly as smart as she used to be.
Raven isn't nearly as cool and her personality is even worse than before.
Cyborg and Beast Boy are complete jerks.
The "comedy" isn't even funny.
Since when can Beast Boy talk in his animal forms?!
If I haven't made my point clear yet, I HATE THIS VERSION. I watch the YouTube Channel TheMysteriousMr.Enter, and I think he put it best when he called this incarnation of the show "Toddler Titans."
Honestly, if you're going to bring a show back, PLEASE JUST MAKE IT LIKE IT USED TO BE!!! I make some exceptions to this (Code Lyoko Evolution comes to mind) but this is a perfect example of a terrible remake of a good show.
Matthew's Rating:
For kids: 0 For teens: 0 For adults: 0
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ultimatetvreview · 10 years
Matthew and Miya's rating
For literally ANYONE: Negative Infinity
The character design and animation could be done by a three-year-old
The writing is all over the place
Their continuity doesn’t add up (They used two separate duck species for the character of Jenny Quackles)
As for names, what the heck do the names Swaysway, Buhdeuce, and Rambamboo even...
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