#T.V. Analyst
phoenixrising0308 · 2 years
Wacky Drabbles: Nicknames Part (1)
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Books: The Royal Romance ... all of them
Rating: M (18+) Sexual situation and adult themes.
Trigger Warnings in this chapter: 🍋 and a physical aggression
Pairing: Liam x Jessica Garcia (MC)
Wacky Drabble A/U: This story exists on its own and may or may not be a part of their journey together. Traits, personalities, and characters are all the same. Some canon characters may appear but in a different manifestation and by no means exist in that form in Agent Phoenix A/U this is not meant to be anything other than an A/U onto itself. Catch up with wacky drabbles here
The Wacky Drabbles prompt: “What if I can’t see it.”
Chapter Summary:  It takes your partner to work day! If you don’t know what Jessica’s job is she is actually an FBI Special Agent and is currently assigned as an Attaché to Cordonia and her counterpart is Drake. Together they investigate a disappearance in Agent Phoenix. While she operates as Liam’s favorite policy analyst to everyone else. Jessica is also an honorary member of the Kings guard* which is why Liam is allowed to be without a Royal detail when he is away with her.  Jessica brought Drake to Quantico for FBI Exhibition competition with other international law enforcement agencies with their Attachés. Drake and Jessica learn way too might about each other.
Song inspiration:  Only Heart - John Meyer :)
Word Count: 2,500 * Please forgive my typo’s and grammatical errors*
Average reading time: 8 minutes
There is an inside joke and a buzzword I borrowed the drabble idea was centered around I hope I’ve done it justice. You will notice a few hyperlinks in the story… I was inspired.
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Quantico, Virginia
Federal Bureau of Investigation, Academy - Hogan’s Alley
Jessica and Drake sat down taking cover behind a wall as gunfire echoed in their direction.
Jessica shouted, “Cover?”
Drake yelled out “Yup!”
Jessica peaked out from behind the wall and opened fire shooting two suspects with her standard-issue Remington 12 gauge shotgun from the floor above her.
Jessica called out “Clear.”
Drake moved across the floor and under a stairwell of the lobby floor of the Dogwood inn portion of the tactical training facility.
From his view, Drake saw the last remaining suspect he aimed and pulled the trigger shooting the suspect in the chest.
A voice on the intercom called out “That’s a wrap. Captain Walker and Special Agent Garcia.”
Jessica and Drake meet in the center of the lobby Drake said, “Couldn’t you just shoot the dumb fuck.”
Jessica rolled her eyes “What the fuck? He had a hostage. I wasn’t a clear shot so I shot above his head to distract him. Then I fucken shot him and the result was a kill shot.”
“I said fucken shoot him! Fire to fucken kill not fucken fire warn! You are an expert marksman you could have taken the fucken shot!”
“Ouch! You fucken hurt my feelings. Liam gave me shit over a fucken gun safety and was a real bitch to me about in the interest of public safety. Liam should be fucken talking to you! This is not fucken Die Hard. It was not clear!”
“Well, Greece’s Attaché and his counterpart are in the lead and talking shit about your shot! Look around Garcia you are the only female Attaché that made it this far in the completion. We did not come here to fucken lose! AND you know what I don’t care what you say Diehard IS a Christmas movie.”
“Yeah, and Clerks is a movie about great customer service.” Jessica took off her Yankees baseball cap and loosen her bulletproof vest.
Drake took off his vest and his Dallas Cowboy hat and jokingly placed it on Jessica head. Jessica took it off and said, “Don’t put that shit on me!”
Drake’s phone vibrated and he rolled his eyes and said, “Most guys are excited about their girlfriend cooking them a pie, turkey or some shit. But here I am getting a million text from Liam excited to see if we won a shooting competition I entered with his girlfriend. We better not fucken lose or I’m gonna give you shit for it. I might even throw my cell phone at that T.V over that displays the standing .”
“Did you just fucken threaten to destroy government property? Leaving Liam to fix the aftermath of your federal crime!”
A voice on the intercom called out “Captain Walker and Special Agent Garcia that’s 98% accuracy and fifteen-minute clearance on this exercise. You guys won the exhibition game. Excellent work.”
Drake said, “ Fuck yeah!” Drake gave Jessica a high five
Jessica said, “We fucken beat those fuckers! Jessica flipped off the 2nd place winners who moments before talked shit about her shooting and mouthed “First place motherfuckers!”
Drake said, “That is so fucken unprofessional Garcia. Liam would be so disappointed.” Drake ruffled Jessica hair then flipped off the 2nd place winners as well and mouthed “98%”
Paddy’s Steakhouse
Jessica and Drake sat at the bar watching the loins and the bears football waiting for a pool table to open.  Drake eyed a brunette from across the room drinking a black cherry white claw.
Jessica held her glass to her lips and said  “Drake, this might be your chance MAYBE she is a princess. Ask her to marry you worse thing that can happen is that she says no and you get all fucken crazy. Jessica chuckled.
Drake put his glass down and said, “You are such a pain in my fucken ass. I’m going to kill you and Liam will fucken put me in prison.”
Jessica said, “No he won’t he would execute you. Anyway, Need an assist?”
Drake huffed “You help me? How?”
“Simple cause a huge embarrassing scene. She comes over to check in on you. Take her to your hotel room … thank me later. ”
“That won’t fucken work.”
“Let’s try your play. I’m going to be a rowdy fucken sarcastic asshole douche nozzle so my friend can save the day. That was your play with Liam. This is my play with you it’s called I’m fucking your best friend and I’m a psycho crazy bitch.”
Drank choked on his drink laughing, “What the fuck? And let that shit go, Garcia, it fucken worked.”
“Did you have to break a bottle of ketchup?”
“Nope, that was Liam he fumbled when he saw you bend down to pick up the fork I threw at you. That night Liam and Maxwell made a fucken pillow fort and they fucken talked for hours about your little fucken date and magical kiss under twinkling stars.”
“Awww.  Let me even the score she could be the love of your life minus the Social Season bullshit.”
“Oh with your magical play. How will I know it’s happening? What if I don’t see it? And I miss mark like you did today. Then I might never find true love.” Drake laughed as he took a sip of his drink.
Jessica threw her drink at Drake and shouted  “You know what I’m fucking your best friend. L-I-A-M. You know the tall blonde with the six-pack abs, the piercing blue eyes you get lost in, perfectly shaped eyebrows, the winning smile, the cute accent, the soft lips that taste like Burt’s bees vanilla chap-stick …” Jessica began to mindless describe Liam.
Drake grabbed a napkin wiped his face and shouted “JESSICA!”
Drake’s hotel room
Drake watched as Emily set a hand on his arm, rubbing it in a way that he thought was comforting.  Emily said, “Drake forget her. Really her loss that girl is a crazy psycho bitch. She is sleeping with your best friend and she throws a drink at you?”
Drake thought to himself ‘Garcia is a fucken genius’ and then said, “I fucken can’t believe it.”
Emily said, “I’m gonna make you forget.” she began to move her hand lower before it rubbed over his crotch. Drake looked at Emily, who had a sultry smirk playing at her lips.
Jessica’s hotel room
Jessica was looking in her suitcase trying to find pajamas to wear for the evening.
“That is a fucken big thick COLOSSUS cock!!!”
Jessica whipped her head back and said, “COLOSSUS cock!?
“Oh yeah, my cock is COLOSSUS.”
Don’t break her drake with her your COLOSSUS cock Drake.
Jessica laid on her bed trying not to be distracted by Drake and Emily having sex in the room next to her. Secretly not trying to be jealous that Drake was scoring and she wasn’t. So she walked over to her bag to get her laptop and grabbed her customized Liam-shaped vibrator he special ordered for her for times like these perhaps Skype sex was in her future.
Jessica called Liam’s phone and it went straight to voicemail. “Hey, Liam I miss you. I want to Skype. I guess you’re busy. Love you bye.”
Jessica turned the switch to her vibrator on then off and rolled her eyes “NOTHING BEATS THE REAL THING. Its been a whole week” and she threw herself face down on the bed “Welp. Maybe I will go read.”  Jessica’s phone rang. “Hi, Liam! Oh, you can’t talk just returning my call…oh no I’m fine. Okay, love you too. Alright bye.”
Drake’s hotel room
Emily outwardly moaned out at that moment, bringing a smirk of satisfaction to Drake’s lips.
Drake kissed down her neck and then down her chest, swirling his tongue over both of her nipples. She tangled her fingers into his hair immediately, arching her back a bit. He glanced up at a beautiful sight. “Your fucken gorgeous.” Drake drawled.
“Less flattery, more fucking,” Emily sassed, gasping when Drake reached down to rub at her between her legs. “You are so fucken wet,” Drake mumbled. Emily moaned, writhing in bliss. “You’re so fucken hot.” He kissed her lips gently before pulling her pants down all the way, throwing them haphazardly to the side.
“69?” Emily asked breathily and grabbed Drake crotch feeling his erection.
Drake said, “What do you want to do with it?”
“I want that COLOSSUS cock in my mouth!!!”
Drake was aroused by Emily taking control trying not to let too much eagerness shine in his eyes.  “Fuck yeah.”
Emily crawled down Drake’s body, turning herself around she looked at his COLOSSUS cock, bulging through his gray boxers.
Emily leaned down, taking Drake’s COLOSSUS cock into her mouth. Drake quickly learned that she didn’t have a gag reflex as she took his COLOSSUS cock all the way almost immediately, not even choking on it. Drake was surprised bucking his hips up into her mouth and feeling as it hit the back of her throat. He got to work in pleasuring her, leaning up to run his tongue over her, swirling around the clit. He felt her moan around him, sending vibrations up his body.
All of the pleasure was making his head spin. He rolled his hips up, fucking Emily’s throat. He licked over her core, sucking on her clit. Her moans all send vibrations through his body.
“Fuck, Emily,” Drake groaned, moving his hips faster. Emily pulled off to get some air, panting and moaning aloud now.
“Oh, Drake!” She cried out. She continued sucking Drake’s COLOSSUS cock, but she went at her own pace this time around.
Jessica’s hotel room
The headboard of Drake’s bed was banging against Jessica’s wall.
“Goddammit, Emily!”
“I love that fucken COLOSSUS cock!!!”
Jessica sat on her bed wearing a Flannel nightshirt her hair in a messy bun with her headphones full blast listening to John Meyer album “Heavy Things” while reading her favorite collection of short stories ‘One Rainy day in Valtoria’ she was on part 11 when a picture frame fell off the wall hitting her head. Jessica threw her book across the room ‘ FUCKEN EMILY! Shut the fuck up already. Drake has a huge COLOSSUS cock!! I get it and everyone now knows at the Quantico Holiday inn!”
Jessica walked across the room and picked up her book and said,“Oh snap,” that reminds me to get me some coconut lime verbena lotion.
Jessica said, “ That girl is going to a neck brace.
20 Minutes later …
Drake’s hotel room
“Alright, come here,” Drake mumbled, pulling Emily rather roughly up toward him. He figured they were both rested enough to continue and moved Emily to hover over him, reverse cowgirl style. She sunk down onto him, moans filling the air.
“Fuck!” She cried out, arching her back. “I love that fucken COLOSSUS cock!!!”
“GODDAMIT EMILY,” Drake moaned, harshly thrusting between every word. He moved his hips roughly.
“Fuck me with that COLOSSUS cock!!!” Emily cried.
Jessica’s hotel room
Drake’s headboard slammed against Jessica’s wall and startling her and she fell off the bed. “This is fucken UNBEARABLE I know to much about Drake too fucken much.” Jessica sat on the floor and called Liam
“Liam, are you busy”
“Love, are you okay?”
“No I miss you and ummm you know.”
“I miss you too and I wish I could Skype so we can you know. I really miss you its 7 days but I can’t right now. I’m sorry love.”
“Maybe later?”
“Of course. God, I’m hungry did you eat anything?”
“Does a fuckton of white cheddar popcorn count?”
Drake’s room
“Fuck,” Drake groaned, thrusting harder. He was pounding the bed frame against the wall, a loud crashing sound ringing through the room.
“I’m close,” Emily whimpered, bringing him back to the moment. Drake was quick to rub at her clit, watching her practically convulse as she came. He hit his orgasm moments after.
30 mins later…
Jessica’s hotel room
“If Drake killed me what would you do? Give him life in prison or execute him?”
“Love, if someone gave you some much as a paper cut I would kill myself but this is Drake.”
“So you wouldn’t kill Drake if he killed me?”
“If my best friend killed the love of my life he isn’t my best friend. Drake is my best friend so it’s not possible.”
“Dammit Liam! That’s completely logical but I didn’t ask a logical question! I asked an irrational one. Give me a fucken real answer to my fucken irrational question.”
There was a knock at her hotel room door. Jessica called out “One sec.” Jessica threw on a robe and walked to the door.
“Some fucken asshole is at my door.”
“Jess, it’s late. Be careful”
“Liam, your big imagination is playing tricks on you.
“Love, you just asked if I would execute my best friend for something he would NEVER do and I’m the one with a big imagination?”
“Okay I will keep one hand on the trigger of the telephone so I can call for help in case someone tries to kill me.
“Love, I worry about you enough don’t release that into the universe.”
“I’m upset you won’t kill Drake in my ludicrous scenario if he killed me. I’d kill Hana if she killed you. I wouldn’t fucken think twice. This is an alternate universe anything goes. Listen the only correct answer here is kill Drake. ”
“Love, you need to calm down for a second. Why are you so moody? Are your getting your period? Do you have M&M’s?” Liam began to whisper “I promise to take my time with you when I see you, touch you everywhere however you want to be touched and fill every inch of you.” then resumed his regular volume “ What can I do?”
Liam took a deep breath and said, If Drake kills you he better kill me too. I swear I would die without you.”
Jessica shouted into the phone and said “So that’s it? You are just going to let Drake get away with killing us! ”
Liam: “I survive on the breath you are finished with”
Jessica: “ I’m sexual frustrated and you are away. So I’m moody as hell right now and someone is going to pay for it in this AU! Avenge my untimely demise dammit Liam! ”
Jessica opened the door putting her hand over the phone. A hotel employee pushed in a diner cart and said, “Here you go three bacon cheeseburger deluxe medium and 2 cherry cokes.”
Jessica said with an attitude, “Yup wrong room. You probably want COLOSSUS cock next door. It’s fucken 1:00 am he probably needs energy for his sexual marathon he is like on chapter 24.”
Liam peaked his head in the room and gave Jessica a glowing smile and said, “Nope, right room.”
Liam walked into the room and took Jessica’s hand and rested it on his chest and said, “Feel my chest when I look at you. You got my only heart.”
Liam gave Jessica a quick kiss tipped the hotel staff and said, “Thank you, we have it from here.” The staff member promptly left. Liam walked through the door closing it with his foot and said, “I have to put an end to this moodiness.”
Jessica smirked and said, “Fuck even in this alternate universe you are still poetic. Is the sex still explosive?”
Liam laughed, “I don’t know. You are going to have to tell me. I would make love to you in all of them.”
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thejatin316 · 4 months
“SEBI Bans 5 Guest Experts and Entities from Market for Share Manipulation Through TV Show”
Guys if you know or interested about Stock Market. Then you may know about these 5 GURUS of Stock Market or if you don’t then we are talking about these GURUS. These people once had a a show on ZEE T.V Channel and they give tips about Stock Market. There was a competition among crores of investors here, but the shocking part is that these 5 Stock Market experts scammed people worth crore of rupees   and don’t let anyone know about the secret. Even ZEE Business didn’t knew about what is going on in the show, but one day SEBI felt something fishy and after some time SEBI found these 5 people doubtful. After 10 months. It was such a big scam  that the ground slipped under the feet of  investors. If SEBI doesn’t caught these 5 people then these scam would be  even big that  people may not trust  Stock Market in future. 
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Today every body wants to be financially free but the problem is that not every have a knowledge of Stock Market. Recently in some years their is a rapid growth in Stock Market Gurus or Experts. By using the tips and courses of these experts and they are making a stack amount of profits. Some of these experts are Ashish Kelkar, Simi Bhaumik, Mudit Goyal, Himanshu Gupta, Kiran Jadhav. These people who used to appear on channels like Zee Business and common  people believe these people. Kiran Jadhav and Ashish Kelkar  had a company in Pune. They use to give training in Stock Market and they trained around 12000 students. On the other hand Simi Bhaumik is a SEBI registered Research Analyst. Mudit Goyal, Himanshu Gupta work with a a lot of brokers.
They all had their T.V shows on ZEE Business on different timings and they all popular among people. Some of show name were “Hit Man Himanshu”, “Kiran Ka Kamal” etc. In these show they used to give tips on Stock Market or in simple language “they use to fool common people and investors”. But SEBI caught them and we all knew about this scam. Guys in recent years we all knew about a lot of scam in Stock Market and SEBI kept a vigilant eye on every aspect. In this work they hired a lot of Data analysts and their work is analyze the data and they to sure that their is no mistake. During this analysis one analyst noticed that some Stocks price is on Rs 1,00,000 after 10 minutes the price will be of Rs 10,00,000 that means the share would be buy and sell by 10 lakh people but how ? that was the question .
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After a long research it was found out that in some T.V shows experts were recommending these stocks. After the recommendation their is hick in the price value of these stocks. After this SEBI had a doubt of a scam behind all this and they are tiring their best to find the culprit behind all this. Now  some DMAT accounts came within the circle of doubt around  SEBI and after some investigation they found out that these account belong to some companies and individual through which these share trading was going on. After this information SEBI was much alert and SEBI use the  power and  check  the details of the bank account of these account DMAT account. After this SEBI check the WhatsApp, SMS, Telegram of the owners  of these accounts. When they came out after being exposed as a fraud it made a complete full stop on these 5 Stock Market Experts career. 
Now lets discuss  how this scam was started and how the background of this scam was structured let’s find out. Guys as we all knew that these 5 experts were very popular and they had a lot of followers due to their shows and every thing was good and healthy, but a mastermind entered in this story the name is Nirmal Kumar Saini. Nirmal contact all these 5 experts one by one and he made a team. Simi Baumik said that “Nirmal contacted me on June 2021 and was paid subscriber on her website”. One month later he contacted again Simi and told her that he want a profit sharing arrangement  and he will give 50% of profit share  during this he also contacted Kirana and Ashish. They met each other in 2022 twice. One in Dubai and one in Pune. The background of this scam was also structured during this meets. Kiran and Ashish introduced Himanshu and Mudit from Nirmal and they all became the part of this scam. After this they made some new DMAT account on the name of some company and individual names. They hired some people to handle these accounts.
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Lets check how they brought the scam to its conclusion. When these Experts gave recommendation of a stock on T.V show. They tell Nirmal a particular stock name on a particular time few minutes before the announcement and Nirmal made the position way earlier through the DMAT accounts. When the  shows were aired on T.V  the stock volume increased rapidly in a short spam of the time because after the recommendation a huge chunk of people purchase the stock. 2-3 minutes later  Nirmal sell the stocks and made a huge pile of profit. The price was increased trough manipulation not organically due to which the stock price also decreased after some time before that Nirmal sold all the stocks and made an exit. Which ordinary people were bearing the brunt of. Simi got 75 lakhs in 3 installments in Haldirams pf Ravindra Sadan in Kolkata  and she yet receive around 1cr. more from Nirmal. 
Their is an other master mind of this scam husband of Simi. To extra profit she include her husband also. When she tells stock related information to Nirmal she also tells  her husband side by side. “According to the rules, if any research analyst, from 30 days prior to issuing a recommendation to 5 days after, cannot establish a position for themselves, their family, friends, or relatives in that particular stock.” On the other hand Simi Broke the rule and did the manipulation for several months. During the time period of  10-11 months the scam amount was around Rs.7,41,29,648 total Trade Instances 1,047.  
NSE INDIA website has a brief information about the scam.
The anchor Hemant Ghai is on the wanted list of SEBI and an action was a also taken. Hemant Ghai also purchased some shares on the name of his mother and wife. Due to these tips he also made some profits through Unethical Method. Lets check how much money was made by each scammer:-
Mastermind:- Nirmal Kumar Soni Personal DMAT account  (Rs.4,83,975)  
Husband of Simi Bhaumik Personal DMAT account  (Rs.53,84,661)
SAAR Commodities Company DMAT account (Rs.4,37,57,697)
Manan Sharecom Pvt. Ltd. Company DMAT account (Rs.1,35,01,336) 
Kanhya Trading Company Company DMAT account (Rs.1,20,41,979)
In its interim order, Sebi noted profit makers, Nirmal Kumar Soni, Partha Sarathi Dhar, SAAR Commodities Private Ltd, Manan Sharecom Private Ltd and Kanhya Trading Company, made profit by executing trades which were allegedly executed based on advance information of stock recommendations given by guest experts Kiran Jadhav, Ashish Kelkar, Himanshu Gupta, Mudit Goyal and Simi Bhaumik.
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amitypunjab · 2 years
Best B.A (Journalism & Mass Communication) courses| Amity University Punjab
B.A in Journalism & Mass Communication is a 3-year undergraduate program. It emphasizes the study of emerging trends like journalism, media research, ENGs, news anchoring etc. This course imparts students with the understanding of how the media industry operates as well as trains them for various types of journalism as well as mass communication careers.
B.A in Journalism and mass communication is offered by a wide variety of decent universities and institutions but, if you want to give that extra nudge to your dream career, choosing Amity University Punjab would be one of the wisest decisions.
Why Amity?
B.A. in journalism and mass communication course at Amity has been structured to equip students with the skills required to make a successful career on various platforms such as TV, Radio, Newspapers/Magazines, Digital media etc. It embodies a unique combination of academic rigor, technical know-how, journalistic insight, and expansive professional exposure to ensure its students emerge as competent professionals, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders in the media and communication industry.
Duration of the course: 3 years
Some of the specializations of B.A. Journalism & Mass Communication-
Public relations
Event management
Digital media
Amity Punjab provides a universe of opportunities to all the BJMC (Bachelor of Journalism & Mass Communication) graduates. Few of the profiles offered to the Amity graduates by top recruiters include-
Print journalists
T.V actors
Radio jockeys
Radio producers
T.V broadcasters
T.V producers
Creative/script writers
Advertising executives
New reporters
Columnists etc.
Come explore the world of opportunities at Amity university Punjab and kick-start your dream carrier the right way.
Also, Amity offers a wide range of other courses which are taught by highly experienced faculty and B.A. Economics is one of the them. B.A. Economics at Amity Punjab is one of most highly sought courses by economics enthusiasts.
B.A. Economics (Hons) at Amity
Economics program at Amity has been specifically designed to inculcate in-depth applied knowledge in the financial, ethical, and real-life economical aspects.
It teaches the students the necessary skills to identify, analyze and solve problems in a logical and efficient way
The programs strive hard on providing fundamental clarity on critical subjects as –
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Advance applied econometrics
Financial economics etc.
The Department of Economics at Amity offers a highly creative and enriching course curriculum blended with theoretical and practical aspects of economics. The program develops its students’ professional competencies and responsibilities and prepares them for a variety of careers as proficient economists.
Career opportunities
Economics students at Amity are frequently selected for further studies at the world’s leading universities. However, a significant number among them also get selected for successful professional careers like:
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Visit Amity University Punjab to explore the plethora of opportunities and kick–start your career by making the right decision.
Admission is open for the B.A. in journalism and mass communications and B.A. Economics 2022-23. For more details, visit amity.edu/mohali
Source: B.A (Journalism & Mass Communication)
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l-egionaire · 3 years
I felt like I needed to talk about this in case anyone else is feeling like me.
For the past few months since the election, I've just been nervous and stressed out. Constantly checking the news and Twitter feeds of people on both sides of the political aisles who know what's going on. (I don't personally use Twitter because it seems pretty caustic and Tumblr suits my needs better). And its felt like it got worse yesterday because of the craziness that happened. But yesterday I talked with my mom and my dad about all this and they gave me some pretty good advice.
My dad said that I was too caught up in political news. That I should stop reading it because all it would do is stress me out. And my mom told me that I shouldn't let this make me afraid. That I should focus more on my life and what I'm doing.
And I'm realizing that they were right.
Just to be clear, I'm not at all saying to just forget what happened or to pretend everything's okay. I'm not saying that this wasn't big or that this should be normal. I'm saying that while things are rough right now we can't be bogged down by solely consuming bad news. If you want to be informed or just know what's going on, that's fine. But if you just spend your whole days doomscrolling Twitter and googling all the bad things happening, if you check for any new information every few minutes like I've been, that isn't a healthy way to live.
If you're someone whose been dealing with this too, here's advice I'm trying to live by now.
1) Find Something Else To Focus on. If you get the itch to turn on the news or doomscroll, pull out your favorite book or video game. Watch some T.V. or movies. If you have a hobby like writing fanfiction or something else, do it. Don't be sucked into the negativity. Find something that brings you happiness and can help pass the time.
2) Remember This Is Not Your Life. This might sound stupid or pretentious but politics is not your life. Unless you are an activist or a politician or some kind of analyst, none of the things that go on in Washington are your business. They affect you for sure and its important to know any changes but unless it is your job to deal with political issues, politics should not at all be what you give all your focus to on a day to day basis. Your life should be what you focus on no matter what.
3) Never Lose Hope. I know times are dark. Times are painful right now but things can and will get better. I'm someone who personally thinks that as time goes on, the world becomes a better place. Years ago black people wouldn't have been able to vote or go to school with white people. Now they can. Years ago gay couples were illegal, and now they can have families in so many places. I'm sure people during the black plague or after 9/11 or people who endured during jim Crow and the Civil Rights movement all thought that things were never going to get better but they did. Things may not magically become better but I truly think that, bit by bit, as time goes on, things will become better. And that's why its important that during the tough times like today, like the next few coming months or even the rest of the year will be, we never lose hope. Because Hope is that fire that burns within us as the world grows cold. It's the beacon of light that peers out of the darkness and guides us to happiness. Its the Oasis of life-giving water that we find after walking through the hot and dry dessert. Never give up on finding it.
And to all my friends and followers like @fantasyscififan24 @forestwater87 @zexoguy @ullrs-skis @snowqueenofmyheart @mandareeboo @darkmasterofcupcakes @beingpassionateabout @imaredshirt and users on here who I deeply admire like @athingofvikings and @frozenartscapes I hope your all being safe, that wherever you are, this news, while important, doesn't drag you down into negativity and that your next few coming months are as hopeful as can be right now.
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What Is 5G and Is It Safe?
The 5G or fifth generation of wireless technology was expected to be enforced worldwide at the start of 2020. The new network, called 5G, guarantees to provide faster Internet speed. Countries like the U.S. and China are in competition to be the first to deliver 5G to Internet users worldwide. Everybody unmarked the environmental consequences of this network. 
What is 5G?
5G stands for the fifth generation of broadcast technology. It’s the flow of wireless technology that is supposed to go past the 4G network used presently. Past generations delivered the primary cell phones (1G), text electronic communication (2G), online capacities (3G), and quicker speed (4G). 
The fifth-generation aims to boost the information transfer rate, be a lot responsive, and permit many magnificent properties of devices. This suggests that 5G can afford nearly fast downloading of information to require hours with this network. As an example, downloading a motion picture victimization, 5G would take minimal seconds. These new changes can permit self-driving cars, the net of things, device usage in everyday actions by an intensive variety of individuals.
What’s different concerning 5G?
As with past cellular technologies, 5G systems have faith in signals transmitted by radio waves; that area unit a part of the spectrum transmitted between the Associate in Nursing antenna or pole and your phone.
We’re lined by nonparticulate radiation all the time from T.V. and radio signals, moreover as from a good variety of technologies, containing mobile phones and natural origins like daylight.
5G uses increased frequency waves than early mobile networks, sanctioning many devices to access the net simultaneously and at quicker speeds.
These waves travel shorter distances through urban areas. Therefore 5G networks need more transmitter masts than previous technologies, positioned nearer to ground level.
What area unit are the concerns?
The nonparticulate radiation consumed by all mobile technologies has and develops specific sorts of cancer.
In 2014 the globe Health Organization aforesaid that no adverse health impacts had been supported as being aggravated by transportable use.
A materia medica document discharged in 2018 by the U.S. Department of Health found that male rats excavated to vast amounts of radiation evolved a sort of cancerous tumor within the heart.
For this study, entire bodies were exposed to radiation from mobile phones for 9 hours each day a day for two years, beginning before they were born.
No cancer link was found for the mice studied. It had been found that rats exposed to the radiation lived longer than those within the management cluster.
Non-ionizing waves
The radio frequency band – used for portable systems is non-ionizing, which indicates it lacks enough energy to interrupt the desoxyribonucleic acid and do cellular harm.
Higher up the spectrum, well on the far side those wavelengths employed by mobile phones, their area unit sharp health risks from extended exposure.
There are unit strict consulting limits for a speech act to even many supreme energy emission levels, like medical x-rays, direct to damaging results inside the figure.
People are naturally distressed over whether or not they may raise their risk of cancer. However, it’s essential to record that radio waves are less forceful than even the actinic ray we tend to encounter a day.
There is no reliable proof that mobile phones or wireless systems have aggravated our health issues.
5G transmitter poles
5G technology demands loads of various base positions. These areas unit the poles that forward and receive mobile signals.
But crucially, as a result of their area unit larger transmitters, all will run at dizzier power levels than the previous 4G technology. This suggests that the extent of radiation danger from 5G poles is going to be lower.
The management tips on transportable base poles say radiofrequency area units at places usually out there to the voters are below guideline levels.
The portion of the 5G spectrum licensed underneath world tips drops within the microwave band. Microwaves cause heat in gadgets through which they transfer.
Still, at the amount applied for 5G, the heating impacts aren’t harmful.
The most unimaginable frequency level within the society can be exposed to from 5G is so small that no temperature increase has been found.
Limits to exposure
The administration says whereas a small rise in overall exposure to radio waves is conceivable once 5G is additional to this network, the broad exposure is predicted to settle low.
The frequency scale of the 5G signals being introduced is within the non-ionizing zone of the spectrum.
The WHO announces magnetic attraction frequency exposures underneath the boundaries instructed within the tips don’t appear to own any discovered outcome on health.
The anxiety of contemporary technology is nearly an individual’s story. Past provides several cases in panicky denials of everything from handwriting and also the publication press to the phone, radio, and T.V.
The nations with 5G can have faster, a lot of reliable information rates, entrance to fashionable apps, and path to the most recent product and help that utilize fiber optic-like pace traveling to every transportable device.
The fifth generation is a wireless technology that is surpassing 4G. Once 5G is fully developed, we’ll be able to perform certain tasks at lightning speeds.
Valerie burns is an avid technical blogger, a magazine contributor, a publisher of guides at office.com/setup and a professional cyber security analyst. Through her writing, she aims to educate people about the dangers and threats lurking in the digital world.
Source: https://officesetupproducts.wordpress.com/2021/05/07/what-is-5g-and-is-it-safe/
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not-my-givenchy · 5 years
Tragic Fate pt. 4 (Tony Stark x Reader)
Summary: Saying you and Tony Stark had a tumultuous relationship was the understatement of the Century, but no one can discount the love you shared and the good you provided to each others lives.
A/N: This features a young Tony Stark, before his parent’s death, and WELL before the avengers. Here is what I think is going to be the last installment. If anyone wants to request a scene between Tony and the reader let me know tho, I’m always open to suggestions!
Word Count: 3,860
Warnings: mild cursing...alcohol use
Part 1|| Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4
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The sun had long set, and you tiptoed back to your desk desperate to avoid your associate Mark. It was already well past midnight, and all you wanted was to be curled in bed. Investment banking was exactly as you imagined it would be, boring and time consuming. 
“Y/N!” Mark’s door was closed, but his shout always managed to find you. 
In an attempt to quell your annoyance you take a deep breathe before pushing your head through the door. The city lights poured in through the window behind his desk practically blinding you. Mark was a large man only 2 years your senior, but the rigors of the job were already taking there toll on him. His hooded eyes remained fixed on the papers before him even after you had fully entered the room. 
Desperate to end the encounter as soon as possible you let out a meager cough. “Hi, I heard you call me?” 
“Yes, I want Ryan to sit in on the pitch tomorrow, so leave the Mitsui files on his desk before you leave.” He flipped through the papers still not looking up. 
Ryan was a little Mark in the making always sucking up and undermining your work. “Oh,” you paused to debate the risk of arguing, “I was hoping to sit in on the pitch…seeing as I’ve been the lead analyst on it since the beginning—.”
Mark’s eyes narrowed as he looked up. “Ryan has been here longer,” waving you from the room, “I’ve made up my mind.” 
“Sir, if I may—,” you began. 
“No, you may not.” His deep voice filled the office and with a huff he turned his focus back to the papers before him. 
You had already committed to fighting for the case, so you stood your ground. With a deep breathe in you rolled your shoulders back. “Ryan and I actually started on the same day, so if your decision is going to be based on seniority then I would like to remind you that I am senior to him on the Mitsui case.” Your voice matched the ferocity that Mark’s had. 
Mark’s hands folded and he leaned onto his elbows. His bloodshot eyes inspecting you, and his mouth twisted into a tight smirk before addressing you. “Well, I need you working on the Franklin report.” He leaned back in his chair laughing lowly. “If you can manage to finish it prior to the meeting, then I’ll consider allowing you in on the pitch.” He emphasized. 
The Franklin project had only been announced this morning, meaning it would take months of collaboration before it could be drafted. “Mark, you know that’s impossible.” 
“Well I guess you should cancel your plans tonight then.” His smirk was sinister, and you knew he was giving you an impossible task to keep you from the Mitsui meeting.
Turning on your heels, you swallowed your discontent and left the office before you could say something vulgar. Knowing your half mug of coffee wouldn’t be enough, you made your way back to the break room. Two other analysts stood blocking the cherished coffee machine gaping at the news. Not having time for pleasantries, you tried to nudge your way between them. 
“It’s crazy right,” one of them directed at you. 
You raised your eyebrows in hopes that your absence of a response would speed up the conversation. 
Josh, at least thats what you think his name is, motioned to the T.V. “The Starks…they’re dead.” 
Burning coffee caught in your throat, causing you to spit it all over your mouth. “What?” You coughed now fully focused on the breaking news before you. 
The newscaster was somber; your mind blurred, and you begged yourself to focus on the words coming out of her mouth. But you couldn’t pull your focus from the firefighter shuffling around a smoking car in the distance. Soon the camera panned from the police shuffling under the caution tape to the coroners van replacing the ambulance. When it cut back to the young reporter you finally made out her words. “At this time we can confirm that Howard and Maria Stark have died as the result of a tragic—.” 
Shaking your head back to your now empty mug you told yourself. The coffee pot shook in your hand as you refilled your mug unable to shake the reoccurring what if scenarios flashing through your mind.
“Are you ok?” The analyst asked motioning towards your shaking hand. 
“Um yea,” you chuckled awkwardly, “I must’ve had one too many cups.”
He nodded before turning back to the news. You took that as your opening to escape, and rushed back to your desk. Deep breathes you reminded yourself shakily. But your hands wouldn’t stop shaking making it near impossible to start the Franklin report. Trying to rub the pain from your face with clammy hands you thought back to the last time you had seen Tony. It had been a little over a year.
Your eyes searched the crowd before you. Felix was throwing an end of the semester bash and you desperately wanted to thank him for the free booze. Being with Tony had taught you how to get along with the 1%, and much to Jennifer’s delight you and Felix had finally grown close. It also helped that Felix was often in Jennifer’s room every time you found yourself there crying over your now ex. Plus, being in an arguable unhealthy relationship had opened your eyes to how amazing Felix was for your best friend. So when you finally spotted him in the sweaty room you were quick to run into his open arms.
“Felix!” You shouted into his shoulder over the thumping music. 
Your feet lifted from the ground as he shook you side to side. “Ravishing as always!” He shouted back. “Where is my love?” He exaggerated placing you back on the ground.
“Jenny!” You squealed with wide eyes. 
“Oh this just won’t work.” He tsked looking around. 
Your eyes met as the lightbulb when off in your head, “shoulders!” 
“Genius!” Felix shouted while kneeling down dramatically. It must’ve been a sight, you were both absolutely trashed, but somehow you managed to make it on his shoulders without falling. Felix pushed his way through the crowd as the two of you shouted your friends name. 
Yet to recognize anyone in the crowd, you soon realized how dangerously close your head was to the swinging chandelier. The heads were all one mass blur, and you lifted your hands and vigorously rubbed your eyes to try and focus. Felix stopped abruptly causing you to sway backwards and without your hands bracing on his shoulders there was a split second where you believed that you were going down. But Felix was one step ahead and had already begun to drop to a knee so you could slip off safely. Before you could look past to see why your quest had stopped abruptly, Felix moved to block your path. Your nose crashed into his broad shoulders and you cursed at the stinging pain.
“Felix,” You drawled trying to get his attention, but it was clear that he did not want you to see who he was talking too.
Despite his complaints, a hand managed to shove him aside, and suddenly you were face to face with the devil himself. He eyes were glossed over, and he ran a sweaty hand through his damp hair.
“Isn’t this a treat!” His eyes glistened with mischief as he tried to get you to smirk back. 
Protectively, Felix’s arm snaked around your shoulder. “I’m gonna find Jenny-fur—,” he slurred trying to offer you an out. 
You nodded approvingly and moved so that his arm fell from his shoulders. You weren’t going to let your history ruin your night of fun. 
 “Just shout if you need me.” Felix’s eyes threatening Tony before finally heading out. 
Tony’s hands managed to find your own, and your heart fluttered at the simple touch. The dance floor, Felix’s living room, was packed with sweaty bodies and you were slowly pushed together. Breathless, you leaned into his chest. Finals were over might as well allow yourself a little treat. And you danced. After that, the night became a blur. Tony bullied his way to the pong table. Your combined enthusiasm making up for your combined lack of skill. Soon he was cheering drink in your ear and you obliged chugging the sour beer down before slamming the cup onto the table. 
 You smacked the ball back into his hand. “It’s fine, we got this!” You cheered.
Neither of you had successfully landed a shot, and you went first hoping to break the streak. The ball slipped easily from your fingers before soaring into the air. Tony grabbed your arm, but the ball bounced off of a rim before landing on the ground. Your opponent laughed, and waited for Tony to miss as well. However, with a stroke of luck, Tony’s ball managed to find the target and plinked softly into the warm beer. Throwing your hands into the air, you jumped on Tony’s back hooting and hollering. That was the only success you had, and the game finished quickly but you were officially smashed. Suddenly the song switched, and Tony’s eyes lit up.  
His hands shook your shoulders. “You hear this shit!” 
With that, you both made your way to the dance floor. Together you jumped in the air and screamed the lyrics back and forth. The majority of the dance floor was drunk friends half crying half dancing, and the other half was comprised of couples eating each others faces. Meanwhile, Tony and you were busy making fools of yourselves and having a blast. When the song switched to another one you were equally as fond of, you grabbed Tony’s hand and tugged him with you towards the speaker.
“Lift me up!” You begged. 
His eyes twinkled and he grabbed your waist, hoisting you above his head. While you were in the air, your foot got tangled around something, but you were too busy laughing to notice. That is until Tony placed you on the ground and the music was cut. Looking down at the cord now tangled around your foot your eyes widened. With a hand covering your mouth your cheeks flushed red. Luckily this was common, so your penance was already on its way. Felix charged through the crowd bottle in hand — it was a crude mixture of punch and various types of alcohol. Around you everyone was chanting “redeem yourself”. 
Felix’s gaze was of devilish delight, and he thrust the bottle into your outstretched hands. The crowd silenced at the raise of his hand. “Y/N Y/L/N! You have committed the greatest sin, do you wish to redeem yourself?” Felix boomed through the now silent house. 
This was the first time you were the one in need of redemption, and you tried to swallow your laughter knowing Felix took redemption seriously. Instead you nodded vigorously before bending to one knee. The drink smelled foul, but it was already emptying into your stomach.  Around you everyone was hooting still chanting “redeem yourself,” and you couldn’t let them down. So you chugged desperately trying to empty the bottle in record time. Felix pulled you to your feet as you finished the last drop. 
He turned towards the crowd. “Do the people find this display sufficient?” He boomed. The partygoers hollered in response; satisfied, Felix fixed the speaker. The sound nearly blew out your eardrums, for you had forgotten how close you were to them. Standing in front of you, Felix looked at Tony’s arm around your shoulder and raised his brows. 
“I’m going to join Jennifer in the basement if you want to join.” He was sweet to offer you an out. 
“Oh Felix, thank you soooo much.” Your pulled him into a tight hug again. “I’m having a blast though, so I’ll find y’all later tonight ok.”
Felix winked before turning back from where he came. The basement was usually where the rich kids did their drugs, and you didn’t have a rich relative to bail you out so you were quick to avoid it. 
Tony’s arm snaked around your waist and pulled you close to his side. “Can we go somewhere else?” His lips dangerously close to your ear. 
Feeling his breathe on your ear, you leaned your back into his chest and nodded silently. His hands shifted to give your shoulders a light squeeze. Slowly, you turned to him and realized just how close you had become. The taste left in your mouth from the drink was foul, and too subconscious of your breath you just smiled up at the boy in front of you. Smiling, Tony tapped your nose playfully before interlocking your hands together. He was quick to pull you out of the sweaty room and towards the back door. 
“Tony,” you complained, “it’s December…and I’m drunk…and I don’t have my coat…and it’s cold.” You pouted planting your feet and pulling back on his arm. 
Tony spun on his heels; wordlessly, he pulled you in the other direction. It wasn’t until you were half way up the stairs that you realized where he was taking you. The hallway was empty, and the party roared below you. Soon enough, Tony was pushing his head into a bedroom. 
“All clear,” he whispered pushing his way in. 
Soon enough you were both laying side by side on the bed moving no further. His hand was intertwined with yours and your shoulders just barely brushed. Neither of you dared to speak, both staring absentmindedly at the ceiling. You had spent the night successfully ignoring the hurt pulling at your chest, but now it had returned. You tried to focus on the low thump of the music downstairs, hoping it would sober you up. The rising tempo matched that of your beating heart. The rational part of your brain begged you to stand and walk out on Tony. This was your chance to close the door on that chapter of your life and leave him questioning everything. Your brain replayed every photo of Tony’s hands on other women. However, your heart would take control and replace those with the memories of his hands on you, cherishing your body, worshiping your folds, and pressing his lips against every inch of you. You squeezed your eyes shut, wanting to shut it all off for a moment.
As if Tony could sense your qualms he interrupted your thoughts, “have you decided where you’re going to law school?”
Your eyes opened and you let out a deep sigh, “I’m not applying. I think I’m going to take a gap year or two.” 
You felt Tony shift beside you. Suddenly, you cursed yourself for not lying, but this was your Tony—he would’ve known. 
“Hey,” he whispered reaching over to stroke your cheek. It was a soft gesture and he turned to his side to better look at you. 
Turning to face him, you tried to ignore the way your heart swelled.
His eyes searched yours. “If it’s about money I can help.” He whispered. 
Your heart broke at the offer, “Tony I can’t take anymore of your money—.”
“Yes you can.” He rubbed his thumb across your cheek. “Please…let me.” His voice was desperate. The money his way of keeping you in his life. Now unable to meet his eyes, you looked down at your hands. They laid awkwardly between your chest and his. “It’s not even about money.” You whisper was uncertain. 
His eyes explored your face pausing for you to explain. 
When you realized he wouldn’t move on without one you sighed. “I’ve already been offered a job.” 
His face scrunched, “doing what?” His thumb still stroked your cheek. 
“Investment banking.” As soon as you said your new reality you couldn’t help but laugh. “God, I’m going to turn into those people I hate.” 
“Well that depends,” he smiled, “what company are you selling your soul too?” 
“Goldman Sachs,” you both laughed in response before growing quiet His fingers slowly brushed down your shoulder and down your arm leaving goosebumps behind. When he finally had your hand wrapped in his own, warmth spread through your body. His heartbroken eyes were downcast, staring at your intertwined hands. Maybe it was the questionable amount of alcohol in your system, but you couldn’t stop yourself from leaning closer. Your chest pressed softly against his, and your lips met the corner of his mouth leaving the vague memory of a kiss. Your eyes searched for his, and when they met his begged you to initiate contact. So you did—you ignored everything in your brain screaming stop. Running your fingers through his hair, you pulled him in. The kiss was slow, and your lips were a whisper of secrets against his. Neither of you tried to deepen it and make it something that it wasn’t. Soon enough, you pulled away wanting to cry, wishing you could let it all out, but there was nothing left. Tony’s eyes were understanding, and you couldn’t dare to meet them. So you rested your head against his rising chest letting his arms pull you close.
“Thank you…for helping with tuition—one day I’ll pay you back,” you whispered. 
“You already have.” His lips brushed against your forehead.
Before you knew it, the two of you had drifted into sleep.
Sunlight poured into the room, and your head bounded aggressively making it impossible to open your eyes fully. The bed was still warm beside you, but Tony was long gone. You knew it was for the best, last night had been your last hurrah with him. You wanted to remember it like—blissful. If it weren’t for the hangover brewing in your body, you would have felt completely content in that moment.
The smell of coffee filled your nose, and lulled you from your hazy sleep. After rubbing the tired from your eyes, you took in your surroundings. The lumpy surface leaving knots in your back was far from your comfortable bed, and the room was far too florescent to be your bedroom. The sound of the coffee maker in the corner meant you had fallen asleep in the break room again. Your dear roommate and friend Felix hovered above you with a steaming mug of coffee. His eyes were playful waiting for you to make space for him.
“Long night,” he joked gesturing to your coffee stained blouse. 
Seeing the large stain officially brought you back to reality. “Shit!” Your eyes widened as you frantically jumped up. “What time is it?” 
“I think it’s almost 7:30,” he threw himself beside you on the couch. 
You grabbed his wrist to look at his watch. “Shit shit shit. Do you think I have time to run home and change before 8?” Your voice was frantic.
“Mmm, I thought you’d say that. Soooo…” He smirked while reaching down to grab a plastic bag.
Your hands grabbed it, and peering in you saw it had a fresh set of clothes. “Thank you so much Felix!” You jumped up from the couch clutching the bag desperate to change out of yesterdays outfit. But you needed caffeine first. 
“So do you want to talk about it?” He called from the couch. 
Peering up from behind your fresh cup of coffee, “about?” You questioned innocently. 
Silently, he placed his mug on the table before him. Crossing his legs, he gave you time to rethink your answer. “Have you seen the news at all? Or did you really just cram over reports all night.” 
“Oh the news,” you took a long sip of coffee, “yea I saw it break last night.”
“And?” He waited. 
“And what?”
“Are you ok?” 
You rolled your eyes, “I mean yes it’s sad.” 
Felix just raised his brows. “You dated their son for almost three years.”
“That’s a stretch,” you coughed, “I would argue we only actually dated for like a week max.”
“Y/N stop deflecting.” He looked like a worried mother, and if you weren’t trying to avoid the conversation you would have taken the time to make fun of him.
Instead, you finished your coffee and turned quickly towards the door. “Thanks for the clothes, wish me luck.” You shouted running out of the break room before he could say more.
Once in the bathroom you hurried to make yourself presentable. Happy enough, you walked out hoping that Felix had gone back to his desk so you could sip one more cup of coffee in peace before the big pitch. However, once the door closed behind you Felix emerged. He shoved the break room phone into your hands and whispered Tony’s name before making his way to the coffee maker. Your eyes shot daggers at him, and you vowed to get him back. Luckily, he didn’t pick up, and you were able to get by with leaving a voicemail. After smacking Felix’s arm and taking his coffee, you made your way to Mark’s office.
Typically, after spending the night on the break room couch you would have dreaded the buzz of your day. But today you were grateful for the busy day, and the look of shock on Mark’s face when you handed him the finished Franklin report provided you more adrenaline than coffee ever could. You rode that wave right into the pitch, and when Mark let you speak you didn’t let him down. The meeting went until lunch, which normally you would have hated because you now were behind on your other reports, but you were still buzzing. 
The last person finally left the conference room, and you quickly made a beeline towards your desk. Of course, Mark had to stop you. His hand wrapped around your arm, and you tried not to spit on him as you turned around. “Good work in there.” His hand fell back to his side. “If you keep it up, I might just recommend you for the promotion to the new Japan office.” His smile was huge, this successful pitch helped his career more than yours. 
Your heart swelled. “Really? Thank you Mark!” That promotion was huge—even though you didn’t particularly like Investment Banking—it meant a higher paycheck and almost guaranteed you’d make associate in one year instead of two. 
With a smile and a nod, he dismissed you from the room. Your practically danced towards your desk thinking about where you could drag Felix for lunch to celebrate. Quickly, you grabbed your bag and waved to the secretary making your way towards the elevator where Felix waited. 
“Ms. Y/L/N!” The secretary called after you. 
You turned and smiled, she was a small polite woman. Normally, the secretary would wait until after your lunch to relay any news, but she was new, so you made your way over to her desk.
“You have a phone call.” She paused, uncertain, and looked down at her notepad. “A…um…Mr. Stark.” Her eyes widened in realization. 
Well, there goes your peaceful lunch.
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icrindia · 2 years
Deepti Vempati Age, Height, Weight, Model, T.v series, Wiki, Bio, Husband
Deepti Vempati Age, Height, Weight, Model, T.v series, Wiki, Bio, Husband
Deepti Vempati is an outstanding Indian-based American Information data analyst, actress, and social media starlet. She is known for her talented skills not only in the field of Data Analyst but as well in acting. She has acquired worldwide fame and popularity through her appreance in reality t.v series titled Love Is Blind 2022, Hollywood First Look Features 2022, and others. Apart from this,…
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Outdoor Serveware Market to Witness Heightened Revenue Growth in the Next Decade:Persistence Market Research
Global Outdoor Serveware Market Outlook
Serveware forms a pivotal component in improving the culinary delights of buyers around the world. They have involved a huge function in expanding the appreciation of food while serving to guests in different methods. For example, the utilization of white serveware for plating is well known in cafes and restaurants.
Further, the demand for outdoor serveware is gaining popularity in commercial application, propelling outdoor serveware market growth. Outdoor serveware comes in different materials such as, glass, ceramic, wood, steel, and others which can be used for both cooking utensils as well as heating in the microwave.
Culinary shows on T.V. and social media have been filling the fame of different sorts of serveware. Their simple accessibility and minimal cost drive a huge segment of individuals in emerging countries, accordingly supporting the development of the outdoor serveware market.
The momentum is held by the large utilization of the range of outdoor serveware among food bloggers who promotes their recipes on various social networking sites such as, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest and Instagram are further accelerating the outdoor serveware market.
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Global Outdoor Serveware Market: Market Dynamics
Drivers for Outdoor Serveware Market
Manufacturers of outdoor serveware utensils are coming out with new materials and attractive form to oblige the changing inclinations of buyers, particularly family units. Of the different materials utilized, shoppers requests the ones that can serve various usefulness, for example, the consolidated function of cooking and serving. The interest for serveware to fill in as bakeware and cookware is another occasion of their flexibility.
Trends for Outdoor Serveware Market
Growing tendency of working class people toward serving in emerging countries has pushed them evaluate ground breaking thoughts in stylish plating (outdoor serveware). Further, in emerging economies there has been seen more demand for outdoor serveware and which has increased prevalence of outdoor serveware in small functions and gatherings.
Moreover, premium outdoor serveware has gained more traction in family units, mostly in wedding endowments and social functions. Metal-based serveware has seen sizable interest among overall customers, strikingly copper product. Changing need and design inclinations among customers would open new roads for manufacturers of outdoor serveware.
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Challenges for Outdoor Serveware Market
The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak has apportioned a nationwide lockdown in various countries that has compelled the outdoor serveware industry to shift its concentration toward digital/e-Commerce business platforms for sales and marketing of the outdoor serveware products.
Thus, in this present circumstance of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, to stay aware of the business activities has become particularly difficult for small scale manufacturers to outlook in a crowded outdoor serveware market.
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US Anime Market Overview 2021: Top Companies Analysis, Outlook, Market Share, Trends and Segmentation | P.A.Works, Toei Animation Co., Manglobe Inc., Sunrise Inc., Bones Inc., Studio Ghibli, Inc., and Production I.G, Inc
Anime Market is valued at USD 24.23 Billion in 2020 and expected to reach USD 43.73 Billion by 2027 with the CAGR of 8.80% over the forecast period.
Global Anime Market: Global Size, Trends, Competitive, Historical & Forecast Analysis, 2020-2027.
The growth of the anime market is primarily driven by the rising popularity of media shows, increasing urban population, growing number of film and music producers and increase in popularity of anime across the globe.
Rising popularity of media shows and growth in spending of online shows and videodrives the growth of Anime Market.
Get Sample Copy of The Report@ https://brandessenceresearch.com/requestSample/PostId/1405
Scope of Global Anime Market Report-
Anime or animation is referred in the Japanese style and also it is one of the added global subgenres of TV content, liked by viewers in almost every country in the world. Most hardcore fans of anime exterior of Japan have been doing importation of their favourite series for times first on physical media and later digitally, with fan groups meticulously translating each episode and launching unofficially.
Global Anime Market Segmentation:
The market is segmented based on Type, which is classified as Merchandising, Movie, Video, Internet Distribution, T.V., Music, Pachinko and Live Entertainment.
Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2014 - 2025)
Internet Distribution
Live Entertainment
Key Players for Anime Market:
Major key players in the Anime market are P.A.Works, Toei Animation Co., Manglobe Inc., Sunrise Inc., Bones Inc., Studio Ghibli, Inc., and Production I.G, Inc., Sunrise Inc., Pierrot Co., Ltd., Inc., Madhouse Inc., and Kyoto Animation Co., Ltd.
Rising user base of social media sites such as Instagram, Facebook and twitter and sharing video and photos to friends and followers, increase in number of vendors in the market and rising spending capacity of individuals on anime is estimated to boost the market growth in Europe. Increasing overseas sales of anime through online streaming platforms is expected to drive the growth of Anime market in North America. According to Video Marketing Statistics, 85% of all internet users in the United States watched online video content monthly on any of their devices. This means that video content is becoming increasingly popular. Netflix statistics and facts, Netflix is absolutely dominating the streaming video market. The Netflix version for TVs with an Android operating system fixed. At the end of 2019, Netflix added 8.8 million new subscribers, over 8 million of which came from outdoor the U.S.
Key Benefits for Global Anime Industry Report–
Global Anime Industry Statistics report covers in depth historical and forecast analysis.
Global Anime Industry revenue research report provides detail information about Market Introduction, Market Summary, Global market Revenue (Revenue USD), Market Drivers, Market Restraints, Market opportunities, Competitive Analysis, Regional and Country Level.
Global Anime market report helps to identify opportunities in market place.
Global Anime market report covers extensive analysis of emerging trends and competitive landscape.
Get Full Report :@ https://brandessenceresearch.com/technology-and-media/anime-market-size
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Brandessence Market Research and Consulting Pvt. ltd.
Brandessence market research publishes market research reports & business insights produced by highly qualified and experienced industry analysts. Our research reports are available in a wide range of industry verticals including aviation, food & beverage, healthcare, ICT, Construction, Chemicals and lot more. Brand Essence Market Research report will be best fit for senior executives, business
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jewrocker · 6 years
BREAKING:  The President is a Reality Star, Not a Lawyer.
One thing to keep in mind about the presidency, simply being “elected” doesn’t make you any smarter.  The day after you’re sworn into office as the most powerful person on earth, you don’t wake up the next morning like Tom Hanks in “Big” and instantaneously find yourself transformed from know-nothing T.V. personality into one of the greatest legal analysts of our time.  
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I hate to break it to you, Mr. Trump, but although we’re quite advanced technologically, we’re still a few years away from a time when a guy like you can sit in a dentist chair and, within minutes, have the twelve years of study required to obtain a Ph.D. in Criminal Law, courtesy of Harvard, uploaded into your brain, ala, “The Matrix.”  
So, for a former reality show host to be lambasting the thousands of men and women who’ve spent their entire careers in law enforcement, for a guy who was proven to defraud thousands of students in an online college scam, to be commenting on how “shameful” and “disastrous” the Mueller investigation is, and what a “Witch Hunt” this whole thing is, and how it’s a “Sad day for our country,” is beyond comprehension, not to mention a violation of every ethics law, both on and off the books. 
However, if you grab your handy “Trump Dictionary”, the pamphlet that helps you easily translate otherwise indecipherable “Trumpspeak,” you will see that “shameful and disastrous” actually mean “honorable.”  That "witch hunt” actually means “a fact-based, just pursuit of truth.”  And that a “Sad day for our country,” really means a “sad day for me.”
Another thing to keep in mind w/ this nutjob of a POTUS, is his reliance on “Loyalty.”  Something he apparently couldn’t get from James Comey, and we all know what happened next.  
Michael Cohen is one of Trump’s closest and long-time confidants - longer than Flynn and Manafort, combined.  So, while we’re now hearing rumors of pardons being floated to Flynn and Manafort if they simply “shut up,” one would then imagine that Trump, seeing his long time friend’s offices raided by the “corrupt FBI”, who were acting on a warrant by another “so-called” federal judge, at the request of his arch enemy, Mueller, one doesn’t need to be rocket scientist to infer that the days of the special counsel may be numbered. 
I, for one, would be shocked if Mueller is allowed to finish his investigation, especially as he seems to be systematically going about picking apart and prosecuting - and flipping - each and every associate in Trump’s revered inner circle.  In fact, if I were a guy who’s done, or is doing, business w/ the president within the past few years, I’d be heading for the hills, asap, as who’s to say what these searches and, more importantly, informants, will uncover?
Of course, a guy like Trump, who possesses a sixth grade education, will probably ignore the fact it was a judge he, himself, appointed, not Mueller, who granted the search warrant of Cohen’s offices
I’m sorry, sir, but, the above notwithstanding, all the lawyer-playing in the world won’t change the facts. Just like trying to play legit business man for the past four-plus decades hasn’t quite panned out as you expected, either.
You keep calling this thing a “witch hunt.”  I have to agree with that part, sir. After all, what else would you call it when they’ve already found a cloak, a broom stick, an ugly pair of black shoes, and a black pointy hat?  Who knows what they’ll find tomorrow?  That is, if there is one. 
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davidraudalesuk · 4 years
The Economics of the iPhone
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What Are the Economics of the iPhone?
It's estimated that more than 900 million people in the world own an iPhone.1 From our culture to the economy, the small, handheld device has made a splash, changing the way we live, and that influence is likely to continue.
Apple Inc. (AAPL) unveiled the XR and XS in 2018, which was the company's cheapest phones in recent years.23 Meanwhile, the iPhone X saw its international launch with a $999 price tag.4 In 2019, Apple unveiled its latest iPhone with the iPhone 11, which has a dual-camera lens and the iPhone 11 Pro along with its three camera lenses.5
However, Apple's greatest product has also been its greatest curse. The iPhone makes up approximately 50% of the company's total revenue, meaning the company is at the whim of the mobile smartphone market. As a result, Apple has been busy creating ancillary services and products that complement the iPhone.6
With all of the products and services intertwined, it's made it challenging for investors to determine, just how much money Apple earns from iPhone sales.
Sales from the iPhone make up more than 50% of Apple's total revenue.6
Although it's estimated that 900 million people own an iPhone worldwide,1 sales were down in 2019 versus 2018.6
Apple's services and wearables businesses grew by 16% and 41% respectively, which indirectly adds new revenue streams for the iPhone.6
Understanding How the iPhone Makes Money
Investors and analysts can not easily calculate how much profit Apple earns on each product. Apple, in the past, had reported unit sales for each product. However, the company has stopped that practice and instead, reports revenue by product. The table below contains the products and services revenues for the past three years. The data was pulled from the company's 10K report on September 28, 2019.6
Apple reported $260 billion in revenue for the end of the company's 2019 fiscal year–highlighted in green in the table below.
The iPhone generated $142.3 billion in revenue in 2019, meaning the iPhone represented approximately 55% of the total revenue for the year.
The iPhone revenue declined in 2019 by 14% versus 2018. However, revenue for 2017 was an 18% increase from the year prior.6
Apple is one of the most valuable companies to date, yet more than 50% of its revenue depends on one product line.
Services and Wearables
Apple has been actively expanding its services business in recent years, which includes iTunes and Apple T.V. The company has also grown its wearables business such as the AirPods.
It's important to consider that the company's services and wearables business is an extension of the iPhone and other hardware products. To conclude that Apple had a poor year by only looking at the 14% decline (-$22 billion) in iPhone revenue for 2019 versus 2018 would not be a fair analysis.6
The company also grew its services business by approximately $6.5 billion and wearables by $7.1 in the same period for a total of $13.6 billion. The $13.6 billion only partially offsets the $22 billion decline in iPhone revenue from 2018. However, the services and wearables businesses are growing at faster rates–16% and 41% respectively–versus the decline in iPhone sales of 14% from 2018. In other words, Apple is using the services and wearables business to fill the gap left from iPhone revenue declines.6
The ancillary businesses would not be possible without the hardware products such as the iPhone, which makes determining the overall profitability for the iPhone that much more complex.
What Does it Cost to Build an iPhone?
Apple's sourcing model is one of the reasons it generates attractive profit margins. The company makes very little of its own products. Instead, components and materials are gathered from around the globe and sometimes even from direct competitors, such as Samsung. This process significantly lowers capital expenses for Apple, saves the consumer a bit of money, and lets shareholders benefit from the difference.
The iPhone 11 Pro Max has a retail price of $1,099 per unit.7 It's estimated that all of the components that make up the iPhone cost approximately $490.50 per phone, according to a report by NBC News. Some of the components include the Samsung battery unit, which costs $10.50, the triple camera costs $73.50, and while other equipment such as the processor, modem, and circuit boards cost approximately $159 per phone.8  
A $490 cost and a retail price of $1,099, Apple appears to be earning a $609 profit per phone. However, it's difficult to determine the actual profit per unit since there are other cost factors that go into making the iPhone. The manufacturing, assembly, software, research, and development costs all must be paid for with the $609 profit per unit. There are also marketing and advertising costs as well as the cost of sales, general, and administrative costs such as the corporate office.
How the iPhone Helps the Economy
Apple took it upon itself to illustrate its effect on the economy and the job market. Apple reports that the company has created a "job footprint" of nearly 2.4 million jobs across the U.S.9
According to Apple, most of the jobs created are in the app economy, which is:
"Currently responsible for 1.9 million American jobs—an increase of 325,000 in the last two and a half years."9
Apple also employs 90,000 workers in all 50 states and is planning to add 20,000 more jobs by 2023
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Hi there!:) Would love a reading when you're able. Turned 30 recently. O_o And still not where I want to be in terns of work/financials. I work full time, but it's customer service based, in casting, which is at least in my field. (I want to write for t.v). Have my Masters in writing for film & t.v & have had some PA work/internships. Do you see anything else in the cards coming work wise soon? :)
Heeeyy! T.T Welcome to the Dirty Thirty Club.... (I'm 32 x__x')
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Youre about or generally focused on business and romance, inner conflicts arising from I expressed desires, analysis of win/lose factors in exercising your intention or personal integrity, change, and reformation.
You want to clear things up in your mind and handle situations or communications effectively.
Feeling as if youre making a trade-off or compromise, but you will not let that happen. Instead you will take steps to assert yourself and to correct the situation.
Youre going to be considering a major change, and something will need to be handled or approached honestly that will take a lot of courage, but will be resolved and you will work to get what you want. Also the completion of a project will bring unexpected gain as in experience, income, respect and/or new relation ships.
Someone or something is going to cause you to take a very serious look at where you are in life, or where you hope to go.
You (will) have enough money to oat your bills or meet your needs and if involved in a litigation, fight, or debate over finances, you will win.
Anxiety comes from having to make do, or having to make compromise you don't agree with.
Things are going to clear up and work out.
Perfection is a concept that was derived from something you decided was good or right and what youre doing now is being compared that those limitations you set for yourself. In reality, protection is just an idea and there's nothing perfect in the world.
Being like that of a person who is analytical, scientifically minded, objective, factual, ingenious, perfectionist, and/or independent .
The type of study, vocation, career and/or hobby you should look into of stick with such as; a scientist, secretary, analyst, researcher, editor, or computer programming.
Some areas will be at a standstill while you wait for things to develop, and you will cur someone or something off cold in your work environment. You will also consider a new line of work.
Though you don't know how or what or why you'll stay emotionally detached, trying to do the right thing until what you need to know is revealed.
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nhlhoser · 7 years
On The Rocks - 6
Part 5 - Master List
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"Wake up" poke.
"Come on" poke.
"Seriously" Harder poke.
"Amelia" A voice coos and before they can poke me again I grab the offending finger about to jab my side again.
"I swear to a higher power! If you poke me again I will end you" Without opening my eyes. Settling back into the pillows hoping to find the same comfortable position I was in before but I couldn't find it. Groaning  I cover my eyes before opening them and closing them again. My head pounding rivaling this morning's hangover.
"I wish I could hate you guys" I mumbled into the pillows aware of a body weight to my left in the bed. I'm guessing it's William because it was his voice that I heard earlier and probably his finger poking me.
 "Awe she loves us too much to hate us" The man beside me teases. "It's my good looks Isn't it" He adds.
" I take it back. I don't hate Auston. He's quiet" I roll on my side to face William so he can see my glare. My eyes barely open but it still hurt. I have a concussion not severe but it's there. The sound of door opening stops William from voicing his displeasure of his demotion.
"Here comes Mr.Unhatible " William fake sneers making me chuckle. The door is shut softly.
"I don't know I don't wanna know but I got medication for your headache and water. Also, I didn't know if you had sunglasses so I got mine from my room." I recognized Austons voice but it's at a much softer register than usual. I can hear his footsteps approaching the bed and the rattling of a pill bottle. The bed dips making me slide towards Auston. I roll on my back and a pair of sunglasses are placed over my eyes.  Gingerly opening my eyes a passive Auston is sitting to my right looking down at me.  
"I got some T3's from Morgan. He said they'll make you loopy but it will work for pain." Auston shrugs digging the pill bottle out of his pocket.  I sit up to take the medication with a gulp of water then reading the make cause dizziness and drowsiness.
"What time is it?" I lean back into my pillows.
"11 pm.  you were out for about 20 minutes," William said checking his phone.  I sign here I was thinking I'd never see these guys again and now they both in my bed! Since I met them I noticed they aren't obsessively talking about hockey like Jr.a players or other hockey players that I have met - well Sean Monahan didn't ever talk about his career or skill often. It seems to be in the NHL there is maturity with it and talking about yourself doesn't seem like the most mature thing especially if you're a rookie trying to make it in the league.
"You guys never talk about hockey" I stated out loud out of curiosity. I really wanted to see what they'd say. William said nothing just shrugged but Auston gave the vocal response which kinda shocked me he doesn't seem like the talkative one here.
"There is a time and a place for hockey and sometimes we need a break too. That's kind why we were so shocked when you defended our honor at dinner. We are expected to give answers to questions asked of us even if we don't know i. We aren't allowed to talk our minds like you did for us. We also have given up on thinking that anyone out of the league could understand our pressures but you got them exact" He held me captive with his honesty. William is nodding along to everything he teammate and friend was saying.
"We felt like asses after because all we did was stare at you. Steph said we probably made you think you said something to offend us and then we came to find you. Auston remembering your plans to work out" Will explain the thoughts and events that transpired.
"In summary, we're sorry for not saying Thank you," Auston said with a smile.
"It makes sense, All I've heard since the season started is that all about how Auston Matthews is expected to carry the team. The spotlight must get a little too hot sometimes." Auston nods nudging me over so he can lay beside me. All three of us facing the t.v. which is off. When  I continued my speech was the tiniest bit slurred. "And then Nylander became part of the Leafs backbone within weeks into the season. Mitch too. You guys are amazing to watch! Mitch is like a bouncy ball he bounces right back up. Will, you are the powerplay master! Auston is always there making the small plays and the big ones" I just kept rambling on about hockey. I couldn't stop.
"You really are a fan" William noted smiling. I nodded stretching my legs out noticing how uncomfortable my workout clothes are.
"Yeah, I am" A dopey smile on my face. "And to think I thought I'd never see you guys after last night and here I am with you guys in my bed" I giggle. "Enough hockey I need to pee and change" I carefully got with minor protest from my body because I guess i hurt more than my head when I fell.
"Well, I'm gonna head out. Are you okay being alone?" William asked clearly tired. I nodded stretching out my back muscles. Williams eye flicker down my body or Maybe the meds are making me imagine it.
"I'm going to stay until she's asleep," Auston said getting to wish his bud a goodbye. Hugging will  I slip into the bathroom after grabbing clothes to sleep in on the way. Finally looking in the mirror, I look like shit to put it simply. My hair half up my face pale.  No longer have the ability to care thanks to the meds I wash my face and put my hair.
Feeling refreshed but still wearing Austons glasses I re-enter my room Auston sprawled out on my bed on his phone. I yawn and shiver my rooms temper low and wearing shorts and a t-shirt making to noticeable but I rather am cold than hot. The T3's have really set in because I'm tingly and giddy.  Quickly crawling under the covers and shivering once more this time my jaw jutting out.
"How are feeling?" Auston asked with his usual level of seriousness briefly glancing away from his phone to scan over my form under the blankets. A chill runs up my bed making my subconsciously gravitate towards the warmth that is Auston Matthews.
"better" I hum cuddling into the pillows still wearing the glasses.  Auston nods. I stare at him through the dark lenses.  Thinking again of the hockey life I can't stop myself from saying things.
"You guys can't post anything fun on your socials without the talking heads ripping you to shreds if you lose. Like, do they expect you to only think hockey? It's crazy" I frown. Auston laughs not reserved a deep laugh.
"Talking heads?" He questions.
"The sports analysts on Sportsnet and such," I said like it was something he should've already known. He shakes his head smiling. "You're more mad about my social misfortune than I am"  He shakes his head again. Weird boy.
"No I'm just allowed to say something, I'm not you. If you say anything the media spins it and coins it as diva attitude. Also, not everyone sees it like I can. I may be a nobody but I am an understanding nobody" I yawn out the last bit of my rant getting more comfortable.
Auston expression is very hard to read also I'm drugged up i probably couldn't read a damn book let alone a teenage man. He starts to nod after a minute of absorbing my words.
"I've never heard it put so correctly" He frowns and his brow furrow. Reaching out I smooth out the line on his face.
"No sad" I kept rubbing his face until he cracks a rare genuine smile.
"There was that so hard" I teased retracting my hand to support my head and sinking impossibly deeper into the bed.
"I should probably go, " Auston said unmoving.
"Nooo" I whine as he is the source of my heat and would offset my comfort but I resist the urge to completely cuddle up to him.
"I don't think you realize you're officially my main source of warmth" I closed my eyes and started to drift off. He gets up the warmth instantly leaving with him making my shiver and my jaw jutted again making me frown. I hear rustling and steps towards the door the light go off.
I drifted off a little more when I feel the blankets lift a gush of cold air hits my skin making me curled up further into myself with a frown when the bed dips and a large source of heat draw me in like a  moth to a flame.  Auston had gotten undressed from his jeans and t-shirt now leaving him just in his boxer in bed with me. He pulls me close to his front and gently removes the glasses and moving the hair out of my face. I raveled myself and enjoy the warmth.
"You're something else Amelia" He whispers as I finally drift off into the best sleep of my life with Auston Matthews in my bed - Hotel bed.
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krogerconews · 5 years
Tony Romo Rolls Over In Round Two Of The <b>Safeway</b> Open
Napa, California—There's always chirps from the peanut gallery whenever a celebrity, in this case former Dallas Cowboys QB turned T.V. analyst Tony ... from Google Alert - safeway | publix | albertson's https://ift.tt/2lSr1KH via IFTTT
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healthcare00897 · 5 years
Hearing Aids Market Key companies Profile, their market Share and other important parameters
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The hearing aids are used to improve hearing sensitivity and to cover hearing loss problem. There are five major types of hearing aids available in market are behind the ear hearing aids, receiver in the ear hearing aids, in the ear hearing aids, completely in the ear hearing aids and in the canal hearing aids. Among all these, behind the ear hearing aids type is mostly preferred by the deaf people as it sits comfortably behind the ear.
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Also the hearing aids differ by technology and are conventional hearing aids and digital hearing aids, among these digital type of hearing holds major market share as this type of hearing aids provide more benefits as compare to conventional hearing aids such as improvement in programmability, greater precision in fitting, management of discomfort related to loudness and noise reduction. The digital hearing aids are associated with high cost than conventional hearing aids although provides better hearing and have longer life span. The user can change the hearing aid setting by pushing a button only but in case of conventional hearing aids it is not possible as this aids are based on particular frequency response of audiogram of the user.
Market Dynamics
Increase in number of deaf people around the globe is fueling growth of hearing aids market, furthermore, rising demand for technologically advance hearing aids due to increased awareness among deaf people to manage hearing loss will support the growth of hearing aids market in the near future.
The continuous advancement in technology is the other factor supporting to the growth of hearing aids market also the companies has increased focus on emerging countries to expand their customer base as this emerging countries such as China and India holds the largest population globally and also there is rising incidence of hearing loss cases in this region will support the growth of market.
Also the manufacturers are focusing on product development to design the better hearing aid and improve the performance and life of the aid. For example, Sivantos Inc. launched new product brand Signia, which increases battery life and provides additional features such as Bluetooth connectivity to the T.V. and phone.
It is expected that, these technologically advanced devices will help to expand the market in emerging as well as developed countries in the near future.
Market Taxonomy
This report segments the global hearing aids market on the basis of technology, product type, and geography. On the basis of technology, the market is categorized into Conventional and Digital hearing aids. Among these, the digital hearing aids segment dominate the hearing aids market throughout the forecast period. On the basis of product type, the market is divided into behind the ear hearing aids, receiver in the ear hearing aids, in the ear hearing aids completely in the ear hearing aids and in the canal hearing aids. Among type of products, behind the ear hearing aids holds major market share as this type of products preferred more by deaf people due to their comfortability and design as the user can hide the device at the back side of ear.
Increasing geriatric population and advancement in hearing aids’ technology will increase growth of the hearing aids market over the forecast period
North America is leading the global hearing aids market with the highest market share followed by Europe. Factors such as high geriatric population and rapid adoption rate of hearing aids devices are increasing growth of hearing aids market in this region. However, Asia Pacific is expected to witness the highest growth rate in hearing aids market during the forecast period due to increasing population in the emerging economies such as China and India.
The key players are incorporating strategies to increase its market share, meet rising demand, and expand customer base in emerging countries such as China and India. For instance, according to World Health Organization (WHO), in 2012, overall production of hearing aids met only 10% demand around the globe and as low as 3% demand in emerging economies.
Factors that might hamper the growth of hearing aids market are high costs of devices, poor accessibility of healthcare services, issues related with the devices such as battery problem, post purchase service, and maintenance problem.
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Continuous innovation and product development by manufacturers expected to fuel the growth of hearing aids market
The companies like Sivantos Inc. and William Demant Holding A/S are focusing on product development and innovation, as a part of this Sivantos Inc. has recently launched their new hearing aids brand Signia, which provide advanced hearing solutions, customizable aids and have discreet appearance and wireless connectivity to phone and TV features.
Some major players hold largest market share of hearing aids market are Sonova Holding AG, Sivantos Inc., Cochlear Ltd., SeboTek Hearing Systems, LLC, Oticon A/S, Zounds Hearing Inc, MED-EL, Sonic Innovations Inc., GN Hearing and William Demant Holding A/S.
The companies are also trying to establish control on retail chains to robust their product sale and supply the product directly to end user. In the year 2015 William Demant Holding A/S acquired Audika, which is the largest hearing aid dispensing chain in France.
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Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.
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Some of these investments have lock-up periods, in which traders cannot promote their shares and heavily rely actions by the fund supervisor, Meka says. TOKYO (AP) — Japan's prime automaker Toyota, auto components maker Denso and web company SoftBank's investment fund are investing $1 billion in automotive-sharing Uber's know-how unit.
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