not-my-givenchy · 5 years
Please Don’t Go - Carol Danvers X Fem!Reader
The funeral was raw, heavy, and heartachingly calm. Amidst the bleary, tearful eyes and shaking hands, Carol stood stoically. She hadn’t known Tony long, but the way you were crying made her resolve break. You only hoped that the intergalactic defender would stay on Earth a little while longer, for all the selfish reasons in the book. 
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Funerals are a foreign concept to Carol. On Hala, bodies were given what was dubbed a ‘warriors burial’, an ancient custom of setting the body ablaze to fade back into the stardust from which they came. Carol imagined Tony Stark deserved something well beyond a ‘warriors burial’, but there was no such ceremony given to heroes. Perhaps the river, the water, was something more akin to saviors; like fire to warriors.
Carol pondered this and more as she stood at your side. Tears flowed freely down your cheeks but not a single sound left your mouth. The flower-woven basket was long out of sight by now, sent down the river in the same fashion in which Tony had slipped from life. The imagery stuck with you, choked you like ash caught in the throat. Carol, on the other hand, remained as movable as a stone wall. 
It was only when she spared a glance at you when she felt a twinge of pain in her heart. Your once bright eyes were rimmed red, puffy as you wiped at the free-falling tears. Carol tried to remember a time where you weren’t sad. You had met after Thanos, the first snap. Working with Natasha had led Carol to you. That was something she wished her could thank the redhead for, but she was gone too. 
“Do you want to go inside?” Carol rested a hand on your shoulder, trying to pull you back to reality and out of your thoughts. You turned to face her and Carol could see the pain written clearly along your features.
“I-I, maybe, I don’t….” You bit your bottom lip in an attempt to stifle the sobs that threatened to overtake you once more. Carol’s hand moved from your shoulder and rubbed along your upper back in a soothing motion.
“Let’s head inside,” she murmured and you let her guide you past the entrance of the Stark’s lodge. The dark interior reflected the somber expressions wore on Tony’s family’s faces. Carol was certain that she had never seen such a strong group of so defeated. Tony’s wife, Pepper was busied in the kitchen, making lunch, by the look of it while her daughter chatted with the young man named Peter. The boy especially looked heartbroken.
“You don’t have to stay,” you sniffled as you sat down on an empty couch. Carol’s brows furrowed and she shook her head.
“I want to, Y/N,” Carol began as she sat at your side, “I’m going to stay as long as I can.” Your eyes widened at her words and lift to meet her gaze.
“You have to go back don’t you?” The location doesn’t need a name, partly because out of all the places Carol could go, it would be pointless in trying to guess where she was needed. You trailed your gaze along her face and Carol knew that anything she could say would do nothing to help. Yes, she was leaving, she had to and you knew that. 
So instead of giving you an answer that you already knew Carol reached for your hand. She entangled her fingers with yours and gave your hand a reassuring squeeze. It was small, the gesture, but it was all it took to ground you in the moment. Carol was here, now, and she wanted you to be with her. “Do you want something to drink?” Carol went through the conventional methods of consoling someone, things she had quickly picked up on while working on planets after Thanos split the universe in two. “Something to eat maybe?”
“No,” you replied softly to each question she asked,“I just want you to stay.” And stayed she did. Not once did she get up or leave your side as people filed in and out of the Stark’s home. Before long, your head was resting against her shoulder, further anchoring her in place. The shorter, blonde strands of her hair tickled your skin every now and then, reminding you to stay awake. Carol watched as your eyes drifted slowly closed but would then spring open whenever someone opened a door.
Soon enough, Nick Fury made his way over to you both. Carol gave him a soft smile in greeting, one that was not returned. Like you, Fury looked worse for wear with dark circles under his eyes. Wherever he had been sent to, whatever other dimension, it had not been kind to him. Perhaps it had the opposite, but no seemed to recollect the experience. “We’re going to leave soon, Hill and I,” Fury explained. “I figured you may what a ride back? We told Y/N we’d drop her off afterwards.” Carol nodded and Fury left her to wake you. Gently, Carol used her free hand to brush her fingers soothingly along your cheek.
“Hey, Y/N,” she whispered, “it’s time to go.”
“No,” you whimpered, your hands grasping the material of Carol’s black jumpsuit. “Please don’t go, don’t leave me.” Your words shook Carol to the core, rendering her speechless for a few moments. With your eyes closed, you had pleaded her to stay, like it was an instinct.
“I’m not leaving,” she replied after a few beats, “we’re going home. Okay? Can you wake up for me?” Your eyes fluttered open then, meeting her gaze with slightly reddened cheeks.
“Fury is going to give us a ride,” Carol restated, “if you’re ready to go.” You nodded, lifting your cheek from her shoulder with a slight groan. 
“I’m ready,” you murmured and Carol helped you stand. Her grip was gentle, not rough but steady as you got to your feet. “I need to say bye to Pepper.”
“Alright, let’s find her then,” Carol said as she guided you around the house. Once you both reached the kitchen, the sight of Pepper and Morgan warmed Carol’s heart. There was something so sweet about the scene, how despite the context, the tiny family was still whole.
“Leaving?” Pepper stood from the table and walked over. You nodded, pulling away from Carol’s grasp to wrap your arms around the new widow. It was a tight embrace, even Carol could see how your arms tightened around Pepper as you whispered ‘sorrys’ in her eyes. “It’s okay, we’re okay. I’m sorry too. Tony adored you, Y/N. He was so proud of the work you were doing with Nat. So proud.”
Carol could sense the sobs before you began to shake. Pepper stepped back and took your hands, studying your face in a motherly fashion. Then, she glanced at Carol who, was watching with a frown on her face. She wished that she could give you some sort of comfort akin to Pepper’s, but she didn’t know how. 
“Take care of her, will you?” Carol nodded at Pepper’s plead.
“Of course,” she replied as you turned around. You bid Pepper one last goodbye and pecked Morgan’s cheek before following Carol out of the house. 
Nick and Maria stood near a sleek black car, waiting for the two of you in silence. Carol nodded at them as she lead you over. Nick opened the back door for you and Carol helped you inside. Maria climbed in the passenger seat, leaving Nick and Carol outside. 
“How is she?” Nick asked and Carol, who had been walking over to the back door of the driver’s side, looked up. 
“She’s struggling, Fury,” she replied, “I…think I might…”
“You’re gonna stay with her?” 
“Yeah,” Carol agreed coolly, “I am.” Nick nodded and made his way to the drivers seat. Carol climbed in the car, settling in the seat beside you with her hand brushing your own. Once Nick started driving, Carol dared to entangle her fingers with yours once more. You squeezed he hand in silent gratitude forests surrounding the Stark’s home whizzed by in a similar quiet.
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The whole ride to your apartment was done without a single word. The radio had stayed off, Maria was looking over a data pad with intrigue (she was always working, Carol had noticed), and you hadn’t taken your eyes off of the tinted windows. Carol, with slightly nervous energy, grazed her thumb along the soft skin on top of your hand. The touch was meant to be comforting but it had lacked the power to pull your attention back to Carol.
The only time your gaze shifted was when your apartment complex came into sight. You wiggled in the seat of the car and Carol watched as you licked your lips. She smiled when you spared a glance in her direction but, like Nick, you didn’t return the expression. Instead, you looked out of the windshield as Nick pulled up the entrance.
“Thank you, Fury,” you said, letting go of Carol’s hand to squeeze Nick’s shoulder.
“No problem, kid,” he replied, “just get some rest, alright? Both of you.” 
“Don’t worry about us, Fury,” Carol fired back, “take care of yourself.”
“Will do. Tell me before you go off world, Danvers, I got some questions about what I missed.” Carol nodded and she felt you tense at her side.
You and Carol bid Maria a farewell before piling out of the dapper looking car. Before Carol could even help you up the steps to the apartment complex doors, you were already mounting the steps. Carol watched you ascend and wondered what she had done wrong. After fiddling with your keys, you managed to unlock the door and head inside.
Whatever was bothering you only seemed to swell up when you both stepped inside the elevator. Silence crawled its way in too and Carol didn’t dare break it up in fear of losing you even more. Rather than risk it, Carol stepped close to you with bright brown eyes scanning over your features. You lifted your eyes to meet hers and the superpowered woman nearly broke. There was such a sadness in your eyes, the harrowing color of grey-death. 
“Y/N, I-” Carol was interrupted by a ‘ding’ and the doors to the elevator opening. You walked out into the hallway and Carol, slowly, followed after you. Key jingled as you unlocked your door. The creak it made as you pushed it open set Carol on edge. It was more of a cliff at this point. You threw off your shoes the moment you stepped inside, not caring enough to look where they landed. Carol watched on as you made a b-line down a small hallway. It led to your room, Carol knew that, but that didn’t ebb her curiosity. She peeked down the same hallway before she decided to follow you. 
When her eyes landed on you again, you were curled up on your bed. The covers and blankets went ignored at you folded in on yourself. Carol stood in the door way, leaning against the frame while she took the sight of you in. Your eyes were closed at first, lashes fanned out against your cheeks and made the most beautiful part of you all the more stunning. Love was yet another concept rare to Carol; at least this sort of love.
“Don’t you have to go?” You questioned, eyes fluttering open to glance at Carol where she stood. The blonde woman shook her head in response.
“I’m staying until I can’t,” Carol replied calmly, “until you want me to leave.”
“Even I wanted you to leave now?” 
“I would go,” Carol conceded, although she hoped you wouldn’t ask that of her.
“What if I never want you to leave?” Your voice broke on the last syllable which sent Carol striding towards the open side of your bed in a flash. “I would stay as long as I could,” Carol said as she sat beside you. “You know that I can’t stay as long as I wish I could.”
“Then just stay now,” you whispered, splaying you open palm against the mattress. Carol took note of the action and moved to lay beside you. “Just for now, please, don’t go, not soon.”
“I’m here,” Carol said softly, entangling her fingers with yours once more. “I’m here and I’m all yours.” At that, you wormed your way closer to the wonderful woman in your bed, snuggling tighter into her warmth. Carol kissed the top of your forehead and brought the back of your joined hand to her lips. “I’m all yours.”
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not-my-givenchy · 5 years
Tragic Fate pt. 4 (Tony Stark x Reader)
Summary: Saying you and Tony Stark had a tumultuous relationship was the understatement of the Century, but no one can discount the love you shared and the good you provided to each others lives.
A/N: This features a young Tony Stark, before his parent’s death, and WELL before the avengers. Here is what I think is going to be the last installment. If anyone wants to request a scene between Tony and the reader let me know tho, I’m always open to suggestions!
Word Count: 3,860
Warnings: mild cursing...alcohol use
Part 1|| Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4
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The sun had long set, and you tiptoed back to your desk desperate to avoid your associate Mark. It was already well past midnight, and all you wanted was to be curled in bed. Investment banking was exactly as you imagined it would be, boring and time consuming. 
“Y/N!” Mark’s door was closed, but his shout always managed to find you. 
In an attempt to quell your annoyance you take a deep breathe before pushing your head through the door. The city lights poured in through the window behind his desk practically blinding you. Mark was a large man only 2 years your senior, but the rigors of the job were already taking there toll on him. His hooded eyes remained fixed on the papers before him even after you had fully entered the room. 
Desperate to end the encounter as soon as possible you let out a meager cough. “Hi, I heard you call me?” 
“Yes, I want Ryan to sit in on the pitch tomorrow, so leave the Mitsui files on his desk before you leave.” He flipped through the papers still not looking up. 
Ryan was a little Mark in the making always sucking up and undermining your work. “Oh,” you paused to debate the risk of arguing, “I was hoping to sit in on the pitch…seeing as I’ve been the lead analyst on it since the beginning—.”
Mark’s eyes narrowed as he looked up. “Ryan has been here longer,” waving you from the room, “I’ve made up my mind.” 
“Sir, if I may—,” you began. 
“No, you may not.” His deep voice filled the office and with a huff he turned his focus back to the papers before him. 
You had already committed to fighting for the case, so you stood your ground. With a deep breathe in you rolled your shoulders back. “Ryan and I actually started on the same day, so if your decision is going to be based on seniority then I would like to remind you that I am senior to him on the Mitsui case.” Your voice matched the ferocity that Mark’s had. 
Mark’s hands folded and he leaned onto his elbows. His bloodshot eyes inspecting you, and his mouth twisted into a tight smirk before addressing you. “Well, I need you working on the Franklin report.” He leaned back in his chair laughing lowly. “If you can manage to finish it prior to the meeting, then I’ll consider allowing you in on the pitch.” He emphasized. 
The Franklin project had only been announced this morning, meaning it would take months of collaboration before it could be drafted. “Mark, you know that’s impossible.” 
“Well I guess you should cancel your plans tonight then.” His smirk was sinister, and you knew he was giving you an impossible task to keep you from the Mitsui meeting.
Turning on your heels, you swallowed your discontent and left the office before you could say something vulgar. Knowing your half mug of coffee wouldn’t be enough, you made your way back to the break room. Two other analysts stood blocking the cherished coffee machine gaping at the news. Not having time for pleasantries, you tried to nudge your way between them. 
“It’s crazy right,” one of them directed at you. 
You raised your eyebrows in hopes that your absence of a response would speed up the conversation. 
Josh, at least thats what you think his name is, motioned to the T.V. “The Starks…they’re dead.” 
Burning coffee caught in your throat, causing you to spit it all over your mouth. “What?” You coughed now fully focused on the breaking news before you. 
The newscaster was somber; your mind blurred, and you begged yourself to focus on the words coming out of her mouth. But you couldn’t pull your focus from the firefighter shuffling around a smoking car in the distance. Soon the camera panned from the police shuffling under the caution tape to the coroners van replacing the ambulance. When it cut back to the young reporter you finally made out her words. “At this time we can confirm that Howard and Maria Stark have died as the result of a tragic—.” 
Shaking your head back to your now empty mug you told yourself. The coffee pot shook in your hand as you refilled your mug unable to shake the reoccurring what if scenarios flashing through your mind.
“Are you ok?” The analyst asked motioning towards your shaking hand. 
“Um yea,” you chuckled awkwardly, “I must’ve had one too many cups.”
He nodded before turning back to the news. You took that as your opening to escape, and rushed back to your desk. Deep breathes you reminded yourself shakily. But your hands wouldn’t stop shaking making it near impossible to start the Franklin report. Trying to rub the pain from your face with clammy hands you thought back to the last time you had seen Tony. It had been a little over a year.
Your eyes searched the crowd before you. Felix was throwing an end of the semester bash and you desperately wanted to thank him for the free booze. Being with Tony had taught you how to get along with the 1%, and much to Jennifer’s delight you and Felix had finally grown close. It also helped that Felix was often in Jennifer’s room every time you found yourself there crying over your now ex. Plus, being in an arguable unhealthy relationship had opened your eyes to how amazing Felix was for your best friend. So when you finally spotted him in the sweaty room you were quick to run into his open arms.
“Felix!” You shouted into his shoulder over the thumping music. 
Your feet lifted from the ground as he shook you side to side. “Ravishing as always!” He shouted back. “Where is my love?” He exaggerated placing you back on the ground.
“Jenny!” You squealed with wide eyes. 
“Oh this just won’t work.” He tsked looking around. 
Your eyes met as the lightbulb when off in your head, “shoulders!” 
“Genius!” Felix shouted while kneeling down dramatically. It must’ve been a sight, you were both absolutely trashed, but somehow you managed to make it on his shoulders without falling. Felix pushed his way through the crowd as the two of you shouted your friends name. 
Yet to recognize anyone in the crowd, you soon realized how dangerously close your head was to the swinging chandelier. The heads were all one mass blur, and you lifted your hands and vigorously rubbed your eyes to try and focus. Felix stopped abruptly causing you to sway backwards and without your hands bracing on his shoulders there was a split second where you believed that you were going down. But Felix was one step ahead and had already begun to drop to a knee so you could slip off safely. Before you could look past to see why your quest had stopped abruptly, Felix moved to block your path. Your nose crashed into his broad shoulders and you cursed at the stinging pain.
“Felix,” You drawled trying to get his attention, but it was clear that he did not want you to see who he was talking too.
Despite his complaints, a hand managed to shove him aside, and suddenly you were face to face with the devil himself. He eyes were glossed over, and he ran a sweaty hand through his damp hair.
“Isn’t this a treat!” His eyes glistened with mischief as he tried to get you to smirk back. 
Protectively, Felix’s arm snaked around your shoulder. “I’m gonna find Jenny-fur—,” he slurred trying to offer you an out. 
You nodded approvingly and moved so that his arm fell from his shoulders. You weren’t going to let your history ruin your night of fun. 
 “Just shout if you need me.” Felix’s eyes threatening Tony before finally heading out. 
Tony’s hands managed to find your own, and your heart fluttered at the simple touch. The dance floor, Felix’s living room, was packed with sweaty bodies and you were slowly pushed together. Breathless, you leaned into his chest. Finals were over might as well allow yourself a little treat. And you danced. After that, the night became a blur. Tony bullied his way to the pong table. Your combined enthusiasm making up for your combined lack of skill. Soon he was cheering drink in your ear and you obliged chugging the sour beer down before slamming the cup onto the table. 
 You smacked the ball back into his hand. “It’s fine, we got this!” You cheered.
Neither of you had successfully landed a shot, and you went first hoping to break the streak. The ball slipped easily from your fingers before soaring into the air. Tony grabbed your arm, but the ball bounced off of a rim before landing on the ground. Your opponent laughed, and waited for Tony to miss as well. However, with a stroke of luck, Tony’s ball managed to find the target and plinked softly into the warm beer. Throwing your hands into the air, you jumped on Tony’s back hooting and hollering. That was the only success you had, and the game finished quickly but you were officially smashed. Suddenly the song switched, and Tony’s eyes lit up.  
His hands shook your shoulders. “You hear this shit!” 
With that, you both made your way to the dance floor. Together you jumped in the air and screamed the lyrics back and forth. The majority of the dance floor was drunk friends half crying half dancing, and the other half was comprised of couples eating each others faces. Meanwhile, Tony and you were busy making fools of yourselves and having a blast. When the song switched to another one you were equally as fond of, you grabbed Tony’s hand and tugged him with you towards the speaker.
“Lift me up!” You begged. 
His eyes twinkled and he grabbed your waist, hoisting you above his head. While you were in the air, your foot got tangled around something, but you were too busy laughing to notice. That is until Tony placed you on the ground and the music was cut. Looking down at the cord now tangled around your foot your eyes widened. With a hand covering your mouth your cheeks flushed red. Luckily this was common, so your penance was already on its way. Felix charged through the crowd bottle in hand — it was a crude mixture of punch and various types of alcohol. Around you everyone was chanting “redeem yourself”. 
Felix’s gaze was of devilish delight, and he thrust the bottle into your outstretched hands. The crowd silenced at the raise of his hand. “Y/N Y/L/N! You have committed the greatest sin, do you wish to redeem yourself?” Felix boomed through the now silent house. 
This was the first time you were the one in need of redemption, and you tried to swallow your laughter knowing Felix took redemption seriously. Instead you nodded vigorously before bending to one knee. The drink smelled foul, but it was already emptying into your stomach.  Around you everyone was hooting still chanting “redeem yourself,” and you couldn’t let them down. So you chugged desperately trying to empty the bottle in record time. Felix pulled you to your feet as you finished the last drop. 
He turned towards the crowd. “Do the people find this display sufficient?” He boomed. The partygoers hollered in response; satisfied, Felix fixed the speaker. The sound nearly blew out your eardrums, for you had forgotten how close you were to them. Standing in front of you, Felix looked at Tony’s arm around your shoulder and raised his brows. 
“I’m going to join Jennifer in the basement if you want to join.” He was sweet to offer you an out. 
“Oh Felix, thank you soooo much.” Your pulled him into a tight hug again. “I’m having a blast though, so I’ll find y’all later tonight ok.”
Felix winked before turning back from where he came. The basement was usually where the rich kids did their drugs, and you didn’t have a rich relative to bail you out so you were quick to avoid it. 
Tony’s arm snaked around your waist and pulled you close to his side. “Can we go somewhere else?” His lips dangerously close to your ear. 
Feeling his breathe on your ear, you leaned your back into his chest and nodded silently. His hands shifted to give your shoulders a light squeeze. Slowly, you turned to him and realized just how close you had become. The taste left in your mouth from the drink was foul, and too subconscious of your breath you just smiled up at the boy in front of you. Smiling, Tony tapped your nose playfully before interlocking your hands together. He was quick to pull you out of the sweaty room and towards the back door. 
“Tony,” you complained, “it’s December…and I’m drunk…and I don’t have my coat…and it’s cold.” You pouted planting your feet and pulling back on his arm. 
Tony spun on his heels; wordlessly, he pulled you in the other direction. It wasn’t until you were half way up the stairs that you realized where he was taking you. The hallway was empty, and the party roared below you. Soon enough, Tony was pushing his head into a bedroom. 
“All clear,” he whispered pushing his way in. 
Soon enough you were both laying side by side on the bed moving no further. His hand was intertwined with yours and your shoulders just barely brushed. Neither of you dared to speak, both staring absentmindedly at the ceiling. You had spent the night successfully ignoring the hurt pulling at your chest, but now it had returned. You tried to focus on the low thump of the music downstairs, hoping it would sober you up. The rising tempo matched that of your beating heart. The rational part of your brain begged you to stand and walk out on Tony. This was your chance to close the door on that chapter of your life and leave him questioning everything. Your brain replayed every photo of Tony’s hands on other women. However, your heart would take control and replace those with the memories of his hands on you, cherishing your body, worshiping your folds, and pressing his lips against every inch of you. You squeezed your eyes shut, wanting to shut it all off for a moment.
As if Tony could sense your qualms he interrupted your thoughts, “have you decided where you’re going to law school?”
Your eyes opened and you let out a deep sigh, “I’m not applying. I think I’m going to take a gap year or two.” 
You felt Tony shift beside you. Suddenly, you cursed yourself for not lying, but this was your Tony—he would’ve known. 
“Hey,” he whispered reaching over to stroke your cheek. It was a soft gesture and he turned to his side to better look at you. 
Turning to face him, you tried to ignore the way your heart swelled.
His eyes searched yours. “If it’s about money I can help.” He whispered. 
Your heart broke at the offer, “Tony I can’t take anymore of your money—.”
“Yes you can.” He rubbed his thumb across your cheek. “Please…let me.” His voice was desperate. The money his way of keeping you in his life. Now unable to meet his eyes, you looked down at your hands. They laid awkwardly between your chest and his. “It’s not even about money.” You whisper was uncertain. 
His eyes explored your face pausing for you to explain. 
When you realized he wouldn’t move on without one you sighed. “I’ve already been offered a job.” 
His face scrunched, “doing what?” His thumb still stroked your cheek. 
“Investment banking.” As soon as you said your new reality you couldn’t help but laugh. “God, I’m going to turn into those people I hate.” 
“Well that depends,” he smiled, “what company are you selling your soul too?” 
“Goldman Sachs,” you both laughed in response before growing quiet His fingers slowly brushed down your shoulder and down your arm leaving goosebumps behind. When he finally had your hand wrapped in his own, warmth spread through your body. His heartbroken eyes were downcast, staring at your intertwined hands. Maybe it was the questionable amount of alcohol in your system, but you couldn’t stop yourself from leaning closer. Your chest pressed softly against his, and your lips met the corner of his mouth leaving the vague memory of a kiss. Your eyes searched for his, and when they met his begged you to initiate contact. So you did—you ignored everything in your brain screaming stop. Running your fingers through his hair, you pulled him in. The kiss was slow, and your lips were a whisper of secrets against his. Neither of you tried to deepen it and make it something that it wasn’t. Soon enough, you pulled away wanting to cry, wishing you could let it all out, but there was nothing left. Tony’s eyes were understanding, and you couldn’t dare to meet them. So you rested your head against his rising chest letting his arms pull you close.
“Thank you…for helping with tuition—one day I’ll pay you back,” you whispered. 
“You already have.” His lips brushed against your forehead.
Before you knew it, the two of you had drifted into sleep.
Sunlight poured into the room, and your head bounded aggressively making it impossible to open your eyes fully. The bed was still warm beside you, but Tony was long gone. You knew it was for the best, last night had been your last hurrah with him. You wanted to remember it like—blissful. If it weren’t for the hangover brewing in your body, you would have felt completely content in that moment.
The smell of coffee filled your nose, and lulled you from your hazy sleep. After rubbing the tired from your eyes, you took in your surroundings. The lumpy surface leaving knots in your back was far from your comfortable bed, and the room was far too florescent to be your bedroom. The sound of the coffee maker in the corner meant you had fallen asleep in the break room again. Your dear roommate and friend Felix hovered above you with a steaming mug of coffee. His eyes were playful waiting for you to make space for him.
“Long night,” he joked gesturing to your coffee stained blouse. 
Seeing the large stain officially brought you back to reality. “Shit!” Your eyes widened as you frantically jumped up. “What time is it?” 
“I think it’s almost 7:30,” he threw himself beside you on the couch. 
You grabbed his wrist to look at his watch. “Shit shit shit. Do you think I have time to run home and change before 8?” Your voice was frantic.
“Mmm, I thought you’d say that. Soooo…” He smirked while reaching down to grab a plastic bag.
Your hands grabbed it, and peering in you saw it had a fresh set of clothes. “Thank you so much Felix!” You jumped up from the couch clutching the bag desperate to change out of yesterdays outfit. But you needed caffeine first. 
“So do you want to talk about it?” He called from the couch. 
Peering up from behind your fresh cup of coffee, “about?” You questioned innocently. 
Silently, he placed his mug on the table before him. Crossing his legs, he gave you time to rethink your answer. “Have you seen the news at all? Or did you really just cram over reports all night.” 
“Oh the news,” you took a long sip of coffee, “yea I saw it break last night.”
“And?” He waited. 
“And what?”
“Are you ok?” 
You rolled your eyes, “I mean yes it’s sad.” 
Felix just raised his brows. “You dated their son for almost three years.”
“That’s a stretch,” you coughed, “I would argue we only actually dated for like a week max.”
“Y/N stop deflecting.” He looked like a worried mother, and if you weren’t trying to avoid the conversation you would have taken the time to make fun of him.
Instead, you finished your coffee and turned quickly towards the door. “Thanks for the clothes, wish me luck.” You shouted running out of the break room before he could say more.
Once in the bathroom you hurried to make yourself presentable. Happy enough, you walked out hoping that Felix had gone back to his desk so you could sip one more cup of coffee in peace before the big pitch. However, once the door closed behind you Felix emerged. He shoved the break room phone into your hands and whispered Tony’s name before making his way to the coffee maker. Your eyes shot daggers at him, and you vowed to get him back. Luckily, he didn’t pick up, and you were able to get by with leaving a voicemail. After smacking Felix’s arm and taking his coffee, you made your way to Mark’s office.
Typically, after spending the night on the break room couch you would have dreaded the buzz of your day. But today you were grateful for the busy day, and the look of shock on Mark’s face when you handed him the finished Franklin report provided you more adrenaline than coffee ever could. You rode that wave right into the pitch, and when Mark let you speak you didn’t let him down. The meeting went until lunch, which normally you would have hated because you now were behind on your other reports, but you were still buzzing. 
The last person finally left the conference room, and you quickly made a beeline towards your desk. Of course, Mark had to stop you. His hand wrapped around your arm, and you tried not to spit on him as you turned around. “Good work in there.” His hand fell back to his side. “If you keep it up, I might just recommend you for the promotion to the new Japan office.” His smile was huge, this successful pitch helped his career more than yours. 
Your heart swelled. “Really? Thank you Mark!” That promotion was huge—even though you didn’t particularly like Investment Banking—it meant a higher paycheck and almost guaranteed you’d make associate in one year instead of two. 
With a smile and a nod, he dismissed you from the room. Your practically danced towards your desk thinking about where you could drag Felix for lunch to celebrate. Quickly, you grabbed your bag and waved to the secretary making your way towards the elevator where Felix waited. 
“Ms. Y/L/N!” The secretary called after you. 
You turned and smiled, she was a small polite woman. Normally, the secretary would wait until after your lunch to relay any news, but she was new, so you made your way over to her desk.
“You have a phone call.” She paused, uncertain, and looked down at her notepad. “A…um…Mr. Stark.” Her eyes widened in realization. 
Well, there goes your peaceful lunch.
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not-my-givenchy · 5 years
Tragic Fate
Summary: Saying you and Tony Stark had a tumultuous relationship was the understatement of the Century, but in the brief time you shared you were loved.
A/N: If you’re still wrecked from Endgame (like me) then why not go back in time and pretend it hasn’t happened yet. This story features a young Tony Stark and his first love because honestly who doesn’t need a little bit of young RDJ in their life
Part 1|| Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4
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17 notes · View notes
not-my-givenchy · 5 years
Tragic Fate pt. 1 (Tony Stark x Reader)
Summary: Saying you and Tony Stark had a tumultuous relationship was the understatement of the Century, but no one can discount the love you shared and the good you provided to each others lives.
A/N This features a young Tony Stark, before his parent’s death, and WELL before the avengers. It will most likely be around 4 parts. Here is the first installment, in which Tony and the reader meet. I started this story on my main blog many moons ago. So I’m moving it over to this side bloggy in hopes of finally finishing it. 
Word Count: Roughly 1,600
Warnings: mild cursing…alcohol use
Part 1|| Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4
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Hidden under a mountain of textbooks your yellow quilt had all but disappeared, and the wooden desk that was supposed to house those textbooks was hidden under a mound of loose papers and chewing gum wrappers. You couldn’t remember when exactly you had allowed it to get this disastrous, but you reckoned it was around the time Jennifer had started bugging you about your spring break plans. It was now the Thursday before said break, and she had not let up. While you were busy studying for midterms, she stood disgusted in the one patch of floor not riddled with dirty clothes. Ignoring her pleads, you lounge atop your notes, pen clicking slowly in hand. The more she complained the harder it was getting for you to focus. At first you just turned up radio and motioned for her to leave, but she stood firm.
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not-my-givenchy · 5 years
Tony Stark 
Tragic Fate
 Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4
Description: Saying you and Tony Stark had a tumultuous relationship was the understatement of the Century, but no one can discount the love you shared and the good you provided to each others lives.
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not-my-givenchy · 5 years
Tragic Fate pt. 3 (Tony Stark x Reader)
Summary: Saying you and Tony Stark had a tumultuous relationship was the understatement of the century, but no one could discount the love you had shared and the good you provided to each other’s lives. 
A/N I started this story on my main blog many moons ago. So I’m moving it over to this side bloggy in hopes of finally finishing it. 
Word Count: 2,421
Warnings: Drinking…mentions of cheating
Part 1|| Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4
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The shrill sound of your watch pulled you from the task in front of you. The day was finally done, and you leapt from the barn with excitement. This was the first night of the summer that you had plans with someone other than your parents and the cows, and lady time had been cruel and slow leading up to your release. It was nothing special, dinner and some drinks with an old high school friend you had grown apart from, but now that you wouldn’t be returning to school in the fall you figured you should start reconnecting. So you pushed down your self pity by remembering all the fun you and Bailey had in high school. Even more exciting was the fact you wouldn’t have to talk about milk for a change.
The screen door shook behind you as you ran through the hallway. You weren’t fast enough to sneak by your mother who came charging out of the kitchen with a wooden spoon.
“Boots!” Old man Jennings down the road could probably hear her shriek.
You stopped in your tracks and looked over at the muddy path you left. Before running up the stairs, you kicked them towards the door and planted a soft kiss on her cheek. Shouting your apologies as you ascended the creaking steps.
“I’ve raised enough pigs in my life, I don’t need another one!” She yelled at no one in particular. 
Your clothes laid in a damp sweaty heap by the door. The neighbors had been kind enough to offer you extra work for cash, but your sore limbs were not happy with the extra labor. Normally, a cold shower would help soothe the knots in your back, but after an afternoon of hauling hay and mending fences you would need something a bit stronger. Working every hour of the day was the only way you suppressed the sadness of dropping out. The only time you weren’t thinking of everything you were leaving behind was when your hands were raw and your knees threatened to give out from under you. 
Every decent article of clothing reminded you of Jennifer. When you finally pulled on a top, you could hear her voice clear as day asking if that was really what you wanted to wear. You were stuck there staring at your reflection for what seemed like hours, but the shrill ring of the phone downstairs snapped you back to reality
“Sweetie! You’ve got a phone call.” Your mothers voice carried into your room 
“Coming!” You shouted back practically throwing yourself down the stairs.
Your mom raised an eyebrow as she passed you the phone. Your voice came out in a rush, “Hello this is Y/N.” 
“Hello Miss. Y/L/N, this is Mrs. Labelle calling from the office of finances.” Her shrill voice hissed through the phone. 
“What is this concerning?” You groaned. 
“Well, I just wanted to inform you of a payment made to your account. Now I know you were in the process of withdrawing, but the remainder of your tuition for the year has been paid. We would hate to see you go right before graduation—,” you slammed the phone into the receiver. 
“That asshole!” Stomping out of the house, you ignored your mothers calls behind you. 
Behind you the phone was ringing madly, but as if on cue Bailey was pulling up the driveway. Urging her to drive, you practically threw yourself into the passenger seat. She took her time to look at you like a fool before rolling her eyes and obeying.
The pub had been crowded when you first arrived, families and couples scattered through the booths. However, Bailey’s cousins owned the tiny establishment, so you were seated in a favorable back corner booth. The t.v at the bar hummed in the background, as you and Bailey laughed at old memories. Your meals had long been replaced by drinks, and the families had retreated back to their homes. The bar was full of regulars, and every so often some high schoolers would stumble in for fries and act like they weren’t drunk off their parent’s liquor cabinet. It was a quiet night, and hours passed before you gained the courage to tell Bailey about your current dilemma.
Bailey tried to mask her laughter by taking a swig of her beer, but when you continued rambling in an attempt to validate yourself beer came shooting from her nose.  
“Now look, you’ve gone and made a fool of me and you!” Her giggles were replaced by tiny hiccups and her arm knocked over the empty bottles as she wiped up the spill with her shit.
“What are you talking about!” Everyone in the pub was now staring at the two of you, so you lowered your voice, “I’d look more like a fool if I took the money.” 
Bailey’s arms flailed in the air. “That bastard broke your heart, the least he can do is pay for your college. Hell, he’s probably got the money to buy this entire god damn state, your tuition is like pocket change to him!” Bailey huffed paying no mind to the attention her little scene was grabbing. “You’ve got the brains to get out of this god damn town, don’t waste them because your god damn ego.” 
“Whatever, you don’t get it. I don’t even like it there Bails.” You returned to your drink with a grumble. 
“Shut up.” Bailey’s eyes grew dark and her tone more serious. “You know what I’m going to be doing at the end of August?”
She dared you to speak, “the same god damn thing I do every year. I’ll be hauling hay and picking up shit! Literal shit! You don’t have to be hauling hay and picking up shit no more, so why the hell would you choose to.”
Hearing her voice break tore at your heart. When you were finally able to look her in the eyes you noticed they were glossed with tears. Your cheeks flushed red and your mouth opened and closed like a dumb fish. Everyone in the pub had gone quiet, and when your eyes frantically scanned the room they all avoided looking back
With a slam of her glass, Bailey shot to her feet. “Plus your mama would kill you if you didn’t go back. Anyway! Let’s get you home before 12 so she doesn’t have to kill you twice.” 
You chuckled at her retort. As soon as you stepped onto the street the humidity slapped you in the face. Bailey wrapped her arm around your waist and leaned her head on your shoulder. For the first time in ages you could breathe deeply. 
Only two cars had passed in the half hour you had been walking, and as the road turned to gravel you doubted you’d see any more. The two of you exited downtown, and your only reminder of life was the soft hum of crickets and the occasional hoot of an owl. With each step, your knees screamed, but your mind was finally calm. Throughout the walk you both commiserated over work and love; Bailey definitely had her share of relationship drama. Drunk, sore, and walking drunk down a dark deserted road complaining about life caused you both to go delirious. Soon enough, you were skipping hand and hand screaming songs from many summers past. For a brief moment, all of your stress and troubles washed away and you were just two friends in a happy world. 
However, moments like that never last long, and with a quiet hug you wished Bailey a good night. You waited to turn towards the road until you saw that she made it safely indoors. The two of you had shared many nights like this in the past, and it made you realize how different you were now then you had been over four years ago. When the gravel beneath your feet changed to dirt, you knew you were reaching home. The alcohol had long left your system, but you were still blissfully unaware of the real world surrounding you. Along the way you realized that you would be returning to school in the fall, but that made the walk even more bitter sweet. You wanted to hope that after graduation you’d have a secure job somewhere in a city, but the little devil in your mind reminded you nothing was certain.
The crickets went quiet at the sound of a car pulling behind you. Squinting in the light, you failed to recognize the car. Your heart pounded violently in your chest, it was too fancy to belong to anyone around here, but only people that lived on this road drove down it and at this hour no one who lived on this road dared to drive. Your mind begged your feet to move, but you stood glued in place gaping as the strange car stopped beside you. 
The window began to roll down, and your now sweaty hand gripped the flashlight tighter. Millions of worst case scenarios ran through your head, and you heard you mothers voice in the back of your head telling you to never walk alone at night. However, the reality was worse than you could have imagined.
“What the fuck!” You whisper yelled at the driver. 
The bags under Tony’s eyes were on full display under your bright flashlight. His hand reached up to shield them, “What the hell are you doing out at this hour?” 
Flicking off your flashlight, you let out a breathe you didn’t realize you had been holding in. “I could ask you the same thing!”
His eyebrows furrowed and he opened and closed his mouth searching for a response. 
“Heck, what the hell are you doing on my street?” Your voice was unnecessarily loud.
He sighed, “just get in the car, I can explain.”
You practically chortled, “explain! Has that every worked for you?” 
“Y/N. Get in the car.” 
You rolled your eyes before walking towards the passenger door. It slammed harder than you had intended, and Tony jumped at the sound. The leather seat was cool against your exposed legs, and the AC that hit your face was a welcome release from the humidity.
“You’re on the wrong side of the road.” You grumbled looking ahead. 
“No lines, no rules.” He retorted. 
You rolled your head towards him, “God. Are you sure you’re not a country boy at heart?” 
Tony laughed and looked over at you. “At least I don’t smell like one.”
You had barely started driving when nausea ripped through your stomach. It felt like some cruel joke. “Tony pull over.” Your voice cracked.
“If this is because I called you smelly—”
“I swear to god I’ll jump out.” You pleaded gripping the door handle. If it weren’t for the booze in your system Tony probably would have called your bluff, but he knew better.
Letting out a long sigh he put the car in park. He stared at your hand waiting for you to leave, but you were frozen in your seat. You too were looking at your hand trying to will it to work. Pinching your eyes shut you willed yourself to wake up. To leave whatever sick dream you were trapped in. However, when you opened your eyes your hand was still there clutching the handle. Your chest was rising and falling faster than you could think, and soon enough Tony’s hand was covering your own. Your eyes were glued to his as he enveloped your hand.
“Y/N.” Your name was but a whisper on his tongue, and in the moment you would’ve sworn your heartbeat was louder than him.
All you could look at were your fraying jeans. His thumb still rubbing yours and his eyes begging searching for your gaze. 
“Tony.” As soon as you said his name your resolve cracked. Hot tears poured down your cheeks, but you didn’t feel like crying. Desperately praying they would stop, you pulled your hand from his to wipe them away.
“I’m sorry.” He tried to pull your hand into his again, but you folded it onto your lap. 
“Stop.” Your voice cracked, this time his hand cupped your cheek. Closing your eyes, you leaned into it and allowed his thumb to wipe away the remnants of your tears. When you opened your eyes you saw his tired ones staring back. 
“Why are you here?” There was no fight left in your voice, you had given up a long time ago. 
“Well—I wanted to make sure you knew you could graduate.” He but his cheek nervously waiting to gauge your reaction. 
You were expressionless. “Yea, but why are you here.” You emphasized. 
“I—I don’t know.” He stammered now unable to meet your eyes. 
You pulled your face from his hand and leaned against the headrest. “Well it’s almost midnight and we’re on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere, so I don’t know isn’t really an answer.” 
Tony didn’t answer. Ashamed, he turned towards the road again.
“I’ve given you so much.” Your voice cracked. “And you—you shit on all of it.”
Your vision blurred as the tears began to fall again. It was the kind of cry you feel in your soul. When emotionally you have no more to give, but you can’t stop yourself from giving even more. Tony couldn’t bring himself to look at you, even after every fight he had never seen you like this. For so long you had lied to yourself and suppressed how all of the cheating and lying had made you feel. When he ignored you for weeks you had shrugged it off. Sitting there sobbing in his car long after the damage was done and the relationship had ended, you realized that you had only let yourself feel his love. For so long you had ignored the hurt, and it came crashing down on you like a tsunami wave. And through the tears, you managed to lift your head and observe him. He had his eyes squeezed shut and his chest rose and fell. Your hand threatened to reach out and stroke his hair. It had grown longer and more disheveled than you remembered. Feeling your eyes on him, he quickly rubbed his eyes trying to hide the tears in their corners. 
“You didn’t deserve that.” His voice cracked, but his eyes didn’t leave your own. 
All you could do was nod, there was nothing left to be said. 
Next Part
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not-my-givenchy · 5 years
Tragic Fate pt. 2 (Tony Stark x Reader)
Summary: Saying you and Tony Stark had a tumultuous relationship was the understatement of the century, but no one could discount the love you had shared and the good you provided to each other’s lives.
A/N This features a young Tony Stark, prior to his parent’s death. Here is the second installment, in which the reader meets the infamous Howard Stark. I started this story on my main blog many moons ago. So I’m moving it over to this side bloggy in hopes of finally finishing it. 
Word Count: Roughly 1,700+
Warnings none
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4
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Over the next year, every moment you spent with Tony was cherished; his sarcasm matched your wit, and what Jennifer called bickering you considered lively conversation. However, when you were apart it was as if the relationship didn’t exist. Tony made no effort to hide his infidelity, his late night distractions covered the front of every tabloid. Nonetheless, you kept him in your life, knowing that each time his car pulled away his memory of you would be left in the rear view mirror. 
Your swollen eyes were hidden behind thick sunglasses as you turned from his fleeting vehicle. Finals were around the corner, and while everyone else was making extravagant summer plans you were busy worrying about affording the upcoming year. So as you watched Tony’s car pull away you felt more bitter than ever before, and you desperately tried to let your parents call distract you. The land line cord twirled in your fingers as your mother complained about the dairy business. The best cows were turning up dry, and your father couldn’t afford more help to match increased production. You hummed meaningless responses and allowed her to continue, understanding that she was trying her best to distract you from your reality. And when she asked the cause of your melancholy you blamed the stress of school and she never pressed further. 
Finals season was partly to blame for your gloom, but in the back of your mind you knew that your “relationship” with Tony was now causing more harm than good. Dragging yourself into bed you tried to mask the feelings of glum, but your mind wouldn’t stop forcing painful memories upon you. Each recollection of laughter and joy was swiftly followed by the remembrance fights that always preceded. The confrontations always ending with someone slamming a phone down or walking through a door, but neither of you had yet to keep your promises of never coming back. When you heard small knocks on your door you welcomed the interruption. Squinting your eyes, you tried to shake the hallucination, but it was not a mirage, with thumbs in his pockets Tony stood before you grinning. 
“Shouldn’t you be on your way home?” You questioned positioning yourself between the crack. 
Noting your less than hospitable tone, Tony’s smile faded. “Well I got about half an hour out when I realized how much I missed your voice.”
Your nod was slow, and your lips pursed into a forced smile. “That’s sweet of you,” you paused, “but don’t you have dinner with your parents tonight?”
Tony only rolled his eyes. “We have dinner with my parents,” He corrected. 
A heavy weight pulled at your body as you formulated a response. “Do we now?” Your throat burned as you swallowed trying to hide your discontent.
Ignoring your obvious displeasure, Tony pushed behind you and made his way to your bed. “As much as I like seeing you in my sweatshirt with those shorts, you should probably get ready.” Throwing his feet up, he motioned towards your dresser and laid his head back onto his arms. “So whenever you’re ready.”
Pinching the bridge of your nose you tried to devise an insult, but your mind remained blank. With every shirt you pulled on, Tony grumbled an insult, until you had finally slipped into an outfit he approved of. You couldn’t stop the wave of hopelessness that burst from your heart as you looked over the outfit. Every piece of clothing, from your earrings to your shoes, belonged to Jennifer. It all felt like a costume devised by your affluent friend to force you into the mold of the rich, so every compliment Tony directed towards you felt like a chisel through the heart. 
As he helped you from the car, Tony’s hand felt foreign in your own. Your eyes never left your feet as you made your way past the doorman. Tony was practically dragging you towards the elevator, and he paid no mind when you tripped at the speed. The entire drive to the penthouse had been silent. Your discontent with Tony was evident, but he didn’t understand your fears. He was clueless as to why you were so uncomfortable with the thought of meeting his parents. So he only responded with anger. The silence followed you into the elevator. His hand still intertwined with your own, trying to meet your eyes, hoping you would smile back. However your eyes were fixed forward, and as you pulled your shoulders back you tried not to look as big of an imposter as you felt. 
Howard Stark was a stern looking man his features sharp with knowledge, time, and regret. With a polite smile Maria balanced out his rigidness, but nothing she or Tony did would be able to slow your racing heart.
“Hello, I’m Y/N Y/L/N.” You greeted discretely trying to wipe your hands before they could embrace them.
Howard’s grip was as firm as his voice. “Y/L/N.” He repeated as if he was trying to place the name to another billionaire. Slow realization flicked through his eyes, and saying no more he simply nodded. 
Maria’s hand shake was much less formal, but equally as stressful. And her warm smile failed to reassure you that this night would be anything but miserable. 
The food rivaled anything you could have scrounged up in the dining hall, and it was probably the only enjoyable part of the night. However, listening to Howard berate Tony quickly took away your appetite, and realizing that your only purpose at dinner was to be a buffer for Tony and Howard made your heart drop. Maria’s game of 20 questions couldn’t quiet Howard’s interrogation of Tony in the background. 
Maria’s attention was laser focused on your future, “so what were your plans for after college? Are you going to take over the dairy farm?”
You choked on your water trying to remember when you had brought up the dairy farm, “no I plan on attending law school.” Realizing that Tony must have talked about you before, your heart fluttered and you hated dinner a little less. 
Howard finally turned his focus to you, “What do your parents think of the 1990 farm bill, will the price floor really harm small time farms as much as those opposed predict?” The question felt like an interrogation. 
Briefly remembering your mother mention the proposed bill, you tried to find an answer. “Well dairy prices increased this year, so a lot of small time farmers are trying to raise production.” You really had no clue what you were saying, but your mom had mentioned that your dad had taken out a loan so that he could prepare for more cows, so you used that one fact to formulate your response. 
Howard’s eyes narrowed as he nodded, his interest quickly shifting back towards Tony, but after staring intently at his son for only a moment, he returned to his food. Tony’s hand found yours underneath the table, and he quickly squeezed it. The gesture was quick but reassuring, and you felt relatively at peace. 
After dinner with Tony’s parents you returned to your dorm alone, Tony had stayed behind so that you could study for finals. At first you thought he was being considerate by not calling, you would be able to study without the stress of responding to him. However, finals had ended and days turned to weeks. Summer had arrived and you had yet to hear from him. Work on the dairy farm quickly distracted you from his absence. Watching your father struggle to pay bills made your lonesome feel pointless. The entire relationship slipped from your mind, for you had more pressing problems to worry about. So when you walked into the kitchen for dinner you were shocked to see Tony laughing at the table with your mother. 
“Sweetheart why didn’t you introduce us to Tony sooner!” Your mother’s shrill voice echoing through the old home. 
“Tony why don’t we talk outside.” You were too exhausted to fake enthusiasm. 
Before Tony could excuse himself, you were walking through the front door. Staring out into the fields, you allowed your body to melt into the rocking chair. The screen door screeched beside you, but you didn’t look up. “You always do this. I don’t want to do this.” You breathed still not looking at Tony. 
Tony took a deep sigh. “I know I have issues, but at least I told my parents you existed. When I knocked on the door your mom thought I was a salesman. Even after I introduced myself she slammed the door in my face.” 
“Smart woman.” You quipped. 
“Y/N, I came here to apologize—.”
“No.” You interrupt. “You always do this. You disappear for weeks. Then you show up and sweep me off my feet only to disappear as quickly as you arrived.” 
Tony is silent for a moment. “So you’re not going back to school?” 
“Don’t change the subject.” 
He sighs again, “Y/N, don’t drop out.”
“It’s not my choice Tony. We can’t pay. Not all of us have billion dollar companies to bail us out when the going gets tough. Some of us have to fight just to put food on the table.” Your eyes rage as you finally look at him. Pointed towards you, he sits on the edge of his chair. 
“No, but you have me. I’ll pay.” 
Your laugh breaks the tension and with a dirty hand you wipe the tears from your eyes. “No thanks.” You spit. 
“Don’t be stubborn.” 
“I’m not being stubborn. Tony this is over, we’re done. Paying for my college isn’t going to change that. I’m not going to take your money so leave.” Your voice raises, the yelling keeping the tears from falling faster. 
“I know this is over Y/N.” Tony spits back. 
Those words are what break you. A part of you had hoped he’d fight you, and that he had come here to woo you back into his arms. But as soon as you hear those words, reality slaps your face. Everything you had come to love in the last three years was over. College, your one escape from the depressing reality of life as a dairy farmer, over. The friendships, people with similar dreams and aspirations, finished. The reality of the end always scared you, it was something you thought you’d never have to face. But the sad fact of reality was that it would always find you and there was no running from it.
Next Part
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not-my-givenchy · 5 years
Tragic Fate pt. 1 (Tony Stark x Reader)
Summary: Saying you and Tony Stark had a tumultuous relationship was the understatement of the Century, but no one can discount the love you shared and the good you provided to each others lives.
A/N This features a young Tony Stark, before his parent’s death, and WELL before the avengers. It will most likely be around 4 parts. Here is the first installment, in which Tony and the reader meet. I started this story on my main blog many moons ago. So I’m moving it over to this side bloggy in hopes of finally finishing it. 
Word Count: Roughly 1,600
Warnings: mild cursing...alcohol use
Part 1|| Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4
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Hidden under a mountain of textbooks your yellow quilt had all but disappeared, and the wooden desk that was supposed to house those textbooks was hidden under a mound of loose papers and chewing gum wrappers. You couldn’t remember when exactly you had allowed it to get this disastrous, but you reckoned it was around the time Jennifer had started bugging you about your spring break plans. It was now the Thursday before said break, and she had not let up. While you were busy studying for midterms, she stood disgusted in the one patch of floor not riddled with dirty clothes. Ignoring her pleads, you lounge atop your notes, pen clicking slowly in hand. The more she complained the harder it was getting for you to focus. At first you just turned up radio and motioned for her to leave, but she stood firm.
“If you’re not going to come with me to Felix’s vacation home will you at least clean this room!” Her fingers dangling a wet towel over a pile of laundry.
“You know I never really understood vacation homes,” peering up from your notes, “isn’t one house enough?”
Jennifer’s eyes widened at your attention. “Please come Y/N.” Her voice now desperate. “I don’t think I can survive a week alone with him and his brother’s friends.” 
Sitting up, you clear a small space on your bed for her. She wasn’t going to leave until she got the answer she wanted, so it was worthless to ignore her. “If you can’t stand his friends why are you even dating him?” You mocked. 
Letting out an exasperated sigh, she flops beside you. “Shut up,” she moans, “you’ll understand when you’re in love.” 
“Oh god gag me.” 
Quickly swooping a pillow over your face, Jennifer lightly presses your head against the wall. “Does this work instead?” She laughs pulling away slowly. 
“I’ll only go if you find me a rich boy to belittle.” Shoving her arms away and laying on her shoulder.
“There’s only going to be rich boys there,” she emphasizes, “Felix’s friends are all the babies of major CEOs.” Her laugh brightening the mood. “If you wear those cute red shorts I gave you you’ll have no problem finding your own man.”
“No offense, but I don’t consider anyone who’s had their entire life handed to them on a silver platter a man,” you emphasized.
Jennifer just shrugged and shot up from your bed. “Wait you said yes!” 
“Is that really the only thing you took away from my comments?” Your groan growing as she starts packing your bags. 
Her small laugh filled the room as she starts rooting through the piles of clothing on your floor. By only using her fingertips she was making the process a lot longer than necessary. She the only person who found your snark redeeming, but her ideas of fun were vastly different from your own. 
Felix had sent a car for you and Jennifer, and you had spent the entire ride mocking the fact. Jennifer, as always, ignored you and continued telling you all about how the week would go.  It was essentially going to be a week revolved around drinking and finding ways to occupy yourself when you weren’t drinking. Frankly, it all seemed like one big accident waiting to happen; a ticking time bomb of fuckery. 
Stepping out of the car, you noted that Felix’s vacation home was three times as large as your home. Recalling that Jennifer had once called it “moderate” reminded you to slap her upside the head. Her perfectly manicured eyebrows rose in shock as she hit you back, but in the end both of you ended up giggling like schoolgirls as you made your way to the massive glass door. The gardening alone was more impressive than anything you had seen before. Blooming tulips hiding between rows of tended bushes welcomed you up the path. You felt small as you rested your hand upon one of the pillars, their white wood extending to the second floor. 
Felix’s shrill screech forced you to stop ogling the home as he burst off the porch. Sober and standing in the shining sun he didn’t look as douchey as you remembered. He finally acknowledged your presence after kissing Jennifer more times than necessary.
His nose crinkled as he looked over your worn jeans. “You came,” he feigned interest. 
You laughed and awkwardly embraced him, “how could I resist the chance?” 
Jennifer insisted that Felix take you on a house tour, and seeing as you had never been in a house this large, you couldn’t pretend that you weren’t intrigued. The downstairs bathroom alone was larger than your bedroom at home, and the kitchen spanned into not only one, but two dining rooms. The small talk you exchanged with Felix, in the brief second Jennifer wasn’t present, made you regret leaving your quiet dorm room to spend your break with Felix. Unlike Jennifer, Felix didn’t understand your humor and would just nod every time you failed to “break the ice.” If you could barely survive a 5 minute house tour with him, how could you possibly spend the week surrounded by little clones of his kind?
The answer was alcohol. Before the sun had even set Felix was setting up beer pong on the smaller of the two dining room tables. Jennifer’s nimble fingers undid another button on your baggy blouse, and once she seemed content with her work she finally let you open a beer. Felix’s brother Matthew insisted you be his pong partner, and even though you kept missing the cups he still clapped your back and cheered. As soon as she got the chance, Jennifer paraded you from room to room, introducing you to everyone she had attended boarding school with. To survive, you played a game in your head, measuring the guests sobriety. The guests who shook your hand were more sober than the ones who enveloping you in hugs. However, the drunkest guests, who didn’t even land on your sobriety scale, left sloppy kisses on your cheeks and asked you to dance. 
By midnight you were exhausted and ready to climb into bed, but Jennifer wasn’t having it. She made your hips sway to song after song, and eventually your feet ached from the meaningless dancing. As soon as Felix swept Jennifer into his arms you saw your chance to escape her peppy wrath. The crisp spring breeze made the party goers take refuge in the home, so you snuck through the porch door with little pain.
Outside the moon illuminated the ocean, and the rolling waves soothed your pounding head. Without the swirl of people around you, your breathe slowed. Your eyes lit up at the sight of swings, and gripping onto the cold railing, you made your way to their refuge. Their melodic creaking reminding you of your tire swing back home, and as your feet kicked the ground you began to realize how much you actually missed it. The smell of the ocean was considerably better than the musk of cow manure, but your heart still ached for the reminder of your childhood. 
With eyes closed and head resting on the chain you smiled at the gleeful memories. However your mind was quickly awakened by the sound of another person sitting beside you. The old swings creaked in discontent at the intruder, but his silence intrigued you. Taking a deep breath, you peered at the man beside you. Jennifer had pointed him out early in the night, mentioning he graduated from MIT with Matthew. However, now with a clear view of his face you questioned the validity of that, there was no way this boy had already graduated college, nonetheless MIT. He looked no older than you, and his disheveled hair reminded you of your 5 year old brother’s after he had finished running in the fields with the old dogs. 
His keen eyes met your own, and a small smile pulled at his lips. “I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who needed a break.” 
“Those people are exhausting,” you murmured in a low voice. 
He let his head hang back after he laughed. “Am I?” 
“Well who’re your parents?” You laughed at your own joke. 
Taking a long swig of his beer he shook his head. “I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.” 
You grinned, “Marsha and Frank Y/L/N, owners of the magnificent company Boyd Dairy.” 
His body shook with laughter, “well Miss. Y/L/N, will you some day be the CEO of Boyd Dairy?” 
“Hell no,” you rejoiced. 
“I’m Tony.” You couldn’t help but laugh when his hand reached out to shake yours. “What’s wrong?” His brows furrowed.  
Shaking his hand and rolling your eyes, you tried to explain to him your sobriety scale. In the end he was grinning like a fool and you were laughing at the stupidity of it. Now silent, you realized how close you had become to Tony. The swings were twisted so that your knees were brushing against each other. The intimacy of his hand resting on your knee brought shivers though your body. Before you could stop yourself, you were reaching out. His head leaned into your palm allowing your soft skin to meet. You quickly thought to pull your arm back, but before you could his hand was wrapping around your wrist. The gentle pressure keeping your hand in place. You moved in tandem as your foreheads came together, and your slow breathing began to match his own. His eyes subtly looked at your lips, and slowly he moved in. The effortless movement of your lips uniting was delicate, and you couldn’t help but feel as if they were dancing a slow ballet.
With twinkling eyes you whispered, “you never told me who your parents are.” 
“Howard and Maria Stark,” he hummed. 
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