ugandantales · 1 year
Why We Need People
In the multitude of people is the king’s honour: but in the want of people is the destruction of the prince.Proverbs 14:28(KJV); If God is to honour a man, that man needs people because in the multitude of people is the king’s honour. One wise man said that the highway to greatness is through the hearts of men. As such, it is very important how you treat everyone whom God brings into your…
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ugandantales · 1 year
We Are Of God
we are chosen to be the Lord’s even before time began (Jeremiah 1:5), made holy by the Holy Spirit (John 14:26), and forgiven by the only Blood able to save (Matthew 26:28).we are sons and daughters of the Most High not by our own righteousness, no. He has adopted us according to HIS abundant mercy. He has given us an inheritance of resurrection and eternal life in the demonstration of His Son…
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ugandantales · 1 year
Love first, Works next
• You see, I have heard a lot of preachings talking about how we were not saved by works but by grace. That’s one hundred percent true and there are many scriptures to support this for example; Romans 3:27, the whole of Romans 4, and many other scriptures you could bring on the table.• As Christians, we have been complacent and had a bad attitude, and become lazy because of how we misunderstood…
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ugandantales · 1 year
Perfect Love of Jesus Christ
Even if it was a ministry of 3 years and not 30 or 300, nobody could do what Jesus did. 1. He gave up His glory. If it were I, I would have to fight with my ego; valod ego at that, because I knew that I’m the only heir to my undying Father who owns the heaven and earth and all that is within it. And wait, I would have to come through a baby! Never! 2. He submitted before His “parents”. He…
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ugandantales · 1 year
Trust in God
Then Sarah denied, saying, I laughed not; for she was afraid. And He said, Nay; but thou didst laugh. Genesis 18:25 Genesis 18:25 We deny our true selves to others. We don’t want to admit how impatient or angry we get. We don’t want anyone to know that we become jealous or have hateful thoughts. God knows our true hearts. We don’t have to fear when it comes to admitting our true feelings to…
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ugandantales · 1 year
Oh, how Jesus loves us!
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ugandantales · 1 year
Why the hatred of family members? Why does it come so naturally? Especially the arterial side...
Natural hate So we had a bunch of relatives visiting; from my father’s side. We have had bad blood since I got to learn the alphabet. There is been a lot of drama concerning money, time, care, pointing fingers of who is bewitching who… We have had a stone in our hearts, a cold war that is massages by fake pleasantries whenever we meet. The unsaid competition, told lies to save face and…
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ugandantales · 1 year
PainFeels like razorsNeedles poking gentlyBut deeplyPainFeels like a stingFrom an angry worker beePerpetual and persistingPainFeels like a blindfoldOpaque, keeping tomorrowFrom my sightPainFeels like induced amnesiaMaking me forget yesterday’s joyOh no waitYesterday, too, was pain © Asiimire Patricia
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ugandantales · 1 year
Notes on Pride & Over-ambition
Above the sky, I cannot fathom how far I'll climbBelow it, I cannot foretaste how hard I'll fallClimbing the endless ladder to heavenDestroying each ladder's beam as I goEnsuring that none come after meForeseeing the endless solo glory in which I will baskGalaxy, Milky Way only mine to seeHabilitated in the sun bringing raysImbibed in my celestial majestyJamboree from aliens and heavenly…
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ugandantales · 1 year
My feminine high horse & humble thank you's
Who do you spend the most time with? If anyone asked, do you ever feel stuck at home, still feeling stuck in your mama and papa’s nest? Yes, half the time.🤧 I have ranted about being twenty-one and still living under my parents’ roof. I have also ranted about not being allowed to spread my wings to fly, to explore, to wade in the shallow and deep ends of the world’s sea. My brother started…
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ugandantales · 1 year
Been a minute, right?
I hope you are well. Sadly, I haven’t been. I felt like I was on the verge of death, and was ready to give up my soul to my creator. I felt my life was slipping right through my feeble fingers and I could not fight for it. It was a dark valley, perhaps just a shadow, but it scared the hearts out of my family, had it not for God whose strong hand was holding us all. My eyes still sting to tell…
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ugandantales · 1 year
A gratifying wrench~ Sammi's writing challenge on 'Stitch'
Itching to scratchStitch on my paunchA gratifying wrench © Asiimire Patricia
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ugandantales · 1 year
#2 Haiku
Even in KampalaSmelling the rubbish stenchI long for Kampala I want to do a series of the haikus inspired by Basho, remember his haiku? Even in KyotoHearing the cuckoo's cryI long for Kyoto I am making haikus from Basho’s haiku to echo out the small registrations in Kampala, my capital city. Have any small registrations in Kampala that you see, or hear about that might have skipped my eye,…
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ugandantales · 1 year
I mean the harmless jealous~poem
You looked happyIn pics with your hubbyI was jealousDon't get me wrong,I mean the harmless jealousI rejected many suitorsIn search of one who looked exactly like yoursA caring, loving, and goofy hubbyJust the one to make me happyUnbeknownst that it was all for showbizInstagram pics, reels, and storiesThey all looked realNothing was amissAlmost like in the moviesNever in my wildest dreamsDid I…
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ugandantales · 1 year
Twenty-something woman held captive: How pampering parents can become prison wardens.
Love is a strong positive emotion of regard and affection~according to Wordweb. We all love love and love to be loved. Parents love is the most consistent and unbeatable love known in this world. Well, there is a myriad of exceptions; we have all seen child abuse and domestic violence cases. Love, however, can translate into many things. For some, it can translate into obsession; which can…
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ugandantales · 1 year
Children become their Mother's dreams
I look at the cringles on her forehead, sweat flowing on her temples as she settles in a seat next to mine. Turning the child from her back to her lap, with the ankara lesu loosely ti as she pokes the greyish-black nipple into the baby’s gaping mouth. She lays back her head on the head-rest of the bus seat, like she has achieved a milestone of what she had planned for the day. The other toddler;…
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ugandantales · 1 year
Silent Birthday Horrors
I took the picture. That’s my food 😋 Hi Any May babies??? This is my birth month and I’m not as excited as I should be🥴 I know I know what you’re about to say. “be grateful for life and breath” which I surely am, but it is also scary. When I grow up… Most of us wanted to be and do something great when we grew up. Well, I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to be, because I would change what I…
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