I stole the kid right?
So last post I explained how I forcibly removed a child from his heroin addict mother ..... I can’t parent, I’m so not a parent! I found myself thinking “ok 🤔🤷‍♀️ so do you bathe yourself?” “What about brushing your teeth? “ shit. I need to buy you a kid toothbrush this thing is huge... 🙄🤦‍♀️ Long story short I take this kid and the next day don’t hear from mom, I think okay no sweat I’d love to have him longer..... 3 days go by and I’m like shit.... I gotta work what do I do? ...... 7 days in I decide to go to probate court and make the next move..... to my shock and surprise I’m told I can not be granted 30 day emergency custody because I don’t have enough of a case even though I barely know this girl and I took her kid and haven’t heard from her in 7 days and I’ve been calling and texting up a storm....... wtf! I keep the child
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I randomly have a 3 year old?
Okay, so November 9th I drove to a ghetto town like an hour away because I was told this girl that I know had relapsed on drugs and the conditions of her home were so deplorable her daughter was taken by a family member in disgust which raised the question to me .... what about her other child? 🤷‍♀️ So this girl (age 24) has 2 kids, age 5 girl we will call her Sophia (not using real names) and a 2 year old boy we will call Jeremy. First I wanna know what kind of family member takes 1 kid and not the other?!?! 😱 but then I found out and I swear.... you can’t make this shit up. But before I get into how this is playing out.... this post is just about how I came to be a parent out of nowhere. So..... I get to the apartment, I buzz the buzzer, no answer (I know she’s home) so I wait a few minutes and try again. And again. And again. And again. Finally she comes to the window and screams out it “who the f*** is it?” I’m like hey girl it’s me, she sad “I just got home” I say okay can I talk to you for a sec? She shits the window and I think she’s going to let me up but she doesn’t. So I’m standing outside in the freezing cold waiting and waiting.... I buzz again (annoying I know right?) I can tell she won’t answer so when someone goes into the building they let me in and I walk up the 4 flights of stairs to her door. I start BANGING on the door. She still does not answer! So I leave the building get in my car and try calling her, Facebook calling her, messaging her etc. she is flat out ignoring me. I try buzzing some more. FINALLY she comes back to the window and says...... Her: “ What do you want” Me: “I just want to talk, can I come up for a second?” Her: “no” Me: “okay can you come down for a second?” Her: “no” Me: “ okay, I just want to make sure Jeremy is okay” Her: (legit nods off!!!! Like drops her cigarettes, falls asleep half out the damn window!!!!!!!!) Me: (alarmed as fuck right now, can hear the two year old yelling, I scream her name and she comes too.) “can I take Jeremy for the night?” Her: “it is what it is” Me: “okay so is that a yes?” Her: “no, probably not because he doesn’t have any clean clothes or diapers, so probably not.” Me: “ohhh my god, I can wash his clothes” Her: “ ok so just bring him down then?” Me: “yeah that’s fine” Her: “k” (closed window) Me: (I stand outside for 22 minutes freeeezing waiting, I start to think she’s not coming or she’s overdosing or something, but then relief, I can see her coming down the stairs. And to my surprise and outrage, she is bringing me a two year old in nothing but a T-shirt at 8pm at night in November in Massachusetts!!!! 😱 he’s screaming “mommy I’m freezing! Mommy it’s cold”) Her: “shut the fuck up jeremy your getting in the car” (hands him to me with a kids purple backpack and turns to walk away) Me : “I can’t take him without a car seat” Her: “you know where my car is I’ll press the unlock, bye” (and goes inside! No bye to her child NOTHING) This poor baby is confused as can be he doesn’t really know me he’s crying because he’s freezing to death... I get in the car and open the backpack to see if he has socks or something warm I can get on his body and inside the bag is - an orange - a onesie that would never fit him - a pair of shoes so small there was a hole where the toe popped out Shocked and outraged was an understatement!!!! Driving home my thoughts were . WHAT AM I DOING?! I don’t know how to adult?! I can’t take care of this child 😱 This poor kid just asked me if chuckie was going to kill him with the knife 😱🙄🤦‍♀️ Wow, long post .... to be continued in another one.
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OUI drunk driving class
So over a year ago in January I went on this absolutely horrendous tinder date 🙄😳 yeahhhh don’t do that. I had nothing to do but drink and listen to this character bitch and complain about his entire life. I asked him if he had ANYTHING positive to say…. He didn’t. Long story short he tells me his friends band is playing at a bar and do I want to go with him. I say no thank you I gotta go home. On my way home my friend calls to ask how it went and she is at a bar right up the street, naturally I go. And WHO pulls in RIGHT next to me?! Tinder dude… He’s excited and insists on buying me a drink…. Well I’m so uncomfortable I’m slamming shots and drinks … He goes to the bathroom and I literally bounce! 😂😳🙈 I’m driving home and get arrested for the OUI. The arrest story is a completely different long story for another time, so is going to trial BUT the point of this post is that in my 16 week drunk driving 24D class……… Everyone is SO uneducated and SO ignorant!!!! Every single class I’m baffled at how these people survive on a day to day basis…. Someone in last nights class said they didn’t know what depression was…. They had “never heard of it” 😳😱🤔 like that can’t be real?!?! The teacher said “well obviously no one in our community has HIV or AIDS but it does exist in other areas of the US” 😱😱😱😳😳😳🙄🙄🙄 I’m sorry WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!? The needle exchange a town over has over 200 HIV positive clients and THIS LADY is the TEACHER?! Omg waste of my time 2017 ….. 🙄🙄🙄🙄
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Confused as hell 🙄
Hi! My name is Brianna and I am a 25 year old having a quarter life crisis 🙄 not like typical 25 year old trying to figure out a career path type shit, I mean like an actual midlife crisis at 25... No joke. I own a business and I'm decent at it. Crazy right?! But I don't live the lifestyle I sell, and I'm constantly battling between what I know and what I feel... Hopefully by opening up through this blog and throwing these thoughts and feelings out there I will have a little self discovery and figure out wtf I'm going to do. First things first, I love to have fun, be crazy, get drunk, many have called me an alcoholic and a foodaholic and I'm not ready to confirm or deny either label. That being said I own an organic juice business 🙄😕😳🤔🤔 I know right?! Kale and ginger shots... I've owned the business for three years and aside from a hiccup in my own personal life the business is successful and flourishing! So why am I going to close it at the end of the season and start on a new path doing god knows what and going God knows where?! If you stick around in planning to find out for myself why this urge to flee becomes my reality
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