twili-sword-vaati · 5 years
Some comfort drawings! Zant and Ghirahim making something sweet together? Or anything that they do together. Probably some cupcakes or something while Uncle Ganondorf babysitting Vaati as usual in the background. (You dont have to do all that but thought of something nice)
Nonnie ilu so much and this was a beautiful request but for the life of me all I could think of was this
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The kitchen is a surprisingly musical place, and if you still aren’t satisfied, have something kissy!!
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twili-sword-vaati · 5 years
On the subject of Ganondorf and Demise
I’m just putting words here, not everything here is canon, I’m really just shuffling through my interpretation of the loz series.
You know since I’ve adopted hcs like “Ghirahim revived Demise because he’d actually die without a master” and “The diamond on Ghirahim’s cheek and his cut left ear aren’t intentional, but actually scars left behind by Demise” into my loz lore interpretation pile, my respect and want to fawn over Demise has really melted into a silent resentment. Not for his reincarnations like Ganondorf, but Demise specifically. Like... I hced that the reason why Demise was after the Triforce in the first place was because he envied Hylia’s ability to create life. And Hylia seems like a nice enough Goddess, I’d suspect that she’d be willing to coexist with Demise just fine, let him add his own touch to life on the surface somehow. But when you think about hcs like Ghirahim being terrified of thunderstorms, and the scars, and analyze how Demise treats Ghirahim right when he first greets Demise after his arrival, you could really see why Hylia refused Demise access to the surface and her people, because she felt that what had been put upon Ghirahim by Demise, could also have been put upon her Hylians.(Currently disregarding the fact that Hylia had treated Fi with a similar attitude. She didn’t physically attack her, but definitely treated her as only property, meant to be a tool in creating the hero, Link.) I always used to read Ghirahim’s devotion to Demise as an obligation born from one-sided love, but now, to me? I feel that devotion was born from fear and desperation, possibly isolation as well. 
Of course, I can defend Demise however. I could say it was a different time! People didn’t believe sword spirits could be autonomous or have feelings! But that doesn’t erase the fact that they actually can. Sword spirits may have been regarded as something akin to intimate objects, but that ‘‘thing’’ that follows you around and walks and talks and pulses like it breathes or has a heart beat certainly isn’t a literal pillow to punch, or a door to slam. I could say that Demise was a young god (Which I believe is true, I also believe that for Hylia.) who couldn’t have known better! But that doesn’t take away what happened to Ghirahim, and see defense number one as well. If Demise cannot be trusted with ‘’fake life’’, what is he towards ‘’real life’’? I could say that Ganondorf is a direct reincarnation of Demise(which I believe, despite Demise saying it was his hatred that gets reborn), and Demise would actually be a good overseer because of how competent of a person Ganondorf seems to be! 
But here’s the point. What separates Ganondorf from Demise is that by Demise throwing himself into a cycle of mortal lives, he becomes surrounded by the company of the beings Hylia denied him such a long time ago. For Demise to be jealous of Hylia’s powers, her existence, her position, her relationship with life on the surface, he’d have to be lonely. If you are lonely you lack experience with other beings and lack emotional development. Demise, no matter how well spoken he sounds, will childishly call the Hylians cowards for hiding from a god behind their god because he didn’t get to be apart of them, he will write them off as lesser beings because they became the center of a gathering of many gods, a group that he was shunned from for reasons that he cannot comprehend at all. Ganondorf will pity Hylians and analyze their behavior, study their wrongdoings and think ‘What should I do different?’ When Ganondorf sees injustice he takes matters into his own hands with an intent to change something for the better. When Ganondorf is human, he is raised in a tribe of people that love him, he lives and has experiences with other beings. He makes mistakes and learns. He grows and changes. He becomes wiser than Demise. If we are to assume each incarnation of Ganondorf has memories of his past human life, then that means he only builds upon himself with each coming new life. Ganondorf still chases the Triforce, but when he does, it’s because he knows what to do with it, and what he wants to do with it has a different meaning to Ganondorf than it does Demise. Ganondorf is different from Demise because Demise’s quest for the Triforce, so that he could rewrite the surface, make anything however he wants it to be, actually paved the path for him to eventually, hopefully, rewrite himself, and become somebody worthy of existing with Hylians on the surface.
I’m aware of the arrogance of Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf, of his quest for ultimate power that became blind destruction. I am aware of the sinister nature of Twilight Princess Ganondorf, how he was a manipulator who only seemed to want to sit smugly on the throne and watch his enemies burn to ashen corpses in front of him. I know about the absolute havoc Ocarina of Time Ganondorf put Hyrule in. But, the Ganondorf that might make someone think Demise is worthy of ruling anything is Wind Waker Ganondorf. That same Ganondorf from OoT had become old, had become knowledgeable, he succumbed to human mistakes in OoT and looked back on it with a new neutral perspective that allowed him to emotionally grow. He learned. Like a human. And if Ganondorf was ever to return again, if he could continue to grow, I feel that there is hope for him.
I’ve analyzed Ganondorf. Down to the bone, I feel. But I do not pity Demise specifically, because Demise wasn’t shunned without reason, he was shunned because other gods could see who he was. Ghirahim was Demise’s before Demise wanted Hylia’s place. Any incarnation of Ganondorf cannot fix how he treated Ghirahim, or how he treated the surface. Just like any birth of a new Zelda cannot erase that Hylia had manipulated Link and trapped him in a cycle to forever fight an enemy that shouldn’t even be his responsibility.
So I still cling to the idea that, by Demise giving up his life as a god, he can achieve what he really wanted. Company. By becoming a person, a better person. I resent Demise and Hylia for their actions, looking past the scenarios that could’ve been different or been better, because of their treatment of other characters. 
In my Au, I was happy to include Ganondorf in Vaati’s life because I want to fill his existence with as many experiences as possible. I don’t care if they’re good or bad, they just need to strike up feelings. Allow growth, allow change. I want to see a person in Ganondorf, desperately.
I think that Ghirahim will not only see Demise in Ganondorf, but feel him, and he will flinch away. 
I think that Ganondorf will apologize.
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twili-sword-vaati · 5 years
maybe if we, as a society, spent more time in gardens things wouldn’t be like this
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twili-sword-vaati · 5 years
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@ayakasaiyou They actually have a really cute relationship I think!!  While I’m here I think I’ll drop some hcs too!
 When Ganondorf first found out about Vaati he was, oddly enough, kinda proud of Ghirahim and Zant. He tends to express his feelings in a rather distant way, but they know that he cares and that he’s happy that they could turn themselves around and live a good life together. He also treats them with a new respect that they appreciate, Vaati’s entrance into their lives really prompts Ganondorf to start seeing Zant, Ghirahim, and eventually a lot of people as his equals.
Regarding Vaati’s name, their baby’s name definitely rung a bell with Ganon. In Four Swords Adventures, Ganon had a brief encounter with Vaati, so yea one day he’d be catching up with Ghirahim at the tavern and Ghirahim would call his baby Vaati and Ganondorf would just freeze up for a moment all like “Bitch I know him-”. He wouldn’t say anything tho.
Also Ganondorf’s first reaction to meeting Vaati was definitely a thing to remember. It really just went:
Ganondorf, thinking: You’re average >:/
Ganondorf: ok nvm I’d die for you 
Also when he saw Vaati and saw how he had the purple skin and the hair he was all like “Bitch I DO know him-”. Still didn’t say anything tho.
Ganondorf, surprisingly, loves kids. He just hates showing it cause he’s supposed to be big and scary!! He’s the reincarnation of the god of war!! and death!! and edgy things!! there’s no room for soft cute things like babies!! Except that there is there’s plenty of room in Ganondorf’s heart for a purple nephew. 
Whenever Ghirahim and Zant need a date night every once in a while, Uncle Ganny becomes the babysitter. He’s great at it because he’s big and warm and careful.
Ganondorf’s always been pretty close to Vaati’s family, so much so he can definitely be considered family(Sometimes a family is a trio of evil dudes and their ritual born baby). As Vaati gets older he spends a lot of his childhood thinking Zant and Ganondorf are actually biologically related in some way. He’s six now and still doesn’t know about genetics and the like but y’know what he’s got white-ish hair like his daddy Ghirahim so if Zant and Ganondorf both have red hair there’s gotta be some relation y’know?
 My buddy @if-youd-be-my-soft-fuzzy-man has two hcs that I really love, which are: Ganondorf’d work at a flower shop and that he loves pottery. Ganondorf gets Vaati addicted to gardening, Vaati has all kinds of little clay pots in his room and around the house. They’re all filled with different kinds of flowers that Vaati bought from Ganon’s shop with his own rupees. He loves them all very much and takes very good care of them.
Ganondorf puts flowers in the pots he makes, yea, but he also paints a lot of them, and since he’s such a big guy it’s easy for him to make water jars to sell as well. When Vaati hangs out at Ganondorf’s booth at the Castle Town market he likes to try and put the different pots on like hats. Some fit like hats while others basically work like obvious hide and seek spots. Vaati’s pottery motto is ‘If you can wear it as a hat it’s a good pot’
Along with pottery, Ganondorf dabbles in a bit of art too. He learned a few things from Zant, and he tries to emulate those teachings whenever he’s coloring with Vaati. Vaati loooves coloring so much. When Ganondorf taught him how to draw stars Vaati just filled pages and pages of paper with stars cause they’re just such a fun motion to draw in. He insists on doodling stars all over his and Ganondorf’s drawings. It makes them look pretty!!
Play fighting is a really big thing with them. Vaati’ll tie a pillow to one of his arms as a shield and hold a spoon in the other as a sword and pretend to be a warrior. He’ll chase Ganondorf all throughout the house as an attempt to ‘slay’ him. It’s rly cute to watch because Ganondorf’ll do stuff like hop on tables or chairs to try to escape him. Doesn’t work out very well though, and his kneecaps often times get smacked around by Vaati’s mighty wooden spoon.
Ever since the war ended, Ganondorf’s been shrugging off his training routines, but his appetite’s stayed the same. He’s a little soft now... But tbh no complaints from Vaati, who loves to cuddle and nap on top of him.
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twili-sword-vaati · 5 years
Broke: Ghirahim is a sweet, loving, soft-spoken, and understanding motherly figure to Vaati
Woke: Ghirahim is a feral entitled parent
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twili-sword-vaati · 5 years
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Here is @almost-fun-doodles ’s ghirazant kid, Vaati!
(Sorry bout the paper being a bit messy. I take this art book everywhere and never close it)
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twili-sword-vaati · 5 years
    GhiraZant Family Au Headcanons Part 1 (Set up)
Before I get started, I wanna shout out @fangirlingpuggle ‘s GhiraZant family Au. I took a bit of inspiration from it, it’s really cute and and way more creative and I love their idea so much!! Go support them!! Tbh I’d love to draw Vaati and Link together some time because of it (!!! brothers !!!). With all of that, lets get going!
Keep reading
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twili-sword-vaati · 5 years
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Logical brain: Throughout Skyward Sword, Ghirahim shows a lot of distaste for hylians, especially Link, who is a child according to him. It’s reasonable to assume that Ghirahim would not be a fan of children because of this. Zant probably wouldn’t be much better, seeing as he’s somebody who seems to be obsessed with kingship in the games, he’d most likely only see having a child as an heir, and not look into loving them if he had one. GhiraZant brain: Hee hee Famlee….
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