trying-to-witch · 6 years
Me at 3am
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trying-to-witch · 6 years
✨Forgotten tea or coffee that has gone cold can be a casual and mundane offering for your house spirits☕️
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trying-to-witch · 6 years
long furby hear my prayers: deliver me a fat bank account, a short butch gf, and a bowl of cocoa puffs
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trying-to-witch · 6 years
I am free and feeling social! Send me asks, messages, anything! It can be ominous pictures of broccoli for all I care. I want to get to know people in the witchy community!💜🌚
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trying-to-witch · 6 years
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Spell Jar For Courage
I came up with this spell jar because I had an offering and I wasn’t sure what to do with the leftovers but hey, they still have strong magick in them since they were an offering so might as well put it to good use!
You will need: -dried orange rind- to represent the sun and lift your spirits -ginger - for passion and added power to your spell -dried dandelion - for wishes -lemon thyme - for courage -sage - for protection and luck -allspice - for courage -ground clove - for prosperity
Layer these ingredients in a jar. Light a red candle and while the candle is burning imagine your intention of courage and strength. Seal the jar with the red wax for courage.
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trying-to-witch · 6 years
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trying-to-witch · 6 years
people when you tell them u r a witch: *think of you surrounded by crystals in a dark room, summoning spirits with pretty fancy rituals, drying your herbs in a cabinet, writing in an ancient beautiful grimoire with curly calligraphie, talking to your familiar who help you and do everything you ask*
Me: my practice is basically reblogging a bunch of witchy stuffs on my blog for later but later never comes and I just forgot about them
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trying-to-witch · 6 years
Cleansing & Charging Items
I believe that many of the methods used to cleanse items can also be used to charge them - the difference lies within your intention. 
To cleanse, visualize negative energy actually leaving the object. To charge, visualize the object being filled with the energy from your chosen source.
Cleansing & Charging Methods:
Visualization - imagine a ball of energy forming around the item to either cleanse it or give it power (the color of the ball could correspond to your intent, i.e. white or blue for cleansing, red for power, etc.)
Earth - bury the object in soil or sand - a potted plant will also work
Water - submerge the item in running water 
Salt Water - anoint or submerge the item in a salt water solution 
Gem Water - anoint or submerge the item in a corresponding crystal elixir 
Herbal & Floral Water - anoint or submerge the item in a solution of corresponding herbs or flowers 
Sea Salt - sprinkle sea salt over/around the item or submerge it in a container of sea salt 
Essential & Infused Oils - anoint item with corresponding oil 
Smoke - pass the item through incense smoke 
Fire - pass the item through an open flame 
Storms - leave item outside during a thunderstorm
Wind & Breath - leave item outside when it’s windy or use your breath to essentially breathe your intent into the item
Crystals/Crystal Grid - surround the item with crystals of corresponding intent (can be arranged in a pattern to form a crystal grid and enhance energy) or simply pass the crystal over the item
Dried/Fresh Herbs & Flowers - sprinkle mixture over/around item or submerge the item in a mixture of herbs and/or flower petals 
Sound - use a bell, whistle, or something similar to clear the space and associated items of negativity; alternatively, you can place the item near a set of speakers to absorb the energy from music and other sounds 
Sigils - craft and use sigils that correspond with your intent (you can set the item on top of the sigil, draw the sigil on the item, etc.)
Technology - set the item near your phone/tablet/etc while it’s charging 
Moonlight & Starlight - leave item in the path of these natural lights, either outside or in a windowsill overnight 
Sunlight - leave item in the path of sunlight for a few hours during the day (before sunset, of course), either outside or in a windowsill 
Divination - pair the item with a rune or tarot/oracle card that matches your intent in a small container 
Incantations - create an incantation that states your intent and speak it aloud while holding the item
Physical Energy - engage in physical activity of some sort (exercise, dancing, sex, etc.) and direct that energy into the item
Actual cleaning - physically and literally clean any items with an appropriate solution (soap, alcohol, etc.); the energy put into cleaning can also be used to charge the item
Caution: some items, especially crystals, are not suitable for exposure to sunlight, water, or salt. 
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trying-to-witch · 6 years
Best way to banish a spirit: Throwing salt while yelling “does this look like a goddamn hotel to you?!”
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trying-to-witch · 6 years
Me: *Pulls a clarification card*
Tarot: The Tower.
Me: *Slides card back into deck* I don’t need clarification.
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trying-to-witch · 6 years
My Witchy iOS Apps
Hello everyone! I’ve been sort of MIA lately, as I wrap up the last few weeks of my online course, and as great as it’s been, I’ll be glad to have some more of my free time back :P In the meantime, I thought I would share my favourite witchy apps. What are your favourites? 
As I have an iPhone, these are all for iOS, and I’m not sure which apps have other app store equivalents. Also, I live in Canada, so I’ve gotten these on the Canadian iTunes app store, but I would assume most if not all of these are available in the US/abroad. 
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trying-to-witch · 6 years
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Love/Friendship herb sachet
This contains:
You can also use:  apple, cardamon, catnip, lavender, lemon balm, linden leaves, marigold, mustard seed, orange peel, yarrow
This is a really lovely versatile little sachet because it can be used in many ways;
To attract love
Make friends/maintain friendships
Bring family closer
Improve an already close relationship
To make the heart shape, you just draw one side of the heart, cut that side out so its still attached to the card, then fold it over and trace the other side, then finish cutting it out!
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trying-to-witch · 6 years
witch tip:
if you are holding on to anger towards someone (especially a person who is no longer in your life), sit in a quiet place, burn your favorite incense, and write that person a letter.  write down every single thought and emotion you feel towards that person. when you are done, burn the letter in a cauldron or fireproof bowl.  as you burn it, repeat out loud “you no longer have power in my life” until the letter has turned to ash.  collect the ash and use it to make black salt.
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trying-to-witch · 6 years
Intensive Space Cleansing
Take an entire bunch of peppermint and rub it vigorously against walls, furniture, objects, and whatever else needs to be cleansed.
When the cleansing is complete, wrap the peppermint in brown paper and remove it from your home immediately.
Dispose of it far from home, returning via a circuitous route.
(from The Element Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells by Judika Illes)
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trying-to-witch · 6 years
graffiti at the bus stop: “fuck your god”
my pagan ass: are…are these instructions?
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trying-to-witch · 6 years
Spell to not give a shit:
Light a candle, whisper your problem to it, then say: 
“I do not give a shit. 
You can’t make me give a shit.
My last fuck has flown.”
And blow out the candle, symbolizing you blowing out the shit you were supposed to give.
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trying-to-witch · 6 years
Divination Tools - What Are They? Are They Right For Me?
Lots of people are nervous to get started with divination because they don’t know what tool to use. They feel that divination may not be for them, or that they are not gifted enough to be a diviner. There are multiple tools and forms of divination, and it can be very overwhelming when it comes to choosing what would be best for you. This being said, this is a small guide to help you choose which type of tool for you.
Disclaimer: Know that this is my view, and it is completely fine to not agree with what I am saying in this guide. Know that this is just that - a guide. This is not a rulebook. Do what suits you- but I do hope that this helps someone who may be completely new to divination- or a form of it.
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