totallytati · 6 years
So this dude scared the tar out of me. I am driving home and he just runs out in front of my car. Scared the mess out me and I swear if I didn’t just have the breaks serviced this would be a different post. I hate driving so much. Anyways hope everyone else has had a great start to their week.
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I would’ve had a heart attack ‘cause that sounds super scary.
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totallytati · 6 years
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Currently canvasing to see who would be interested in a Playhouse being opened in the area? While Lemon Grove does have it’s on unique artsy vibe I would love to bring theatre into the community open for all ages.
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I love it if you love it.
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totallytati · 6 years
I’m more curious in what they sent you? Was it ugly? Not your style? And yeah, that’s why I don’t do online shopping — I know I’ll either A) be stupid about it or B) hate whatever I get and have buyer’s regret. I do wanna know if they write you back, though. 
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They weren’t even the clothes I fucking ordered, it was the shittiest quality ever, and it had the most disgusting smell. They didn’t write me back but I was expecting that. Now I just have crappy clothes that have BO.
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totallytati · 6 years
Consider me their new worst nightmare.
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Love youuuu. Maybe you’ll be more effective.
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totallytati · 6 years
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I’m suddenly so thankful to be a terrible shopper who never orders online.
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Mind switching places with me?
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totallytati · 6 years
Ah, well still wishing you good luck. No reply is better than a straight sucks for you email reply I suppose. Nothing, I was trying to be funny. If I have to explain it then obviously I failed.
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I guess you’re right. Sucks that I don’t know what that is. It was probably a good one.
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totallytati · 6 years
Online shopping is so risky. I always see advertisements for Wish, or Rosegal, or those other kinds of stores, but there’s no way that the clothing can be of good quality if it’s so cheap. I’d also wonder about their return policies… As much as it’s annoying to go ahead and try on clothes, I’m the type who’d prefer to shop in person.
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I don’t have the best judgement when that liquor gets up in me, what can I say? Normally I’d know better but they got me. I think I’m gonna take a break from online shopping. Not only is it fucking addicting but you gotta be real careful when it comes to stuff like that. I hate trying on clothes but I guess that’s what I gotta do.
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totallytati · 6 years
I hear ya getting wine drunk and online shopping sounds neat, but I raise you with: getting stoned and going thrifting.  You always know exactly what you get.   
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I’m definitely gonna start doing that. Thrift shops always have the best things.
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totallytati · 6 years
They’re beautiful. I could watch them all day but I can’t obviously. Ooh, I’ve been dying to catch the sky turn colors but I just don’t think that’s happening.
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totallytati · 6 years
I’m fucking terrified of trains. Too much shit rattles, everything’s too loud, and it’s just a mess. I hate them.
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totallytati · 6 years
Oh man, that sucks. It’s really disappointing to see that happen, but Instagram seems to be full of scammers lately, it’s a real problem. Hopefully you’ll be able to get something done about it, because losing money, even if you did spend it when drunk is never okay.
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I’m having a pretty average day so far, can’t complain really, just trying to clean up my place a bit while I’m  off work.
Instagram is a mess nowadays but I’m still obsessed. I hope so too because I spent, like, 100 something dollars on some shit and it’s not even what it’s supposed to be. 
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Where do you work?
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totallytati · 6 years
Oh damn, that sounds rough. Did you ever get your money back? I pretty much only shop online on Amazon, but I’ll keep that shit in mind. I don’t really shop drunk, but I’ve got the click bug while high before and I bought a toaster online. And I already have a toaster. 
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Not really the same thing, but I’d thought I’d share.
I didn’t get it back yet but I’m hoping. Amazon’s fucking great. I wish I went there instead of IG. You were so toasted that you bought a toaster. Amazing. At least they didn’t scam you.
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Not really sure if ‘toasted’ is another word for stoned but I’d thought I’d make a pun.
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totallytati · 6 years
Mood, girl. Then again, I’ll probably never leave the Grove, so there’s no real fear of Chicago.
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Same, but I'm probably stuck here 5ever. But I’m not complaining, that much anyway.
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totallytati · 6 years
I’m fairly certain that is the main focus of those boutiques, to scam you. I would be so upset if that happened to me, what did they send you?
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See, sober Tati knows that but wine drunk Tati doesn’t. They sent me some clothes that have the shittiest quality and it’s not even what I ordered.
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totallytati · 6 years
Please send me all the information regarding this, I fully plan on tweeting, emailing, and destroying this company for wronging you.
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You are what Hannah Montana was talking about when she sang about true friends. I think they’re @sunnystyles on everything and their email is like [email protected]. It’s been a few days since I got a reply and they blocked me on the gram so.
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totallytati · 6 years
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Thankfully I’m much more petty than she is.
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You planning your revenge?
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totallytati · 6 years
Sorry you got scammed, sounds pretty rough. Good luck with the email. I feel like the first mistake was thinking Instagram was the best online retailer to snag a deal from. Look at Fyre Fest.
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Rough is an understatement, but then again maybe I’m just being dramatic. I haven’t gotten a reply yet but I’m feeling good about it. I was wine drunk so I wasn’t completely aware of what I was doing. Fyre Fest?
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