tiffanyklowry · 3 years
Wow, it’s been awhile....
I honestly don’t even know when the last time I was on here was! BUT....I got the urge to come on and post.
Sooooooo many changes that have happened since my last post.
Still married, 4 beautiful kids, and NO LONGER IN CALIFORNIA!
I am officially now a Texas girl and I am LOVING IT!
This was just a small update, but I am going to make a conscious effort to possibly be on here more. (because I don't already have a gazillion other things to juggle lol) -but I thought this would be a nice stress reliever!
Anywho, stay tuned for more!
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tiffanyklowry · 6 years
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tiffanyklowry · 6 years
a broken love poem.
you say you love,
but deceive me.
my heart has become fragile in your hands.
I gave it to you in hopes that you’d take care of it.
you’ve become more careless than a 3 year old.
I think about all the hugs, kisses and “i love you’s”...
but none of it seems to mend my broken heart.
I trusted you with everything in me.
I put a wall up from the first time you broke my heart,
and you broke it down.
now we’re back at square one...
or I should say I’m back at square one,
because you’ve moved on to 10.
and the more I try to get past all the lies you’ve told,
and put my trust in you again...
you fail me.
some may say that I’m a fool to still love you...
but they don’t know what it’s like...
to love you.
and maybe that’s a good thing.
spare them;
but not me.
I tried sparing my heart from you once, twice...
even a third time...
but it’s obvious my heart didn’t get the memo...
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tiffanyklowry · 6 years
"I studied the greats; I'm the greatest right now. fk if you feel me; you ain't got a choice. I ain't do no promo; still made all that noise. this year gon be different, I set my intentions. I promise to slap all that hate out your voice."
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tiffanyklowry · 6 years
and she said,
“stop feeding me dreams; you’re starving me.”
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tiffanyklowry · 6 years
let's goooooooooooo! too ready 🙌🏽
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tiffanyklowry · 6 years
don't look at rebuilding as failing; look at it as God giving you a chance to build something GREATER.
mama T.
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tiffanyklowry · 6 years
Snippet of a J. Cole verse on Revenge of the Dreamers III
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tiffanyklowry · 6 years
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J. Cole x 21 Savage
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tiffanyklowry · 6 years
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thank God for being able to grow REAL, healthy nails.
for the longest time when I was younger, I used to want fake nails. why? well....
1) I was impatient about growing my real nails out when they would chip/break.
2) I thought they looked "cool."
3) I wanted to be like everyone else.
4) I didn't see the value in being able to  grow my own real nails.
isn't this how we are with a lot of things when it comes to ourselves? we don't see our OWN value, and we want to change things about ourselves to fit in with everyone else. this is something I had to learn how to break out of as I got older. I had to find the value in MYSELF and the way GOD made me.
so....be patient with yourself. know your worth. be happy with who YOU are. and know that God made YOU special.
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tiffanyklowry · 6 years
word to the wise: your words are NOT always wise.
mama T.
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tiffanyklowry · 6 years
welcome welcome welcome!
most of y’all have already been following me, but for those of you who are new or haven’t seen me in awhile....my name is Tiffany.
I am a mother of 4, wife, and servant of God. I love music, basketball, sarcasm, and my life consists of breastfeeding and kid shows. I am a MAJOR introvert.
I came back to tumblr because I missed blogging. I missed finding out different things, and sharing thoughts with you all. so....here I am! lol.
this is my first post in like, 3 or 4yrs, so I may be a little rusty. bare with me though. I promise to get back into the groove of things!
much love,
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tiffanyklowry · 9 years
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God really has just been speakin' to my heart recently. We all are broken and flawed to some extent, and the devil will do his best to remind us. But God's love heals everything. The next time you feel negative thoughts creepin' in, remind yourself that God loves us as we are; and He's the only validation we need.
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tiffanyklowry · 9 years
“sometimes in life it pays to mind your own fkn business.” -man....such a dope ass song. you don’t find too many artists out right now that still have substance in their music, but this dude definitely does. go ahead and check out the track, and the mixtape when it drops.
(via https://soundcloud.com/ieknows/intermission-1998-feat-draea-brookes?utm_source=soundcloud&utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=tumblr)
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tiffanyklowry · 9 years
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Keep climbing towards your goals. Never look down, because when you do, you tend to get comfortable where you’re at, instead of hungry for more. What separates the CEO from the employees is the fact that they never looked down, but kept climbing the ladder of success. I never want to get too comfortable, and I encourage those with a dream to never strive for just the average.
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tiffanyklowry · 9 years
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tiffanyklowry · 9 years
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