
Fun day at the Texas Pumpkin Fest 🎃 #sundaydayout #texaspumkinfest #falltraditions #tiffanyrankinatx (at Texas Pumpkin Fest)
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Working on this piece tonight. I’m hoping to finish this up soon…🤞 #fridayartwork #fridayinkart #elvenartwork (at Austin, Texas)
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So it was brought to my attention that my shop allowed only single sales of my artwork… This of course makes it difficult when wanting to buy more than one painting/print (which every sale I’m forever grateful 😊). So last night I spent the long burning late night hours moving my merch store to another platform—Shopify. I love my new store so much and hope you all will as well. Thank you, thank you for your continued love and support and allowing me to live my dream. 🙏 This Texas girl is beyond happy 🤠 The link to the new shop is in my bio. 🖤 #tiffanyrankinatx #apothecarylore #roundrockartist #shopifyartstore #art4sale @tiffanyrankin_art @willowsmockreads (at Round Rock, Texas)
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Today marks the death of this remarkable woman. For some she is simply the mother of Mary Shelley, aka the author of Frankenstein. However, there’s more to her story. Living in the 18th century she was a pioneer for women’s rights. Once stating, “ weakness may excite tenderness and gratify the arrogant pride of man; but the lordly caresses of a protector will not gratify a noble mind that pants for, and deserves to be respected. Fondness is a poor substitute for friendship.” Despite dying at just 38, her feminist ideology and writings has changed what it means to be a woman forever. Sadly the issues that this renowned philosopher and writer wrote about almost 300 years ago is still an ongoing struggle today. I encourage diving more into the life and works of this amazing human being. To never forget one of the prominent figures of the feminist movement. #feministmovement #marywollstonecraft #feministquotes #womensmovementneverstops #tiffanyrankinatx (at Pflugerville, Texas)
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“Rose By Light” Acrylic ink and oil on @cansonpaper #mythical #faerie #contemporaryrealism #fantasyillustration #tiffanyrankinatx #mlprompts (at Round Rock, Texas)
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A year ago today I met my better half. She’s the one that always supplies an endless series of laughs, kisses, and hugs. My biggest cheerleader and supporter. The one that lifts me up when life at time can push me down. She’s the one that takes my hand in the largest struggles we have faced, and encourages me me to pursue my dreams. She’s a rare soul that has a pure heart—that sees the best in people and believes in more good than bad. I can’t imagine my life before her. A life without random sweet messages to get me through my work day, impromptu dances in the living room and kitchen. The best cuddles as we’re drifting off to sleep. To look into her hazel eyes and tell her with all my heart I love her and know she feels the same. She’s one in a million and I hope I can make her feel that way every day of our lives. Happy anniversary to my heart, and here’s to our crazy ride together Sweet P. Cheers! 🥂 IMAGE 1: Our very first date. We met at a local bar my apartment. I was super nervous. I walked in and spotted her sitting by the bar. The first hour we both felt like lifelong friends. Our date lasted into the next morning and we never parted since then. IMAGE 2: Some photos of us throughout Austin. We both like to be active and get out as much as possible, but at the same time we’re homebodies as well and will spend an evening binging a series or playing video games. #wifey4lifey #happyanniversary❤️ #aquariusandarieslove #lesbianlovestory @trishasheppard1979 @tiffanyrankin_art (at Lorenzo Hotel)
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The eyes have it… . . . . . #sundayartvibes #acrylicinkart #acrylicinkartist #roundrockartist #tiffanyrankinatx #atxfemaleartist @tiffanyrankin_art @willowsmockreads (at Round Rock, Texas)
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He feeds upon her face by day and night, And she with true kind eyes looks back on him, Fair as the moon and joyful as the light: Not wan with waiting, not with sorrow dim; Not as she is, but was when hope shone bright; Not as she is, but as she fills his dream. Christina Rossetti As long as I can remember I’ve had a love for all things Victorian—particularly Pre-Raphelite. I love this group of men and women that connected the ties between humanity and nature. Both are wild and uncertain. Christina Rossetti is my favorite of this group, but Elizabeth Siddal is growing on me. You may know her more notably as the model for John Everett Millais’s Ophelia. The sadder truth of this was she was more than a beautiful face or the tragic wife of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Christina Rossetti’s brother. She was a talented artist and poet in her own right. Image 1: captured by @tiffanyrankin_art Image 2: John Everett Millais’s Ophelia Image 3: Christina and Dante Gabriel Rossetti Image 4: Elizabeth Siddal’s self-portrait #tiffanyrankinatx #prerapheliteart #elizabethsiddalrossetti #christinarossetti #victorianart #bookstagramusa (at Round Rock, Texas)
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This is still one of my favorite paintings I ever painting. So much so I’m in the works of expanding this concept. I’ll have a video up soonish showing my progression but in the meantime I’ll share a sketch or two of my process. Take it easy my friends ✌🏾👁 “Queen” Acrylic, acrylic ink on canvas. 16 x 20in. #tiffanyrankinatx #inkartwork #blackartwork #womenpaintingwomen #roundrockartist #atxfemaleartist @tiffanyrankin_art @willowsmockreads (at Round Rock, Texas)
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I just dropped off my art for the "EIGHT: In Depth" group show at Texas State University in Round Rock. The "8" stands for eight female artists in and around Austin. This show will give an in-depth look at the artist behind the work. I’m honored to be a part of this group. Reception will be 9/10 at 6-8pm. I look forward to this and meeting fellow artists and art lovers. See you there! . . . . . #roundrocktx #roundrocktexas #roundrockarts #roundrockartist #texasstateuniversityroundrock #tiffanyrankinatx @roundrockartsandculture @roundrockarts @txst (at Texas State University Round Rock Campus)
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I’m turning some of my recent blog post into short YouTube videos. This is a teaser of my first short! #banshee #tiffanyrankinatx #folklorevideo #celticmythology (at Round Rock, Texas)
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I’m so bad at advertising! I was meant to send this out earlier today but wasn’t feeling my best. Anyway, if anyone is interested I added some designs to my Threadless shop. I love design and any chance I get to feel my degree wasn’t in vain I’m down! Click on my link in the bio and under shop you’ll see the link to my t-shirt line. Thanks again my friends and family for all the support throughout the years. You make this Texas girl feel very loved. 😀 . Take care my friends 💫✌🏾 . . . . . #graphictshirt #gothicdesign #artbusiness #tiffanyrankinatx #roundrockartist #atxartists @apothecarylore @tiffanyrankin_art (at Round Rock, Texas)
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Green Knight In honor of the feature film, “Green Knight”. I thought I repost a review of this tale I did a little while back. It’s hands down one of my favorite stories. I love that the author (anonymous) let’s the viewer marry ones own personal experience with the few solid facts told to us. The green Knight, for example, was a pivotal part of the story but it is never revealed who HE is. He’s not mortal as depicted at the beginning of the tale, as Sir Gawain soon demonstrates upon the strangers request. He’s an odd figure, that dares to erupt the Christmas merriment at King Arthur’s court. It’s a story of lovers and hunters, courtly ladies, and chivalrous knights. It’s a world encased in ancient magic and the upholding of honor. As the green Knight presented to Sir Gawain to face him in one years time. “Keep your promise”, he proclaims. Check out my link in bio for more info about this timeless story… . . . . . #sirgawainandthegreenknight #kingarthur #arthurianlegends #greenknight #medievaltales #greenman #tiffanyrankinatx @apothecarylore (at Round Rock, Texas)
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“Do not fear us, earthly maid! We will lead you hand in hand By the willows in the glade, By the gorse on the high land, By the pasture where the lambs Shall awake with lonely bleat, Shivering closer to their dams From the rustling of our feet. You will with the banshee chat, And will find her good at heart, Sitting on a warm smooth mat In the green hill's inmost part. We will bring a crown of gold Bending humbly every knee, Now thy great white doll to hold -- Oh, so happy would we be! Ah it is so very big, And we are so very small! So we dance a fairy jig To the fiddle's rise and fall. Yonder see the fairy girls All their jealousy display, Lift their chins and toss their curls, Lift their chins and turn away. See you, brother, Cranberry Fruit -- He! ho! ho! the merry blade! -- Hugs and pets and pats yon newt, Teasing every wilful maid…” A Lover's Quarrel among the Fairies by William Butler Yeats WITCH, SIREN, LOVER The banshee has been seen as the conduit of evil, the siren of doom, the temptress lover, but the real story is far more complex, far more intriguing than the simple lady in white… Click on the link in my bio to take a deeper look into this complex figure. ……………………….. #mythical #atx #roundrocktx #tiffanyrankinatx @tiffanyrankin_art @apothecary_lore #becauseofreading #bibliophile #bookaddict #booklover #booknerd #bookwormlife #readersofinstagram #readingismagic #bloggerbabe #blogginggals #bloggersofinstagram #bookblogger #folklore #booknerd #reading #bookaholic #bookish #ilovebooks #ilovereading #readersofinstagram #magical #writersofinstagram #writersofig #writing #bookie #tiffanyrankinatx #banshee (at Round Rock, Texas)
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Witch, Siren, Lover
She's a witch, a harbinger of death, a siren of doom. The banshee is a figure steeped in the Old Irish lore. The name banshee derives from old Irish meaning "woman of the fairy mound". The concept is taken from the many mounds that scattered the Irish countryside. These mounds are called tumulus. Tumuli were covered graves and according to local legend, also the home of spirits and ghosts.
The banshee is also known as "the little washerwoman". Locals spoke of sightings of a woman washing the blood-stained clothes of the nearly deceased.
She appears in three forms a young maiden, a matron, or a crook-back crone. She would be dressed in a gray or white hooded cloak. Her eyes reddened from weeping.
The predictor of death came from the shrill she would exude, rippling deep within the bowels of the forest. Tales have been passed down from generations about soldiers abandoning the battlegrounds by the sounds of the siren of death.
Those that have claimed to have seen her describe a woman combing her long hair. While others speak of a woman pulling her hair out in anguish. According to some, she appears only to select families. Those of O’ Neills, O’ Connors, O’ Briens, O’ Gradys, and Kavanaghs although the list varies depending on who is telling the story.
The Fairy Mistress
While the banshee is benign the fairy mistress, Lianhan Sídhe, (pronounced lan-hawn shee) is a beautiful woman who attracts men but this love will lead to their downfall. W.B. Yeats describes her as a seeker of mortals.
If they refuse, she must be their slave; if they consent, they are hers, and can only escape by finding another to take their place. The fairy lives on their life, and they waste away. Death is no escape from her. She is the Gaelic muse, for she gives inspiration to those she persecutes. The Gaelic poets die young, for she is restless, and will not let them remain long on earth – this malignant phantom.
Another figure in Irish legend is Aibell, anglicized as Aeval) was the guardian spirit of the Dál gCais, the Dalcassians or Ó Bríen clan. She was the ruler of a sídhe in north Munster, and her dwelling place was Craig Liath, the grey rock, a hill overlooking the Shannon about two miles north of Killaloe. Aibell also had a lover (called Dubhlainn Ua Artigan) and a magic harp (of which it was said "[w]hoever heard its music did not live long afterwards").
The name Aibell may come from Gaelic aoibh, meaning "beauty" (or aoibhinn "beautiful") Alternatively, as a theonym it could be derived from Proto-Celtic *Oibel-ā, literally "burning fire", which may have been a byword for the notion of "ardor"; the Romano-British equivalent of this Proto-Celtic theonym is likely to have been *Oebla. A variant name for the character is Áebinn.
Many names
In some parts of Leinster, she is referred to as the bean chaointe (keening woman) whose wail can be so piercing that it shatters glass. In Scottish folklore, a similar creature is known as the bean nighe or ban nigheachain (little washerwoman) or nigheag na h-àth (little washer at the ford) and is seen washing the bloodstained clothes or armor of those who are about to die. In Welsh folklore, a similar creature is known as the cyhyraeth.
Besides signaling impending death the banshee also liked to cry at the crowning of a true king. One reported case of this happening was at the crowning of legendary Brian Boru who overthrew the O’Neills and began the O’Brien dynasty. Possibly the only example of a human Banshee appearance was in 1437 when a woman purporting to be a ‘seer’ approached King James I of Scotland and correctly predicted his murder at the instigation of the Earl of Atholl.
In 1801 the Banshee paid a visit to the Commander in Chief of the British forces in Ireland. He had attended a party at Dublin Castle and invited a few guests back to his home in Mount Kennedy, Co. Wicklow, afterward. These guests, Sir Jonah Barrington, and his wife woke up at 2:30 am to what he described as ‘plaintive sounds’ coming from outside his window. His wife and a maid were also awoken by it, and the sound later turned into the name ‘Rossmore’ being screeched three times. The next morning, they were told that a servant, having heard odd sounds from Rossmore’s room at 2:30 am, entered to find him dying.
The Banshee was usually thought to have once been a normal woman who enjoyed life, was incredibly beautiful, and radiated happiness, but some great sorrow overcame her at some point in her life and she became a haggard old woman. She was seemingly very wary of mortals and would disappear at the first sign of any human activity. She didn’t seem to enjoy the company of anyone, mortal or not, and traveled as a solitary fairy.
When the Banshee moved from place to place, witnesses have heard a fluttering sound similar to birds flying. When she disappeared, all that would be left behind was a cloud of mist. There are several purported ‘Banshee Chairs’ around Ireland; wedge-shaped rocks where she would sit and cry for general misfortunes if there was no death to be attended. When a family emigrated, legend has it the Banshee would follow, or if she didn’t, she would stay at the family’s seat and lament their leaving there. The Banshee was relatively harmless. Apart from the dread people felt at hearing her cry, the only other things she seemed to do were knock on doors or windows. This pales to her sister spirit, the Lianhan Sidhe or ‘sweetheart fairy’, who sought the love of mortal men, but in the end, destroyed them by driving them into madness.
#banshee meaning#banshee definition#fairy mounds#celtic fairy mounds#fairy mounds ireland#crone definition#fairy mistress#fairy#Gaelic#Gaelic language#gaelic translation#Aibell#sidhe#sidhe fae#sidhe meaning#sidhe pronunciation#proto-celtic language#Romano-British language#Leinster#Leinster Ireland#little washerwoman#little washer of the ford#bloodstained clothes#armor#welsh folklore creatures#welsh folklore fairies#welsh folklore#cyhyraeth#Brian Boru#O'brien dynasty
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Warm Circles
1920 x 1920
#circles#red#three circles#warm colors#modern#contemporary colors#dark blue#navy blue#red background color#yellow circle#orange circle#small circle#medium circle#large circle
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In honor of my favorite season, Spring, I am doing a bit of house cleaning. For a limited time [5/25 -6/22] all items in my shop will be 50% off. Here’s a pick of one of the pieces up for grabs. As always if you have any questions, thoughts, or mild ponderings feel free to hit me up. Most questions, however, can be found in my bio. Take it easy my friends! #tiffanyrankinatx #inkartists #artforsalebytheartist #womenpainting #austintexasartist #roundrockartist @apothecarylore (at Austin, Texas)
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