thwedesign-blog · 6 years
Why Do Tier 2 Cities Have More Innovation Potential Than Tier 1 Cities in India?
We live in an increasingly low-trust world, for our morale is suffering and our engagements in dismal-what we most lack are inspiration, consistency, and trust. We usually witness saturation and get stuck in the economic progress and counteract situations.
There are considerable Tier 2 cities in India (Kanpur, Chandigarh, Pondicherry) where the population distribution is over 1 Million. It has been observed that in spite of small public investments in these cities, they are yielding a noticeable potential. Tier 2 cities are continuously emerging and the key factor that escalates the development and growth opportunities. However, the growth potential is very high. The 2 Tier cities move with positivity not only for their region but for the entire state with its effort to diverge the gravity on the metro which is deteriorating under the stringent time frame and substructure. Resources have been weaving a triumph story in various fields; people from Tier II have some inherent advantages like owning basic amenities, ample convenience of land and accomplished labour, enhanced dissemination of property & asset.
As one observes an inundation in the commercial growth and structure opportunities of the foremost cities of India, concurrently small towns in Tier II cities have a population of around one million — they have been found to deliver a successful commercial progress in the previous decade and have a great potential across all verticals.
A number of fortune 500 companies which include Commercial firms, IT companies, Real property organizations, Automobile factories, Water Plants have decided to shift to Tier II cities. This is primarily because of cheaper labour and abundance of people resources.
Obviously, a number of key factors drive the innovation & development growth of all commercial and corporate segments in the rural zone. People here believe in — foot-to-work conception, worth way of life, exposure to media, the beginning of various IT companies and the augmented attraction to retail. We all have witnessed a drastic improvisation. Superior quality asset guarding and property selections in towns such as Nagpur, parts of Chandigarh, Iconic Agra, Crafts city Lucknow and City of Lakes –Udaipur are all converging towards overall innovation and development. Most importantly, these cities provide huge employment opportunities since the world is moving towards these low-cost regions to set up industries, plants, factories, and manufacturing units. This gives rise to these cities offers affordable rental and housing facilities which works absolutely well for mid-range people who migrate to such cities for job opportunities.
Irrespective of the fact, whether it is a Financial Bank most of us are inclined to the way small cities for larger benefits and higher ROI (return on investment). When cities such as Ahmedabad and Pune are concerned –they offer a huge array of benefits since they house a multitude of institutes. Smaller cities attract a large number of people as the rentals fits one’s budget and the cost of living and maintenance is way below compared to that of Tier 1 cities.
Various notable towns in Gujarat such as Ahmadabad, Vadodara itself has been progressing. The air travel facility between these cities will open up doors of opportunities.
Most of the hospitality segment envisages great development in these cities. Various factors combine making these towns one of the most sought-after investment areas.
Practical observation verifies the fact that Tier 1 cities are all overcrowded and hence people residing in these cities are forced to move out to open space with large infrastructure, close to nature. Cities like Jaipur, Nasik, Pune, and Chandigarh are hot favourites since there are global investors who create dream homes here. In addition, Tier 2 cities prove ideal for investors and non-resident Indians, who love to build lavish bungalows spread across acres of land which is impossible in Tier 1 cities.
The government of India has been actively supporting these Tier 2 cities and have laid down various policies to upgrade. Plans for building roads, airport, hospitals are in priority.Residential complexes, corporate houses, hotels are already been constructed in full swing. 
This growth and progress has certainly helped modernize rural India and contributed to the overall development of the country especially Tier 2 cities and have infused innovation through skilled planning.
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thwedesign-blog · 6 years
Are Rude Clients Worth the Extra Mile We Take?
We have got this covered! Did you read rude customers in the subject line? Let’s understand are they worth that “extra mile” we offer?
Let’s think about it — Customers around the world expect relentless service, needless to say, a dissatisfied customer will be spreading a negative word of mouth across all channels. When we refer to these customers, our chance of sustainability and long-term success is bleak and sometimes non-existent.
On other hand associates and staff trying too hard to satisfy the dissatisfied clients can ensnare them away from your comfortable spot, and at times drag you into an unknown field that is quite difficult to pilot.
The business “mantra” world over reads “Service excellence” & “Customer retention”.It doesn’t matter who or how you look at it but an organization is only known by its client and to add “successful clients”. You would agree with me that in order to achieve success one has to keep abreast with the latest news and be prepared to face challenges and recover in multiple forms. The bottom line is “service keeps your clients connected” service falls; so does your customer satisfaction. The service is what hits your clients list.
If you are a businessman, what is most important is to stay “put” with your expertise, strengthen and keep your capabilities intact and continuous improvement towards service excellence. Every client is a “BUYER” and the most important component of a business. It’s true you might experience challenges — your client might ask you to do a task outside the area you work and to retain them, we do attempt “an extra mile.”
Customers are becoming increasingly aware of the impressive blend of client sophistication and the wide array of natural attractions.
Now let’s come to the difficult part; we have done that extra bit but what if the client asks for more — in that scenario, your extra mile becomes a burden and to meet the challenge thrown at you by your client, your work intensifies and often leads to Win-Lose/Win-War situation.
An extra mile is never defined. You might end up doing things that deviates you from your focused KRA assigned — usually a smart staff should gaze at the situation and analyze if he has the capability to win the given challenge that sometime might mean turning down a client’s request. We do fear the responsive reaction that happens when we tend to lose a regular client.
There are loopholes in every organization. To opt for something that we can do and ignore what we cannot is a cold strategy. It will be a vain activity to try and seal those loopholes since every day brings in new challenges.It is you who has to decide which strategy you prefer to adopt and implement. There are organizations that train staffs and teach them to manage difficult clients and how to take the right decision when you are on the borderline. What not to do and what we MUST do to retain our clients and many more.
It makes us wonder, what if we provide the top class product design and service par excellence but absolute “zero” consideration for our customers –all our effort goes in vain. Dealing with a bunch of grumpy, dis-satisfied clients is tough and a long term liability. Easier option is to work out what they need, how can we offer service and if need be, stretch that extra mile so we reap customer relationship in a positive graph.
These days’ consumers have wide choice to choose their services from and hence the percentage of rude guest has exploded. Nevertheless, the fear of a rude guest spreading the negative experience with the social media scares the organization in this age of technical boom. Negative social review gets viral and it becomes a daunting task to reverse the effect. This becomes a “point of no return” or “too late to control the damage incurred”
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thwedesign-blog · 6 years
Technology has taken a different route to surpassing cross-country marathons. Technology today is air and oxygen for all. We breathe, sleep, read and live on technology. It has impacted our lives and plays a very important role since everything is handicapped without it.
The evolution of technology has introduced a “visual wonder” called 3D printing. 3D printing uses a smart integrated technology that produces 3-D objects.
The next question that pops our mind is how useful is this technology and who is the most benefited?
These days mostly 3D printing is used in the packaging, automotive, aircraft and health industries. It will surely be introduced to other segments as well but since the advent is in its nascent stage (well not nascent) it will soon be used and benefitted in other industries as well.
In order to understand the power of 3D printing lets understands the benefits :
Minimize threat — consider a situation where you are asked to submit a project –you have to run errands to collect all that is required and then risk your effort and create, if that does not work or meet your expectation, you have to repeat the procedure again –unless you are completely satisfied. 3D printing helps you print a test prototype to make sure of what you are looking for is satisfactory. Thereafter you can take the printing call. This, fortunately, gives you an opportunity to amend, edit and be sure before you invest in the expensive model.
Can be Tailor-made — Manufacturers are welcoming 3D printing since they are able to reduce the manufacturing costs and eliminate another process which was time-consuming and laborious ( such as creating the cast, weld, polish etc). The manufacturer can employ only one designer to create the end product and cut down his expenses by 80%.
It is surprising is that 3D printing will become possible for all. The quality and speed of their production will increase as they will be able to support more demand.
Be part of it –one can create design which were otherwise a faraway call. We have been holding on to our traditional design methods and were till recent past depended on moulds and metal which were shaped as desired. This was fine until such time when designer imagined abstract shapes and multifaceted figures. The advent of 3D printing and usage of needles to create definite and imaginative shapes provided a strong base for imaginative-structural interface. Not only did we manage to resolve our hiccups or answer futuristic solutions, but we have started to proudly produce “wow” frames and exclusive shaped artifacts, statues, designs, furniture, accessories etc. 3 D has definitely opened up endless possibilities for our unlimited imaginative thoughts!
Highly accessible — The world is changing and so is the mindset of people. A satisfactory lot of people have started to think and understand ways to use 3 D printing. They are told that one can produce similar effects as 3 D pens. These are not 3 D pens but more advanced ones. Many people who can understand and get themselves trained can easily use the nozzle. However, they will find out the best way to use it. Advanced countries are using it all over, however, India is not behind. Our designers and manufacturers are already creating waves very soon they will be showcasing their talent to the world.
Superb Finish — It is indeed quite a cumbersome task to come up with the best model at first go. Often we tend to give up since we have to start from the beginning. 3D printing is something that can be used as the final output developer. Not only it offers the opportunity to correct, but also saves money by allowing the designer to mold/ remold. It is just like an art –think -create –set-rethink and create!
3D printing reinventing the designing and creativity aspect of the world.
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thwedesign-blog · 6 years
Challenges of Marketing Your Services in a Tough Market of India
Indian is one of the most lucrative markets which provide business opportunities for both national and international business enterprises. However, while comparing –the positive aspect is India ranks in the 50th position for investment point of view and for credit accessible parameters. However, in the hind side the World competitive Marketing and Development report states that India is positioned high on the Finance marketing and development section and holds notable seat in the business sophistication. India also has a great advantage in terms of its market size however it falls far behind China’s economy and hence it ranks 13th amongst 139 countries.
The question still remains unanswered as to what are the challenges faced by marketers to market and service their product in India?
Modern India is surely one of the most intricate market regions in the world map and complex too mostly because of the regional diversity and the marginalization of rural vs. urban. What hinders most are those huge disorganized market, various legalities and administrative systems. Furthermore, India’s lack of systematic offering of infrastructure, politics, and corruptions heightens the challenges of venturing into India’s market for business.
Are there any foreign investor or company that has had a successful stint in this Indian sub-continent?
The world is full of smart players and strategic business gurus. Corporate/companies and Foreign Investors who have studied Indian Complex business trends every year and have implicated the nuances of managing and administering the Indian business environment. They have experienced fruitful output over time.
To name a few, LG (Life is Good) has indeed proved good for the company.Their product have earned a place in each household. They have also reinvented their product line to market their product in India e.g. — they introduced a 6 KG washing machine combatting their most selling washing machine-size at 4.5 KG-model. They marketed their product especially keeping the big Indian joint families in mind and it worked wonderfully and till date is that most sought-after product.
This was possible only because the company’s marketing heads understood the marketing trend and came up with a plan that resonated with the target audience.
The second most perfect example has been set by the alliance company merger Hyundai. They studied the figures, statistics and the emotional connect for over 5 years and finally came up with multiple varieties of opportunities so that the consumer has an array of selection while deciding their car. Some were pocket friendly and had high fuel efficiency. The car accessories were priced moderately and had amended required changes to accommodate mass Indian’s requests.
Result: Hyundai is the leading car company in India!
What is essential and the biggest challenge while opting for MI (Market Intelligence) in India?
The most challenging factor is the “Grey market” — their hold in the market is so high –it has now become like mushrooming communities. The Grey market owners take undue advantage of the Indian consumer who is highly priced sensitive. Compared to the local Grey market, the customer is offered at an average 23% rebate on MRP — hence they sweep all demand into their kitty.
The most preferential segment is electronics and video gaming gadgets, Smartphones etc. Second reason after price benefit is the taxation part. People often make purchases in the black market, a segment that does not fall under the legal radar.
Another segment in Noida exists which has employed over 90% of these resource into labors and the rest are left as the consumer since they have wealth and the capability to invest in the top market segment such as Engineering, Medical, textiles, Automobiles etc.
Some of these businesses are an outcome of the Partnership business and ownership business.
Keeping in mind the Market scenario in India — Is Indian market prepared for the challenge of intelligent marketing penetration in the Indian Economy?
India is introducing new concepts which are a result of ethical marketing strategies to stay ahead and stay smart of its competition. Conducting the competitive analysis is a challenge because of the dynamic nature of the business scenario. Unfortunately, there has been many: unparliamentary –under-the-table” activities which are required to source out information from the judicial and highly confidential segments. In a national scenario, these unethical means are implemented to gather information. That is what one of the biggest challenges for information collection becomes in a channelized method.
External or international companies thus face challenges in venturing into those administration or procurement segments where their custodians and officials are against this unethical exchange.
Here is the TOP 3 most basic Marketing challenges companies face to get into tough Indian Market:
1) Promoting Traffic and LeadsHow is this Challenge?
Promoting a heavy traffic and leads has been one of the greatest marketing challenges. As the years grow and competition thickens, this will only become accurate. With various options for marketers to publish their content and even more ways to endorse it, it’s simply difficult to know where they should emphasize their energies.
Generating leads and heavy traffic activities always remain the toughest marketing challenge year-over-year in India.
Is there something that Marketers do differently?
Well, when faced with a situation where we are positive on producing traffic and leads –what marketer should do is prepare themselves for two marketing situation:
Situation 1: Identity what people would prefer to invest in? And analyze if you, the marketer, is aware of the requirement of the target audience.
Situation 2: Post understanding what the requirement of the audience is — the marketer need to emphasise ways to brand, promote and market.
Why It’s a Challenge
Calculating actual ROI ion your investment is a challenge — we all will agree — what is advisable is to study marketing trends, analyse results and effectiveness of each marketing activity and forecast your conclusion before you invest or plan to venture into Indian marketing arena.
2) How does a Marketer secure budget in Indian Marketing economy?Why It’s a Challenge
In order to save more and grow, what we try and do is reduce the negative variance and allow the bottom line Gross Operating Profit to grow. Securing budget has been a great challenge for all marketing companies worldwide. When the budget is discussed, proposed and planned it is easy to escalate figures. If your company falls under the mid-range –the challenge will be meagre. But talking about Fortune 500 or big companies it becomes a long road the company’s goal
But there are certainly ways to secure more funds for your team — let’s see how?
What is it that you can do differently?
The most important feature of revealing budget totally depends on the pros and cons of your marketing heads. They act pivotal in forecasting what would work best and they must calculate return on investment based on trend analysis and actual market figures.
Venturing or penetrating Indian Market is effective if you have the right Market segment analysis conducted by your Marketing team. If you have the option to reduce your pace –and follow I.O.I ( invest Observe Invest ) marketing technique — you should not take a back seat — indeed your marketing team should conquer the ifs, buts and drive its strategies and right formulated objectives to achieve the desired results.
3) How does a company identify the Right Technologies required?Is this a Challenge
The answer is yes. To identify the perfect technology that will escalate your GOP and help you get into the tough Indian market is not easy. The main reason is each and every IT specialist will have a different opinion and will give varied reasoning to support their case and experience. In that case, what do Marketers do? Well, the easy option is to seek help from industry colleagues and analyze their report and believing what technologies support them to achieve those results and if it would be a better option. If you expect to hear from people via feedbacks, email exchange –you will not achieve what you expect.
So now the question is at times when you need a particular tool, or piece of technology to resolve your marketing difficulties, whom or where do you seek help?
This is what I reckon and the marketer can do differently?
Those of us who require a specialized marketing tool, technology to resolve your marketing needs, seek online interactive marketing expert’s support. There are specific Marketing technologies which aim to resolve issues and also share sorted responses.
Indian market is a vast and dynamic. To venture and dive deep into it without properly understanding the pros and cons will cost you a lot.
What is most important is to target all key components and study the marketing aspects in order to be effective, target oriented approach, yield results, reduce negative variance between budget and actual and organize and optimize your set targets. The Indian market can build scalable outputs as it has done to thousands of investors and foreign corporate and business owners.
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thwedesign-blog · 6 years
What is the Condition of the Design Industry in India?
The Indian design industry has witnessed high growth in recent times with the rise in demand for corporate as well as Industrial segments. Most of the design investors are estimating an overall growth to US$ 90 billion by 2025 with tier 1 and 2 cities being the prime beneficiaries
The design is undoubtedly one of the most authoritative and dominating sectors which outlines values and comes across as a specialization which is favorable together for community and well as a commercial organization. This article is dedicated to that design enthusiast who is keen on discovering these broader indices of the proposal as a vital human action and shall definitely like to spread its submission across all social traditional and financial activities.
Arguably, design Industry has detonated in reputation in the recent years. It is simple to tell that the design-trend is mounting since there is evidence of the acceptance and growth. We can see more websites, social media pages, blogs and even brick and mortar stores starting to cater to designs in India — updating and competing on the latest trends and ideas.
India has been overlooking and flouting the rules of the design community and its establishments. One cannot confirm that the design fraternity is disregarded and its needs are overlooked. Individual designers and clusters of design instructors have been bravely talking about their labor to deliver and endorse among two hundred and twenty-eight segments of our low-cost economy.
The design print media has not been covering journals, newsletters from the internal design exploration community and they rarely reach the larger audience.The design expert themselves seem to grip the short-lived. In case they do their work meticulously, their work would speak on its own
Additionally, to understand design is a diverse activity — tough for some since most of what is offered forms a segment which is indiscernible in the form of performance
It is time we start strategizing values that can be completely noticeable through comprehensive scrutiny, reflective contemplation, and participation.
But are there any real statistics to back it up?
Indian Design Industry is progressing well and in the recent years, is included in the world stage, for we have some of the best product, apparel, architectural, civil and other design connoisseurs as valuable assets.
How many designers are there in India?
Research conducted, states that there were 67388 designers who participated in their studies. Among these designers, 11% of them were indulged with landscaping or furniture design. Considering multiple types of design were included in the study (for example industrial, automotive, fashion and graphics to name a few), this percentage shows how the industry is on the rise.
How to register our presence permanently on the top?
In order to enhance, improve and reach out to the global clients, we need to exhibit our creativity in a very professional manner. Design to India is invaluable and a vital component both of economic development and social well-being. On many occasion, we experienced India being considered as one of the most competitive economical countries. Compared to top countries in terms of design, UK hits the list as a world leader in both creative and design school followed by others.
Indian design industries employ over 7.12% of our whole economy and have a noticeable presence in the world design map. We are not only known as a Design Industry, but also for being reasonably priced for creating “out of the blue” design concepts. To add to this, India Design technology has created hundreds of job opportunities
.The design is one of the vital ingredients and as well a crucial component which harnesses the cumulative asset of a country and needs to be nurtured at all stages. India has great talent and hence its designers devise various solutions to drive the design industry on their home turf and globally.
What is the need of the hour?
What India needs is a proper method of design education which shall eventually deliver effective services. We also need the methods of design education so we are able to inform the training of other faculties of learning. In order to enhance the innovative capacity of the nation, we need to invest.
India has high potential and the demand for a new belt of design industry is enormous. In order to encounter the difficulties of the upcoming or existing design industry, one needs to identify the best-reputed institutions which follow the international curriculum and create polished designers. We have in the recent years, successful in developing skilled designers, who have been well recognized and appreciated.
There is a huge scope. Designing branches into various categories such as product designing, technique design, architectural designing, latest gem & jewellery design, graphic art design, internal design, furniture-design, locomotive design, manufacturing design, animatronics & new media designing , scenery design, web design, exhibition design, set-up design , event designing to name a few.
Most of the design colleges ensure their student are exposed to various verticals such as training by industry experts , new opportunities for industry internship , interaction with industry advocates , personal attention & guidance, active participation in exhibitions ,events, festivals both on local and international ground, participation in regular workshops, seminars, and industry visits , exposure to problem solving skills while working on live projects , study in creative environment, multiple placement assistance.
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thwedesign-blog · 6 years
Is Mumbai the Talent Hub of India?
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Mumbai attracts the best and brightest talent from all over!
A simple analysis of supply & demand was conducted just for the purpose of research; this was done to understand and analyze the probable answers to the question— Is Mumbai the skill talent hub of India?
“Mumbai” can also be described as “the State” which actively scales across various verticals yet exploring the in-depth psychology of people. There is enough evidence which proves that Mumbai transiting from simple talent bank to it’s to authoritative transformations.
This is the era of steady-state organizations, where assessments to impact one’s business is directly proportional to the organizational progress.
Debating on how and why business transformations fail in some state and how some flourishes is quite interesting. Mumbai is an optimistic state. Nearly 88% of people residing in Mumbai are in some way or the other employed. Additionally, increase in support of the educational establishments and collaboration with International Institutes and Universities have reflected in terms of opportunities that they have had so far.
Two most dynamic trend that has stamped Mumbai as the skill talent hub is its Diversity and Reinventing educational offerings.
What makes Mumbai’s approach to skills talent different from others? What differentiates Mumbai? The answer is quite simple — Mumbai in recent times has adopted a different approach to support unlimited demand and have been offering the right support at the right time to close the offer and improve productivity. Mumbai industries and institutions are working on skill upgrading and are doing it passionately. They have been successful by engaging government bodies in various capacities to provide a full proof support system. Hence this move has proved pivotal in the large skill talent acquisition.
Mumbai provides Education ladders and Mega Education ladders and stretches its principle to long leaps through impactful and substantive responsibility. One can consider it as a game of snake & ladder. To make clear defined career pathways –institutes in Mumbai have angled their origin as far as possible, keeping acquisition of talent a way of development, engagement, and retention.
We have witnessed organizations who turnaround mostly limp or fall. It is not surprising that organizations rise in response to changing needs. However, the bottom line is well-established. Firms need quality resource and solid contributors and leaders.
Mumbai has proved itself as a talent hub and the two key factors cementing its foundation are — how close it is in planning the future vision and how it accommodates changes and challenges inability. Industries and other segment have reinvented to create differentiating values for both supply and demand segments. One can only acquire these if we are ready to accept the change.
Mumbai undoubtedly has sped up the change and so has business support, which is continuously evolving and changing.
Our resource economy is one of the principal elements globally. It is the 3rd largest in procuring capacity.
Mumbai has been regarded as “THE” newly developed state, and the wealth distribution has observed an enormous increase — this positions Mumbai as the skill talent hub of India ahead of other metro cities!
Undoubtedly Mumbai is the land of dreams — a land which promises fame, fun, and film above everything else. Who would not want to stay, study or work in Mumbai?
It is quite obvious to assume, that the most famous State develop unbeaten skill would itself enjoy influential demand overflow. On the other hand, Indian politics and officious interfering have often negotiated the demand –but that has not been able to demean or drown the aspiring new career institutions like the top IT institutes and Management colleges. These institutes are continuously nurturing talent and brilliant minds every year, though it is perplexing but at times they fight & survive the challenges and hence emerge as winners
There are evidence and research studies which shows brilliant young talents have fled in part to other regions and offshore. Despite this, Mumbai’s corporate and research environment has always succeeded in compensating them for their talents.
Mumbai experiences round up mobility — mostly Upward mobility — which means people move in the city from other places in search of better opportunities, lifestyle, secured life and heavier pay package and prestige.
Between 1999 and 2013, more than 52,000 high-income Mumbai families immigrated and chose not to move out or settle because of the multiple opportunities, education quality, high-end institutions create enormous verticals. A quick survey estimates that over 76% of Mumbai Indians have expressed a desire not to move even after lucrative offers.
What is required is true governance and right direction — IIT may be a victim of its own success, while the government duplicates the academy in Mumbai state (6 new ones since early 90’s).
Mumbai requires a strong culture of modernism, future-oriented development, risk-taking, and enormous communication improvements to nurture the growth of high-paying career further — a career that neighboring state is eager to pilfer. Unfortunately, these circumstances need to be nurtured with great care and strong vision in coming days.
Today, Mumbai is considered, the largest markets with “top” talent pool (as supported by various surveys and audits) and is the workplace support of the Global organizations.
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