#OCR (Obstacle course racing)
282 posts
combining trail runs and obstacles (mental and physical) designed to put you outside your comfort zone
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thomasvmarino · 4 years ago
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#spartankillingtonultra @Spartanrace by-the-numbers: 563 runners registered. 100 finished. (17%) I was in the Open class and only 12% finished. ONLY FIVE age 50+ finished. (Pretty sure if they had a #Clydesdalerunner class that number is low too).  The weather was perfect. This was my 2nd attempt and I think I’m done with the #KillingtonUltra. It’s just not friendly to slow big runners. I got cut at mile 17.5, 8k elevation. What did go right: I came back Sunday and ran 13mi, 5k elevation. (no obstacles) I helped 3 from Guam summit #KillingtonPeak - K1 (4,236’) their first mtn (highest point in Guam is only 1,300’ and they never climbed that). It took 50mins to climb that #DeathMarch helping them and there were some tough moments. I saw some awesome wildlife including these cool Turkeys. Awesome smells and awesome views. Great staff. Enjoy #spartanvolunteer So, I got my #TurtleUltra 🐢 for the weekend: 50k, 13k elevation at #TheBirthplaceOfSpartan. Had a great weekend and feel healthy. Next stop is a flat 5k/10k I’m organizing and #SpartanStadion that not my thing but it’s fun. Props to @athleticBrewing for being there both days for that well need recovery. Some excerpts on reflection from this weekend. But on you will go though the weather be foul. On you will go though your enemies prowl. On you will go though the Hakken-Kraks howl. Onward up many a frightening creek, though your arms may get sore and your sneakers may leak.   On and on you will hike, And I know you'll hike far and face up to your problems whatever they are…..   …. So be sure when you step. Step with care and great tact and remember that Life's a Great Balancing Act. Just never forget to be dexterous and deft. And never mix up your right foot with your left.   #AthleticCheckIn @AthleticBrewing #ABCintheWild #WithoutCompromise #AthleticBrewing #NACraftBeer #InTheWild #RunWild #fitover50 #ultratraining #ultrarunning #trailrunning #nature #trails #runningtherapy #HealthIsWealth (at Killington, Vermont)
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thomasvmarino · 4 years ago
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This picture was taken 1 day after the 2019 Spartan Ultra in VT. I DNF that 50k/15k elevation race. It was sleeting at the summit and didn't have the drive to finish the last 20k. I came back Sunday to finish it and did. I took this pic that day as the ski run is called "Pipe Dream" and overlooks Bear Mtn. Far worse then the VT famous @spartanrace #deathmarch I said I'll take a pic because I'm never doing that again. It was also a beautiful day. FF to 2021.... I signed up for a rematch on 9/11. My training in 2019 I thought was ok. I had run 319mi. YTD and by far the most I've ever done. I was like 👏. It wasn't enough. Well good things happen in COVID land. In 2020 I ran 1,037 mi and 175k elevation. 2021 YTD I've done 580mi and 94k elevation. I feel ready... #ultratraining #trailrunning #elevationgoal #ultrarace #spartanultra (at Killington, Vermont)
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thomasvmarino · 4 years ago
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This picture was taken 1 day after the 2019 Spartan Ultra in VT. I DNF that 50k/15k elevation race. It was sleeting at the summit and didn't have the drive to finish the last 20k. I came back Sunday to finish it and did. I took this pic that day as the ski run is called "Pipe Dream" and overlooks Bear Mtn. Far worse then the VT famous @spartanrace #deathmarch I said I'll take a pic because I'm never doing that again. It was also a beautiful day. FF to 2021.... I signed up for a rematch on 9/11. My training in 2019 I thought was ok. I had run 319mi. YTD and by far the most I've ever done. I was like 👏. It wasn't enough. Well good things happen in COVID land. In 2020 I ran 1,037 mi and 175k elevation. 2021 YTD I've done 580mi and 94k elevation. I feel ready... #ultratraining #trailrunning #elevationgoal #ultrarace #spartanultra (at Killington, Vermont)
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thomasvmarino · 4 years ago
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If you have never run a 24hr trail race I would encourage you to try. The sun rising in the final hours gives you a lift as dawn lights the dark woods. It’s a special moment.   This was my first. I finished the challenge with ~45mi/~7300' elevation. (a PR distance win) It was taking me 1.5hrs to run a 5 mi lap. Could I have pushed one more lap for the 50mi? maybe? I had only an 1hr 15 mins left and decided I was content.  The #BreakfastChicken was calling and in the end, it’s about having fun. After the first 10hrs I enjoyed an awesome @athleticbrewing with @mgig0815 (I had some too but forgot ice). Cheers to a great #RunPA 24hr run with a few naps at night...but not much I always say that if I’m not having fun, I pull the plug. At 10p I wasn’t having fun. At 5am I was better and squeezed in the last lap and glad to experience the sunrise on the trail. Next up is Spartan WV. Going for the 10ktrail, 13 mi beast, and 8mi super. That’s a 50k weekend with a few obstacles #VTtraining “Call me Ishmael.” #AthleticCheckIn @AthleticBrewing #ABCintheWild #WithoutCompromise #AthleticBrewing #NACraftBeer #InTheWild #RunWild #fitover50 #ultratraining #ultrarunning #trailrunning #nature #trails #runningtherapy (at J. Edward Mack Scout Reservation)
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thomasvmarino · 4 years ago
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Beautiful am "run" at Haycock after a fresh 6" of snow. Not really a run as it took 1hr to go 2mi. Even saw some coyote tracks. I never see animals here so good to see some winter life. It's a pretty good challenge in the snow and some big holes you can fall down at the top but very cool. #winterwonderland #trailrunning #nature #optoutside (at Haycock Mountain)
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thomasvmarino · 4 years ago
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Beautiful am "run" at Haycock after a fresh 6" of snow. Not really a run as it took 1hr to go 2mi. Even saw some coyote tracks. I never see animals here so good to see some winter life. It's a pretty good challenge in the snow and some big holes you can fall down at the top but very cool. #winterwonderland #trailrunning #nature #optoutside (at Haycock Mountain)
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thomasvmarino · 4 years ago
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So finished the #nakednick50k + Tough weather out there for us 🐢 🏃‍♂️. The 2nd lap i had the whole course to myself and spent 6 hrs in a #trailmeditation (oh the ❄ really picked up the last hour. Was good challenge for me and pretty sure I was the last runner to cross at 4:30p They ran a very nice race with good #socialdistance Lots i think dropped after 1st lap. THANKS @RUN_RIDE_PA #fitover50 #ultratraining #trailrunning #elevationgoal #ultrarace (at Blue Marsh Lake)
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thomasvmarino · 4 years ago
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Merry Christmas to all. "May the songs of the season rise to greet you. May the winter wind be always at your back. May the frost shimmer soft upon your fields. And, until we meet again, May the love of God shine warm upon your home."
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thomasvmarino · 4 years ago
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Happy #festivus the #festivuspole 💈 #AiringofGrievances😡 #FeatsofStrength💪, waiting for the Festivus miracles #festivusfortherestofus
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thomasvmarino · 4 years ago
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My longest run ever. Completed the first ever @appalachianmountainclub #PAHighlandsTrail 50k+ with a good partner. Also some other s joined for sections and also just 1 way. We started in GBH Park and ran on on trail Grist Mill Park in hellertown. #railstotrails #onTheCircut #optoutside #buckscounty #quakertown #nature #trailrunning #ultrarunning (at Great Blue Heron Park)
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thomasvmarino · 4 years ago
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There are new hunting roles in Pennsylvania. Make sure you wear Orange when out on trails in November. #trailrunning #nature #trails #ultratraining (at Haycock Mountain)
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thomasvmarino · 4 years ago
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Armistice Day is commemorated every year on 11 November to mark the armistice signed between the Allies of World War I and Germany which took effect at eleven o'clock in the morning—the "eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month" of 1918. the United States government opting for Veterans Day. THANKS TO ALL WHO SERVED #armisticeday #veteransday
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thomasvmarino · 4 years ago
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Just learned that Biden will bring two 🐕 to the white house. Trump was the first president since 1900 not to have a pet. #dogsofınstagram #nature #trailrunning #trails (at Richland Township Veterans Park)
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thomasvmarino · 4 years ago
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Found the notorious "Doan's Cave" Pretty sure you can't get 1,307 pounds sterling from the 1781 robbery of the Newtown Treasury in this small cave. would be even harder to access with horses. Haycock Mtn makes more sense. It was never found. Did get to see the Tohickon creek with the @padcnr #nockamixonstatepark dam release. #visitbucks #trailrunning #nature  #losttreasure #trails  #expeditionunknown episode? Here one for you #joshgates @gatesygram (at Ralph Stover State Park)
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thomasvmarino · 4 years ago
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I ran today. Did you? Awesome! Thank you for running in this critical time. Turnout today is SO critical. If you want to increase your impact, consider reaching out to three friends or family members who might need that nudge to get off the couch Thanks for doing your part! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 Side note: Rabid raccoons are very sick. Mostly, they are lethargic. Their walk may be erratic, or their legs paralyzed. They may be walking in circles or falling over, or lurching in an unnatural fashion. In short, they just plain look sick. If you see a raccoon outside when it's light out, and it looks agile, alert, is running or foraging in a smooth and coordinated and normal manner, then you can be almost certain that it doesn't have rabies. So all good here. #racoonsofinstagram #nature #trailrunning #pahighlandstrail (at Richland Township Veterans Park)
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thomasvmarino · 4 years ago
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This is my 🐢 rock (I added the eye) I've been passing this since construction on the #UpperBucksRailTrail started. Almost ready. Kind of a cool rock since this area was home to The Turtle Clan of the Lenape. #nature #coolrock #trailrunning #onTheCircut #optoutside #buckscounty #quakertown
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thomasvmarino · 4 years ago
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7 years of advocacy for @railstotrails and lots a volunteer hours, the Upper Bucks Rail tail is almost done! It uses a cool new aggregate mix developed by #PSU that gives it a super smooth surface and reduces runoff. It's also part of @thecircuittrails I like ⛰ but from Veteran's park to the new boardwalk is almost a perfect 10k. So why not take a run in the rain. It's quite pretty. #nature #railstotrails #onTheCircut (at Richland Township Veterans Park)
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