theswampthing-blog1 · 8 years
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Starter Call
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theswampthing-blog1 · 8 years
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❝ Usually, ❞ He replied dryly. As long as he didn’t get dragged into anything ridiculous, Swamp Thing would be fine. With nothing else to say at the moment, he observed the other man silently.
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“Of course not. Are we a package deal or something?”
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theswampthing-blog1 · 8 years
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Seasons may change, winter to spring Constantine will always be this handsome sassy thing
DC Rebirth #1
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theswampthing-blog1 · 8 years
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❝ I ... am, ❞ He insisted. Swamp Thing had seen Beetle and Booster in action; and he wanted nothing to do with it. All he wanted was to get back to his swamp.
                    ❝ Is Booster ... here? ❞
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“Wow. I thought you were the nice plant person.”
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theswampthing-blog1 · 8 years
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He grumbled to himself while he tried to think of a way to describe it. 
        ❝ It feels wrong, ❞ He ground out. ❝ Something is ... tearing it apart. ❞
Harley squinted up at Swamp Thing with a mixture of uncertainty and curiosity, tilting her head just a bit to think. He didn’t seem like he was lying–but then, it was hard to read the expression of a man who looked more like plant life than flesh and bone. 
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“The Green–that’s, like, you an’ Red’s magical plant power place, right?” Honestly, all the times Ivy had tried to explain the Green had pretty much gone over Harley’s head. “What’s wrong with it?”
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theswampthing-blog1 · 8 years
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Swamp Thing was immediately concerned at approaching the dark knight. Ever since he had swampified Gotham a while back when his wife was in jail, he thought for sure that the Bat would attack upon his entrance to the city. Though at his words, he was relieved.
                ❝ My problem ... does not lie ... with you, Batman. ❞
@theswampthing liked for a starter~
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“You’re a long way from your nesting grounds,” he murmured warily. In the past, the Swamp creature had proven to be as enigmatic and confusing as it was dangerous - a part of the so-called ‘Green’ that Ivy tapped into, but without a body of flesh to neutralise. If it ever decided to strike out at someone or something in Gotham, The Bat was considered an annoyance at most. “Any chance we’ll keep this civil…?”
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theswampthing-blog1 · 8 years
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Swamp Thing stayed silent for a few more moments, pondering. 
                     ❝ Who are you .... really? ❞
   “hmm.”  he hummed thoughtfully, and nodded. “.. very clever, my friend.” stranger remarked on the other’s wordplay after a moment of contemplation, although his voice was void of amusement. 
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theswampthing-blog1 · 8 years
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❝ I hope ... not. ❞
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“Is this a team-up or?”
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theswampthing-blog1 · 8 years
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        ❝ Yes, ❞ He replied lowly. ❝ Just ... visiting. ❞
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theswampthing-blog1 · 8 years
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Happy birthday, Constantines! Have some super weed from Swampy to you.
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theswampthing-blog1 · 8 years
Happy birthday, Constantines! Have some super weed from Swampy to you.
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theswampthing-blog1 · 8 years
So I took a carnation from a bouquet of them from a funeral almost two weeks ago and someone just informed me that everyone else’s flowers have died but ... mine is ... still very much ... alive.
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theswampthing-blog1 · 8 years
I have free icons, a perfect url, and unlimited promos to anyone who makes him.
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theswampthing-blog1 · 8 years
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❝ I do not ... live in a salad ... bowl, ❞ Swamp Thing grumbled, resisting the urge to throw the blonde man. 
              He was handy to keep around and a useful store of information, even if he only gave it to achieve his own ends. 
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“Yeah, well that’s cause you always bring trouble whenever you step out of th’salad bowl an’ onto the streets.” He sneered, proving Holland’s point without even realising it.
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theswampthing-blog1 · 8 years
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He pondered the man’s words for a moment before replying.
          ❝ You are still ... Stranger to me, ❞ He pointed out. 
Swamp Thing only knew what Stranger gave out and this was it. A name that was a smokescreen to who the man really was.
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 all he offered to the other was a momentary glance his way before his gaze turned back to watching the road they were walking on, side by side.  after seemingly a minute, stranger spoke. “…i would not say so. would you?”
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theswampthing-blog1 · 8 years
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   Swamp Thing grumbled in annoyance.  She had to know about the sense of wrong in the Green.  She had to have felt it.
                         So where was she?
❝ The Green, ❞   He insisted.  ❝ Something is wrong. ❞
Oh boy. It’s Mushy Salad Man!
Harley tried not to look too hostile, but she couldn’t help it; Ivy was one of the few people she was instinctively protective of, and she couldn’t say she knew much of anything about her unexpected visitor. Not that Ivy couldn’t take care of herself, but…
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“She ain’t home right now,” she replied evasively, eyeing Swamp Thing up and down. At least that part was true. “Can I take a message?”
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theswampthing-blog1 · 8 years
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He nodded slowly, trying not to move. Most people didn’t appreciate swamp water on their floor, Abby included.
                His time in the swamp had made his ❛ people skills ❜ a bit lacking; so it was a silent for a beat before he worked up something to ask.
❝ What can I ... do? ❞
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           ❛ not as sorry as i am … ❜  said with weighted sincerity as she looked over the newest addition to the room. 
               ❛ john tell you ? ❜
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