mariisue · 8 years
@zctanna || doesn’t do birthdays?
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    “I slept through my birthday! I was up for like, uh- a solid five hundred and four hours before hand, so I needed a nap. Slept right through it.”
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lovedharder-blog · 8 years
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     “ it could be WORSE, at least he’s famous for somethin’ rad y’know? “ jordan could think of a few things that would SUCK to be associated with: donald trump, the shamwow.  “ you’re like gretchen wieners. “ hands flutter in flourish, “ --f e t c h !! “ ( @zctanna || real world group verse starter call )
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boyfluent-blog · 8 years
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‘         thoughts   on   the   man  -  candy ?          ‘          inquiry   posed   with   a   grin,          it’s   only   partially   asked   in   jest   as   she   casually   SCOPES   the   scene   from   the   comfort   of   a   cushioned   wicker   lounge.          ‘          and   i’m   not   talking   about   the   guys   back   at   the   house.          ‘          with   practiced   subtlety,          she   nods   in   the   direction   of   a   waiter   walking   away   from   a   nearby   bar,          balancing   a   platter   with   a   variety   of   craftily   garnished   cocktails.          bright   yellow   sun,          clear   blue   skies,          gorgeous   men   abound.          IT’S   A   POOLSIDE   PARADISE.          and   this,          she   thinks,         is   exactly   what   she   needed   to   kick  -  off   her   stay.
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       ❝ ----i always did like a magic show. never could figure out how they did anything. ❞ 
     @zctanna - steve is impressed.
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toconfrontevil-blog · 8 years
@zctanna replied to your post:everyone in the dc magic community collectively...
group thread where all the magic users share all the bullshit they have had to reverse on halloween.
omfg. PLEASE?
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nexusbeingmoved · 8 years
keep doing god's work. aka, reminding people how scary powerful wanda is. bless.
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WARPED. *takes a bow* thank you, i try my hardest!!!
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gonetheformofman · 8 years
It wasn’t that HARD to find out what had happened ---- Etrigan had gone out on a RAMPAGE again and everyone around him was picking up the pieces. Of course, he THOUGHT he had done a good job cleaning up his own MESS, but family business in HELL always seemed to get bloody. Even more so than USUAL these days, but he thought he could get around that ---- it seemed he couldn’t this TIME.
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“---- Not my FAULT.” Was all he managed to get out. It totally was his fault.
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puzzleborn-blog · 8 years
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  “You know,  I am a man who appreciates the finer things in life: your backwards spells included. I cannot lie; they are  entrancing.” Is he for real right now? The green-clad man leans his hand against a surface nearby and slips his hand into his inner blazer,  looking reminiscent of Napoleon. Turns out he was only procuring the weapon that was hidden inside. “Too bad I simply can’t let you take me back to Arkham.” 
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nxvala-blog · 8 years
Send me a ☂ to find my character in a dark alley in the middle of a storm, beaten and bloody
     The pitter-patter of the rain gradually grew heavier, large drops breaking apart on his bruised face. His lips slightly held apart as he stared up at the tar black sky through his left eye, the cloud resembling fluffs of grey cotton. The weather was all he wanted to think about, it was better than think about how everything hurt. His body was littered with bruises, his catsuit torn, revealing flesh that had been carelessly cut into. Hell it even hurt to breath, on the positive side his heart was still safe and sound in his chest.
He slowly lifted his arm, wincing as he did, to gently place gloved fingers against his swollen eye which was a mixture of purple and blue, with a yellow undertone surrounding the outer area. A pained whimpering slipping out of bruised and busted lips. He wished he could move, get out of the rain, the rain that kept his blood from drying. He was going to die if someone didn’t help him, and he came to terms with that. Though he hoped someone with a heart would find him. Hoping, just hoping that someone didn’t come back to end him, he already walked a risky line with death, he didn’t want to do it again.
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arkhmd · 8 years
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   ‘ you’re boring me, what do you want now? ‘      odd, usually he was the one pestering her. could she finally be turning her allegiance towards him?      or was this another annoying parlor trick waiting to happen?
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viictims-a-blog · 8 years
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        ❛ don’t judge a book by it’s cover . . . or a man by his m a s k ❜
@zctanna ♡ ’ d
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