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thedemonsdaughter · 8 years
 Repost don’t reblog
I so want to do this meme >.> Not even lowkey about it
consider urself tagged by me then!
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bathvnt-blog · 8 years
thexnight Remind me to send you my new promo when I make it - it's like... pure Batdad.
the batdad is always welcome
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thedemonsdaughter · 8 years
 * (your reactions are never going to get old)
Well - that smacked me square in the feels…
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batgirlbatarangs · 8 years
thexnight replied to your post:i h8 reading this every time. the foreshadowing is...
The last issue of JL3001 ended with “Next issue! The end of the Justice League! (That’s not hyperbole. We’ve been cancelled.)”
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@thexnight replied to your post: Your portrayal is spot on. A++
Too true
Freaking. Thank you, Batmun. It’s madness though. Your Bats is the BatDad.
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☯ : Greatest challenge to writing your character?Oh...probably timeline stuff. Like, he's gone through so many weird periods and it's so hard to decide which one to do threads in, sometimes. And of course when I do think one is perfect, my partner might have no idea about that period of Hal's life, like with the Spectre or really anything pre-Parallax besides the obvious lol
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ofhxrley · 8 years
✔ :What drew you to the character you currently play? What types of characters are you generally drawn to?
@ari-rivaille-ackerman can vouch for me on this, my usual character type is … morally corrupt/ambiguous and really good-looking. Harley is just such a fun character, and one that most everybody knows/has a strong opinion on. She’s girly and yet hardcore and can totally handle herself when she wants/needs to.
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darkmeditation · 8 years
@thexnight liked for a starter
“Bruce, I swear if you mess with anything in my library I will end you.” She didn’t allow many people in past the door.
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gorgeousfire-blog · 8 years
Go ooooon, do the meme for Bruce
Drop me a character name and i’ll reveal my muse’s heart…   
VISUAL ATTRACTIVENESS: 💗💗💗💗 (High)(purely aesthetic appreciation of looks)
FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: 💗💗💗 (Hopeful)(how close a friend they consider them)
SEXUAL DESIRE: 💗💗💗💗 (high)(wanting to have sex with them)
ROMANTIC INTENT: 💗💗💗💗💗 (maximum)(hoping for a romantic relationship)
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batgirlbatarangs · 8 years
thexnight replied to your post:blvdhavens replied to your post:starbxlteyes. “Oh...
grayson you see what you’ve done ://
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22 - People who influenced them greatly
Send me a number and I’ll tell you my headcanons for: 
By far the biggest influence in Karen’s life is her cousin, the Superman of Earth 2. He taught her pretty much everything she knows about fighting crime. He’s the one who instilled in her a respect for life and taught her to control her anger. Without him she’d probably have given into her anger and become a supervillain.
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stiickypaws · 8 years
Go on - Bruce for that url meme thingy~
Drop me a character name and I’ll reveal my muse’s heart...
VISUAL ATTRACTIVENESS: 💗💗💗💗💗(purely aesthetic appreciation of looks)
FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: 💗💗💗💗💗(how close a friend they consider them)
SEXUAL DESIRE: 💗💗💗💗💗(wanting to have sex with them)
ROMANTIC INTENT: 💗💗💗💗💗(hoping for a romantic relationship)
💔 Non-existent💗 Very low💗💗 A little💗💗💗 Hopeful💗💗💗💗 High💗💗💗💗💗 Maximum
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웃 : An existing character you’ve played in the past that you miss?Oh, so many. I definitely miss playing Peter Quill, I can't deal with his tags, though, he's not even the same character anymore, but I love old Peter and greatly enjoyed playing him. He was such an amazing, overlooked character. Technically still is, since they replaced him with a ridiculous not-even-imitation version. I especially enjoyed RPing him because I got to do so many super involved AUs and really push the boundaries on alien physiology and culture through them.
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thexnight replied to your post
“what the dceu could learn from fel*icity smoak” Excuse me while I...”
Is she the one that was in a wheelchair or something?
Intro to felicity smoak and her toxic as shit fanbase: 
I.T girl who works for Queen Consolidated named after a comic character just as a throw-away reference. Becomes the ‘hacker’ for Team Arrow.  Really vocal, toxic fangirls wants Ollie and Felicity to get together.  Felicity gets given a backstory that involves her history as a cyber terrorist and she gives everything up and only got into it because of an exboyfriend. Literally everything she does is because of a man. She disrespects Oliver’s family. When his mother died, felicity said “i didn’t even like Moira, she was diabolical”, AT MOIRA’S FUNERAL.  Her and Oliver get together. All they do is lie to each other but Oliver’s lying is a byproduct of his PTSD and other issues that he never dealt with. He shouldn’t be in a romantic relationship at all until he’s received help. But despite the fact that Felicity knows this from the start, she victim-blames him for the side-effects of his past trauma, gaslights at every opportunity. But the fans love her it’s so end-game right.  She lied to Oliver for months, told her mother to forgive someone because “people lie for a reason”. Then she breaks up with Oliver for lying to her, (even though he didn’t want to and this particular lie was for the sake of his child per request of the childs mother).  Felicity then gets all high and mighty because he didn’t include her, even though he was expressly asked not to.  They tried to make Felicity into 'Oracle’. Even going so far as to give her the codename Overwatch and Oliver actually fucking said “I wanted Oracle but it was taken”. This was the writers digging at DC because they were denied the rights to Oracle.  Felicity gets paralyzed in a shoot-out. She’s in a wheel-chair for like 3 episodes. Then Curtis gives her a micro-chip that cures her magically and she stands up and storms out in heels the instant she regains feeling in her legs in order to make a dramatic exit after breaking up with Oliver.  In the next episode no one at all even mentions the fact she’s walking. Instead they feel bad for her because her and Oliver are over, and they all rag on Ollie to fix it even though she was the one who (literally) walked away. Then Felicity is gonna mass-produce the microchip (that Curtis, a black, openly gay, comic-canon character invented) to make herself into a ‘beacon of hope’ for disabled people. And the promo shots show her holding the T-Sphere, again taking away from Curtis.  Then the fans wanted to get rid of black Canary cos she 'threatened ’ their ship, even going so far as to send death threats to Katie Cassidy. Then they got their way because the show killed off BLACK CANARY. And Marc Guggenheim said they couldn’t kill Felicity or Captain Lance because that would mean that with one of them gone there would only be one 'non superhero’ left. Despite the fact that now that BC is gone, Oliver himself is the ONLY COMIC CHARACTER LEFT in a significant role. And BC’s final words were all about how happy she is that Oliver has found felicity.  Felicity fangirls then set up a gofundme and raised over $1500 to send a fruit basket to the Arrow writing team for ‘doing such a good job’ (AKA Killing Black Canary) Every time someone complains about how the show differs from the comics, all of the Felicity fangirls scream IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE LIKE THE COMICS.okay, fair enough, except when those same fangirls found out that Felicity wasn’t going to be in the Green Arrow Rebirth comics they yell IT’S GONNA SUCK HOW CAN YOU HAVE A GREEN ARROW COMIC WITHOUT FELICITY SHE’S THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE followed by more death threats. oh, but she’s so quirky and cute and funny and a ray of sunshine and needs to be protected, and she was once referred to by another character as ‘the strongest of all of us’. and whenever someone points out that she’s abusive and isn’t a good role-model, they’re accused of being misogynist. 
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pesteringjester · 8 years
thexnight replied to your post “⊗ ❤️”
Is it terrible I can see her being flirty/seductive in this big ass booster seat?
oh, it’s terrible, but she totally would
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