pesteringjester · 6 years
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Once upon a time, in a fictional land called New York City, there was a place called Fabletown.
It was The Adversary who forced them into our world. Chased from the Homelands, some without a penny to their name, the beings known as the Fables took refuge in a tiny section of New York, hidden from the eyes of the Mundanes, whose stories fuel their powers and long lifespans. From Bloody Mary to Captain Hook, figures from beyond our world find their foothold in this hidden neighborhood of the Bronx. With the help of glamours and tricks–what little magic they could salvage from their old world–the Fables went into hiding, clinging to what they could of their past lives, and wondering all the while if they’d ever get to go back.
There were those lucky enough to escape with their fortunes; they became powerful members of the community, leaders and influencers. Those less fortunate–or those less human–scrape by however they can, and try not to think too hard about the consequences.
It’s possible to keep your nose clean in Fabletown, if you have the means. But if you don’t, never fear; there are figures in the dark waiting to make a deal, provided you’re willing to give them something in return.
Choose wisely. Here, ‘happily ever after’ is a lot less common than it used to be.
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pesteringjester · 6 years
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Once upon a time, in a fictional land called New York City, there was a place called Fabletown.
It was The Adversary who forced them into our world. Chased from the Homelands, some without a penny to their name, the beings known as the Fables took refuge in a tiny section of New York, hidden from the eyes of the Mundanes, whose stories fuel their powers and long lifespans. From Bloody Mary to Captain Hook, figures from beyond our world find their foothold in this hidden neighborhood of the Bronx. With the help of glamours and tricks–what little magic they could salvage from their old world–the Fables went into hiding, clinging to what they could of their past lives, and wondering all the while if they’d ever get to go back.
There were those lucky enough to escape with their fortunes; they became powerful members of the community, leaders and influencers. Those less fortunate–or those less human–scrape by however they can, and try not to think too hard about the consequences.
It’s possible to keep your nose clean in Fabletown, if you have the means. But if you don’t, never fear; there are figures in the dark waiting to make a deal, provided you’re willing to give them something in return.
Choose wisely. Here, ‘happily ever after’ is a lot less common than it used to be.
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pesteringjester · 6 years
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HEY GUYS! (didja miss me?)
so i may not be on tumblr anymore, but i AM very active on discord--in fact, i’m an admin in this lovely Fables/TWAU group, and it’s been a LOT of fun. i’m playing both harley and one of my OCs, and we’re currently taking apps for new characters of all sorts! please check it out if you’re interested, i’ve really missed writing with you guys and i’d be delighted to get some new folks into the server (especially with some of the upcoming IC events we have planned!). you do NOT have to know Fables/The Wolf Among Us very well to participate--some of our members are starting with zero knowledge, and they’ve been able to pick up the premise and world SUPER easily. you also don’t need discord RP experience; it’s very self-explanatory and similar to tumblr style, just without the use of in-text icons. please DM the fabletowndrp blog with questions or apps! (or, if you already have my discord, DM me there!)
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Once upon a time, in a fictional land called New York City, there was a place called Fabletown.
It was The Adversary who forced them into our world. Chased from the Homelands, some without a penny to their name, the beings known as the Fables took refuge in a tiny section of New York, hidden from the eyes of the Mundanes, whose stories fuel their powers and long lifespans. From Bloody Mary to Captain Hook, figures from beyond our world find their foothold in this hidden neighborhood of the Bronx. With the help of glamours and tricks–what little magic they could salvage from their old world–the Fables went into hiding, clinging to what they could of their past lives, and wondering all the while if they’d ever get to go back.
There were those lucky enough to escape with their fortunes; they became powerful members of the community, leaders and influencers. Those less fortunate–or those less human–scrape by however they can, and try not to think too hard about the consequences.
It’s possible to keep your nose clean in Fabletown, if you have the means. But if you don’t, never fear; there are figures in the dark waiting to make a deal, provided you’re willing to give them something in return.
Choose wisely. Here, ‘happily ever after’ is a lot less common than it used to be.
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pesteringjester · 7 years
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.................hi guys.....i’m not dead, but this blog might be
info on how to reach me under the cut!!
sooo as you’ve all probably figured out, i kinda lost my zest for tumblr a while back. a lot of my fave partners started disappearing, and with all my other responsibilities, it just got to be too much, constantly feeling so distant in a large community that, more and more, was full of strangers. HOWEVER, i do love you guys and your characters, and i HAVE still been writing harley--just not here.
if you wanna reach me, discord is your best bet. send me an IM and i’ll hit you up with my username so we can be friends!! i’ve set up a server specifically for RPing with people, and i’ll happily add you to it. 
i’ve also been in a discord RP group that has been SO much fun, and i’d be jazzed as hell if any of y’all joined it! it’s a hogwarts server, but crossfandom and OC characters are welcome--in fact, i play harley there, and it’s fucking delightful. if you wanna check it out, here’s the link: x
anyway, the point is, i love you little shits and i’ll never forget you or how much fun we had here on tumblr dot com!! who knows, i may even come back if i find myself missing tumblr RP--this blog is going to remain where it is, so if i make my grand return, i’ll still be here, writing harls and fighting people with love. thanks for an incredible 3 years, tumblr comm. it’s been a wild ride, but i would do it all again.
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pesteringjester · 7 years
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Happy Holidays! 🎄 🎁
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pesteringjester · 7 years
“but dolly, why do you headcanon harley quinn as a gemini??”
this video. final answer. 
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pesteringjester · 7 years
She wanted to say ‘Don’t leave me,’ but she couldn’t do it, not again. She was so tired of begging people to love her.
Kristin Hannah, The Nightingale (via wordsnquotes)
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pesteringjester · 7 years
 “Yeah, but - !” Pushing herself off the windowsill, Korra advances into the apartment with a progressively excited pace, her mind racing with all the bottled thoughts she’d poorly contained on the way over here. Harley’s hesitant enthusiasm about high school doesn’t even come close to denting this built up image of a teenage oasis that the TV has already molded into her brain.
“You get to go on these secret night road trips, and there’s diners with milkshakes—you even have your own mailbox, even though you’re not an adult! And other students put mail in them! Sometimes it’s these little heart shaped ones.” Valentine’s Day is a concept she has yet to learn, but the emphasis of importance that seems to be the case in all of these teenage ‘romantic-dramadies’ has her believe that it’s something amazing - maybe even like Christmas ( though nothing can top Christmas ).
“—And the final ritual! Where you have to find a person to dance with in the gym because I guess it’s training? But for some reason everyone tries to lose…” Korra frowns, folding her arms across her chest. “I don’t remember the word, but when you lose it’s a good thing and you become really cool!” Something about Virginia? Though she’s got not idea what that’d have to do with anything… 
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“So anyway, I was wondering if we could go to one? A school, I mean. Grandpa thinks I should be homeschooled, but… it can’t hurt if I just… visit one, right? Or maybe I can sneak in. What do you think?”
Oh. Oh boy. 
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As Korra rambles, Harley struggles to hide the growing dread that builds in the back of her mind. Her young friend is so new to all of this, so innocent to the reality that television masks with pretty faces and easily-resolved conflicts. How can she explain all of this without breaking her heart, or shattering her hope? How could Harley, in good conscience, stand there and tell Korra that everything she thinks to be true is wrong?
Something occurs to her now, and it really ought to have come up before--but Harley realizes Korra is in desperate need of some friends her own age. Because trying to explain losing one’s virginity is a task Harley does not feel prepared for. 
“...Well,” she begins hesitantly, “I think--I think maybe homeschoolin’ ain’t such a terrible idea.” Because throwing Korra into a high school setting without preparation sounds like a recipe for disaster of multiple kinds. Harley considers sneaking Korra in, but quickly dismisses it, knowing that she’d be found out almost immediately. “But--well, maybe we can talk ta someone, see if y’can shadow for a day or two. Ya’know, follow a student around, see what it’s like. Get a taste’a high school.”
And maybe, hopefully, make some friends. 
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pesteringjester · 7 years
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just getting some facts straight
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pesteringjester · 7 years
   “Please don’t.” 
   He can only imagine what a man in the kitchen holding a skillet in one hand and a bread knife in the other must look like.
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   “Look, when you said you needed my help, you didn’t mention that help was going to involve the underground version of Chopped.” The Fullmetal reference goes over his head, however. “Either I get an explanation, or I’m going back to my very calm, very crime-less night in.”
“Well! It ain’t my fault that explosive pies would naturally end up in a kitchen setting!” 
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Wait. Had she not explained what exactly they were doing here? 
Well, whatever. He’s still being a baby about it. “Okay, okay,” she begins, opening a drawer to rummage through it for potential weapons. “Calm down, Robocop, I got reasons.” If she has to take a second to explain, she’s at least going to do something productive. 
“If ya really care ta know, I’ve been tryin’ta keep my name clean an’ clear in these parts. Turn ova’ a new leaf an’ all that. An’ it’s a li’l tricky ta do that sort’a thing when ya’ secret explodin’ pie recipe gets sold out ta some D-list crooks who wanna use it ta sabotage a bunch’a restaurants. I mean, in my opinion, they ain’t thinkin’ big enough--but the problem is, if my famous explodin’ pies start goin’ off in people’s faces, I’m gonna be the one gettin’ chased from here ta Honolulu. An’ I’m not about ta get cuffed ‘cause some jerk thinks ‘e can jus’ copy my shtick an’ get away with it! Ya get me?”
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pesteringjester · 7 years
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Harley + Death Scenes part 1/2
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pesteringjester · 7 years
Speaking of dicks– which is something Ivy never enjoys doing– Harley’s hypocrisy is thick enough to choke her like one.
From her perch at her workstation, she stares at the other woman with something like keen observation. She knows Harley Quinn better than she knows anyone else– perhaps better than herself, even. ( Who and what she is becomes more and more a mystery each day. ) And she knows it didn’t even occur to the mercurial Miss Quinn just how on-the-nose her assessment of their sometimes-companion is.
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“Screwing the Batman has always made Selina different from us.” It’s true. It’s also always given her special treatment, which Ivy loathes. “But she’s hardly the only woman in our little merry band of misfits to screw me over to please a man.”
Her tone is as arched and pointed as her eyebrow.
“It doesn’t feel very good, does it, Harleen?”
It comes from seemingly nowhere, that comment, and it hits Harley hard, right in the gut. Ivy’s biting question is met with an uncharacteristic silence, accompanied by a wide-eyed, utterly wounded expression--and, for a few seemingly-eternal seconds, Harley Quinn can truly think of no response. 
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“...Red...” she finally manages, tone both pleading and pitiful. She maintains eye contact for a fleeting moment, but soon, shame knocks her gaze to the floor, her lip trembling along with her voice. “C’mon, that ain’t fair.”
But the worst part is that Harley knows Ivy is right. She always is, to some extent, and although Harley can claim victimhood and innocence forever, that doesn’t change the fact that she has, time and time again, chosen the Joker over her best friend. It’s a fatal flaw, an addictive behavior that leaves behind a queasy black pool of guilt in her stomach. And yet for every time Harley’s thrown away their friendship, there’s been a time she’s gone crawling into Pamela’s arms, begging for her care and affection. Harley’s not an idiot--she knows by now that what she does is cruel. An act of selfishness masked by need, all wrapped up in a sickly sweet package of flighty romance.
But that doesn’t make it any easier to hear.
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pesteringjester · 7 years
i just had the most wonderfully bittersweet thread idea and i nEED IT IN MY LIFE.
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AU where harley has a kid. she drops off the map immediately once she becomes pregnant. nobody knows where she’s gone. 
six or seven years later, a hero (character B) spots her, walking down the gotham streets at night. they drop down, ready for a fight, and realize harley’s walking with a little girl, holding her hand, and the little girl is scared–not of harley, but of character B, because harley’s daughter doesn’t know harley was a villain. she knows nothing about her mom’s past. harley only came back to show her kiddo where mommy grew up, tell her some stories (but safe versions of them). “ya know, i met batman once! right in that bank!” “that’s the school mommy went to!” “here’s my old apartment!”
tl;dr harley trying to be a good momma and nobody knowing about it until years later. heroes not knowing whether to trust her. harley coming back and regretting it bc what if her daughter finds out. I CRY. GIMME.
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pesteringjester · 7 years
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pesteringjester · 7 years
     “Yeah, yeah I did,” he said with a smile, more caring about getting his money back then how hurt he had gotten. Oswald had gotten hurt far too many times in his life to care about that.
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     “I’m sure I won’t. He didn’t hurt me that badly and you know what you’re doing,” he shrugged and rolled his shoulders. “Since I got my money back and all did you wanna go somewhere? I made the effort to get it back, so I might as well do something with it.”
Beaming, Harley leaned back, tucking her remaining first-aid supplies back into her pocket. Oz was clearly getting restless, and besides, she’d gotten the worst of his injuries patched up.  “Well, lucky fer you, my shift as a triage nurse seems ta be ova’ now,” she teased, “so my schedule’s free an’ clear. Where ya thinkin’?” 
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After all, if he got his money back in the end, Harley felt no guilt about letting him treat her to a little bit of fun. And knowing Oz, ‘doing something’ could mean almost any activity--but all of those activities would be a good time in Harley’s eyes. 
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pesteringjester · 7 years
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Harley Quinn <3
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pesteringjester · 7 years
Starfire accepts the hyena with ease, happy to coddle and coo at her. “Ooh, she is as sweet as the pie!”
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“There is another? I should hope one day he shall overcome his shyness! I would be glad to pet him as well!” But for now, she’s content to cuddle Oatie in her arms. “Oh! I should introduce you to Silkie!”
Oatie seems more than happy to be showered with attention, nuzzling close to Starfire with a goofy grin. In this moment, Harley looks uncannily like a happy mother whose infant is the star of the show. 
Still, she perks up at the mention of Starfire’s pet, eyes alight with excitement.
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“Silkie? Izzat yer pet? What kind’a animal? Ooh, we should have a pet play-date!” 
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