morefearless · 4 years
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“ I know SOMETHIN’ you could do. Somethin’ dangerous. Somethin’ bad. Something like... ME. ” 
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woolfcried · 7 years
mcthernatures replied to your post “everyone knows about flashpoint where bruce dies instead of his...”
ivy's intrigued by this.
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she’s also a mystery writer so there’s that too
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pesteringjester · 7 years
@mcthernatures liked for a starter!
“An’ then she called me fickle! Fickle! Of all the things. Like she’s got any room ta talk. Always throwin’ us unda’ the bus for her stupid Bat-boyfriend. Can ya believe her?” Huffing, Harley slumps back on the couch, shaking her head with a bitter mumble.
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“Gets one smooch from a superhero an’ suddenly she’s got the moral high ground or somethin’. S’ridiculous, right, Pammy? Whateva’ happened ta chicks before dicks?” 
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withdiiamonds · 7 years
SHOW A LITTLE SKIN MEME // Status: accepting❥ - Bending over in a short skirt / shorts / tight pants, showing off dat booty
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‘ Okay, Karolina, focus. ‘   She had to do well in that class, especially after the way she walked into Ms. Isley’s office and asked for more work, but that that would be a million times easier if her teacher didn’t look so $@&%*ing attractive in that skirt. Every time Ms. Isley turned around or bent over, her mind went places she’d be way too embarrassed to talked about out loud, and after a while Karolina couldn’t even tell for how long she’d been staring. She just hoped whatever noises that came out of her mouth weren’t loud enough for anyone to hear.
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nutsobabydoll · 7 years
❝I should really use that power more often. ❞
dc comics sentence meme | status: accepting!!
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“After all this time, Red,” the blonde giggled a little breathlessly. Harley took a deep breath as her gaze surveyed the scene and in that very moment, she couldn’t imagine ever being more thankful for Ivy. She saved both of them from imminent death. No deals that ended in Harley’s capture or any stipulation that put Harley in harms way. If she were being completely honest with herself, Harley was still in two minds about being saved. It was nice, of course but after years of being the henchman to a psychotic clown, she became accustomed to waiting for the other shoe to drop. This was certainly new. “Yer still surprisin’ lil ’ol me.” 
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raidstombs · 7 years
(  @mcthernatures  )
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                 ❝  i wish i cared about ANYTHING the way you care about SHRUBBERY,  ❞ LARA teased with a grin. she was being playfully FACETIOUS, of course. she was nothing if not PASSIONATE -- but even so, she found herself continually IMPRESSED by just how much the woman doted on her PLANTS. 
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godbloodednope · 7 years
❛ it will stop your breath, how cruel i can be. ❜
A rough little laugh expels from the god's mouth. She has no breath she must breathe, that’s the thing. The implication of such a thing is juvenile-- she needn’t even consider it. Her teeth are sharp when they flash in a grin-- a predator of the fauna, a violent thing, she does not tread lightly as deer do at the plants, careful to never crush them. She is not the sort to be gentle-- she does not walk with soft feet, and even her lightest steps bring with them the implication of harm. She has never truly cared. And she doesn’t think she ever will, in spite of a loose communication she has with the animal world. 
“Nuh,” She says responsively, a flick of dark hair. She can create things, too, you know-- she has an overall command of flesh and blood, of biology and bile and the living, to some portion the dead. She is something, she is someone, she is without precise explanation, she knows this, “Cruel-ty is uh kinda thing I know pretty well.”
Cruelty is her middle name. To be vicious, to be cold, to be hard. She has known so little tenderness in her life. Her eyes are sharp and sharper, the color of the plant-life’s underbrush, of moss beneath boot-heels.
“An’ I don’ gotta breathe.”
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dandelionwritexs · 4 years
There’s a large slice of pizza folded in her right hand, feet skipping along the pavement, trying to keep up with Ivy’s lengthy strides. The redhead is only a few inches taller than her, but her legs? They’re insane. A bite out of the 'za and she stumbles a little over her own feet, letting out easy laughter. 
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“YIKES, gotta slow down a little.”
Thoughts spoken out loud, not necessarily to be responded to - that’s sort of her thing.  
Harley’s blue eyes gaze over the trees that line the sidewalk they’re traveling. It’s not windy, she doesn’t think, so why are the trees moving like that? Green leaves swell and shift, some falling from their branches. A pale hand reaches out to grasp her friend’s bicep. Usually Ivy’s got more intuition with the plant things. 
“Is that your doin’ or is somethin’ up?”  
requested by @mcthernatures​ | autumn starters | 🌳   | our muses wondering at the foliage. 
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horrorempathya · 7 years
*  continued  /  @mcthernatures.
A BIGGER WEAPON IS NEEDED,  of course.  that was the OBVIOUS answer or jennifer wouldn’t be HAULING around the thing.  the best kind of revenge:  making them FEAR what she had FEARED,  that apology that some TRY to spill in the middle of it all.  the woman sets down the axe,  leans against it.  MOSTLY she just needs to break in, first.  she’s scanned the WHOLE PLACE --   and this one broke through a bedroom window to TAKE ADVANTAGE of a younger victim.   she’s going to do the SAME THING.
‘  maybe not in the CITY.  i thought i’d try being a COUNTRY GIRL.  ’
jennifer shakes her head,  this small shrug. 
‘  nah.  nowhere important.  ’
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well  --    that’s NOT A LIE.
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darknght · 4 years
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@mcthernatures​ ASKED “your world doesn’t make sense.”
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“OUR world, Pamela.” he replies quietly, stepping forwards, being MINDFUL of who she was and what she could do. the toxins were still poisonous to him, even if her mind hypnosis was not. so, he had to be as careful as he could be. but he wanted her to know that he was here, he was here if she needed to talk, even though they were supposed to be enemies. 
“It’s our world. And yes, I suppose you could say that.” he crosses his arms, being careful. “Come with me. Don’t make this harder than it has to be.” 
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sonicanary · 7 years
A VERY DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE.   repost with the information of your muse,  including headcanons,  etc.  if you fail to achieve some of the facts,  add some other of your own !
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NAME.     Dinah Laurel Lance
NICKNAME(S).    pretty bird , Di, Screaming birb
ALIAS(ES).     Black Canary
AGE.     Main verse she’s in herlate twenties or 30ish
SPECIES.     metahuman.
GENDER.      cis female
ORIENTATION.     70% straight, 30% into girls ( i don’t make the rules )
INTERESTS.     justice, food, martial arts, training, rock music, more food, bikes, shopping, chilling in bed with her lover
PROFESSION.    vigilante, reserved member of the JL, Birds of Prey member, && part time florist 
BODY TYPE.     hourglass type meaning, generous curves where they need to be. she’s not skinny at all && Dinah is basically 5′4″ so she’s not tall either
EYES.     blue
HAIR.     Black, but dyes them blonde
SKIN.      white, 
FACE.     Nordid nose. 
HEIGHT.     5′4″ tiny birb
COMPANIONS.   Oliver Queen, basically Arrow Fam, then Babs && the Birds of Prey, sometimes the Sirens, Justice League, JSA, JL Task Force 
ANTAGONISTS.     Joker, honestly Arkham villains, League of Assassins, Shiva ( sometimes ), Craig Windrow 
COLORS.     yellow, black
FRUITS.         red berries
DRINKS.     diet coke
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES?     Dinah is not a heavy drinker, she actually doesn’t drink strong alcohol, so probably a lot of virgin cocktails, booze && light ones. 
SMOKES?     you heard about her mother ? big no
DRUGS?     heard about Roy ? another no no 
TAGGED.     tagged by @mcthernatures TAGGING.    @justxe, @notaquawoman, @grrlwonder, @grincarved, @kriiegspiel, @tobescottfree, @theringisntthehero, @warandpunishment, @ofbabs, @knightraised and whoever who wanna do this ! 
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morefearless · 4 years
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“I’m not sorry for LOVIN’ him. But I am sorry for HURTING you.” Again, and again, and again.
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woolfcried · 7 years
mcthernatures replied to your post: me baking cookies at the crack of dawn? u bet i am
what kind
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these kinds
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supercatburglar · 7 years
i have a brunch in a little bit, so once i get back from that and running to the grocery, i’m gonna get to the replies i owe here and at poison ivy ( @mcthernatures, if you aren’t following her you shooould~ ) for garbage day and a couple other threads.
have a beautiful sunday morning, guys!
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withdiiamonds · 7 years
❛ get your head right. ❜
the   killers   /   starter   sentences. // Status: sure
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Karolina didn’t mean to look so vulnerable in front of Miss Isley, but apparently some things just couldn’t be helped. She was trying to move on from her old life as hard as she could and sometimes she could feel herself making some progress… Still, it wasn’t enough. At least not yet. As good as she was at hiding something was wrong, eventually people always saw through her smile.    « Yeah. It’s harder than it looks, »  she mumbled, looking up to face the other woman,  « but thanks… for the concern. »
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@mcthernatures (x)
“I’m not touching it. I don’t know who it’s a gift from,” the grim side of her mouth twitches with the force of her frown, a false Glasgow smile carved hard into a side of her mouth. It’s healed, but it’s shadow is still present and rough. A fault line stabbed into her cheek. Tommy Elliot has done his very best to minimize the gruesome nature of the injury, but a bad patient doesn’t mix no matter how good the doctor.
Her arms are crossed in front of her. It’s cold, chilled. The night air bites, especially since all she’s wearing is a very loose men’s shirt and a pair of men’s basketball shorts, hair loosely waved from a day or prior conditioning.
“I don’t even know what it is. I just know I have enough unsavory friends and enemies to trust anything that’s unmarked and closed. Anything unfamiliar to me is threatening. I don’t care about how distinct that makes my paranoia sound.”
She’s scared. A little.
“Could you just— I don’t know— get it... very away from me... or my car.... or my dogs?”
Her tone is smaller.
“I’d hate to ask the favor but I can’t—“
Go near it.
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