#[ mutuals only ]
letsstaytuned · 1 month
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"Whooooo is ready for a redemption exercise?!?!?"
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silkcorpsedoll · 1 month
if i leaked out my address, which one of you would be a real one and come kill me
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infernal-feminae · 5 days
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How about a little inbox call for Charlie? Multis specify muse please.
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cervidae-demon · 5 months
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Don't mind Alastor just dipping raw meat slices into coffee ground and chewing it. Weird cravings are already starting apparently.
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borderlinebelle · 1 year
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Ok, goodnight all of tumblr but especially the lgbtqia+ communities across all genres, styles, hobbies, traumas, bonds, binds, baggage, bravery and identities… it’s a fucking honor to rise with you for the first year openly 🥹
mutuals get a goodnight kiss on the back of their knees tho… ♥️🫡
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localwebslingers · 9 months
| Open Starter - Spooky AU |
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The door was shut behind him and Peter put all of his strength against it to keep it that way. Just in case. Because he'd seen enough in the last hour to know that the door, one way or another, had to stay closed. The single minded way those...god were they even people anymore? Probably not, there was no way, some of them looked like they shouldn't even be able to get up at all but there they were. Walking around. Stalking about. Filling some of the halls and rasping breaths and...
He held a hand up, straining to listen for just that beyond the doorway and waited. Something to fall, a muffled, rasping groan, for anything. It could have been seconds or it could have been minutes, Peter had no idea but he finally let out a breath and relaxed his stance. No sound, no danger warning from spider sense, that was the best it was going to get for now, "...I think we're okay." he said softly, not ready to actually move away from the door yet, "Any idea how to actually get out of here? Because I'm not exactly looking forward to the idea of facing night of the living dead out there."
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touchedbydestiny · 3 months
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please comment what muse you want (amara, diana, gia, nadia, natalia, sarah, tatia) and i’ll write you a short starter. you can also add if you are interested in a certain verse/au.
please specify for which of your muses you want to get the starter if you are a multi ♥
mutuals only
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twopieceworld · 5 months
Open RP: Valentine Special
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Valentine's Day, the holiday where couples from all over the world come together to celebrate their love for each other. Naturally it was only fitting that for a bona fide pirate like Nami to go all out. Her beauty was hers to own and use as she pleased.
"How do I look? I even made you some chocolate for this special occasion~"
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paintedscales · 3 months
Hey mutuals:
I have to get used to my new brush settings and layout in SAI 2 since my original SAI no longer works since upgrading my GPU for some godforsaken reason.
That means I require some practice so that I can use my new SAI 2. It didn't import my old brush settings, so I have to make them. I got some of the more important ones out of the way that I used a lot, but I kind of have to put them to the test to make sure they actually feel good to me.
So! I'm gonna ask for your blorbos. They're likely going to be sketches like these:
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Simple and quick.
I'm open for art trades, but only if they're ship-oriented (in my case, either Cinnamon or Quicksilver Dancers content). If you want to plan out doing a ship for ship trade, let me know. I'm open to both art and writing in that regard. Art trades is where I'll do effort matching (ex: lineart for lineart, flats for flats; 500 words for lineart, 1000 words for flats, etc.)
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letsstaytuned · 2 months
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"I have devised the very best and most encaptivating redemption exercise this hotel has EVER seen! And you'll be doing it with a smile!"
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"Gather round as it is mandatory participation!"
All the doors suddenly lock, trapping everyone in the lobby.
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infernal-feminae · 5 months
✨️ Valentine's Day Special Shipping Call ✨️
Taking inspiration from Winter's shipping call roulette a while back, I've decided to do my own Valentine's Day edition.
If you're interested, simply like or comment on this post and I'll put all my muses through a randomizer. Whoever it lands on will be a possible ship for your muse(s)!
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glitchyko · 5 months
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I was torn between doing this or the “give me six characters that remind you of me and I’ll draw them” one (I’m probably gonna do that after this) but yeah I wanna draw mutuals ocs, so mutuals, just reblog this with pictures of your oc and I’ll draw them-
I’ve been in a bit of an art slump lately, and I’ve kinda been needing something new to draw, and I enjoy drawing other peoples characters, so I figured it’d be fun to draw ocs of mutuals-
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sacredflorist · 4 months
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❤ this post for a short starter !
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cervidae-demon · 5 months
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Husk's tail can be seen from the top of the bar's roof...
He's been up there for a few days now
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bxrningembers · 4 months
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"Neon lights Warm the windy nights While a scrapyard kitten starts to cry And the dust covered memories fill my eyes"
The soft melody of the song could be heard in the background as Valentino looked out over the balcony of the ritzy looking casino. The music wasn't coming from with in. It was far too gloomy sounding for a place like this. He was mostly here for the food rather than gambling but the music off in the distance was a nice contrast to the loud bustle inside. He simply took it in and listened for a few moments before taking out his small notebook and started to sketch as he waited for his order.
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hvbris · 11 months
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Dr. Soliman looked at the patient's chart for a moment, his eyes drifting on the paper. Then, he looked up, the shadow of a polite smile on his lips. "So tell me, how are you feeling today?"
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