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Socialists of all denominations must unify to create common and new thought to defeat capitalism
In regards to unification, it is an essentiality necessary in some form on the left. We are facing a right unified on their basic principal of exponential capital gain and concentration of said capital. This means even those unhappy with the United States or any given country’s social, foreign policy or the demeanor of a political leader, will accept these things as long as the economy grows, tax cuts are appropriately allocated and the numbers speak for themselves. This is what is so dangerous about the opposition we face; morality will continue to be disregarded for the pursuit of financial gain and it will only get worse. The left has notoriously been plagued throughout history by infighting and fragmentation. What we must realize is that there can be valid arguments and contributions from different schools of socialism. Therefore the ranks of anarchists, democratic socialists and leninists alike need to organize around foundation element of socialism: workers control of the means of production. This is the central unifying principal for all socialists which can be used to create dialogue and find common solutions for implementation. For if we are to truly defeat fascism and capitalism, we must work together. Although history and established ideology is important to understand and draw influence from, it also must be realized that in a new century with new technologies and tools, new tactics must also be developed. Different countries and the struggles of their workers will find unique paths to socialism, this is if we may foster productive theoretical thought as to not be slave to nostalgic romanticizations and tribal separation. This is a call to action.
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Reforming the education system through independent inquiry
This is by far the most integral part of social order. Children hold they key to societal progression and understanding, and for too long children have been ignored, manipulated and corrupted for the purpose of maintaining the broken structures we now hold today. Having worked at a daycare for much of my life, I have learned much more from the ideas and beliefs of children than they have from me. Children act from a visceral emotional perspective, which can be volatile and often incorrect, yet honest. Adults in culture today rarely act honestly, instead resorting to what they believe society will most accept or solely what will benefit them individually. At least when one comes from an honest perspective, one’s motivations and past can be somewhat understood, and a dialogue can exist. We must all learn from this, as the importance is not to always be correct, as none of us are most of the time, but to have integrity in what we are saying, as then true communication can exist and ideas can be changed or evolved. Our current education system does not truly educate, but instead indoctrinates, allowing no room for critical thinking or self thought. The grading system, multiple choice answers, and the way classes function force students to conform to a common thought process or be left behind. However this is ultimately impossible as humans do not all think and learn the same. We can change this by first organizing grades by interest and ability, not just age. Also by offering separate programs for individuals who think differently. There could be three years from the ages 3 to 6 where there are no separated programs, allowing time for each child to be able to understand what they are passionate about and for the institution, parents and the child to understand the thinking processes of the child. These years would mostly focus on creative activities such as writing, reading, drawing, music, dance, reading, philosophy and drawing out a child’s own ideas about the nature of the universe. The programs would then be separated at the age of 6 by method of thinking, whether abstract, algorithmic or mixed and then based on academic interest, whether Math and Science based or History and English based (although everyone will get some of everything, there will be more or less class time and material based on interest and ability). Everyone will be required to learn one language, beginning at the age of 6 in an immersive fashion. Then combined classes will teach practical skills and practical human interaction such as financial management, sexual education and consent, nutrition and cooking and others. Grading would be pass/fail along with a detailed report from teachers and counselors, as to not simply focus on the test or the grade but instead on what one is actually learning and developing. These are somewhat broad ideas, however, they are practical, and far more sustainable than what we have now. If we gear our education to the individuality of a child’s learning rather than banking high standardized test scores and filling quotas, then we would have much healthier school system. Now schools are plagued by overworked, under appreciated, stressed and frustrated teachers and students. This is because emotionally and psychologically no one feels valued. One of the reasons teachers feel this because they are significantly underpaid in relation to the importance of their profession. These are the people shaping the minds of future influencers of society. One may consider it one of the most important jobs that exist. The students feel this way because they’re told that their worth is based on their gpa and that they wont be successful otherwise. Meanwhile being forced to sit at a desk for many hours a day in a room with artificial lighting, coupled with not enough physical activity and malnutritious cafeteria food. If we do not fix this toxic process we will continue to have an uninformed and sheepish electorate and will continue to suffer the consequences.
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Reforming the education system through independent inquiry
This is by far the most integral part of social order. Children hold they key to societal progression and understanding, and for too long children have been ignored, manipulated and corrupted for the purpose of maintaining the broken structures we now hold today. Having worked at a daycare for much of my life, I have learned much more from the ideas and beliefs of children than they have from me. Children act from a visceral emotional perspective, which can be volatile and often incorrect, yet honest. Adults in culture today rarely act honestly, instead resorting to what they believe society will most accept or solely what will benefit them individually. At least when one comes from an honest perspective, one’s motivations and past can be somewhat understood, and a dialogue can exist. We must all learn from this, as the importance is not to always be correct, as none of us are most of the time, but to have integrity in what we are saying, as then true communication can exist and ideas can be changed or evolved. Our current education system does not truly educate, but instead indoctrinates, allowing no room for critical thinking or self thought. The grading system, multiple choice answers, and the way classes function force students to conform to a common thought process or be left behind. However this is ultimately impossible as humans do not all think and learn the same. We can change this by first organizing grades by interest and ability, not just age. Also by offering separate programs for individuals who think differently. There could be three years from the ages 3 to 6 where there are no separated programs, allowing time for each child to be able to understand what they are passionate about and for the institution, parents and the child to understand the thinking processes of the child. These years would mostly focus on creative activities such as writing, reading, drawing, music, dance, reading, philosophy and drawing out a child’s own ideas about the nature of the universe. The programs would then be separated at the age of 6 by method of thinking, whether abstract, algorithmic or mixed and then based on academic interest, whether Math and Science based or History and English based (although everyone will get some of everything, there will be more or less class time and material based on interest and ability). Everyone will be required to learn one language, beginning at the age of 6 in an immersive fashion. Then combined classes will teach practical skills and practical human interaction such as financial management, sexual education and consent, nutrition and cooking and others. Grading would be pass/fail along with a detailed report from teachers and counselors, as to not simply focus on the test or the grade but instead on what one is actually learning and developing. These are somewhat broad ideas, however, they are practical, and far more sustainable than what we have now. If we gear our education to the individuality of a child’s learning rather than banking high standardized test scores and filling quotas, then we would have much healthier school system. Now schools are plagued by overworked, under appreciated, stressed and frustrated teachers and students. This is because emotionally and psychologically no one feels valued. One of the reasons teachers feel this because they are significantly underpaid in relation to the importance of their profession. These are the people shaping the minds of future influencers of society. One may consider it one of the most important jobs that exist. The students feel this way because they’re told that their worth is based on their gpa and that they wont be successful otherwise. Meanwhile being forced to sit at a desk for many hours a day in a room with artificial lighting, coupled with not enough physical activity and malnutritious cafeteria food. If we do not fix this toxic process we will continue to have an uninformed and sheepish electorate and will continue to suffer the consequences.
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21st Century societal organization in the post-capitalist age
We sit in a budding era, a new millennia that has either enlightened or degraded human consciousness; (if humanity is not altering its very foundations of consciousness) this is yet to be seen. The tools that have been developed and the theoretical physical advancement that has occurred have lead to humanity’s greater role in our universe as a creator. We as a species are now able to create intelligence that can learn and build upon information far more efficiently than humans. Due to automation and organization we are able to manufacture, distribute and expand the production of goods exponentially at a rate unseen since the industrial revolution. We are able to create hyper realistic 3D dimensional virtual realities that become exponentially more accurate each day. The global accessibility to the internet has brought forth an entirely new world and form of virtual life as well as providing unlimited access to information as well as disinformation. Globalization has lead to the fusion of cultures and has begun the dissipation of the dominant white Christian culture. White nationalists have since attempted to preserve their dominance in the world utilizing (albeit successfully) the fascist and naziist methods it has before, except this time with growing cultural and youthful (yet unorganized) resistance. The most prevalent question of this new millennia however is whether human civilization will survive this century as technological and industrial advancement has lead to the destruction and pillage of Mother Nature and her resources. Climate change is the central issue for our species’ survival, and capitalism is the culprit. There will never be respect for non renewable resources and even the lives of ones own posterity while there is still profit to be made from the scarcity and domination of things like fossil fuels. We’ve come to a point where a painful reality must be accepted; it seems to be too late to save this earth, yet it is not too late to save humanity. One of Stephen Hawking’s final proclamations to humanity was that if this species is to survive for further generations, we must focus energy on becoming a multi planetary species. This goes hand in hand with dismantling the capitalist structure that has lead us the this dim point in human history. I, however, am not a pessimist on this issue as I believe this is entirely possible. Yet for this to be accomplished, society must be reorganized and we must efficiently utilize these tools and theoretical advancements that I have spoken of. The immediate attention must be paid to the struggle of lower classes in this nation and around the world. These new age “Democratic Socialists” must address the core principal of socialism: workers control over the means of production, or else the structure and cycle will never change. Merely raising the minimum wage does not address the core issue of worker exploitation and the suppression of wages for the exponential expansion of corporate and executive profit. We must redesign the economic and market system for the worker, through mostly democratic worker control over production. The we must use our information-age scientific advancements in nuclear energy to treat other planets for human habitation. We are witnessing the last stand before the collapse of the American and global capitalist empire, but it is up to us to erect a future.
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