thesixthmonkey · 6 years
Any chance of drawing more Noodcest? The first one was so beautiful in your style I just want to see more.
Hi! Thank you for liking my drawings!!! Unfortunately, it highly unlikely that I'll draw more Noodlecest, or even Gorillaz. I still love the band to bits but I guess I've just moved on from drawing their fanart, mostly because my style now is drastically different. Either way, I really appreciate your message 😗😗😗
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thesixthmonkey · 6 years
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Save us from HIM
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thesixthmonkey · 7 years
I need to get myself together and DO THIS
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Hello friends! I was looking at the other Goretober List and decided that I should make another one this year. So me and @gatoafterdark smacked our heads together and made this new list.
Please tag #Goretober and any other appropriate tags!
1. Medical 2. Eye trauma 3. Mouth Trauma 4. Amputation 5. Guts 6. Too much blood 7. Stitches 8. Burns 9. Consensual gore 10. Cannibalism 11. Plant growth 12. Torture 13. Keeping a trophy 14. Asphyxiation 15. Lacerations 16. Monster-like features 17. Power Tools 18. Execution 19. Gunshot Wound 20. Other bodily fluid 21. Bloody and Beaten 22. Surreal gore 23. Bones 24. Crushed 25. Decay 26. Tied up 27. Before the gore 28. Rearranged 29. Under the skin 30. Knife 31. Candy Gore
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thesixthmonkey · 7 years
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the bois
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thesixthmonkey · 7 years
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Saturnz Barz (UNCENSORED) | Murdoc’s Murdick
i’m sorry/you’re welcome
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thesixthmonkey · 7 years
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Jamie taking a picture of my sister’s Noodle cosplay
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thesixthmonkey · 7 years
Hi, I hope everyone is having/had a nice weekend. 
First of all I guess I just wanna say thank you for following such an inactive blog. It might not mean much to you, but it really does to me. I never thought my silly homoerotic Gorillaz fanart would be so well-received, and I’m forever grateful. Your support is why I’m trying my best to become a better artist (or more accurately, business student with a time-consuming hobby). 
In the process, I’ve inevitably developed my original characters and stories, which I will start posting here along side the usual fanart. I hope it wouldn’t bother you, if from the start you only wanted to see Gorillaz. I want to make this not just a fan account, but my official artblog eventually. 
I’m giving everyone this heads up because my original stuff is drastically different from what this blog has been about so far, minus the homoerotic content, that much will never change. Fair warning, there will be soft gore and some disturbing themes. I ship 2doc, you know what you’re getting into.
Thank you for your time. I do hope you stick around. If not, I’m still glad we’ve had this time together. 
Lots of love
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thesixthmonkey · 7 years
That Gorillaz 2doc poem you did was beautiful!! Really gorgeous and genius!!!!
Awwwww thank you that's so sweet bless your heart 😚😚😚
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thesixthmonkey · 7 years
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Peppermint tea
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thesixthmonkey · 8 years
Are you a boy or girl?
Does it really matter, anon? Does it?
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thesixthmonkey · 8 years
Massive Dick.
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thesixthmonkey · 8 years
That Noodle Jaguar racing vid
I'm so hyped I can't even draw anymore I'm just finished, done, executed, dead. Nice knowing y'all bye.
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thesixthmonkey · 8 years
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Noodle just made an Instagram account today and posted a video and a picture. And yes, this is her actual Instagram. Both Jamie and Damon are following her along with the Gorillaz Instagram account. I recommend you guys to go follower her. You never know what she’ll post next. I have a feeling that each of the band members will have their own Instagram account as well. 
Here’s a link to her profile:  https://www.instagram.com/watashiwanoodle/
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thesixthmonkey · 8 years
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The Book of Noodle really got me hyped so i drew Noodle diving. Buffed her up a bit because diving can be hard work. (and I totally don't know how a female body works after years of drawing gay men)
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thesixthmonkey · 8 years
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Hazy cuz it's unreal.
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thesixthmonkey · 8 years
In case anyone needs it like I do.
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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thesixthmonkey · 8 years
Why is your version of 2D's eyes always closed?
Why not? Jk it's not something I do intentionally it just fits the mood so I go with it haha.
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