5 posts
This is the home of The SANTALORIAN Winter Fest. ❄️TSWF is a Secret Santa event focusing on Din Djarin, the main character of The Mandalorian tv series.Sign-up is open from October 22 until October 31!Please make sure to look at the Rules and Guidelines before signing up for more detailed information on how this event works.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
thesantalorianfest · 1 year ago
1 day left to sign up!
The SANTALORIAN Winter Fest is here
Hello Everyone!
I hereby announce you the very first edition of The SANTALORIAN Winter Fest. ❄️🎄🎉🎁
This is a Secret Santa event in the universe of The Mandalorian tv series, focusing on the main character, Din Djarin.
The sign-up is open until October 31.
You can read all the important information about the event under the Rules and Guidelines.
You can sign-up here.
If you plan to sign up, or you just like the idea, please reblog, so even more people in the fandom can hear about the event and have fun together under the stars of this beautiful galaxy far far away.
Rules and Guidelines:
1. THE SANTALORIAN WINTER FEST is a Secret Santa kind of event focusing on The Mandalorian tv series, especially on the main character, Din Djarin.
2. All participants must register via the sign-up form providing their preferred contact information, age, acknowledgement of reading and understanding the rules, gift requests and offers.
3. Participants must be at least 16 years old to sign up, and only those 18 years old or older may submit Mature- or Explicit-rated artwork or writing. If a participant is found not to be honest about their age, they will be disqualified and banned from possible future events.
4. It is possible to sign up both as an author and an artist.
5. Participants are expected to read and adhere to the rules of the event. If you need clarification about any of them, it is your responsibility to ask the mod for clarification.
6. All writing and art for this event must be your own, previously unpublished, and inspired by your given assignment.
7. This event is being promoted/hosted on Tumblr; however, it is not mandatory for participants to have a Tumblr account. Works can be posted on Tumblr, AO3, Dreamwidth, etc.
8. To ensure the anonymity of the gifts, participants are prohibited from sharing any details of what they’re working on prior the posting period.
9. This is an open-to-all-ships-and-characters event with only one rule: works are expected to center around the main character, The Mandalorian (Din Djarin).
10. Works do not have to be strictly canon in nature, but should still have some element related to canon universe, characters.
11. Creating in an Alternate Universe is allowed if it is mentioned by the giftee in their request.
12. Any ship (except underage) is allowed at this event.
13. If you don't feel like working with any kind of ship, be it romantic/platonic relationship or friendship, you can just take a dive into Din Djarin's head and create something frome there.
14. Bashing or shaming any actors, characters, ships, kinks, tropes or stylistic preferences will not be tolerated.
15. Check-ins are mandatory, and participants who fail to check in will be dropped from the event.
16. If a participant misses a check-in, the mod will make one attempt to reach out. If no response is forthcoming in the next 48 hours, the participant will be dropped from the event and a pinch-hitter found if necessary.
17. If a participant needs to drop out or they are having trouble working on their assignment, they have to contact the mod as soon as possible.
18. If a participant does not submit their gift by the deadline date and fail to contact the mod, they will not be eligible to participate in possible future events.
Author Requirements
19. Authors will create one complete story inspired by one of their giftee’s requests.
20. The story must be at least 2,000 words in length. There is no maximum length.
21. The story must have all the appropriate warnings and ratings.
22. The story must be at least minimally beta-read for spelling and grammar before posting.
23. Any character depicted in a mature or explicit sexual situation should be 18 years or older.
Artist Requirements
24. Artist will create an artwork inspired by one of their giftee’s requests.
25. Artists are required to complete one (1) piece of artwork.
26. Accepted art forms:
●  Digital art/drawing/painting
●  Traditional media artwork such as pencil, charcoal, acrylic, watercolor, etc. Both 2D and 3D works are acceptable as long as they are clearly photographable or scanned to minimum image requirements.
●  Moodboards with min. 6 images
●  Gifsets with min. 6 images (made and edited by the artist)
●  Playlists with at least 12 songs.
●  Video submissions a minimum 60 seconds in length (Must include a disclaimer for any and all clips and music used.)
27. Other artwork guidelines/restrictions:
●  Images should be of a minimum 500px width, with no maximum size limit.
●  Any character depicted in a mature or explicit sexual situation should be 18 years or older.
●  NO AI-generated artwork will be allowed.
28. The art must have all the appropriate warnings and ratings.
29. Credit to any source material must be given.
How it works
30. You can sign up for the TSWF by filling out the sign-up form.
31. The information you give in your sign-up form will be the deciding factor in the gift you’re going to create and the gift you’re going to receive.
32. You have to request 3 different prompts. You can specify your favorite characters, ships, etc. and any characters or ships that you don’t want to be featured in your gift, or that you don’t want to include in the gift you make. You can also add the content you are comfortable creating (SFW and NSWF likes, favorite tropes, Do Not Wants). You can also give 5 additional tags that could help with the matching process.
33. After the sign-up closes, every participant will be matched with an other participant based on both what they are able to create, and what they are willing to create.
34. After all the participants have been matched, you will receive your assignment on November 2nd.
35. The gift posting will start on December 24th and ends on December 31st. The finished gift can be posted on Tumblr, AO3, Dreamwidth, etc. The participants will get more helpful details about posting in mid December.
22 notes · View notes
thesantalorianfest · 1 year ago
3 days left to sign up!
The SANTALORIAN Winter Fest is here
Hello Everyone!
I hereby announce you the very first edition of The SANTALORIAN Winter Fest. ❄️🎄🎉🎁
This is a Secret Santa event in the universe of The Mandalorian tv series, focusing on the main character, Din Djarin.
The sign-up is open until October 31.
You can read all the important information about the event under the Rules and Guidelines.
You can sign-up here.
If you plan to sign up, or you just like the idea, please reblog, so even more people in the fandom can hear about the event and have fun together under the stars of this beautiful galaxy far far away.
Rules and Guidelines:
1. THE SANTALORIAN WINTER FEST is a Secret Santa kind of event focusing on The Mandalorian tv series, especially on the main character, Din Djarin.
2. All participants must register via the sign-up form providing their preferred contact information, age, acknowledgement of reading and understanding the rules, gift requests and offers.
3. Participants must be at least 16 years old to sign up, and only those 18 years old or older may submit Mature- or Explicit-rated artwork or writing. If a participant is found not to be honest about their age, they will be disqualified and banned from possible future events.
4. It is possible to sign up both as an author and an artist.
5. Participants are expected to read and adhere to the rules of the event. If you need clarification about any of them, it is your responsibility to ask the mod for clarification.
6. All writing and art for this event must be your own, previously unpublished, and inspired by your given assignment.
7. This event is being promoted/hosted on Tumblr; however, it is not mandatory for participants to have a Tumblr account. Works can be posted on Tumblr, AO3, Dreamwidth, etc.
8. To ensure the anonymity of the gifts, participants are prohibited from sharing any details of what they’re working on prior the posting period.
9. This is an open-to-all-ships-and-characters event with only one rule: works are expected to center around the main character, The Mandalorian (Din Djarin).
10. Works do not have to be strictly canon in nature, but should still have some element related to canon universe, characters.
11. Creating in an Alternate Universe is allowed if it is mentioned by the giftee in their request.
12. Any ship (except underage) is allowed at this event.
13. If you don't feel like working with any kind of ship, be it romantic/platonic relationship or friendship, you can just take a dive into Din Djarin's head and create something frome there.
14. Bashing or shaming any actors, characters, ships, kinks, tropes or stylistic preferences will not be tolerated.
15. Check-ins are mandatory, and participants who fail to check in will be dropped from the event.
16. If a participant misses a check-in, the mod will make one attempt to reach out. If no response is forthcoming in the next 48 hours, the participant will be dropped from the event and a pinch-hitter found if necessary.
17. If a participant needs to drop out or they are having trouble working on their assignment, they have to contact the mod as soon as possible.
18. If a participant does not submit their gift by the deadline date and fail to contact the mod, they will not be eligible to participate in possible future events.
Author Requirements
19. Authors will create one complete story inspired by one of their giftee’s requests.
20. The story must be at least 2,000 words in length. There is no maximum length.
21. The story must have all the appropriate warnings and ratings.
22. The story must be at least minimally beta-read for spelling and grammar before posting.
23. Any character depicted in a mature or explicit sexual situation should be 18 years or older.
Artist Requirements
24. Artist will create an artwork inspired by one of their giftee’s requests.
25. Artists are required to complete one (1) piece of artwork.
26. Accepted art forms:
●  Digital art/drawing/painting
●  Traditional media artwork such as pencil, charcoal, acrylic, watercolor, etc. Both 2D and 3D works are acceptable as long as they are clearly photographable or scanned to minimum image requirements.
●  Moodboards with min. 6 images
●  Gifsets with min. 6 images (made and edited by the artist)
●  Playlists with at least 12 songs.
●  Video submissions a minimum 60 seconds in length (Must include a disclaimer for any and all clips and music used.)
27. Other artwork guidelines/restrictions:
●  Images should be of a minimum 500px width, with no maximum size limit.
●  Any character depicted in a mature or explicit sexual situation should be 18 years or older.
●  NO AI-generated artwork will be allowed.
28. The art must have all the appropriate warnings and ratings.
29. Credit to any source material must be given.
How it works
30. You can sign up for the TSWF by filling out the sign-up form.
31. The information you give in your sign-up form will be the deciding factor in the gift you’re going to create and the gift you’re going to receive.
32. You have to request 3 different prompts. You can specify your favorite characters, ships, etc. and any characters or ships that you don’t want to be featured in your gift, or that you don’t want to include in the gift you make. You can also add the content you are comfortable creating (SFW and NSWF likes, favorite tropes, Do Not Wants). You can also give 5 additional tags that could help with the matching process.
33. After the sign-up closes, every participant will be matched with an other participant based on both what they are able to create, and what they are willing to create.
34. After all the participants have been matched, you will receive your assignment on November 2nd.
35. The gift posting will start on December 24th and ends on December 31st. The finished gift can be posted on Tumblr, AO3, Dreamwidth, etc. The participants will get more helpful details about posting in mid December.
22 notes · View notes
thesantalorianfest · 1 year ago
4 days left to sign up!
The SANTALORIAN Winter Fest is here
Hello Everyone!
I hereby announce you the very first edition of The SANTALORIAN Winter Fest. ❄️🎄🎉🎁
This is a Secret Santa event in the universe of The Mandalorian tv series, focusing on the main character, Din Djarin.
The sign-up is open until October 31.
You can read all the important information about the event under the Rules and Guidelines.
You can sign-up here.
If you plan to sign up, or you just like the idea, please reblog, so even more people in the fandom can hear about the event and have fun together under the stars of this beautiful galaxy far far away.
Rules and Guidelines:
1. THE SANTALORIAN WINTER FEST is a Secret Santa kind of event focusing on The Mandalorian tv series, especially on the main character, Din Djarin.
2. All participants must register via the sign-up form providing their preferred contact information, age, acknowledgement of reading and understanding the rules, gift requests and offers.
3. Participants must be at least 16 years old to sign up, and only those 18 years old or older may submit Mature- or Explicit-rated artwork or writing. If a participant is found not to be honest about their age, they will be disqualified and banned from possible future events.
4. It is possible to sign up both as an author and an artist.
5. Participants are expected to read and adhere to the rules of the event. If you need clarification about any of them, it is your responsibility to ask the mod for clarification.
6. All writing and art for this event must be your own, previously unpublished, and inspired by your given assignment.
7. This event is being promoted/hosted on Tumblr; however, it is not mandatory for participants to have a Tumblr account. Works can be posted on Tumblr, AO3, Dreamwidth, etc.
8. To ensure the anonymity of the gifts, participants are prohibited from sharing any details of what they’re working on prior the posting period.
9. This is an open-to-all-ships-and-characters event with only one rule: works are expected to center around the main character, The Mandalorian (Din Djarin).
10. Works do not have to be strictly canon in nature, but should still have some element related to canon universe, characters.
11. Creating in an Alternate Universe is allowed if it is mentioned by the giftee in their request.
12. Any ship (except underage) is allowed at this event.
13. If you don't feel like working with any kind of ship, be it romantic/platonic relationship or friendship, you can just take a dive into Din Djarin's head and create something frome there.
14. Bashing or shaming any actors, characters, ships, kinks, tropes or stylistic preferences will not be tolerated.
15. Check-ins are mandatory, and participants who fail to check in will be dropped from the event.
16. If a participant misses a check-in, the mod will make one attempt to reach out. If no response is forthcoming in the next 48 hours, the participant will be dropped from the event and a pinch-hitter found if necessary.
17. If a participant needs to drop out or they are having trouble working on their assignment, they have to contact the mod as soon as possible.
18. If a participant does not submit their gift by the deadline date and fail to contact the mod, they will not be eligible to participate in possible future events.
Author Requirements
19. Authors will create one complete story inspired by one of their giftee’s requests.
20. The story must be at least 2,000 words in length. There is no maximum length.
21. The story must have all the appropriate warnings and ratings.
22. The story must be at least minimally beta-read for spelling and grammar before posting.
23. Any character depicted in a mature or explicit sexual situation should be 18 years or older.
Artist Requirements
24. Artist will create an artwork inspired by one of their giftee’s requests.
25. Artists are required to complete one (1) piece of artwork.
26. Accepted art forms:
●  Digital art/drawing/painting
●  Traditional media artwork such as pencil, charcoal, acrylic, watercolor, etc. Both 2D and 3D works are acceptable as long as they are clearly photographable or scanned to minimum image requirements.
●  Moodboards with min. 6 images
●  Gifsets with min. 6 images (made and edited by the artist)
●  Playlists with at least 12 songs.
●  Video submissions a minimum 60 seconds in length (Must include a disclaimer for any and all clips and music used.)
27. Other artwork guidelines/restrictions:
●  Images should be of a minimum 500px width, with no maximum size limit.
●  Any character depicted in a mature or explicit sexual situation should be 18 years or older.
●  NO AI-generated artwork will be allowed.
28. The art must have all the appropriate warnings and ratings.
29. Credit to any source material must be given.
How it works
30. You can sign up for the TSWF by filling out the sign-up form.
31. The information you give in your sign-up form will be the deciding factor in the gift you’re going to create and the gift you’re going to receive.
32. You have to request 3 different prompts. You can specify your favorite characters, ships, etc. and any characters or ships that you don’t want to be featured in your gift, or that you don’t want to include in the gift you make. You can also add the content you are comfortable creating (SFW and NSWF likes, favorite tropes, Do Not Wants). You can also give 5 additional tags that could help with the matching process.
33. After the sign-up closes, every participant will be matched with an other participant based on both what they are able to create, and what they are willing to create.
34. After all the participants have been matched, you will receive your assignment on November 2nd.
35. The gift posting will start on December 24th and ends on December 31st. The finished gift can be posted on Tumblr, AO3, Dreamwidth, etc. The participants will get more helpful details about posting in mid December.
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thesantalorianfest · 1 year ago
Tumblr media
He patiently waits for your applications, but don't make him wait too much. ;)
The SANTALORIAN Winter Fest is here
Hello Everyone!
I hereby announce you the very first edition of The SANTALORIAN Winter Fest. ❄️🎄🎉🎁
This is a Secret Santa event in the universe of The Mandalorian tv series, focusing on the main character, Din Djarin.
The sign-up is open until October 31.
You can read all the important information about the event under the Rules and Guidelines.
You can sign-up here.
If you plan to sign up, or you just like the idea, please reblog, so even more people in the fandom can hear about the event and have fun together under the stars of this beautiful galaxy far far away.
Rules and Guidelines:
1. THE SANTALORIAN WINTER FEST is a Secret Santa kind of event focusing on The Mandalorian tv series, especially on the main character, Din Djarin.
2. All participants must register via the sign-up form providing their preferred contact information, age, acknowledgement of reading and understanding the rules, gift requests and offers.
3. Participants must be at least 16 years old to sign up, and only those 18 years old or older may submit Mature- or Explicit-rated artwork or writing. If a participant is found not to be honest about their age, they will be disqualified and banned from possible future events.
4. It is possible to sign up both as an author and an artist.
5. Participants are expected to read and adhere to the rules of the event. If you need clarification about any of them, it is your responsibility to ask the mod for clarification.
6. All writing and art for this event must be your own, previously unpublished, and inspired by your given assignment.
7. This event is being promoted/hosted on Tumblr; however, it is not mandatory for participants to have a Tumblr account. Works can be posted on Tumblr, AO3, Dreamwidth, etc.
8. To ensure the anonymity of the gifts, participants are prohibited from sharing any details of what they’re working on prior the posting period.
9. This is an open-to-all-ships-and-characters event with only one rule: works are expected to center around the main character, The Mandalorian (Din Djarin).
10. Works do not have to be strictly canon in nature, but should still have some element related to canon universe, characters.
11. Creating in an Alternate Universe is allowed if it is mentioned by the giftee in their request.
12. Any ship (except underage) is allowed at this event.
13. If you don't feel like working with any kind of ship, be it romantic/platonic relationship or friendship, you can just take a dive into Din Djarin's head and create something frome there.
14. Bashing or shaming any actors, characters, ships, kinks, tropes or stylistic preferences will not be tolerated.
15. Check-ins are mandatory, and participants who fail to check in will be dropped from the event.
16. If a participant misses a check-in, the mod will make one attempt to reach out. If no response is forthcoming in the next 48 hours, the participant will be dropped from the event and a pinch-hitter found if necessary.
17. If a participant needs to drop out or they are having trouble working on their assignment, they have to contact the mod as soon as possible.
18. If a participant does not submit their gift by the deadline date and fail to contact the mod, they will not be eligible to participate in possible future events.
Author Requirements
19. Authors will create one complete story inspired by one of their giftee’s requests.
20. The story must be at least 2,000 words in length. There is no maximum length.
21. The story must have all the appropriate warnings and ratings.
22. The story must be at least minimally beta-read for spelling and grammar before posting.
23. Any character depicted in a mature or explicit sexual situation should be 18 years or older.
Artist Requirements
24. Artist will create an artwork inspired by one of their giftee’s requests.
25. Artists are required to complete one (1) piece of artwork.
26. Accepted art forms:
●  Digital art/drawing/painting
●  Traditional media artwork such as pencil, charcoal, acrylic, watercolor, etc. Both 2D and 3D works are acceptable as long as they are clearly photographable or scanned to minimum image requirements.
●  Moodboards with min. 6 images
●  Gifsets with min. 6 images (made and edited by the artist)
●  Playlists with at least 12 songs.
●  Video submissions a minimum 60 seconds in length (Must include a disclaimer for any and all clips and music used.)
27. Other artwork guidelines/restrictions:
●  Images should be of a minimum 500px width, with no maximum size limit.
●  Any character depicted in a mature or explicit sexual situation should be 18 years or older.
●  NO AI-generated artwork will be allowed.
28. The art must have all the appropriate warnings and ratings.
29. Credit to any source material must be given.
How it works
30. You can sign up for the TSWF by filling out the sign-up form.
31. The information you give in your sign-up form will be the deciding factor in the gift you’re going to create and the gift you’re going to receive.
32. You have to request 3 different prompts. You can specify your favorite characters, ships, etc. and any characters or ships that you don’t want to be featured in your gift, or that you don’t want to include in the gift you make. You can also add the content you are comfortable creating (SFW and NSWF likes, favorite tropes, Do Not Wants). You can also give 5 additional tags that could help with the matching process.
33. After the sign-up closes, every participant will be matched with an other participant based on both what they are able to create, and what they are willing to create.
34. After all the participants have been matched, you will receive your assignment on November 2nd.
35. The gift posting will start on December 24th and ends on December 31st. The finished gift can be posted on Tumblr, AO3, Dreamwidth, etc. The participants will get more helpful details about posting in mid December.
22 notes · View notes
thesantalorianfest · 1 year ago
The SANTALORIAN Winter Fest is here
Hello Everyone!
I hereby announce you the very first edition of The SANTALORIAN Winter Fest. ❄️🎄🎉🎁
This is a Secret Santa event in the universe of The Mandalorian tv series, focusing on the main character, Din Djarin.
The sign-up is open until October 31.
You can read all the important information about the event under the Rules and Guidelines.
You can sign-up here.
If you plan to sign up, or you just like the idea, please reblog, so even more people in the fandom can hear about the event and have fun together under the stars of this beautiful galaxy far far away.
Rules and Guidelines:
1. THE SANTALORIAN WINTER FEST is a Secret Santa kind of event focusing on The Mandalorian tv series, especially on the main character, Din Djarin.
2. All participants must register via the sign-up form providing their preferred contact information, age, acknowledgement of reading and understanding the rules, gift requests and offers.
3. Participants must be at least 16 years old to sign up, and only those 18 years old or older may submit Mature- or Explicit-rated artwork or writing. If a participant is found not to be honest about their age, they will be disqualified and banned from possible future events.
4. It is possible to sign up both as an author and an artist.
5. Participants are expected to read and adhere to the rules of the event. If you need clarification about any of them, it is your responsibility to ask the mod for clarification.
6. All writing and art for this event must be your own, previously unpublished, and inspired by your given assignment.
7. This event is being promoted/hosted on Tumblr; however, it is not mandatory for participants to have a Tumblr account. Works can be posted on Tumblr, AO3, Dreamwidth, etc.
8. To ensure the anonymity of the gifts, participants are prohibited from sharing any details of what they’re working on prior the posting period.
9. This is an open-to-all-ships-and-characters event with only one rule: works are expected to center around the main character, The Mandalorian (Din Djarin).
10. Works do not have to be strictly canon in nature, but should still have some element related to canon universe, characters.
11. Creating in an Alternate Universe is allowed if it is mentioned by the giftee in their request.
12. Any ship (except underage) is allowed at this event.
13. If you don't feel like working with any kind of ship, be it romantic/platonic relationship or friendship, you can just take a dive into Din Djarin's head and create something frome there.
14. Bashing or shaming any actors, characters, ships, kinks, tropes or stylistic preferences will not be tolerated.
15. Check-ins are mandatory, and participants who fail to check in will be dropped from the event.
16. If a participant misses a check-in, the mod will make one attempt to reach out. If no response is forthcoming in the next 48 hours, the participant will be dropped from the event and a pinch-hitter found if necessary.
17. If a participant needs to drop out or they are having trouble working on their assignment, they have to contact the mod as soon as possible.
18. If a participant does not submit their gift by the deadline date and fail to contact the mod, they will not be eligible to participate in possible future events.
Author Requirements
19. Authors will create one complete story inspired by one of their giftee’s requests.
20. The story must be at least 2,000 words in length. There is no maximum length.
21. The story must have all the appropriate warnings and ratings.
22. The story must be at least minimally beta-read for spelling and grammar before posting.
23. Any character depicted in a mature or explicit sexual situation should be 18 years or older.
Artist Requirements
24. Artist will create an artwork inspired by one of their giftee’s requests.
25. Artists are required to complete one (1) piece of artwork.
26. Accepted art forms:
●  Digital art/drawing/painting
●  Traditional media artwork such as pencil, charcoal, acrylic, watercolor, etc. Both 2D and 3D works are acceptable as long as they are clearly photographable or scanned to minimum image requirements.
●  Moodboards with min. 6 images
●  Gifsets with min. 6 images (made and edited by the artist)
●  Playlists with at least 12 songs.
●  Video submissions a minimum 60 seconds in length (Must include a disclaimer for any and all clips and music used.)
27. Other artwork guidelines/restrictions:
●  Images should be of a minimum 500px width, with no maximum size limit.
●  Any character depicted in a mature or explicit sexual situation should be 18 years or older.
●  NO AI-generated artwork will be allowed.
28. The art must have all the appropriate warnings and ratings.
29. Credit to any source material must be given.
How it works
30. You can sign up for the TSWF by filling out the sign-up form.
31. The information you give in your sign-up form will be the deciding factor in the gift you’re going to create and the gift you’re going to receive.
32. You have to request 3 different prompts. You can specify your favorite characters, ships, etc. and any characters or ships that you don’t want to be featured in your gift, or that you don’t want to include in the gift you make. You can also add the content you are comfortable creating (SFW and NSWF likes, favorite tropes, Do Not Wants). You can also give 5 additional tags that could help with the matching process.
33. After the sign-up closes, every participant will be matched with an other participant based on both what they are able to create, and what they are willing to create.
34. After all the participants have been matched, you will receive your assignment on November 2nd.
35. The gift posting will start on December 24th and ends on December 31st. The finished gift can be posted on Tumblr, AO3, Dreamwidth, etc. The participants will get more helpful details about posting in mid December.
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