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What truths can be uncovered at this eerie Academy?
In the dead of night, academics from Hovelsby University hear a voice whispering to them that they must escape. They do not know the danger, but they do so anyway. Soon, they are faced with the reality that their dear home has been set alight, and they are some of the few who survived. With little choice, the surviving scholars are sent to a new home - Adderford Academy.
What they believe will only be a short trip while their dear University is repaired takes a turn for the stranger, as the scholars uncover mysteries not only about the academy itself, but those who inhabit its halls, and discover why the townsfolk of Adderford are so hesitant to approach the place of learning.
Set in the world of Selentia, The Scholars of Adderford Academy is host to a wide array of creatures, oddities, and quirks (such as three separate moons whic affect its inhabitants in different ways) which will make the Hovelsby all the more anxious to return home.
A woman who looks out longingly to the sea from the clifftop, a flower girl who sings in the garden bed three times a month, a monster under the floorboards. Will the Hovelsby scholars discover the truths about Adderford Academy, or will they forever be cursed with mysteries that even their intellects cannot solve?
Genre: Epic Fantasy/Mystery Format: Online Novel
Tag List: (Ask to be tagged! ♥)
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Update 04/08/19
Happy August, I guess!
Since I finished the pilots and synopses for Ultraviolet Space Opera and Star Ship Eudora, I’ve started something new!
It’s called The Scholars of Addersford Academy, which I plan on just being a free thing to read on Wattpad! I’ll actually get a wip intro up for that tonight because I don’t really have much else to do!
So far though, I haven’t written anything for it. It’s all brainstorming so far, but I’m so excited to see where it goes!
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An intergalactic band fronted by an optimistic human with a hard-going life travels the universe to spread a message of joy through music, and take down a vile corporation.
Leonis State, born with a heart of gold, has been through it all. Most recently however, is the likes of Vibidious Industries wanting to take over his home planet of Ludomene.
He finally feels things are turning around when the naïve yet well-learned Arcturus Liztone of the Marmaron – a race so beautiful and seldom seen that they’re known as the “Angels of the Galaxy” - comes to Ludomene, thinking that Arcturus will bring the luck he needs. While Arcturus doesn’t believe he’ll be of help, he sees the power that Leonis holds – to create waves of power through his music which can tear through their robotic enemies, the Exomaton – and knows that he must learn more. He picks up bass and, with Leonis’ help, discovers that he too can create shockwaves to stop the Exomaton in their tracks.
Together, they travel the universe, making new friends and completing the impromptu formation of their band, and putting an end to Vibidious’ rein and his army of Exomaton.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Music Format: Animation/1/2 hour
Tag List: (Ask to be added! ♥)
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A day early update today!
I submitted Ultraviolet Space Opera and Star Ship Eudora - previously Space Oregon, but still a working title - to the competition!
Through the process I found really good season arcs by writing synopses, so I’ll have to update USO and add SSE when I get a chance! ♥
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Update: 21/07/19
Sorry there was no update last week! I was sick most of the time so I got absolutely nothing done ♥
But this week, I’ve finished a new pilot draft of Ultraviolet Space Opera! I’m planning on entering this in a competition so I have to work really hard!
It’s all in Word, which is the worst mistake...
But yeah, this is a short one! Until next week! ♥
EDIT: I just realised that in my last update I said I’d be focusing less on USO. In the upcoming competition I’ll be entering, I’ll be entering both USO and the currently named Space Oregon. USO is a little more work, but if I try really hard I should have them both done by the 9th!
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Update: 07/07/19
Ha, and you thought I’d forgotten! Nobody shall know that I did...
After a little bit of thought, I’ve decided to switch the major focus on my projects. While I’m still gonna be working on Ultraviolet Space Opera, I thought that, in the instance that I decide to crowdfund one of my projects in the future (because I feel that’s the best course of action for most of what I write), the ones that have a heavy focus on music are probably best left until I’ve (hopefully) made a bit of a name for myself.
So I’ve been working on Space Oregon (the working title which is really growing on me), the Metroid-inspired series which I haven’t made a WIP boost for yet. I had character bios of the main characters but now I can’t find them so I’ve had to start again!
I’ve done what I can, but there’s so much more work to be done!
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30th June update!
I think I’ll try to make weekly updates a thing, at least. There’s a bunch of stuff I want to make and don’t have time to (also GDQ was on this week so I didn’t even try, honestly)!
I started Pilot Episode 3.0 (not edits, I just keep writing new ones) for Ultraviolet Space Opera, which closer reflects 2.0 but it’s better, longer, and feels 10x more homosexual. Is pride month rubbing off on me more than I thought, or do I just keep digging holes that I can’t dig out of? Who knows.
And uhh... I think that’s all the update I have! Just small things, y’know, so y’all know I’m still kickin’ ♥
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Oh look, an update!
I’ve been working on Ultraviolet Space Opera, and have gotten quite a bit done!
I did start on a second pilot first draft which I like a lot more than the original so far. I’ve also developed two character back stories which has really helped, along with one and a half races for the main characters!
I was gonna make a moodboard for one of them which I’d still like to do, but I sat down and my brain was like “no thinking, only video games”, so I guess I’ll save that for another day! ♥
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Finally having money is so exciting because I’m going to a convention next weekend & I’m going to look so carefully at all the art and take some business cards to get some art of my characters commissioned!!! ♥
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I think it’s important to support your local underwriter writers, overwriter writers, two-draft writers, seven draft writers, didn’t outline a single thing writers, literally outlined every single thing, small volume writers, big volume writers, writers who write every day, writers who write twice a month, literary writers, commercial genre writers, writers who are authors, writers who are aspiring authors, just writers in general!
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You see, I made the mistake of giving two of my projects the same working title at one point and now, despite one of them having its own title now, I forget which is which.
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Novel update!
The Curious Professor, at approximately 17,500 words, has surpassed the point I’d written up to in the original first draft (which was approximately 13,000 words)!
I’m only now getting up to the actual plot, which will probably only be like 500 words but
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A Wild Excerpt Appeared!
From chapter ? (because I closed the document without checking and can’t be bothered opening it again) of The Curious Professor, my steampunk/adventure novel.
No context, but The Baron is my favourite character and nobody can take that from me.
Note: This is from a first draft and I’m well aware that there’s probably problems.
     Tori marvelled at the colours and layout of the street before noticing a speck of what appeared to be an opened door close on the horizon. She followed the street up to the house she suspected was the right one.      A house painted red stood between a blue and green home, windows with curtains drawn and no pleasant little signs that showed a human being may live there. Yet she walked up to the wooden door, complete with peephole, and rapped her fist against it multiple times as to be heard.      For a moment there was nothing. Perhaps she had the wrong house, or her visit was unwelcome? She had been awfully presumptuous in thinking that a stranger – if this even was his home – would be interested in conversing with her. But in her life she had seen her parents and their acquaintances get what they wanted from persistence, and so Tori stood at the door.      And she waited.      And waited.
     Until she heard something move inside. Darkness covered the peephole for a brief moment before light flooded it once more.      Then there were clicks and slides, and the door opened.      Revealed was the man dressed in red. While his outfit was quite plain compared to yesterday’s ensemble, it was a colour that reminded her of cosy fireplaces. The suit he wore was accompanied by an almost golden, high-collared shirt which didn’t let a single millimetre of skin peek through.      The mask he wore didn’t match the suit; it was made of wood, and intricate leaves and swirls had been painted onto it with what she believed to be a golden paint.      ‘Hello,’ greeted the man, sounding almost joyous to have a visitor. His voice didn’t sound muffled by the mask at all. ‘Are you lost? Do you need help?’ Tori opened her mouth to respond but in a split second he’d continued, ‘oh! You’re the young lady who I had the pleasure of meeting yesterday! Tori, was it?’      She nodded. ‘Yes, and I would like help. Are you The Baron?’      ‘The one and only! Well – as far as Goodwill is concerned, anyway. But if we have matters to discuss, the door isn’t the best place to do it. Care to come inside?’      ‘Yes, please.’      Tori had been curious to see the inside of The Baron’s home; she’d expected all kinds of amazing things, or at least colours that would fill her with whimsy, the same kind she’d felt only a day ago. But what she found was the exact same as every other home she’d ever been to, filled with sombre tones and a trinket or two from any travels he may have been on.      She stopped just inside the doorway, shoulders slumped. At least The Baron remains interesting. ‘Take a seat, in the room to the left,’ he instructed. ‘I’ll only be a moment.’      The sitting room wasn’t any kind of fun, either.  On the wall opposite her stood a fireplace, which looked as though it went unused in these warm months. On either side stood leather chairs, one of which looked soft and as though cracks were beginning to appear. The other seemed barely used. Between these, closer to the door, stood a small table which was void of any decoration.      Paintings she didn’t know the names of hung on the walls. Some looked as though they were from decades past, the paint fading from its canvas, while others seemed to be from more recent years.      She noticed, at the very back of the room, a wooden desk. This was definitely old, having seen the ravages of time. The chair – also carved from wood – looked odd sitting by such an antiquity. Tori approached.      Atop the surface laid a frail map, taking up almost the entirety of the surface. Many town names were crossed out in black ink, and a small cut ran through them.      Alv----one.      Las----es.      Mount ----er Town.      Those were three among the many, but Tori’s attention was pulled elsewhere.      A dagger pierced the map, its tip dug into the desk. The town it pierced, despite being almost completely obscured, was recognisable immediately.      Goodwill.      Her fingers came down to the paper, wanting nothing more than to come into contact with her home town. She took a deep breath, knowing that the slightest shake could knock the dagger from its position.      Only a centimetre away now…      ‘Tori.’      She let out a small yelp, finger moving away with haste and knocking the dagger. She turned – barely taking the time to note that it stayed strong in the table – now noticing that The Baron had entered the room with a platter in hand.      ‘Tea?’       ‘Sir Baron, what is this map?’      From behind his mask, The Baron laughed. ‘Just The Baron is fine. But the map is of no importance.’ He placed the platter down upon the table by the chairs. ‘Come, join me.’      As Tori wandered to the lesser worn seat, The Baron poured tea from the pot into the two prepared cups. He took his seat, and moved one of the cups towards Tori.      ‘So, Tori, what is it I can assist you with?’      Tori took her cup. ‘Yesterday, that man you were with-’      ‘Ah, you’re referring to Professor Langsdale, of course!’      ‘Yes!’ Tori exclaimed, jumping up in her excitement and near spilling the contents of her cup onto the floor. ‘I wish to know more about him.’      There was a brightness in The Baron’s tone, as though a smile could be found behind his mask. ‘Why, Jack and I have been good friends for a number of years!’      ‘What’s he like?’ she questioned. ‘What kinds of things does he make? What was that big thing you two were riding yesterday? How-’      ‘One question at a time,’ The Baron said, though it sounded oddly like a warning. ‘Jack is a fine fellow, always the optimist with a new invention in that brain of his at any given second. I find it difficult to find what he’s thinking, if only because he’s always thinking so much. His is one of the most intelligent minds I have ever encountered, and I’ve known many a scholar in my day.      ‘As for what he creates, well, it’s easier to see for yourself.’      ‘You can’t tell me about them yourself?’      ‘Of course I could! But I’m sure you wouldn’t have believed me about the tall machine which walks around on spindly legs had you not seen it yesterday, would you?’      ‘I suppose not.’ But his secrecy only caused her excitement to build. She placed her cup – still half full of tea – back down upon the tray. What was the point of sitting around and drinking when there was adventure to be had? ‘I must meet him.’      The Baron laughed. ‘You seem more excited about his return than I am. I’ll tell you what – he doesn’t mind unexpected visitors, even if they are strangers. I’ll give you directions to where he lives, but only if you promise to deliver something for me.’      Tori was half-tempted to respond with why don’t you do it yourself if you’re so excited to see him?, but that would have been rude (even if it was said in jest), and rudeness was sure to get her nowhere.      ‘Okay,’ she agreed. The Baron stood, and Tori followed suit. ‘But what am I delivering?’      The Baron walked to the desk, opened the drawer and revealed a piece of paper, rolled up and adorned with a ribbon. ‘It’s confidential.’ Tori tried to peek into the roll, but was quickly swatted by The Baron (which was met with a small, ‘Hey!’). ‘His eyes only.’ He held the roll towards Tori, now certain to angle it downwards. ‘Can I trust you?’      ‘You have my word.’      ‘Truly?’ Tori nodded and took the roll in her hand. ‘Because the moment I discover this didn’t make it into Jack’s hands or that you took a single peek at it, there will be repercussions.’      ‘Repercussions?’      ‘Have you ever experienced tragedy, Tori?’      ‘No.’      ‘Then I’m sure you wouldn’t want to make this the first time.’ Tori stared up at The Baron – into the mask that portrayed none of his emotions – wide-eyed and suddenly shaking for a reason that wasn’t excitement.      And then The Baron laughed. Only a little, just enough to calm her nerves slightly. ‘I’m sure you’re a good child. Do you understand your instructions?’ Tori nodded. ‘Very well, then I’ll tell you where you must go.’      With the roll in hand, the room filled with basic furniture that one would find anywhere else didn’t seem so boring, and Tori could feel her own anticipation filling the air.
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I keep saying I’ll be around more and then I don’t!
I recently got a fresh job but there’s a lot of downtime so I’ve gotten to work on my novel (The Curious Professor, steampunk/adventure) a bit; in about two weeks I’ve written closer to 10,000 words which makes it longer than my first (and incomplete) draft!
I might post an excerpt Friday if anybody is interested! ♥
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Some of my lovely sci-fi guitarist boy Leonis by the wonderful @barn-owl-boi! ♥
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How to Use Tags Effectively in the Writeblr Community
[This is an expanded version of the “Using tags effectively” section on my How to gain attention in the Writeblr Community guide here. Please check that out as well!]
This is a question I get often, and it’s really difficult to figure out how this works on your own, so here’s a handy little guide!
So in order to figure out how to use tags, we have to know how tagging works on Tumblr.
How tags work on Tumblr
Only the first five tags will show up in tracked tags. (i.e., if you tag your post #writeblr, and I’m following the tag #writeblr, it might pop up on my dashboard even if I’m not following you.)
Only the first twenty tags will show up in tumblr search.
Reblogs will not show up in tracked tags or search.
Hyphens (-) won’t show up in tracked tags.
That’s a lot to remember, are you still with me? The most important thing to remember about tagging your work is that the first five tags are the most important. You want to use your biggest, most relevant tags in the first five.
What tags you should use
So you know that the first five are most important, but what tags should you use? What tags are the best?
Here’s what I usually use and though I don’t know if they’re particularly popular or not, but they’ve worked for me just fine.
Tags to use for any writing-related post
#Writeblr and #writing for any writing-related post that you make. These two are the most important tags. I also sometimes include #writblr because some people use that tag instead.
If you have spare room in your first five tags, because you don’t have anything else to tag it with, try using #writers of tumblr, #writeblr community and #writers to maximize your tagging potential. These should only be used in your first five if you have extra space!
Tags to use for your original writing
#creative writing, #amwriting, #original writing, are a fantastic place to start.
Remember to tag your genre as well, like #fantasy, #science fiction, #urban fantasy, #young adult, #YA, depending on what you write for.
Tagging your writing type can also be effective, such as #drabble, #flash fiction, #excerpt, etc., if they are relevant.
Tags like #angst, and #fluff are also really popular, so if either of those apply to your writing, try including that!
If you have some additional space, #WIP, #WIPs, #OC, #OCs also will work, depending on what you’re posting about.
Tags to use for writing advice
#writing advice, #writing help, #writing tips are the most commonly used ones.
You can and probably should specify what your writing advice is about like #description, but that can wait for the tags after the first five.
Tags to use for relatable writing content and memes
#just writer things, #writing memes, #writing meme are the biggest ones in Writeblr, I believe.
#writing problems also work depending on what your post is.
Other tags not specific to the writing community like #memes, #relatable also work, for an even broader audience outside of Writeblr.
Tags to use for writing encouragement and positivity
#writing positivity, #writing encouragement are commonly used.
Other tags not specific to the writing community like #positivity and #encouragement also work, for an even broader audience outside of Writeblr.
Which tags you should use
So that’s a lot of potential tags to use, and only the first five will show up in tracked tags! How in the world are you going to prioritize?
Figure out what type of post you’re making, and don’t get greedy! If it’s not a writing meme, don’t tag it as such. The best way to maximize your tag usage is to use a combination of various tags that are the most relevant to your post. Try mixing and matching and experimenting!
What to do after the first five tags
The first twenty tags will show up in search, and also the organization of your personal blog tags. For example, I use #Undine writes stuff to organize all of my original writing on my blog — chances are, people aren’t following that tag, but it’s important to my writeblr. Your next priority should be your organizational tags for your own blog.
You can also include some tags that you couldn’t fit in the first five! Again, the first twenty will show up in search so if you think someone might search a particular tag, it’s a good idea to include it as well.
And finally, any comments that you want to leave in the tag should be after you get all of your important tags out of the way!
Your personal writeblr tag
So a lot of writeblrs like to use their own url as tags whenever they make an original post, so people can find it easily.
However, if you’re like me and your url has hyphens in it, it will not show up anywhere! So instead of #pens-swords-stuff, I use #pens swords stuff.
This also goes for all of your people tagging other writeblrs in your hashtags — if they have a hyphen in their url, try writing it out without the hyphens so it’ll show up!
Don’t bother trying to use popular tags for reblogs
Your tags won’t show up in any tracked tags or searches if it’s not an original post! When you reblog someone else’s posts, you can forget the first 5 tag rule, and just jump straight into your organizational tags and your tag comments.
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when people like my ocs and want to know more about them
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