theoccultus · 8 years
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theoccultus · 9 years
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In Hindu yogic practices (particularly sankhya yoga), the five elements or Tattwas are viewed as modes of being, perception, and action. The word Tattwa is to be understood as "thatness," describing a state of flux or tendency rather than a substance.
Everything in the world is said to possess a predominant characteristic of one of the Tattwas. The characteristics of each Tattwa manifest in higher (less material) or lower (more material) modes.
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theoccultus · 9 years
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Share it with your followers. Help Illuminate their path!
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theoccultus · 9 years
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Share it with your followers. Help Illuminate their path!
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theoccultus · 9 years
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theoccultus · 9 years
We're back!
I apologize for the long absence. Thanks for all the messages and support.
- The Occultus
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theoccultus · 9 years
Incantation To Increase Wealth - A magic spell to increase fortunes
Since you guys liked the other Spell I shared, I thought I would share another one. This time to help increase any kinds of fortunes:
At the time of the setting of the Sun, dig a small shallow hole in the fresh earth. The hole should be about the size of your fist. Into the hole, place the following items, in this exact order:
One fresh oak leaf from any type oak tree
Three new coins
One strand of your hair
A pinch of salt
Repeat the following incantation, while visualizing a Golden Tree growing from the items:
Open earth, source of growth, foundation of the world Into thee I cast mine fate, I cast mine hope Forget me not at growing time Forget me not when the sun shines upon thee And with its fiery power warms thy ancient bones Causes that which lies in wait Waits within your fertile womb To spring forth and sing thy praise For I sing thy praise this day I sing thy praise and plead thee cast thy favor upon me That in thy abundance I might share So that mine stores shall swell The fruit of our labors overflow That I shall be chosen to receive.
Fill the hole with the same dirt which had been removed.
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theoccultus · 9 years
Spell To Protect a Sleeping Mind - A magic spell for protecting dreams
Sleep is the time of dreams and visits. The following incantation repeated aloud at one's bedtime will aid in the discouraging of unwanted visitors in the dreaming mind.
Before retiring for the night, repeat the following incantation aloud:
Spirits of the night, I beseech thee, Find favor with mine call and plea: Draw close and circle round Mine mind I clear and lend to sleep That sleep will use to rest the weary world Let not the world and those unfavorable things within it Visit upon mine mind unheralded Uninvited visitors be sent away Turned back Turned back to the dark depths Turned back to the sender whose name is never spoken That thus he may gain strength Gain strength and threaten those unable Unable or unknowing Unknowing or innocent Innocents in the world Sleeping as I sleep Spirits of the night, I beseech thee, Find favor with mine call and plea Find favor and protect mine mind Find favor and protect the innocents.
This is best repeated nightly so as to protect one's mind and allow peaceful sleep and promote quiet dreams.
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theoccultus · 9 years
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Very useful table. Keep it.
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theoccultus · 9 years
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Malphas - ruler of forty legions of Demons. A Great Prince of Hell, with great construction skills.
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theoccultus · 9 years
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The Seal of Solomon. the occultus
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theoccultus · 9 years
The Fear of the Lord is the True Wisdom, and he who hath it not can in no way penetrate the True Secrets of Magic(k), and he but buildeth upon a foundation of sand, and his building can in no way last.
Abramelin, The Mage
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theoccultus · 10 years
You know your post on the philosopher stone? Well, I'm like 99% sure that the only thing that fits the description exactly would be plants? I haven't done much reading on the occult or the philosopher's stone yet so if I'm being an idiot just let me know.. Also, is magick real, like really real? (I found your page by accident while trying to track a cult)
Well, the creation of the Philosopher's Stone is a controversial subject, some believe that it's nothing but an allegory for the transmutation of the Mind and Spirit, having nothing to do with something physical. Others believe that you can actually make the Stone using some crazy chemistry that is (practically) impossible to decipher. I strongly believe that the key to the creation of the Stone, whatever It is, is somewhere in the world, very well hidden, or... maybe it is so simple that we can't notice it, because the idea behind it sounds so grand and surreal! That's all I can say about it now, study more about the subject. Read the classics from the first Era of Alchemy, like Paracelsus, Saint Germain and study The Aurora Consurgens. They will take years to read, but it will be worth it, if you are interested in real Alchemy. Also, don't expect to understand Alchemy while studying it, believe me. You'll see.About Magick, yes, it is real. Even if you don't believe it. Think about it as life. You know what life is, you are into what you call life, you don't need to ask for it and you can't really understand the essence of it, but you KNOW it's there. Magick is the same - you don't need to ask for it and you will never understand the essence of it, but it WILL be there. Always. Whether you want it or not, whether you believe it or not.
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theoccultus · 10 years
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"Do not be afraid of your difficulties. Do not wish you could be in other circumstances than you are. For when you have made the best of an adversity, it becomes the stepping stone to a splendid opportunity.” - Madame Blavatsky Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was a fascinating woman, with a brilliant mind. If you don't know her writings, be sure to check them out!
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theoccultus · 10 years
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Welcome 2015!
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theoccultus · 10 years
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Tabula Smaragdina (or The Emerald Tablet) This is probably the most important text of all the Alchemy, it's said that it contains, cryptically, steps to the creation of the Philosopher's stone and the secrets of Transmutation. It states (in one of the translations - there are many of them):
True, without falsehood, certain, most certain. What is above is like that which is below, and what is below, like that which is above, to make the miracle of One Thing. And as all things were made from contemplation of One, so all things were born from one adaptation. The father is the Sun, its mother is the Moon. The wind carried it in its womb, the earth breast fed it. It is the father of all works of wonder in the world. Its power is complete if turned towards earth, it will separate earth from fire, the subtle from the gross. With great capacity (Wisdom) it ascends from earth to heaven. Again it descends to earth, and takes back the power of the above and the below. Thus you will receive the glory of the distinctiveness of the world. All obscurity will flee from you. This is the most strong strength of all strength, for it overcomes all subtle things, and penetrates all solid things. Thus was the world created. From this comes marvelous adaptations of which this is the procedure. Therefore I am called Hermes Thrice-Crowned because I have three parts of the Wisdom of the whole world. And complete is what I had to say about the work of the Sun.
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theoccultus · 10 years
Hey man, love all the information on your site. Just started learning about the occult now an absorbing anything I can about it :)! Got any pointers or advice, I find it difficult cause I don't know were to start, also their aren't any books that teach you how to start or where to, thank you!
Thank you, I'm glad you like my tumblr page! The studies of the Occult are endless and will need a great amount of dedication, perseverance and patience. I suggest, as a starting point, the more theoretical writings of Eliphas Levi (Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie; Histoire de la Magie) and Papus (La Science Des Mages; Traite Méthodique De La Magie Pratique), they are great authors and will introduce you to the history of Magick and it's concepts, that you will need when you advance to the practical side of Magick. Also learn about many of the "branches" of the Occult and their more valuable writings and books. Just an advice: don't try to rush things, your life will be easier in your future in Magick and in the Occult if you focus on the theory before you get into big rituals and Will's manipulation, you will be more successful. And remember this: learn how to control your mind. It is the key to the infinite doors of the Occult.
the occultus
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