outwardjester68 · 7 months
(Sorry for any bad grammar)
I have a theory that husk was never alive he never had a life he is not a sinner but he is also not a hell born husk was sent down to hell by Alastor's mother to watch over him.
Husk is the only demon we see to have feathered wings not even the goecia family have feathered wings. The goecia family are covered in feathers and stolas' demon form has wing like arms but not actual wings.
The succubi have wings but not feathered ones. Valentino has wings, they have some fluff on them but no feathers. The only others beings in hell we see with feathered wings are the fallen angels (Lucifer, Vaggie)
I can't imagine Alastor would keep a alcoholic with a gambling addiction around and have him work at the hotel without some sort of sentimental reason, maybe Alastor's mother loved cats so he (Alastor) keeps husk around for that reason.
Husk was sent to watch over and guide Alastor. When Mimsey came to the hotel husk warned Alastor that she was trouble, sure Alastor threatened him but only because husk mentioned the leash Alastor is on and in the end Alastor took husk's advice and told Mimsey to leave.
As for the overlord husk thing I think husk knew he needed to get close to Alastor to be able to watch him so Husk became an overlord to get closer to Alastor, when he and alastor bet there souls against each other husk saw a chance to get even closer to alastor and watch him more closely so he pretended to lose that gamble.
Anyway that's my little theory, there might be some background characters with feathered wings I just haven't noticed. But even if this theory is nothing at least its a free prompt for you fanfic writers.
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sharoo · 2 months
Finally made my Umineko OC
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One of the 72 demons, currently serving under the witch hunter Futaba Yoshida. He posesses the power to mire the senses and minds of mortal beings through powerful illusions, alongside an above average resistance to the anti-magic toxin of deduction, especially for a demon of a lower rank. These allow him to provide his summoner with excellent protection. However, Shax is rarely called upon, due to his widely recognised unreliable nature. As a master illusionist, he also understands, better than most, how illusions are constructed, and is just as able to reveal the puppetry at work as he is to operate it. Having long become disillusioned with weak witches who summon him to compensate for their own lack of power or ingenuity, he's taken to testing them - should his master not meet his standards of matching his intellect, be it by falling for his amiable, loyal front or by failing to maintain an illusion through their own efforts, he will his power against them to expose their fraud for the smoke and mirrors it is. Alone or under the employ of witch hunters, he's led many witches to their doom. Having now been summoned and skilfully bound by contract with Futaba, tasked with helping her uncover the mysteries of Rokkenjima, he waits to see the worth of his newest master. Finally, perhaps, he shall be entertained for a little while.
Finally finished my Umineko OC! I've been waffling about with his design, since I couldn't decide how much I wanted to portray his abilities visually (some other concepts for him involved a twinky stage magician and some variation of a guy in a gas mask/camo suit), before I settled on jovial uncle who is definitely trustworthy(tm). His colour scheme is meant to imitate a stork, since in the Ars Goecia Shax is said to possess such a form.
His powers rely on the fact that nothing is scarier or more fantastical than the human imagination. He bolsters these illusions of the mind through summoning lesser monstrosities to make noises in the dark or pose as distant silhouettes, having beforehand mired the target's senses with drowsiness or alcohol.
His greatest weakness are sealed rooms and light, for it reveals all his creations to be mere shadows.
Thanks for the streams, Nezumi, can't wait for the next one.
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Do you have any thoughts about using the demons from the Ars Goetia in ttrpgs? Cause like they’re pretty well detailed in their uses in the source material. Summoning various demons could be a good backstory for how a wizard learned their stuff or for a warlock if you wanna be boring. But I’m worried about cultural appropriation, I don’t think occultism is real but I know it references Abrahamic mythology which people still practice. Better safe than sorry right?
Tagging in @cryptotheism, tumblr’s favourite occultist as an actual source on this one, given that they actually study this kind of thing where as I’ve wasted my time focusing on the economic systems of post medieval Europe.  
Occultism is a fascinating topic when it comes to hunting for sources of inspiration because so often what is accepted as the occult “canon” is often a distorted misinterpretation which may or may not have some very fucked up roots.
Take the modern image of the witch: pointy hat, cauldron, broomstick, black cat et all. If you looked into it, just about every signifier of this archetype takes its inspiration from some form of persecution, but it’s been so ingrained into the cultural milieu and been so normalized that more people are aware of the pop culture version of the witch then they were about the antisemitic blood libel that inspired the witchhunts in the first place. I’d be hesitant to stop using witches because they’re so iconic, but I’m going to educate myself on their history so my writing doesn’t end up mirroring what amounts to 16th century hatespeech.
To return to the topic at hand, Using the idea of sigils or the demons associated with them isn’t appropriation, they’re not sacred or part of a closed practice. They were published in books by occultists so that other occultists could use them, though that very same book contained a lot of Hebrew symbols that’d been appropriated in the grand western-occult tradition of “ Hey, these people we’ve othered must be in possession of some secret magical knowledge, so lets just take their stuff”.
 If you’re going to use them however, you should use them right: The Ars Goecia aren't your typical “ sell your soul, torment mortals” sort of demons, they are the lords and princes of hell, “evil” for the reason that they helped Lucifer rebel against god and now exist as outlaws in the cosmic order. The key of solomon principles its magic upon using god’s authority to command these spirits to give gifts and service to the summoner.  Naturally this doesn’t map 1:1 onto d&d cosmology, but you could easily adapt it for spirits bound into service by a god of sorcery, a war god calling upon those it defeated, or a star god calling on the celestial power of zodiacs and planets
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astroyongie · 1 year
Lol you can’t sell your sell because your soul belongs to god and god only he gives us all the right to live also I’m curious as to how you know someone that claims they did this?
Guys let's not get into that,
of course, this blog is also related to spirituality and I usually enjoy sharing my vision of spirituality, but I do work with Angels and those topics aren't my favorites to talk about (anything doing with possession, Goecia work, packs, etc). And also I rather not explain everything nor spread information that can be used later by people that aren't conscious which can later result to harmful outcomes.
We all have the right to believe in what we want, to follow whatever path in our heart is best. Let's keep it that way, and let's have peace. I really don't want to talk about such topics so I won't be answering any other questions related to "selling souls" or religious questions that say "we should believe in this or that".
Stay kind, always <3
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OC agere roleplay blog - run by @little-wolfpuppy
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Oberon Lutine Ward
Security Gaurd for the Hazbin Hotel
Flip (1-4)
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18 / Half-Hellhound Half-Sin (Sloth) FTM / AroAce Adopted by Husk and Angel, big and little 5'6 Eyes - Dark Purple Fur - Grey [gradent almost white to almost black] Teeth - Canine Head-Canon Voice: Nightwing (jesse mccartney) [slightly raspy, tired, monotone]
Annons/Interactors List: Striker ☆
background under cut; TW abuse in many forms
My name is Oberon Lutine Ward. I am Trans-Masculine and 18. I am Half-Hellhound and Half-Sin (sloth), but I look like a normal hellhound (humanoid/anthropomorphic-wolf) I am AroAce and Panromantic. I speak English and Korean, as well as Hound (basically dog language). I am 5'6 (short, same height as Vaggie) but very well-built. I have scars from my left jaw to in-between my collar bones, a few thin ones along my back, my upper right hip to the inside of my knee, underneath my right eye, along the top of my spine/neck to bottom of my shoulder blades, and along the bottom of my right thumb along the inside of my arm to my shoulder. i usually wear tank tops or sports shirts over my chest binder under grey hoodies and camo pants, and combat boots. I suffer from chronic pain due to scars & abuse, a connective tissue disorder, paranoia, as well as chronic anxiety, and depression. In public I am quiet, kind, protective, stoic, aggressive, sarcastic, and grumpy. With my close friends I am sleepy, shy, kind, innocent, protective, jealous, nerdy, and sensitive. I know hand-to-hand combat and protect the hotel and it's residents as a security guard. The others know I was a slave for most of my life, and I am not great at socialization or emotions. I am friends with everyone at the hotel, as I have been living here for a while. Husk is my father figure, and he lets me call him Dad.
Because I am half-Hellhound I have increased Strength and Stamina. Being the child of the sin of sloth, I can make opponents hallucinate or fall asleep if I look directly into their eyes. I can also go into people's dreams when I am asleep and sometimes if I am awake. I have more powers I have not discovered. The downside is I am always somewhat tired, and the more I use my powers the more exhausted I get
My mother was a Hellhound and my biological father is the sin of Sloth, Belphegor. We never had anything to do with him though, when Belphegor found out mum was pregnant he kicked her out of the entire sloth ring. She made her way to the Wrath ring, which is where we lived until I was like 5 or 6, when she passed away. At that point I was taken by a slave trafficking ring. I was 'bought' and 'raised' by Stella and Stolas Aer Goecia. Stella was the worst, she's the one who gave me the scars (left jaw to in-between collar bones, a few thin ones along his back, upper right hip to inside of knee, underneath right eye, top on spine/neck to bottom of shoulder blades, bottom of right thumb along the inside of arm to shoulder). I was bought to be a bodyguard slash security guard for them, specifically their daughter (Octavia) who is a couple years younger than me. I still keeps in touch with Octavia, she had no choice in the matter, and she got pretty attached to me. I was trained in hand-to-hand combat, taught myself to fight with a Axe and a Hatchet, and eventually learned of my powers. I only got released from servitude because the Stolas and Stella are getting a divorce and Stolas never wanted to 'own' me like that.
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jesusagrario · 1 year
Teurgia Goecia y Espiritismo su diferencia #jesusagrario
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paganwords · 2 years
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debora-goth · 2 years
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samela26 · 3 years
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magiaparatodos · 4 years
Sobre o Projeto Magia Para Todos
O Projeto Cursos de Magia Para Todos leva conhecimento sobre a verdadeira magia a todos os buscadores da verdade através de Cursos de Magia e Atendimentos nas mais diversas áreas como: Quimbanda, Goetia, Hermetismo, Abramelin, Astrologia, Magia do Caos, Candomblé, Culto Tradicional Yorubá, Bruxaria e tudo o mais. Nossa missão é desvendar os mistérios da magia e trazer o conhecimento do oculto para o mundo.
Magia é conhecimento e o conhecimento da magia muda a vida. Mude a sua vida hoje mesmo com o poder da magia.
Participe de nossos cursos de quimbanda, nossos atendimentos com jogos de búzios, confira nosso Canal no Youtube e fique por dentro das novidades de nosso projeto.
O Projeto Magia Para Todos é mantido por Thiago Ventura, fundador e dirigente do Templo Tradição das Sombras.
Visite nosso site oficial: https://www.magiaparatodos.com.br
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baralhociganoemagia · 5 years
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Gente, eu realmente embaralho as cartas e pixo uma, mentalizando o conselho da semana e só depois vou fazer a arte da carta que saiu. E o curioso, é justamente que a lamina 35, é uma carta que também pede pra gente sussegar no ligar, né...rs Então, galerinha... Até o baralho cigano esta falando #FicaEmCasa e aproveita pra agendar sua consulta online 😊 Baralho Cigano & Magia O Universo conspirando a seu favor! +informações WhatsApp: (11) 97489-2070 #baralho_cigano_magia #baralhociganoemagia #baralhocigano #tarot #vidente #médiuns #simpatia #taro #40servidores #goetia #goecia #magiacigana #magiaangelica #santasara  #ciganosdooriente #ciganos #magia #servidores #demons #anjos #arcanjos #umbanda #candomblé #bruxa_thita #ciganosdourados #cartomante #astrologia  #signos https://www.instagram.com/p/B-EJp82nyzL/?igshid=12wor06k7cnfl
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verlagsystem · 6 years
ESPIRICOM - "Vino ardiente"
Premiere of "Vino ardiente", first single of Espiricom's (w/ pals of Schwarz,  Artificiero & Perro) upcoming LP for VerlagSystem. 
Booking: Artur of WombatBooking
+info: verlagsystem.com
Estreno de “Vino ardiente”, primer sencillo de Espiricom próximamente en Verlag System. 
Contratación: Artur de wombat booking.
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cuartoretorno · 3 years
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La doña Muerte - Halloween 2021
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astroyongie · 1 year
You believe possession by bad spirits and surnatural tho...but you said than you dont believe that..
I do believe in that, i never said i didn't. i said that it was a very ethical question and it brings confusion because obviously as someone who studies and works on psychology, many "possessions" aren't the work of the "devil" but only mental illnesses. Also this whole thing about "being posses by the devil" isn't true. The "devil" as we call them, named also Lucifer by his proper name, isn't a demon and therefore cannot possess someone. It's a lot of misinformation that was spread by the church during the inquisition.
But i do believe in good and bad energy, I do believe in spirits, ghosts, entities, angels, demons, deities, etc. I believe in all that and that they all have their part to do in order to create balance.
So yes, i believe people can become possessed, however it happens rarely and I am also not an expert in the matter (unfortunately, demonology was something I would have loved to study because I find it interesting and knowing about it is also a great way to know how to protect oneself, just as people who follow the Goecia religion/magic use it as a magic source).
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serp3nte-blog · 5 years
Goétia  𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐮𝐱-𝐅𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐕𝐈
|| Goétia || 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐮𝐱-𝐅𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐕𝐈, são resultados de minhas práticas de avocação - atrair algo para si - das irradiações (forças e poderes) dos 72 Espíritos Ancestrais em meus trabalhos de feitiçaria. As praticas dessas irradiações poderão serem aplicadas a rituais, feitiços e avocações.
Youssef bar Ish'băq (makush) Liber Lux-Ferous VI
Download via Dropbox: https://bit.ly/2tFY5pw
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jesusagrario · 1 year
Teurgia goecia y espiritismo su diferencia
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