songsparrowwitch · 7 years
Correspondences Masterpost
🌾 Plants, Herbs, Flowers, & Dirt 🌾 
The Herb Grimoire from the Magickal Cat - This website is free to use and lists a ton of herbs and flowers in alphabetical order with their correspondences. I’m pretty sure they have like every herb known to man on here; it is an incredibly amazing resource! 
A table of herbs from the White Goddess - This is another great and free resource for herb correspondences! The correspondences are shorter and simpler explained than the Magickal Cat, and it is in alphabetical order!
Spiritvexer’s post on sigil charging - This Tumblr post by @spiritvexer has correspondences of plants to coincide sigil charging!
House plants - This post by @witchesgrass has correspondences for house plants!
Graveyard dirt - This post by @death-witch-envy has correspondences for types of graveyard dirt!
College dirt - This tip by @wayward-eclectic has a correspondence for dirt from a college campus!
💎 Crystals, Metals, & Stones  💎
Crystal Correspondences from the Magickal Cat - This website also lists crystals in alphabetical order with their correspondences! The list is not very long, but common crystal correspondences can be found here.
Correspondences from the Crystal Wind - This website has a long list of crystals with their correspondences as well as stones and metals in the mix. It is in alphabetical order and very, very helpful!
A table of crystals from the White Goddess - This website also has an alphabetical list of crystals and their correspondences.
A list of metals from bitch-witch-aint-no-snitch - This Tumblr post from  bitch-witch-aint-no-snitch has correspondences from some metals!
🎀 Fibers 🎀
Polar-solstice’s post on fibers - This Tumblr post by @polar-solstice has correspondences on fibers!
💋 Make-up & Jewelry  💋
Witchthatiam’s post - This Tumblr post by @witchthatiam has correspondences on common make-up supplies!
Jewelry - This post by @snwitch has correspondences for jewelry and other accessories!
Lipstick - @outcast-witch posted a list of correspondences for lipsticks! 
🕯️ Candles 🕯️
Wrath-fire-ice’s post on scented candles - This Tumblr post by @wrath-fire-ice has correspondences on scented candles!
Candle magic - This post by @woodland-faeries has correspondences for candle colors!
Candles and their meanings - This post by @gemeauxtarot has correspondences for candle colors, candle figures, and what days correspond with what colors!
🐤 Animals & Bugs  🐤
Lavenderspells’ post on feathers - This Tumblr post by @lavenderspells has correspondences of bird feathers!
Spellcollector’s post on birds - This Tumblr post by @spellcollector has correspondences for many types of birds!
Mumblesandthings’ post on animals - This Tumblr post by @mumblesandthings is a great masterpost of animal correspondences! It’s sorted alphabetically in alphabetical categories, too.
Junebugs - This Tumblr post by @cannibalcoalition has correspondences for junebugs!
Bugs - This post from @themanicnami has correspondences for bugs and insects!
Shark teeth - This correspondence post for shark teeth was made by @orriculum
Bones and animal parts - This post by @ravenwhitewitch has correspondences for bones and animal parts!
🥞 Food & Drink 🥞
Wine correspondences - This Tumblr post by @theroleplayingpagan has correspondences on types of wine!
Food/ingredients correspondences from the kitchenwitchcorner - This website has pages of correspondences for ingredients that are in alphabetical order!
The pagancottage has a long list of food and ingredient correspondences - This is my go-to for food correspondences and places the food into categories!
🌳 Nature Correspondences 🌳
Wand wood correspondences - This Tumblr post has the correspondences from some types of wood!
Mud magick - This post by @silvercurses has correspondences for types of mud!
🎵 Pop Culture Correspondences 🎵
Eclecticwitcheryafoot’s post on Disney villains - This Tumblr post from @eclecticwitcheryafoot has correspondences for Disney villains!
Thebandgeek made a post for music keys! - This Tumblr post created by thebandgeek lists the correspondences of music keys!
Game chess pieces - This post from @polar-solstice has correspondences for chess pieces!
Craft supplies - This post from @lazywitchling has correspondences for craft/art supplies!
Fidget cube - This post by @warmandwitchy has correspondences for fidget cube devices!
Dance magick - This Tumblr post from @sigil-seer has correspondences for dance moves!
🕑 Time & Days 🕑
Days - This photo posted by @theoccultus shows the planet, archangel, metal, and color correspondences for the days of the week!
Best time for... - This @cosmic-witch post has correspondences for the days of the week!
Magick hours - This photo from @candles-crystals-cauldrons has correspondences for the hours of the day!
🌊 The Sea & Beach 🌊
Seashells - This post by @gwendolyngallow has correspondences for many seashells!
Sand - This post from @rainy-day-witchcraft has correspondences for different types of sands!
Water - This list of correspondences for different types of water was posted by @sstoness
💥 Misc Correspondences 💥
Unconventional Spell Components by sigil-seer - This post from @sigil-seer has correspondences for light bulbs, belts, paperclips, balloons, headphones, and nut shells!
Love spell ingredients - This post by @hoodooyousee lists correspondences for different types of love spell ingredients!
Items you already own - This masterpost from @tierrani has correspondences of many things that you probably already have!
Inexpensive items - This post from @cathysbookofshadows has some correspondences for cheap or free items!
Unconventional & Affordable Ingredients by themanicnami - This masterlist of correspondences for unconventional ingredients was posted by @themanicnami
Commonly discarded items - @insertcheesywitchypunhere and @darkbookworm13 posted correspondences for things that usually discarded!
Coins - This post by @sigil-seer has correspondences for coins!
Trash - This Tumblr post by @witchymashedpotatoes has correspondences for items that are usually discarded!
Jars&Bottles - This post by @whispering-spirits has correspondences for different types of jars and bottles!
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theoccultus · 9 years
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In Hindu yogic practices (particularly sankhya yoga), the five elements or Tattwas are viewed as modes of being, perception, and action. The word Tattwa is to be understood as "thatness," describing a state of flux or tendency rather than a substance.
Everything in the world is said to possess a predominant characteristic of one of the Tattwas. The characteristics of each Tattwa manifest in higher (less material) or lower (more material) modes.
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theoccultus · 9 years
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Share it with your followers. Help Illuminate their path!
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theoccultus · 9 years
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Share it with your followers. Help Illuminate their path!
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theoccultus · 9 years
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theoccultus · 9 years
We're back!
I apologize for the long absence. Thanks for all the messages and support.
- The Occultus
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theoccultus · 9 years
Incantation To Increase Wealth - A magic spell to increase fortunes
Since you guys liked the other Spell I shared, I thought I would share another one. This time to help increase any kinds of fortunes:
At the time of the setting of the Sun, dig a small shallow hole in the fresh earth. The hole should be about the size of your fist. Into the hole, place the following items, in this exact order:
One fresh oak leaf from any type oak tree
Three new coins
One strand of your hair
A pinch of salt
Repeat the following incantation, while visualizing a Golden Tree growing from the items:
Open earth, source of growth, foundation of the world Into thee I cast mine fate, I cast mine hope Forget me not at growing time Forget me not when the sun shines upon thee And with its fiery power warms thy ancient bones Causes that which lies in wait Waits within your fertile womb To spring forth and sing thy praise For I sing thy praise this day I sing thy praise and plead thee cast thy favor upon me That in thy abundance I might share So that mine stores shall swell The fruit of our labors overflow That I shall be chosen to receive.
Fill the hole with the same dirt which had been removed.
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theoccultus · 9 years
Spell To Protect a Sleeping Mind - A magic spell for protecting dreams
Sleep is the time of dreams and visits. The following incantation repeated aloud at one's bedtime will aid in the discouraging of unwanted visitors in the dreaming mind.
Before retiring for the night, repeat the following incantation aloud:
Spirits of the night, I beseech thee, Find favor with mine call and plea: Draw close and circle round Mine mind I clear and lend to sleep That sleep will use to rest the weary world Let not the world and those unfavorable things within it Visit upon mine mind unheralded Uninvited visitors be sent away Turned back Turned back to the dark depths Turned back to the sender whose name is never spoken That thus he may gain strength Gain strength and threaten those unable Unable or unknowing Unknowing or innocent Innocents in the world Sleeping as I sleep Spirits of the night, I beseech thee, Find favor with mine call and plea Find favor and protect mine mind Find favor and protect the innocents.
This is best repeated nightly so as to protect one's mind and allow peaceful sleep and promote quiet dreams.
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theoccultus · 9 years
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Very useful table. Keep it.
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theoccultus · 9 years
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Malphas - ruler of forty legions of Demons. A Great Prince of Hell, with great construction skills.
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theoccultus · 9 years
The Fear of the Lord is the True Wisdom, and he who hath it not can in no way penetrate the True Secrets of Magic(k), and he but buildeth upon a foundation of sand, and his building can in no way last.
Abramelin, The Mage
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theoccultus · 10 years
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"Do not be afraid of your difficulties. Do not wish you could be in other circumstances than you are. For when you have made the best of an adversity, it becomes the stepping stone to a splendid opportunity.” - Madame Blavatsky Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was a fascinating woman, with a brilliant mind. If you don't know her writings, be sure to check them out!
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theoccultus · 10 years
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The Flame Meditation! Let me know your experiences with these meditations if you try them! the occultus
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theoccultus · 10 years
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Some people have been asking about some practical stuff, so I'm gonna share some meditations that will help you to explore each of the 4 elements in turn, starting with AIR. These meditations should be repeated over a period of time in order to cultivate a depth of knowledge and understanding through experience. For each in turn prepare yourself as you would ordinarily do for meditation, making sure to have prepared the items you will require.
What do you think? Any suggestions?
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theoccultus · 10 years
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Also, keep in mind that you can draw a fancy magic circle from an old grimoire with all of it's beautiful inscriptions but it won't do it's job if you don't know the real meaning of what you're drawing/writing. If you are not sure about it, using a simpler version of the magic circle will be more effective!
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theoccultus · 10 years
The Occultus just reached 300 followers! Thank you all for following! If you have any suggestions for me or if you want me to talk about any specific subject here, just let me know! I always read all your messages and answer them all!
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