thenerdist-rph · 4 years
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Now Announcing the addition of MANIPS to my available requests! 
Send me an ask today to request a Manip of your two favorite people. Please provide any specifics you may want for the picture, including location/attire. 
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thenerdist-rph · 4 years
hello there, may we please have a shoutout? We are a period drama RP based in the early 1740s. Find your fit as a ruler of the old world, holding an iron fist to keep control of your lands, or as a Governor of the new world, torn to find your allegiance between your mother land and the land which provides for you. WoNhq is a period rp that is looking for dedicated writers. we’re aim to provide a safe and relaxing atmosphere for our members to explore and develop their muses. thank you!
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Check them out everyone! What a fun concept!
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thenerdist-rph · 4 years
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Things I Do For You
- Crackships (please specify if you want specific scenarios or emotions)
-Face Claim Help
-RPG Reviews
-Theme Help
-Relations FCs
-Bio Help
-Writing Help
-HTML help
-anything else you want, just ask!
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thenerdist-rph · 9 years
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I highly recommend checking out Still Flying!
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thenerdist-rph · 9 years
Hey there! We're an up and coming new bio RP based on the sci-fi world established in Firefly and Serenity. Currently, we are hoping to add on some new Admins to help us with bios, graphics, and promotions in order to get this RP up and running on time. If anyone is interested just shoot me a message! If you could give us a shoutout to your followers, it would be greatly appreciated! Looking forward to meeting all the fellow Browncoats out there!
AHH! I love the Firefly universe with all my nerdy heart! Guys you gotta check them out! So cool!
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thenerdist-rph · 9 years
Hi lovely! This is a brand new plotless RP set in the exciting city of NYC! We would love some apps (we have 5 at the moment and the tags seem to hate us right now) It's a multi-muse RP! which means you can have 2-3 characters in the same blog! You can be whoever you want to be! A barista, a singer, a clown, a model, a doctor, a writer, a cashier, ANYONE! Just send in an app! :) Thank you in advance for the shoutout!
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I have such a soft-spot for NYC. It’s truly the greatest city on earth. Check ‘em out guys. 
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thenerdist-rph · 9 years
Hey there! Could we possibly get a shoutout? We're a brand new Game of Thrones roleplay group set in a Westeros where the Targaryens never existed and we're looking for members! Thank you so much!
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WINTER IS COMING! Check them out guys! 
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thenerdist-rph · 9 years
Hi, we are a new supernatural town roleplay and we were wondering if you could give us a full review, please. We don’t have a specific date that it needs to be done by and we are very interested in hearing your opinions. Thank you for your time. –Mount Prospect Staff
Sure thing guys! I’ll add it to the list.
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thenerdist-rph · 9 years
Can you do an Andy Biersack and Kristen Stewart crackship?
You got it dude! I’ll add it to the list. 
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thenerdist-rph · 9 years
Hey! Could this group have a shoutout please? This is a brand new Marvel/DC roleplay set in an academy where they shape the best heroes to soon walk the earth-- but unknowingly have future villains inside their walls too. In a place filled with wicked minds and good intentions, where do you lie? \\ Semi-appless and looking for applicants. Thank you!
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Marvel AND DC? Wowza! That’s double the superhero heroics, and double the supervillian scheming. Check the out guys! 
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thenerdist-rph · 9 years
Hey guys, just wanted to apologize for my lack of activity this past week. I’ve been having some health issues and I’ve just been super drained. I have to go in for surgery this Friday, but in the mean time I will be distracting myself by helping all of you out! 
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thenerdist-rph · 9 years
Hello! We're a new, skeleton bio crime roleplay that is just about to finish posting all of its skeletons. We were wondering if we could please trouble you for a full review? Thank you in advance!
Sure thing! I’ll add it to the list. 
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thenerdist-rph · 9 years
Hi there! Can you pretty please give us a Shoutout. We’re a brand new Appless RPG based on the mtv reality show Ex On The Beach: “Sexy singles are invited to a beach where they hope to find love. But there’s a twist as their exes turn up. Some want revenge and some want to rekindle.Whose ex is next?” Thanks so much!
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Check ‘em out nerds! 
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thenerdist-rph · 9 years
Hello! Could you give us a shoutout? We are a brand spanking new future Grey's Anatomy role play group with all the characters open! Thank you very much!
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Check out what the future of Seattle Grace looks like guys! 
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thenerdist-rph · 9 years
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Full Review for Pleasant Town
Please like or reblog this once you have seen it. Feel free to message me with any questions, comments or concerns you may have.
Simple, to the point. No comments or complaints. 
Your theme is very nice. It’s clean and basic, which I think is super important for a RP main page. All the necessary links and information are easy to locate, I like that there is a variety of information on the sidebar, not just the basic plot. I think this theme is perfect. 
I love when people properly use a great grey-scale color theme for their blog. I love how you use various shades of grey to off-set the drastic contrast between black and white. And it all ties in perfectly to your top main graphic, it’s really something special. Usually I like a pop of color to stand out against a sea of grey and black and white, but given the nature of your rp, I think it’s great just the way it is. 
I usually like the navigation page for a RP main to be a separate page, but this works just fine I suppose. There is no link for the FAQ bullet-point, which either means you forgot to link it in or that you dont have an FAQ page yet. If it’s the ladder, I would just suggest to take it off the page until you have a FAQ page up and running. I would maybe add an Admin Page, just so potential applicants have the opportunity to get to know the masterminds behind the RP.
Your plot is good, it sums up the events prior to the RP nicely as well as the world that exists within the RP at present time. I would suggest utilizing links in your plot though, like linking to your page about Androids when you mention them, and link to your page about Zombies. Otherwise, very nice. 
As previously mentioned, I do love the look of your top main graphic. My only issue with any of your graphics is that they are mostly just modified photos from various movies and TV shows, which I think should usually be reserved for RPs that are about a specific TV show or Movie. And I know you took inspiration from a lot of the movies and shows that you used pictures from, but not from all of them, like Ex Machina. The pixilation on your sidebar graphic is a little odd, but it’s not bad. Your character graphics are beautiful, and I like that they stick with the color theme wonderfully.
There is no admin page, or at least not an easily identifiable admin page, so there is nothing to comment on. 
This looks like a very well written RP with a lot of attention payed to the smaller details of world building. There are a few small things that I think could help improve your page, as listed above. But overall, this RP looks fantastic. 
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thenerdist-rph · 9 years
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Please like/reblog if you use these gifs. Posts that I see several likes/reblogs will receive updates.
I do not claim ownership of these gifs. Credit goes to the makers.
Visit the GIF HUNTERRESS for more gif hunts. I do take requests.
Visit the GIF HUNTERRESS SHOW INDEX for grouped gif hunts.
Keep reading
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thenerdist-rph · 9 years
hello! could we get a shoutout please? encountersrp is a fifteen member roleplay that is centered around creating intriguing relationships between very different characters, all while developing them through the mysteries in cannon beach, oregon. each character possesses a specific role in the group dynamic, and will execute that role through exciting events, fun tasks, paras, and gif chats! thank you!
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Check them out guys! Looks like an intriguing RP! 
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