@thecrystalizeddemongirl liked for a starter
His ship had landed…more like crashed on Earth, and now many of the engineers were blasted for a job poorly done. How they had run out of fuel was beyond him, the elite forces couldn’t make such sorry and embarrassing mistakes, it was a disgrace indeed.
He was in such a sour mood, the icejin left his crew in charge as he walked outside into the foreign place. The planet was quite small, but rich in life and natural resources, still they were far away from their landing spot.
Frieza walked absentmindedly until he was standing in front of a building, red eyes moved to the side to find someone staring back at him. ‘She must be an earthling’ he thought a smile graced his face, but she didn’t run away…interesting.
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“Good evening” he said politely, tail swaying sideways. “Would you mind telling me what is this place called?” He was almost sure earthling didn’t know who he was, but they would shortly.
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sansahelps · 9 years
hello! could we get a shoutout please? encountersrp is a fifteen member roleplay that is centered around creating intriguing relationships between very different characters, all while developing them through the mysteries in cannon beach, oregon. each character possesses a specific role in the group dynamic, and will execute that role through exciting events, fun tasks, paras, and gif chats! thank you!
I’m sorry, I don’t know how long this has been in my inbox! I see you’re still active though which is great, and this honestly looks like such a super interesting roleplay! Check them out!
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rplifestyle-blog · 9 years
hey there! we're a new fifteen member mystery roleplay set in Cannon Beach, Oregon and we were hoping we could get your opinion. thank you so much!
Absolutely! There's something about the color scheme that doesn't do it for me. I think it's how part of it is weirdly outlined, like where your posts are, and the rest of that little blue box containing all of your page information is bare. Nothing you can do about that I suppose because it came with the theme. And the font color of the links blend in a little bit with the background of the links. I can read it but not without a little bit of effort. I do dig the sidebar image and the font and editing you guys have going on! Even your navigation graphic is beautiful! I wish you guys did the link color on the navigation page as the link color on your whole page because the white against the dark blue is easy on the eyes. You made the navigation easy to, well, navigate! And I think the folklore page is such a cute idea and will probably be super cool once you guys get in the swing of things! I would work on the theme and keep promoting your butts off! Best of luck Holly, Chels, and Madison!
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clairetalks-blog · 9 years
hello! could we get a shoutout please? encountersrp is a fifteen member roleplay that is centered around creating intriguing relationships between very different characters, all while developing them through the mysteries in cannon beach, oregon. each character possesses a specific role in the group dynamic, and will execute that role through exciting events, fun tasks, paras, and gif chats! thank you!
Of course you can! Check them out!!
0 notes
hello! could we get a shoutout please? encountersrp is a fifteen member roleplay that is centered around creating intriguing relationships between very different characters, all while developing them through the mysteries in cannon beach, oregon. each character possesses a specific role in the group dynamic, and will execute that role through exciting events, fun tasks, paras, and gif chats! thank you!
Check out this super interesting sounding RP. and Hurry they only have 15 spots.
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danielsphantom · 9 years
hey allie! we're a new fifteen member mystery roleplay set in Cannon Beach, Oregon and we were hoping we could get an opinion. thank you so much!
I love your sidebar graphic! I don’t know, I just had to say that first. I like the theme too, it’s very organized. The plot is really great; really engaging and calls for lots of opportunities to plot and develop characters! Are you going to have someone (yourself or a member) run the SEPH blog? I think that’d be pretty rad. I’m never too crazy about banned FC’s, but I could see why you wouldn’t want the FC’s you banned in your roleplay, so to each their own. All together it looks really good! Go give them some love, they’d like to open soon.
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janelofrps-blog · 9 years
hello! could we get a shoutout please? encountersrp is a fifteen member roleplay that is centered around creating intriguing relationships between very different characters, all while developing them through the mysteries in cannon beach, oregon. each character possesses a specific role in the group dynamic, and will execute that role through exciting events, fun tasks, paras, and gif chats! thank you!
Sounds fun! Check them out!
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milestcllers · 9 years
hey hallie! we're a new fifteen member mystery roleplay set in Cannon Beach, Oregon and we were hoping we could get an opinion. thank you so much!
Sure! I like the icon a lot, just saying. But I’m a bit thrown off by the fact that you’re using an odd number for the amount of characters… but anyways, let’s see! I’m liking the theme and sidebar graphic. It’s really simple but it works really well. Whenever I think of Oregon, I think of the colors being used? Is that weird? Maybe. It’s a town rp but with a twist, I dig it! The whole paranormal thing, I like it! Okay, I’ve always been iffy about banned faceclaims, so I’m not very fond on that. The only one I can agree on is faceclaims under the age of eighteen especially if people will be writing smut and what not. Going onto the characters, I really love the character graphics and how they all have suggested fcs! The rules/app page looks pretty solid, not complaints there. Everything else looks pretty awesome and I think I’m gonna have to rec this because it’s an interesting plot and looks like y’all put a lot of effort into this! I wish you guys the best of luck.
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loganofrph · 9 years
hello! could we get a shoutout please? encountersrp is a fifteen member roleplay that is centered around creating intriguing relationships between very different characters, all while developing them through the mysteries in cannon beach, oregon. each character possesses a specific role in the group dynamic, and will execute that role through exciting events, fun tasks, paras, and gif chats! thank you!
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hello! could we get a shoutout please? encountersrp is a fifteen member roleplay that is centered around creating intriguing relationships between very different characters, all while developing them through the mysteries in cannon beach, oregon. each character possesses a specific role in the group dynamic, and will execute that role through exciting events, fun tasks, paras, and gif chats! thank you!
Love the concept, go check it out!
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scarletofrps · 9 years
hello! could we get a shoutout please? encountersrp is a fifteen member roleplay that is centered around creating intriguing relationships between very different characters, all while developing them through the mysteries in cannon beach, oregon. each character possesses a specific role in the group dynamic, and will execute that role through exciting events, fun tasks, paras, and gif chats! thank you!
This rp seems quite exciting, go check them out !!
0 notes
hello! could we get a shoutout please? encountersrp is a fifteen member roleplay that is centered around creating intriguing relationships between very different characters, all while developing them through the mysteries in cannon beach, oregon. each character possesses a specific role in the group dynamic, and will execute that role through exciting events, fun tasks, paras, and gif chats! thank you!
shoutout !!
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gomezisabellas · 9 years
hey Diana, we're a new fifteen member mystery roleplay set in Cannon Beach, Oregon and we were hoping we could get your opinion. thank you so much!
Sure, it’s under the cut!
I like the url, it’s interesting and intriguing - and it’s also simple and short. The icon doesn’t give me much of an idea about it but I still like the simplistic elegance of it The color scheme of your theme is really nice, it totally goes along with the mysterious feel. The plot is one like I haven’t seen! I like how it’s a mix of mystery and supernatural spirits and ghosts. The character graphics are really cute and the biographies are well written. Everything about this RP seems well thoughout and well put together. The only thing I would change is adding a rule about ,ultiple characters. Overall, I would REC this RP. 
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