themultiversebundle · 5 hours
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After this month I may add some muses.
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"...Are you sure you'll be alright watching her?" He was really unsure about this idea, but he didn't have his usual babysitter for Molly available and he really needed this job for rent money.
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Out of nowhere a certain demon-hog shows up, casually pets and rubs the head of Ely and Molly, before leaving just as quickly. Complete with cocky smirk in the process.
Ely would instantly jump back, eyes widen before settling into his normal glare.
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"Keep your hands to yourself!" He shouts as he grabs his sister.
Molly gives a smile before reaching towards Ely's head. "Can I pet you too?"
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...sigh. "I guess."
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"Are you okay?"
"I'm not sure 'okay' is the sort of thing that happens for people like me."
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RP BLOG CONTENT GUIDELINES Bold all that apply to you and your blog. Italics if you’re on the fence about something.
MY BLOG IS _______
open to all
moderately selective
highly selective
only going to rp with mutuals
mostly going to rp with mutuals
affiliated with a group
spoiler free
spoilers tagged
spoilers mostly tagged
not spoiler free
any fandom
most fandoms
only fandoms I know
only people in my fandom
ocs with no fandom ties
ocs who are related to/know my character in their backstory
only one version of any particular character
people who have the same muse as me
people who do not have a rules page
multimuse blogs
people in rp groups
indie rpers
no one
anyone (SPECIFICALLY for Copy)
select ship
others of my own muse
crossovers with characters from different fandoms
only one version of a particular character
one person in my main certain verses
one main/canon ship within my main verse
gore (rarely)
torture (This applies to Kurai only really)
dark humor
only some people
most people
only people in my fandom
every rp blog
people i actively wish to rp with
people who do not post a lot of ooc
people whose posts i am comfortable with on my dashboard
follow back
answer an open
message me ooc
message me ic
make a starter
answer my starter
send in a meme
like a starter call
i practice reblog karma with memes
i expect reblog karma with memes
i expect my rules/about to be read
i always read the rules/about before following/interacting
if you follow me, i would like nsfw tagged
i expect all smut to be beneath a read-more (or have a mature rating )
i am a multiverse blog
i am multi-muse
i do not wish for my ooc posts to be reblogged
i do not wish for my threads to be reblogged by those not involved
i expect post length to be matched
i expect icons/gifs to be used in a reply if i have used them
i don’t expect post length to be matched, but I will try to match yours
i am patient when waiting for replies and expect the same courtesy
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Ely was able to catch the indicator of the other station's destruction. Gave the hedgehog a smile of amusement for a quick moment before it disappeared. Quickly he made his way out of the security room yet again, hiding as best as he could. He honestly should've considered that they would go to protect the last one. It wouldn't be just the normal security bots he had been dealing with.
Which could mean they were about to lose the fact Ely was hidden. If there was too many bots in the way, he wasn't going to be able to get inside easily. Even with his dart gun wouldn't be able to take out as many of them before they caught on where he was shooting from.
His only hope was Dan meeting up with him there. Hopefully the demonhog had seen where it was and would head that way. For now Ely moved as fast as he could towards that direction before he settled down in the closest hiding spot near the entrance. Yep, there was definitely more bots here.
Following the advice he'd been given, Dan would continue on his way down along the straight corridor, intending on reaching the next security station. His good arm might have been a hindrance with the injury sustained causing him to show more caution as he went but they were still just regular old swat bots and the like, hardly anything he needed to do much about.
Even if Ely wasn't moving as quickly as he wished he could, it ironically aided with the demon-hog's own pacing!
Once he'd made short work of the next station on his part, he'd see another damaged indicator nearby hinting that Dan must have reached his own target, meaning there was now one more station left to lower the vault's mainline defence. As per usual though the doctor's seemingly endless number of machines weren't going to make it too easy however!
'Target appears to be disabling the security sections, Units 3 through 4, You are to take up defensive positions at the appropriate locations. Do NOT let them progress any further!'
Seems like they were going to make a concentrated effort at the last station, shame those announcements never revealed specifically what other than just more bots presumably.
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"You sound like my sisters." Ganondorf huffed. Of course one got better with practice, but it frustrated him that it seemed no matter how much he practiced, he wasn't able to do what he wanted. Honestly he could feel the anger building up from that fact until the Hylian directed his attention with a different question.
The Gerudo was still, only his gaze following the stupid tumbleweed as it bounced away. "I am much better with a sword." He admitted. He recalled how many times earlier he wished he had brought them with him. He would feel safer knowing he could defend himself, but he supposed he could curse his past self for not thinking of this possibility. At least he had magic he could rely on. Something he wasn't willing to reveal unless needed.
"...People will look up to me." The real motivator for his practice. "I do not want them to think of me badly." His sisters made fun of him enough already, although he knew it was out of love and care. But he knew the possibility of others thinking how terrible he is at it and think lowly of him. He didn't want any doubt of his leadership.
Even if he was already doubting his ability for it.
He found the urge to laugh started to bubble up in the back of his throat. Not because the younger male was doing anything really funny, but simply because there was something rather endearing about his clear effort to try to improve. And he was getting better, even if it was just a little. His first few shots had missed entirely, either going wildly off course or hitting where the tumbleweed had been ages after it had already moved. Now he was getting closer, showing that he at least understood the advice given to him, even if he was struggling to put it into practice.
The contest he had proposed felt like it had fallen to the wayside. He didn't mind, really, since it had just been an excuse to try to gauge what type of person the Gerudo prince was. This little exercise served the same goal and honestly would be even better. People showed their true selves in certain moments. Victory was one, as well as defeat, but also in moments of intense frustration.
"You're getting better. Take some time to just watch how they move. You'll get better at picking up on it faster with time and you'll find yourself able to predict it without thinking."
They were shifting into a more relaxed air between the two of them. Link glanced at Ganondorf. It was fairly clear from how he was moving that he was uncomfortable with the bow in his hands. Why was he out here practicing...?
"Is it required for all Gerudo to be good archers?" No judgment in his tone, just pure curiosity. "Just seems a bit strange you're out here struggling when you really shouldn't need to be. I thought they were pretty well known for usin' swords and spears too."
Likely as Prince he was required to try to uphold all of them. Which was... in his opinion a bit shortsighted, but it wasn't his decision to make.
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I realized I never shared this amazing art I received during ArtFight this year!! A perfect picture showing my Link's view on his Ganondorf.
This art was made by @senoleaf! Thank you again for making this wonderful art of the two.
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They were a lot alike, the teenager soon decided. Molly was like Gibbous, she softened Ely quite a bit and made it easier for others to deal with him. Although he had very much decided not to be so rude this time.
It was definitely because of Gibbous. She was cute, even as he watched her chase ball. "Your laptop is still there too." Ely stated as he turned his attention to Light.
Molly watched Gibbous for a moment before tugging onto her brother. "Let's play ball!" She said as she started to pull on him. "Can she play catch? Or maybe hot potato!" The cub was already starting to name various games they could play, which had Ely give a smile.
"Slow down there. Let's just start with fetch at the moment."
If the girl was this easy to impress, Light could only wonder how she would react to see the arms in full and not just his hand due to the denim jacket he always wore. He still manage to stifle the snort listening to their back and forth. This must be what it was like to have a sibling.
A quick translation was given to Gibbous of what was being said when she looked up at him. The toddler knew she was being addressed but still struggled with far more words than she understood. After dropping the ball at her paws, she looked up with a smile.
“Good. Ee-lie play ball!” She tapped her paws on either side of the toy in question and looked back up to Molly. “Mall-ee play ball?”
“Your brother was fine. I myself am known to have a ‘prickly’ personality as some of our friends would say. Luckily Gibbous is able to get past even the hardest exteriors.” Who could say no to the toddler’s smile. Light certainly couldn’t as she pawed at his pants leg until he took the ball and gave it a gentle toss into nearby grass.
“But it is nice to meet you Molly. If you want to continue to play with Gibbous, please feel free. I need to finish restringing my guitar on the bench over there.”
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Decided to make a "low activity" muses page. These are for muses that have yet to gain some real attention or I feel the drive low for. This isn't including the Megaman peeps as a whole at the moment since none of them are getting attention pfff.
It's like I don't want to get rid of the muses but I didn't want them kind of.... hanging around idk. This is my compromise to myself.
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Copy made a motion to zip their mouth. They understood that the knowledge of other worlds was a big thing and not something most people in the multiverse was aware of. Not to mention Copy had already gotten to know a ton of the students, whether through direct interaction or her multiple ways of gathering information, and some of them would be reckless enough to throw themselves into another world.
That was a bit too dangerous for a bunch of kids.
She turned towards Kurai for a moment. "They don't know about multiple worlds here." They started to explain. "These two and a few others do, but others don't. So we can't talk about it unless it's just the two of us, okay?"
Kurai gave a frown at that before nodding. It sucked, but to him he understood. It would probably make others' brains exploded. He knew he had a hard time when it was first introduced to him. That was on top of all the other nonsense he was dealing with at the time. Although he supposed it wouldn't matter, he didn't really have a reason to talk to anyone else even if he did speak their language. They were all strangers...
"Are there robots here?" It caused the hedgehog's gaze to quickly glance around. So far he had seen organics, but one never knew.
"Not like me. Not like him." Copy reassured before directing their attention towards the two humans again. "I can supply any information I know." They of course have already supplied some of it. "And I have some ideas to help at least open a temporary one. My old... uh, my father made some portals and such before."
"There's got to be a reason it keeps opening up there...."
"Do we have to walk the whole way there?" Grumbled the impatient hedgehog. "Can't we go faster?"
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"I meant if any of the students ask. I know that that is part of the truth, but it's not the entire truth- which is something that cannot be told to the students." He wished it could be. "Just try to leave out any information regarding other worlds, if the kids ask..." He figured Cody would be able to do as such, and given no one would be able to understand Kurai (while it was tragic...),...that meant one less to worry about in terms of spilling the beans.
Though he did wish the blue-quilled one had a way to communicate. Maybe he could discuss it with the support tech group... Though it would undoubtedly take time. Even at the risk of a leak, only having one person to talk to...couldn't be the best.
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"We got the school stuff, y'don't have t'worry about that." They nodded. "...and,....you can help with the Doors. At least we have the 'foreign exchange student' business we can fall back on." It would make it easier to explain Cody's disappearance that way. The two adults were also beginning to walk- just a little ahead of the two, though Yagi's eyes kept trailing to the earlier destruction. "...all we know about the Doors is that they open to other worlds,...and the most tend to pop up around Kamino Ward..."
They tried to give a small, friendly wave to Kurai.
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Kurai would stick his head out of a driving car.
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I made some gijinkas of some Zelda bosses(a link to the past) that I'm tempted to put on here but who tf would be interested in interacting with them?
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*offers my SSB Copy Robot to my multifandom followers*
May I offer a robot to come visit your lands?
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themultiversebundle · 11 days
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𓆩♡𓆪 Fan Kids of Sonic cast 𓆩♡𓆪 Independent Roleplaying/Ask Blog 𓆩♡𓆪 Crossover/Multimuse friendly 𓆩♡𓆪 Open to Questions and shenanigans 𓆩♡𓆪 Follows @mergedau
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themultiversebundle · 12 days
There was a look of surprise on his face at her question. How did she know that? He had done very well to wear such plain clothes and look like any other Hylian. Or Sheikah. It didn't matter to him which he looked like. The point is he didn't look like the normal royal prince. So how did she know?
His eyes narrowed for a moment. "Are you a mind reader?" He asked. "Are you a Sheikah?" He heard they could read minds. Not that his nanny ever confirmed that fact.
He wished he could read minds. The child sure was staring her down as if he was trying to before his face relaxed. Either way, this lady could do magic, that much he was sure of. "I'm having an adventure." Sheik finally answered. "My family is busy with important things so I'm having one by myself."
A simple priestess' garb was all she was wearing. It was a thin, white dress with the mark of the Goddess at the collar. Once upon a time her threads were much finer, but as time wore on, she found in necessary to draw less attention to herself.
Still, at least she wouldn't stand out too much.
"No. I am fine." Indeed, it looked like the rain was not falling on her at all. She appeared completely dry even though the droplets began falling down, heavier now."
He was a child of the Royal Family, she could sense bits of her magic in him.
"You have the blood of the Goddess, running through you. Why is such a prestigious guest out here? It's dangerous."
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themultiversebundle · 12 days
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"It's true though!" Copy said with a smile. "He is a friend I'll be looking after." Unfortunately Copy knew there was going to be a bit of work ahead. Kurai wasn't used to being inside buildings, since he rarely went into the Smash Mansion unless it was called for. Copy also knew it was very possible for the hedgehog to get stir crazy. A dorm room was different from an entire forest.
"What are they talking about?" Kurai huffed. He hated that he was out of the loop here.
"Preparations for your stay." Copy answered as they started to lead the hedgehog. Kurai had one hand attached to Copy's own, while the other kept the jacket over his head as best as he could. "He'll be better once we get inside." Copy answered Fin.
"I can keep care of everything for him if you keep care of anything on the school side of things." Copy said. "And I guess if it's okay... can I help with the.... uh... doors?" Hopefully that sounded general enough no one would understand what she meant. "I want to find a way back for Kurai."
For the two, they were out of the loop for most of the conversation- but that left them a hint of time to mentally sort out how they'd go about this. The other- Kurai- would undoubtedly be bunking with Cody, since the kid knew him best..
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"Then all we really need to do is let Nezu know...it'll be easier that way, anyway- since we won't have to worry about forging a backstory or anything..." Though hearing the kid was traumatized tugged at the blond's heartstrings. So, treat very carefully... "At most, if need be, you can say he's a friend you're looking after...Nezu will need to know the truth, obviously, but aside from that..." He shrugged.
This would probably impact Cody's studies as well, but given the kid seemed to be a quick study- and she seemed to have already agreed to keeping Kurai in his room,...well. Yagi figured it would be fine.
Even if it wasn't, these were two kids(?) from another world. It had to be...they had no one but each other, after all.
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"For now, we should probably get a move on before the Hero Yagi called shows up...even if they're not after Kurai anymore, Kurai did cause damage to a few city blocks..." They half-wondered if their team would be asked to repair some of the streets...it hadn't been anything too bad- a few hours' work at most. "Is Kurai gonna be alright if we head to th' dorms?"
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