"All for Love"
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themjquotes · 4 years ago
- On June 13th, 2005, Michael Jackson found not guilty on all 14 counts after the jury deliberated for 32 hours over seven days. The Jurors found the case against Michael to be weak and the timeline of the accusations a problematic trainwreck. In a news report after the trial, a Juror broke their silence and told reporters "We expected better evidence, something that was a little more convincing. It just wasn't there.'' A second Juror would later break his silence after reports circulated that Michael's fame was the one thing that "saved" him. "We looked at all the evidence and we looked at Michael Jackson and one of the first things we decided was we had to look at him just as another person and not a celebrity."
Today marks 16 years of Victory Day. 16 years later and rumors and lies continue to spread about Michael. 16 years later and several cases against Michael have been thrown out of court. One of which was recently laughed at and dismissed by the L.A. County Superior Court. Of course, I could talk about a documentary that recently came out and a certain thing that supposedly happened at Neverland's train station, but I think we can all agree that it's hard to talk about something and its events when the place in question wasn't even constructed yet.
In 2009 the FBI released the reports of their investigation that Michael's legal team were partly unaware of as they had no idea how far the FBI went to tab Michael's phones, his homes, and his cars. How long did they do this investigation you ask? For over 10 years. The summary of those reports given to the public states nothing was ever found. No wrongdoing and no inappropriate actions towards any child. In fact, one word seems to keep occurring in those investigations.
What I'm trying to say is. .
Please don't idly sit back, please do your research and download those FBI reports. Read the transcripts of the 1993 accusations and watch the archives of the 2005 trial. Stop believing everything you see posted on social media and stop listening to the press.
Research the actual facts and only then you can truly decide what you want to believe.
Thank you.
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themjquotes · 4 years ago
Listen to Michael Jackson who's very much in the grove during the recording seasson of 'State Of Shock'.
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themjquotes · 4 years ago
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I was informed by a fan on Twitter that Michael Jackson’s HIStory album doesn’t exist on cassette. So to those who follow me, I apologize for the blankness of these photos! I guess I thought my wall looked good.
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themjquotes · 4 years ago
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I'm sure you guys all know of that stupid rumor that followed Michael during his mature era of how he had to wear a "prosthetic nose"? I personally never believed that rumor not even when I first heard it around 2001/2. The one thing that truly made me understand how false that rumor is was during Michael's 45th birthday in 2003. If you watch the footage of the food fight, which by the way, you need to if you haven't because a drunk MJ will bring you SO much life. You'll notice Michael teases a food fight with the cake which he's then edged on to do, so he throws a large piece of the cake right into Aaron Carter's face and Michael tells him to do the same in return. Now credit to Aaron Carter as he does so but he REALLY throws the cake into Michael's face and I mean hard. Directly to MJ's nose with nothing falling/moving like you'd expect a prosthetic one to do when hit with such a force. The funny thing is nowadays you can just read the autopsy report to find that MJ's nose was his own nose. Case closed, but I remember seeing that back in the day and shouting SEE?!
I guess when the world kept seeing Michael with plasters and bandages on his nose they kept thinking he was having work done when in reality even years down the line after a nose job you have to be careful of swelling and flare-ups and seeing as Michael was constantly dancing and moving about it's only right for him to take those precautions.
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themjquotes · 4 years ago
Because who doesn’t want to hear a Michael Jackson groving out to his own song while still actually recording it?!
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themjquotes · 6 years ago
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Ten years since Michael died. Ten. You’re telling me the Estate hasn’t scanned a few 16mm and 35mm film reels in that time to preserve their archives? Bullshit. They’ve already done Thriller and parts of Blood On The Dance Floor. They’ve clearly done more.
Stop. Holding. Back.
Elvis gets a new Blu-ray release every dam week. Michael Jackson should get the same treatment.
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themjquotes · 7 years ago
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I can't stress how annoying it is the "MJBeats" screenshot my personal filmed memorabilia and take them for their own. They don't credit or ask. They've taken a lot of fan's personal memorabilia photo's and use them as their own and I have messaged them countless times and asked them not to use my photos/videos. However, I get no reply. Stop it. It's not right to use without permission. Respect people's time and effort. It's their collection; Not yours.
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themjquotes · 7 years ago
While the Blood On The Dance Floor 2017 project may have been a huge bomb for most fans along with the sounds of Sony extending their contracts with the Estate, at least we have the multitrack for amazing sex sounds.  
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themjquotes · 8 years ago
Michael Jackson didn't have Vitiligo and bleached his skin?
Let’s consult the autopsy…
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Let’s scroll down…
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Well, This Is Awkward. 
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themjquotes · 8 years ago
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Fred Astaire, The Man Who Inspired A Smooth Criminal. 
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themjquotes · 8 years ago
Why don't you post anything anymore???
Because of real life issues. 
But mainly because I rage quit over the fact we got dick all for Dangerous 25th. Since Michael died I’ve had little to no faith in the estate but have bought everything they’ve released since. I was expecting them to do something for Dangerous, mainly because Dangerous was the first MJ album I experienced. So that album was the first MJ thing I ever bought in a store when it was first released. 
You can say Dangerous holds a special place in my heart. 
So only to get a shitty online celebration really broke me. Not my love for MJ or for his music but just broke me to the point where I’m like “What’s the point?“ 
It’s a real sad sight when MJ fans and leakers are doing more for us than the Estate and Sony combined. 
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themjquotes · 8 years ago
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To escape the world I've got to enjoy that simple dance, And it seemed that everything Was on my side~
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themjquotes · 9 years ago
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August 31st, 1987: 29 years ago MJ released his BAD album. The album produced five Billboard number one singles. Bad peaked at #1 in thirteen countries and charted within the top twenty in other territories. The album also won two Grammy Awards and it’s tour broke world records.
Record-setting gross of over $124 million made during the tour from September 1987 to December 1988. 
Most successful concert series, The tour sold out seven nights at Wembley Stadium, London, England. 
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themjquotes · 9 years ago
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This Is It Outtake: Michael very semi rehearsing They Don’t Care About Us marching with Travis Payne.
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themjquotes · 9 years ago
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November 20th 2003, Michael Jackson is escorted to the Sheriff's building. This is where and when that famous mugshot is taken. However, i believe that the mugshot was edited by the Sheriff's County to make him look more freakish and weird. I know lighten and different cameras make all the difference but still, The version of MJ that enters and leaves that building isn’t the same version of MJ shown on that mugshot. 
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themjquotes · 9 years ago
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Seven years ago today we lost the biggest artist the world had ever seen. Michael Jackson was one of those rare original artist’s that appreciated the legends before him and showed that in his work. Michael didn’t steal from other dancers or musicians. Instead, he watched what they did and how they did it. He then took those moves into his own hands and turned them into something new and unique.
Michael soon went on to break records set by his predecessors and smashed them to pieces. He was always respectful to other artists even when they hated on him. Overnight Michael became a “freak” because he was a success, But somehow he always found a way to smile and find the good things in life. He was a very rare person and musician. It’s only a shame after the 2000′s and the release of Invincible he became so quiet due to problems with Sony and other contracts. 
Even during his troubles in the 2000′s he never stopped writing or recording which was revealed to us by his untimely death. The amount of songs he left in his vaults will last a lifetime, until the end of time people will never forget who or what Michael Jackson was. A person, A Dancer, humanitarian and a Father. However, the amount of things he did release will last us a lifetime and may i say.
What a bad ass discography to leave us.
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themjquotes · 9 years ago
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Here are two statements, one from the Sheriff's Office and the other from The MJJ Estate. The Sheriff’s Offices has confirmed that these so called files have been falsified using real office documents but edited with unknown online sources. 
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