The I.T. Girls
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theitgirlsblog · 7 years ago
How to Create a Drop-down Menu
CSS: This code snippet goes right before the </style> tag.
body { padding: 0; margin: 0; font-family: Arial; font-size: 17px; } #nav { background-color: #222; } #nav_wrapper { width: 960px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } #nav ul { list-style-type: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; position: relative; min-width: 200px; } #nav ul li { display: inline-block; } #nav ul li:hover { background-color: #333; } #nav ul li a, visited { color: #CCC; display: block; padding: 15px; text-decoration: none; } #nav ul li:hover ul { display: block; } #nav ul ul { display: none; position: absolute; background-color: #333; border: 5px solid #222; border-top: 0; margin-left: -5px; } #nav ul ul li { display: block; } #nav ul ul li a:hover { color: #699; } `</pre> <p>HTML <pre>` <div id="nav"> <div id="nav_wrapper">
HTML: This code snippet goes right after the <body> tag.
<div id="nav">    <div id="nav_wrapper">        <ul>            <li> <a href="/">{lang:Home}</a></li>            <li> <a href="/about">{lang:About}</a></li>            <!-- Dynamically Show Pages as a Drop Down -->            <!--            {block:HasPages}            <li> <a href="#">Tech</a>                <ul>                    {block:Pages}                    <li><a href="{URL}">{Label}</a></li>                    {/block:Pages}                </ul>            </li>            {/block:HasPages}            -->            <!-- Show Static Links as a Drop Down -->            <li> <a href="/coding">Coding</a>                <ul>                    <li><a href="/tagged/python">Python</a></li>                    <li><a href="/tagged/java">Java</a></li>                    <li><a href="/tagged/c">C</a></li>                </ul>            </li>            <li> <a href="/coding">Databases</a>                <ul>                    <li><a href="/tagged/mysql">MySQL</a></li>                </ul>            </li>            <li> <a href="/coding">AWS</a>                <ul>                    <li><a href="/tagged/awsBasics">Basics</a></li>                    <li><a href="/tagged/awsComputer">Computer</a></li>                    <li><a href="/tagged/awsStorage">Storage</a></li>                    <li><a href="/tagged/awsDatabase">Database</a></li>                    <li><a href="/tagged/awsAnalytics">Analytics</a></li>                    <li><a href="/tagged/awsNetwork">Network</a></li>                </ul>            </li>            <li> <a href="/comics">Comics</a></li>            {block:AskEnabled}<li><a href="/ask">{text:Ask Label}</a></li>{/block:AskEnabled}        </ul>    </div> </div>
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theitgirlsblog · 10 years ago
Install Java Environment  in Ubuntu Setting permissions to opt folder:     sudo chomod 777 /opt 1. update the package index:       sudo apt-get update 2. Check java is installed or not      java -version 3. Install default jre     sudo apt-get install default-jre 4. Install default jdk     sudo apt-get install default-jdk 5. Install jdk     sudo apt-get -u install ant 6. Installing  mysql      sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client 7. Installing mysql work bench           sudo add-apt-repository ppa:olivier-berten/misc           sudo apt-get update     sudo apt-get install mysql-workbench 8. To Know where java installed type the following command     which java         /usr/bin/java     which ant         /usr/bin/ant     which mysql         /usr/bin/mysql
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theitgirlsblog · 11 years ago
'tools.jar' seems to be not in Android Studio classpath. Please ensure JAVA_HOME points to JDK rather than JRE.
Temporary Solution: 
Using the commands below to run allows you to run the Android Studio for that terminal session. 
For x86: JAVA_HOME=/opt/ sh
For x64: JAVA_HOME=/opt/ sh
To avoid having to run the program specifying your java path every time, makes changes in your .bashrc:
sudo gedit /home/<username>/.bashrc
Make sure JAVA_HOME=/opt/
This way, the application knows that the jdk file is in /opt/
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theitgirlsblog · 11 years ago
All Permissions for a File
To give all permissions for a file including owner, group, and everyone else  along with every subfolder.
sudo chmod -R 777 <file-name>
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theitgirlsblog · 12 years ago
JOGL: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no gluegen-rt in java.library.path
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no gluegen-rt in java.library.path
Right-click on package in the project with your java files
Build Path > Source > Native Libraries
Click Edit and add the location for .so files that came with the jar files
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theitgirlsblog · 13 years ago
Install CEGUI
1. Install CEGUI Dependencies
sudo apt-get install libpcre++-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev libjpeg62-dev
2. Install CEGUI optional packages
sudo apt-get install doxygen graphviz
3. Install latest source code for CEGUI:
Since I'm running Ubuntu, I clicked on the Download associated with "This package contains the source code supplied as a compressed tarball. It is intended for linux and Apple Mac users"
4. The downloaded file is called "CEGUI-0.7.7.tar.gz" Move the file into the dev folder which is located in /home/nbitra/dev
mv CEGUI-0.7.7.tar.gz /home/username/dev
5. Uncompress the file.
tar vxzf CEGUI-0.7.7.tar.gz
5. This creates a new folder called "CEGUI-0.7.7" Go into the folder.
cd /home/username/dev/CEGUI-0.7.7
6. Now run the following commands
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
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theitgirlsblog · 13 years ago
CompizConfig Settings Manager (ccsm)
Some of the settings I made in my laptop are described below.
1. Go to System > Preferences > CompizConfig Settings Manager
2. Panel Opacity and Launcher Icon Size: Under Desktop, click on Ubuntu Unity Plugin. Go to Experimental and change the value of Panel Opacity and Launcher Icon Size.
3. Desktop Size: Ubuntu comes with 4 workspaces. To increase or decrease this number, under General, click on General Options. Go to Desktop Size and change the number of Horizontal Size and Vertical Size.
4. Desktop Cube: The number one feature that everyone loves in ccsm is the Desktop Cube. If you are using Unity, enabling the Desktop Cube actually screws up your system. There is a bug in it and I don't suggest messing with it unless if you are an expert at handling linux. 
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theitgirlsblog · 13 years ago
Eclipse Error: Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency.
Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency.
Go to Help -> Check for updates. By updating my Eclipse, the error actually went away. I am not sure if this will work for everyone.
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theitgirlsblog · 13 years ago
Install Gnome 3 on Ubuntu
I am not much of a fan of Unity. When I figured out that Gnome 3 can be easily set up for Ubuntu, I could not wait to install it.
To install, all you have to do is go to:
In the Ubuntu section, click on "click away" and it opens up the Software Center. Press Install and restart. 
Before you log in, press on the gear symbol, "Settings" and choose "Gnome 3"
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theitgirlsblog · 13 years ago
Install OGRE on Ubuntu
1. Download OGRE Source:  I chose the link "OGRE 1.8.0 Source for Linux / OSX" The downloaded file is called "ogre_src_v1-8-0.tar.bz2"
2. Open the Terminal.
2. Your current working directory is /home/username. Create a folder called "dev" in /home/your username. Navigate into the folder "dev" and create a folder called "build" This "build" folder will have your configured OGRE source code. Run the following commands:
sudo mkdir dev
cd dev
sudo mkdir build
2. Navigate to "Downloads" folder. Move the ogre source file, which you just downloaded to the newly created "dev" folder. Run the following commands:
cd Downloads
sudo mv ogre_src_v1-8-0.tar.bz2 /home/username/dev
3. Go to the ogre_src_v1-8-0.tar.bz2 file in the "dev" folder and extract. This creates a file called "ogre_src_v1-8-0"
cd dev
tar xjf ogre_src_v1-8-0.tar.bz2
4. Install the compiler and configuration tools. Run the following command.
sudo apt-get install build-essential automake libtool cmake-gui
5. Install dependencies for OGRE. Run the following command.
sudo apt-get install libois-dev libfreeimage-dev libfreetype6-dev libzzip-dev libxaw7-dev libglew1.5-dev libxrandr-dev
6. Install the optional packages. When I first tried setting up OGRE, I got a lot of errors. After installing these packages helped me get rid of those errors. So even though it is said to be optional, it is best to install these packages, as well.
sudo apt-get install doxygen graphviz nvidia-cg-toolkit libboost-thread-dev libcppunit-dev
7. Navigate into the "build" folder in the Terminal and run the cmake-gui.
8. This opens a gui window. Here set the following:
Where is the source code: /home/username/dev/ogre_src_v1-8-0
Where to build the binaries: /home/username/dev/build
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9. Select "OGRE_INSTALL_SAMPLES" in the scroll-down area. Click Configure. This opens a new window. Set the values to "Codeblocks- Unix Makefiles" and "Use default native compilers." Click Finish. Click Generate and close the window.
10. Run the following commands to install everything.
make -j 4
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
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theitgirlsblog · 13 years ago
Install Code::Blocks
1. Install Code::Blocks from Software Center.
2. To check if everything is working, download the Tutorial Framework. Since I'm running Ubuntu, I chose "Tutorial Framework - (Linux Line-endings)." Extract this to your Desktop. 
3. Open Code::Blocks. Go to File -> New -> Project. Select "OGRE Project."
4. This opens a wizard. Here are the settings I used for this tutorial.
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5. Press Next. Now choose "I have a folder with OGRE Source Code." Press Next. Keep the Compiler Settings as default. Press Finish.
6. Double-click on your new project, "OGRETest" and open "Sources" and delete "main.cpp"
7. Right-click on "OGRETest" and click on "Add files recursively." Navigate into Desktop -> Tutorial Framework and press ok. All the files should now show up in your project. Your workspace should look like the following:
Tumblr media
8. Now go to Project -> Build Options.
On the left side, click on Debug.
Linker Settings -> Linker Libraries
Edit "OGREMain_d" to "OGREMain"
Edit "OIS_d" to "OIS"
Press Ok.
9. Now build and run "TutorialApplication.cpp" If everything works, then a window called "Render Settings" will open. Click and hold on "Select One" and choose a Rendering System. Press Accept and an ogre should appear. You should be able to move around with the mouse or pressing on the buttons, a,s,d, or f.
NOTE: You might get the following errors:
Fatal Error: OISEvents.h: No such file or directory
An Exception has occured: OGRE EXCEPTION(6:FileNotFoundException): 'resource.cfg' file not found! in ConfigFile::load at /home/username/dev/ogre_src_v1_8-0/OgreMain/src/OgreConfigFile.cpp (line 88)
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theitgirlsblog · 13 years ago
Code::Blocks Error: OGRE EXCEPTION(6:FileNotFoundException): 'resource.cfg' file not found!
An Exception has occured: OGRE EXCEPTION(6:FileNotFoundException): 'resource.cfg' file not found! in ConfigFile::load at /home/username/dev/ogre_src_v1_8-0/OgreMain/src/OgreConfigFile.cpp (line 88)
Copy the files "resources.cfg" and "plugins.cfg" from /home/username/dev/build/bin/
Paste the files into Desktop/OGRETest/
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theitgirlsblog · 13 years ago
Code::Blocks Error: Fatal Error: OISEvents.h: No such file or directory
Fatal Error: OISEvents.h: No such file or directory
Go to Settings -> Compiler and Debugger
Go to Search Directories -> Compiler. Click Add and choose "usr/include/OIS"
If it asks to use a relative path, press ok.
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theitgirlsblog · 13 years ago
Add Eclipse to your Unity Launcher
The path of my Eclipse executable is /opt/eclipse/eclipse, so that means I can run Eclipse by running "cd /opt/eclipse" to get to the folder and then running "./eclipse" to open Eclipse. 
Of course, opening the terminal and running these commands every time you need to use Eclipse is annoying. The solution to that is adding Eclipse to your Unity Dock. 
To add Eclipse to your Unity Dock, follow the steps below.
1. Open gEdit and add the following:
[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=Eclipse Comment=Eclipse Integrated Development Environment Icon=** something like /opt/eclipse/icon.xpm ** Exec= ** something like /opt/eclipse/eclipse ** Terminal=false Categories=Development;IDE;Java;
2. Make sure to replace Icon= and Exec= in the file and save this file as eclipse.desktop in your My Documents, for example. 
[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=Eclipse Comment=Eclipse Integrated Development Environment Icon=/opt/eclipse/icon.xpm Exec=/opt/eclipse/eclipse Terminal=false Categories=Development;IDE;Java;
3. Now open your folder containing the eclipse.desktop file and drag the file into the Unity Launcher.
Not working? Check this error.
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theitgirlsblog · 13 years ago
Eclipse Error: A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) must be available in order to run Eclipse. No Java virtual machine was found after searching the following locations: /opt/eclipse/jre/bin/java java in your current PATH
When I added Eclipse to my Unity Launcher, I received this error.
A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) must be available in order to run Eclipse. No Java virtual machine was found after searching the following locations:
java in your current PATH
This happens because Eclipse cannot find where your jre folder is. To solve this, create a symbolic link. This allows the structures of your folders to remain intact and just create reference within your Eclipse folder to wherever your jre folder is located. The steps to do this is below.
1. Locate your eclipse and jre folder. My paths are /opt/eclipse and /opt/jdk/jre, respectively.
2. Run the command "sudo ln -s /opt/jdk/jre /opt/eclipse" This creates a reference in the eclipse folder to your jre folder and allows Eclipse to find your jre folder.
3. Click on Eclipse on your Unity Launcher and everything should be set.
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theitgirlsblog · 13 years ago
CS 325: Introduction to Game Design
I am taking a course on game design, which is focused on the creating games in python and learning the theory behind them. I plan to upload my notes on to this Tumblr to serve as my guide for my class and hopefully, someone who is reading my Tumblr will find them useful as well.
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theitgirlsblog · 13 years ago
Tumblr media
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