TheFunk on Ao3
13 posts
I write kpop fic for many different groups. Mainly Seventeen.
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thefunkao3 ¡ 3 years ago
Ice Cream Kisses
Pairing: Nakamoto Yuta x Kim Jungwoo
Group: NCT
Rating: T (Teen and Up Audiences)
Word Count: 1.6K
Key Words: Jogging, Ice Cream, Kisses
Date Originally Posted: March 10, 2022
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Yuta woke up to the blaring of his alarm, he groaned and then stretched, feeling his back crack and pop pleasantly. He rolled over and tapped his phone, silencing the alarm. He sat up and rubbed at his eyes. Beside him, Jungwoo was still sound asleep, not fazed in the least by the world’s most obnoxious alarm sound. His face was soft with sleep, hair messy with round cheeks, his lips pursed out as if asking for a kiss. Yuta leaned down and pecked his lips, his boyfriend smiling in his sleep, but not waking up.
The best part about graduating high school and moving on to college, was that he got to finally live with his boyfriend. Yuta had previously lived with his foreign exchange host family, and Jungwoo had lived next door with his family. When they found out they had been accepted into the same university, they decided that they would get an apartment near campus together. Yuta’s host family wasn’t required to host him once he graduated, and he and Jungwoo were going to be together forever, so they were going to start their lives together as soon as they could. So, they got this little apartment near campus and moved in only a week after high school graduation.
They were both lucky enough to get scholarships, Jungwoo for being a mechanical engineering genius, and Yuta because he’d made the university soccer team. And that last reason was why he was even up so early in the morning during the summer. While he had already made the team, the university had sent them their summer conditioning schedules, and along with some other exercises and routines, every other day they had to go and run for miles. They would work up to a ten-mile run, but in the beginning here, they would be running two miles. This was something that Yuta was used to and wouldn’t actually be that hard for him. But Jungwoo had decided that he would do the runs with him.
Jungwoo had played baseball growing up and all through high school but hadn’t decided to try out for the university team. Yuta was sure that he would have made it, but he knew that at this point Jungwoo was burned out. He was smart enough to get a full-ride academic scholarship and didn’t need to worry about the added pressure of a full-time collegiate sport while also doing one of the hardest courses there is. But Jungwoo had said that he still wanted to stay in shape, so he would be joining Yuta in at least his runs.  At least the two-mile runs, Jungwoo had been very vocal in his desire to never run ten miles in one go ever.
Yuta leaned over and pressed a kiss to Jungwoo’s cheek, “It’s time to wake up, baby.”
Jungwoo scrunched his face up but didn’t move. Yuta chuckled, and kissed Jungwoo all over his face, wherever his lips could reach. He could tell that Jungwoo was close to waking up, starting to shake his head to both lean in to and away from Yuta’s kisses.
Yuta kept going, “Snoopy, wake up. Come on baby boy. It’s morning already.”
Jungwoo groaned and opened one of his eyes, still blurry with sleep.
Yuta faked a gasp, “There you are pretty, wake up for me.”
Jungwoo smiled and leaned towards him, finally kissing Yuta on the lips, “Good morning hyung,” he murmured.
“Good morning baby, it’s time for you to get up. We have to go do our run.”
Jungwoo groaned but reached his arms out to stretch, committing to waking up. He finished the stretch with a sigh and sat up. He pouted as he blinked out the sunlight from the open blinds. Yuta smiled at him and leaned forward, pecking him right on the pout.
“Get up, the longer we wait the hotter it’ll get.”
That got Jungwoo out of bed. Sure, running first thing in the morning wasn’t very fun, but running in the humid heat was worse. He rolled out of bed and went straight to their dresser pulling out his running clothes. Yuta followed behind him and pulled his own clothes out, changing as quickly as he could. Yuta finished before Jungwoo, but that was to be expected, Jungwoo’s limbs were still sluggish with sleep. He left Jungwoo to continue getting ready and made them protein shakes. Running on an empty stomach wasn’t great but running on a full stomach could be just as awful, so a protein shake was the perfect middle. He sipped at his shake as Jungwoo came in, pulling up one of his socks. Yuta handed Jungwoo a shake, and he took it with a smile. Jungwoo leaned into him, and Yuta wrapped an arm around his waist as they sipped on them.
They finished their shakes and set the empty glasses in the sink. They slipped their shoes on and Yuta made sure that Jungwoo’s shoes were tied correctly, not too tightly, where two fingers could fit easily under the tied laces. Any tighter and it would be painful after a while, so it was important to do it right.
Jungwoo smiled at him as he stood up, “Thank you, hyung.”
Yuta smiled back at him and kissed his cheek, “Of course baby, now let’s go.”
They grabbed water bottles from the fridge and left their apartment. Just a short walk from their complex was a park. It was a large park with a running path and trees that bordered the pathway that kept it shaded. It was the perfect place to go for a long run. They set their water bottles under a bench where they would be kept safe and started to stretch. And then, they began their run.
The run was easy enough for Yuta, he was used to running much more than just two miles, so he was feeling good. Jungwoo was a little way behind him, but Yuta knew that he would catch up soon. He may not have been the most used to running this sort of distance, but he didn’t like to be left behind, so no matter how tired he was, Yuta knew he would be able to catch up.
By the time they finished the sun was out at full force and beating down on them. Yuta was dripping sweat and from the look of him, Jungwoo was too. Jungwoo had collapsed onto the bench with a pout as soon as they finished. Yuta chuckled and sat down beside him, handing him his water bottle. Jungwoo took it and drank from it but was still pouting when he pulled away.
Yuta chuckled, wrapping an arm around Jungwoo’s shoulders, “What do you need baby?”
Jungwoo shrugged his arm off, but before Yuta could be offended, he said, “It’s too hot out. I want ice cream, and a shower, and kisses.”
“In that order?”
Jungwoo shrugged, “One kiss now, then ice cream, then a shower, and them more kisses.”
Yuta leaned in to oblige, kissing Jungwoo softly on the lips. It was slightly salty, but Yuta didn’t care, nibbling slightly at Jungwoo’s bottom lip. Jungwoo giggled as he pulled away, wrapping his arms around one of Yuta’s arms.
“Ice cream now,” Jungwoo said, pulling him towards the ice cream shop across the street.
Yuta followed along and opened the door of the ice cream shop, sighing happily as the air conditioning from the store blasted them when they opened the door. Jungwoo let go of him and rushed to the counter, ordering before Yuta could even take a step inside. Yuta chuckled and joined him at the counter, back hugging him as he added his order to Jungwoo’s.
By the way Jungwoo sagged into his hold, Yuta knew they would be taking their ice cream to go. He could already tell how badly Jungwoo wanted to get back to the comfort of their apartment, where he could get clean and fall back into bed before he had to actually start his day.
He paid and took their ice cream from the worker, thanking the worker. He handed Jungwoo his ice cream who thanked him with a silent kiss to the jaw. Yuta lead Jungwoo out of the shop as they began to eat their ice cream and walk back to their apartment. Jungwoo laced their fingers together and swung their arms as they walked. Jungwoo licked happily at his ice cream cone, and Yuta smiled as he watched him.
They finished by the time they got back to their apartment. They were quiet as they rode the elevator up, Jungwoo wrapped under Yuta’s arms. He hummed as they rode, Yuta occasionally kissing the back of Jungwoo’s hands. Jungwoo swayed in Yuta’s hold to the tune of his own humming. Yuta kissed the back of Jungwoo’s neck, tongue tasting salt once again. Jungwoo giggled and tilted his head back, shivering at the feel of Yuta’s lips on his skin. Yuta continued to kiss up his neck and to his jaw, rubbing his head against Jungwoo’s sweaty hair.
The door opened and Jungwoo pulled him out of the elevator. Yuta unlocked their door and the second they were inside, Jungwoo started stripping himself of his clothes. The clothes ended up all over the floor, Jungwoo not caring where he dropped them in his haste to get in the shower. Jungwoo disappeared around the corner and the sound of the shower turning on soon followed. Yuta shook his head and closed the door behind him. He walked towards their bedroom, picking up Jungwoo’s discarded clothes from the clothes as he went.
Jungwoo stuck his head out the bathroom door with a sly smirk, “Are you going to join me or what?”
Yuta grinned and dropped the clothes to the floor. He had promised his boyfriend kisses after all.
0 notes
thefunkao3 ¡ 3 years ago
A Boy's Best Friend
Pairing: Eric-centric
Group: The Boyz
Rating: G (General Audiences)
Word Count: 1.5K
Key Words: Light Angst, Pet Adoption, Hurt/Comfort
Date Originally Posted: October 4, 2018
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Eric lays on the couch of their dorm, cushion smushed against the side of his face. He could feel the pout on his lips but he didn’t really care to get rid of it. His hand hung heavily off the side, fingertips dragging across the floor. The air was stale and still, and his chest shuddered with every breath. Wetness gathered in his eyes but he refused to let the tears fall.
They’d been informed by their management that they’d be finished shooting their show really soon. His chest ached just thinking about it. Ever since they had found out yesterday, and it hadn’t really sunk in to him yet. He didn’t want the show to end, he wanted to keep filming the show forever.
Quiet, skittering sounds raced towards him. Little tongues lapped at his fingertips, and wet noses pushed themselves against his palm. He giggled, chest loosening at their touch. One nipped at his thumb but he didn’t even care. Looking down at them he could tell the puppies were tired. Their eyes were hooded and their tongues moved slowly against his fingers.
He took a hold of one pup in each hand, lifting them gently to rest them on his chest. Walnut shifted to lay close to his neck while Peanut settled on his tummy. Their pudgy bellies were warm on his skin, chasing away the chill of their dorm. He ran his hands along their backs, petting their fur with soft strokes.
The puppies nuzzled into him, trying to get into the best position for sleep that they could. He lay still, not wanting to disturb them in their quests. Peanut fell asleep first, snuffles escaping from their small black nose to puff against Eric’s stomach. Walnut was asleep not long after, tongue poked out and resting against Eric’s chin. He wanted to giggle but he also didn’t want to wake the puppies.
He continued to pet them, the rise and fall of their breaths pressed against his palms. Tears gathered in the corners of his eyes, but before they could fall, Jacob had entered the room. He took a look at Eric and the puppies and ruffled Eric’s hair.
“Aigoo, look at this. My three favorite puppies. Look so cute!”
Jacob’s voice is sweet, almost nearing aegyo levels. Eric leaned into his hand, and couldn’t stop the whimper that slipped from his lips. Jacob fell to his knees, back of his hand pressing against Eric’s forehead.
“What’s wrong sweetheart, wha-” Eric began to sob, his body wracking with its force, “oh baby no! What happened? Tell hyung what’s wrong. Are you feeling okay? Let hyung help. Oh honey.”
Eric continues to whimper and sob, hiccups now punching out from his throat. He waved his hands over the puppies, words failing him.
Jacob pet his head again, shushing him gently, “It’s okay sweetie. Just breathe darling, you’re okay. Use your words honey, I can only help you if I know what’s wrong.”
Eric hiccuped out the last of his tears, breath shuddering before his chest stilled. Walnut shuffled at the movement, burrowing his little face into Eric’s throat. Eric’s voice was raspy when he spoke, but he tried to keep it low to avoid waking the puppies.
“I don’t want them to go hyung, I want them to stay with me. I don’t want them to take my puppies from me!”
Jacob cooed at him, “Oh sweetheart I’m so sorry. But you know we have to let them go right? That we’re only fostering them so that they can be adopted?”
“B-but I love them! Why can’t I adopt them? Why can’t I keep them? I don’t want them to leave me, please! Please don’t let them leave!”
At some point during his moment, the puppies had woken up. They crawled up his chest, licking the tears away that had started to fall again.
“Oh sweetness, I’m sorry, I’ll go see what I can do, okay?”
Eric nodded slowly, allowing Jacob to press a kiss to his forehead. He pet along the puppies backs, sniffling softly. Jacob had disappeared into the bedrooms and Eric could hear him talking to someone. Eric couldn’t tell what Jacob was saying, voice muffled by multiple walls, but he sounded passionate.
Peanut was about asleep again when Jacob emerged from the bedrooms, Sangyeon trailing behind him. Jacob squatted beside him, scratching behind Walnut’s ear with a grin on his face.
“Me and Sangyeon are gonna go talk to some people, and I’m not sure how long we’ll be. Juyeon’s gonna make dinner so I want you to cheer up okay? Don’t be so glum while we’re gone.”
Eric could only nod, pouting after his hyungs as they left.
He pressed kisses to the puppies heads and whispered softly to them, “I’m not gonna let you guys go. I’m gonna make sure you stay with me.”
Juyeon came out from the bedrooms soon after. He ruffled Eric’s hair before tweaking his ear.
“C’mon kiddo, you’re gonna help me.”
Eric groaned, setting the puppies lightly on the floor. He stood, giggling as the puppies nipped at his feet. Juyeon leaned down and patted their little heads.
“Aigoo, our good babies.”
Pretty soon Eric was set up at the kitchen table, knife in his hand and a variety of vegetables waiting for him. He got to cutting them, keeping the fingers of his non-knife hand lightly curled. The chopping and slicing took most of his attention, but the warmth of the puppies bellies as they rested on his feet gave him a small sense of comfort. Their simple weight reminded him that they were still with him.
Juyeon was making some sort of stew, and the scent tickled his nose in the most pleasant of ways. It was meaty and spicy, and he knew that it would stick to his ribs.
Despite how delicious dinner was, the meal passed Eric in a haze. Though he could hear the clinking of silverware against bowls, and the crunch of dog food in little jaws, Eric’s head was in a fog. He kept looking over at his puppies, wondering just when their last day together would be.
The haze cleared slightly as a warm hand grasped his own, pulling him from his seat. He found himself lying on the couch again, looking up at the ceiling. Someone straddled him, lying down so they were resting chest to chest. A small face nuzzled itself into Eric’s shoulder.
“What’s wrong Youngjae-ah? Why so gloomy? You didn’t say anything during dinner.”
Of course it would be Hyunjoonie. Hyunjoon always tried to make sure they were all happy, it was like he had a sixth sense for sadness.
“Gonna miss the puppies.”
Eric felt a small kiss being placed where his jaw met his throat.
“Me too, don’t want them to go. I think Hak hyung is gonna cry.”
Eric whined at the thought of his cheerful hyung crying. A tear fell from his eye and he sniffled. Hyunjoon sat up, wiping the tear from Eric’s cheek with soft hands. Eric gripped Hyunjoon’s thighs where they were settled around him, trying to ground himself to reality. Sadness left his mind in a haze, and Hyunjoon was the only thing that was real.
“I’m so sorry Jae Jae. Do you want to go to bed and take a nap? I’ll go with you.”
Eric shook his head.
Hyunjoon’s voice was soft, “Do you want to stay on the couch? Be closer to the puppies?”
Eric nodded, eyes flitting to where the puppies lay resting on their cushioned bed.
Hyunjoon caressed Eric’s face, “Want me to stay and cuddled with you?”
When Eric nodded once more, Hyunjoon giggled, draping himself over Eric’s chest again. He wiggled on top of Eric, causing him to giggle at the movement. Once Hyunjoon was settled, Eric carded his fingers through the older boy’s hair. He could feel his eyes begin to droop, slipping softly into sleep.
He awoke to soft hands shaking his shoulders, hot breath puffing against his neck. The first thing he saw was Jacob’s smiling face, eyes dancing with mirth.
“I did it, baby! I did it!” Jacob’s voice was high, bouncy as he spoke.
Eric’s voice was still addled with sleep, “Did what hyung?”
Jacob turned around, “Show him hyung!”
Sangyeon kneeled down next to Jacob, brandishing a set of papers in front of Eric, “We did it kiddo.”
He tried to read the papers, but they made no sense to him, “Hyung I don’t get it.”
Jacob grasped Eric’s hands, eyes still shining, “We adopted the puppies!”
Eric gasped, fighting his way out from under Hyunjoon’s sleep heavy body, tackling Jacob to the ground. His body racked with sobs, holding tight to Jacob as his hyung held him in a tight hug.
Jacob’s hand ran along his back as he allowed himself to be held, “Thank you hyung! Thank you so much!”
Eric smiled and sniffled, tears slowing to a stop. He shakily removed himself from Jacob’s lap, Sangyeon chuckling at him. Eric crawled over to the puppies’ bed, lying down next to it. He placed a hand over Peanut’s head, his other resting on Walnut’s belly.
Eric felt one last tear fall, a smile stretching on his face, “I told you, babies. I told you I’d never let you go.”
The puppies nuzzled and squirmed into his hands, and he knew they were happy to stay with him.
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thefunkao3 ¡ 3 years ago
Some Secrets Are Meant to be Shared (18+)
Pairing: Jeong Inseong/Oh Heejun
Group: KNK
Rating: M (Mature)
Word Count: 1.3K
Key Words: Boys in Skirts, Secrets, Dom/Sub Undertones
Date Originally Posted: February 27, 2019
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Inseong groaned as he walked into his bedroom. He loved sharing with Heejun, but sometimes their room looked as though a bomb had gone off. He walked through the room, climbing his way over bags, clothes, and mystery piles. They’d have to clean this weekend, but for now, he just needed to find his wallet.
He rummaged around near his bed, trying to find it as quickly as possible. He could hear Seoham complaining to Jihun about how long he was taking. The three of them were supposed to go out for dinner while Heejun was at dance practice. But they’d never be able to go if Inseong never found his wallet.
He gave up looking by his bed and started looking by Heejun’s. They’d slept in Heejun’s bed last night so it was only possible that his wallet had been lost over on the other side of the room. It wasn’t anywhere on the nightstand or on the actual bed, but it could always have fallen to the floor.
Inseong got on his hands and knees, lifting things and checking underneath them. After tossing away a pair of basketball shorts, Inseong’s eyes caught on a box hidden under Heejun’s bed. He had never seen it before, and suddenly finding his wallet wasn’t that important anymore. He pulled it out from under the bed, studying it. It was a light pink plastic box with a lid snapped on. Stickers shaped like flowers and hearts decorated the outside. Three stickers spelled out “OHJ”, this definitely was his boyfriend’s box, there was no denying it.
He knew he shouldn’t look, this was his boyfriend's private property, but he was so curious. What could possibly be in a cutely decorated box hidden secretly under his bed? He took a deep breath and opened the lid of the box slightly. He couldn’t tell what was in it just by his little peek, so he tore the lid the rest of the way off. He gasped, running to the door and sticking his head outside.
��You guys go on without me, I need to do something,” Inseong said.
Jihun and Seoham looked at one another before both shrugging and turning to leave.
Jihun called over his shoulder, “Have fun or good luck or whatever.”
Inseong was already back at the box when he heard Seoham start whining about him. He could care less though because what was in the box was so much more interesting. The box was filled with women’s clothing, short shorts, skirts, and stockings of all different colors and styles. Some were silky and some were made of cotton. Despite how different they all were, they were all very pretty.
Inseong thought they were really pretty, and could only imagine how good Heejun’s legs would look with the black stockings slid halfway up his thighs. He could also imagine pulling those thigh highs do-
He shook his head. He didn’t need to be thinking like that. There was no guarantee that this box meant that Heejun had the same fantasy as him. Heejun could have this box for any number of reasons, none he could think of at the moment, but nevertheless, there were many.
He dug further into the box, sorting the different items onto the floor next to him. Once he got down to the bottom, he noticed there was also a little pile of crop tops. He nearly choked, picturing his boyfriend in one of the many outfits on the floor.
The door clicked open and he heard a gasp, “Hyung, what-,” Heejun’s voice was shaky, eyes darting back and forth from the box to Inseong.
“It’s okay baby, come here.” Heejun nodded, walking gingerly before settling into Inseong’s lap. His hands shook as he gripped Inseong’s shirt.
Inseong decided it was time to ask some questions and ensure Heejun that everything was okay.
“Are these your clothes?”
Heejun nodded.
“Do you wear them yourself?”
Heejun nodded again.
Heejun shrugged.
“Use your words baby.”
Heejun snuggled further into Inseong’s lap, “Like to feel pretty, and they make me feel pretty.”
Inseong grinned, pressing a kiss to Heejun’s head, “Want to go put an outfit on, show hyung how pretty you are?”
“Really? You’re not, you’re not disgusted?” Heejun asked.
“Never, baby. When I saw these, all I could think about was how pretty you’d look in your outfits.”
Heejun bounced in his lap, giggles escaping his lips as he kissed all over Inseong’s face, “Want to be pretty for hyung!”
He jumped out of Inseong’s lap, rummaging quickly through the clothes to find the perfect outfit to show off. Once he found it, he pressed a soft kiss Inseong’s lips, before running into the bathroom to change.
Inseong smiled as he watched him go. He couldn’t believe this was really happening. He’d dreamed of Heejun in skirts and crop tops, but never believed he’d ever see it. A crop top maybe, if the company got brave. But the rest? Never.
Inseong switched to sitting on the bed, legs shaking as he waited for Heejun to reappear. He could hear a thump from the bathroom, and he could picture Heejun accidentally bumping into the counter in his haste. Only a few minutes later, Heejun emerged from the small room.
Inseong nearly choked as his eyes raked over Heejun’s body. He was wearing a flowy black crop top, fabric fluttering near the bottom of his ribs. His skin was smooth and his stomach looked toned, yet still soft to the touch. He matched it with, oh God he matched it with a white skirt. It went a quarter way down his thighs, and the white made his tan skin pop. But the worst, or maybe the best thing, was the black thigh highs. They made his legs look so smooth, ending just a few inches above the knee. That left a few inches of uncovered skin between thigh high and skirt, and Inseong could feel himself shudder at the sight. He wanted to, God he wanted to do so many things to him.
Heejun scratched at his head with a shy smile, crop top riding up to reveal even more deliciously tanned skin.
“Is it okay hyung?” Heejun asked.
Inseong nearly gasped, “Is it okay? Oh, baby boy you are absolute perfection.”
Heejun blushed, fingers fiddling with the bottom of his skirt.
Inseong put his hands out, “Come here baby boy.”
Heejun grabbed Inseong's hands, allowing himself to be pulled do he was straddling Inseong. He rested his arms on Inseong's shoulders, Inseong's warm hands gripping the bare skin of Heejun's waist.
Inseong kissed along Heejun's throat, relishing in the little pleased sounds that escaped from his lips. He spoke softly, allowing his warm breath to tickle along Heejun's cool skin.
“I can't believe you thought I would be disgusted by this, that you thought you had to hide this from me,” he pulled himself from Heejun’s neck, pulling his chin down so they could look into each other's eyes, “I will never hate anything you do, okay? You never have to hide from me baby. Understand Heej? I love you.”
Heejun nodded, “I love you too.”
Inseong grinned, leaning up to kiss Heejun while rubbing soothing circles into the skin of Heejun's waist. He could feel Heejun's fingers playing with the hair on his nape, slow and ticklish. Inseong smiled into the kiss, pulling back to press a few soft pecks around Heejun’s face.
“Hey, hyungie?” Heejun’s voice was a little shaky, fingers still fiddling at the back of Inseong’s neck.
“Yes, baby?”
“Will you buy me a collar? I’ve always wanted one, but I want it to be from you.”
Inseong stood up, Heejun scrambling to wrap his legs around him. He dropped Heejun onto the bed, crawling over him and capturing his lips in a heated kiss. He pulled away Heejun gasping beneath him.
“Baby boy you are going to be the death of me.”
A smile grew on Heejun’s face, as though he could tell Inseong was picturing him with a collar clasped prettily around his neck. He giggled, pulling Inseong down and kissing him once again.
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thefunkao3 ¡ 3 years ago
even in our next life, i'll go to you
Pairing: Wen Jun Hui | Jun/Yan An
Group: Seventeen + Pentagon
Rating: T (Teen and Up Audiences)
Word Count: 1.3K
Key Words: Soulmates, Memory Realization, Love Confessions
Date Originally Posted: March 3, 2022
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Jun walked into the art museum that his friend, Minghao, had finally convinced him to go to. Minghao was already up ahead of him, staring down a portrait of some lady. Jun could tell that it was pretty, that the artist was incredibly talented, but that was about it. Minghao would always go on about how different paintings moved him, how they made him feel so many different emotions, but Jun had never felt that way. A painting had never made him feel anything other than that the painting looks nice. But that was it.
He left Minghao to his painting and wandered down a hallway. There was a large room, this one filled with paintings of landscapes. He stopped for a moment to admire a very pretty painting of a pond with lily pads in it, before wandering away again. Another hallway took him to another large room. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a large painting, the only one on the far wall.
He walked up to the painting, drawn in by the image. It was a painting of two men, dressed in hanfu finery, looking as if they were in the middle of a xianxia drama. They both had long black hair, one tied up in intricate braids, the other with his hair down, but a headband adorned in many large jewels was tied around his forehead. He walked closer to it, taking in all of the details.
One wore a white set of robes with flowers embroidered on the bottom. The other wore light blue robes with purple accents, blowing slightly in the breeze. The two sat close together, and Jun could see how they leaned close to each other. They sat in nature, in light green grass under a large tree with bright orange leaves, spending their time under the cool shade. The one in white’s eyes were soft as he looked at the other, adoration evident even in a painting. Jun found himself transfixed, unable to look away.
As he looks closer, he stares at the one in the purple. As he looks closer, he can see it in his face. He can see it in the mole on his cheek and just above his lip, the upturn of his nose and the curve of his eyes. He can even see it in the stretch of his neck as he leans back towards the other man. Jun is looking at himself.
There was a shift in the air, and Jun could feel eyes on him, but he couldn’t drag his eyes away from the painting. He stared up at it, taking in the way the other man gently placed a carved jade comb into the other man’s (his?) long hair. The eyes that were watching him disappeared, and Jun was finally able to drag his eyes away from the painting.
There was a man beside him dressed in skinny jeans and a black hoodie that matched the black of his hair. He was tall, taller than even Jun himself, but his face looked soft and kind. He was looking up at the painting with a soft smile and Jun swore he could recognize it from the other man in the painting. There was a matching beauty mark under his left eye. The man turned to look at him, and Jun couldn’t tear his gaze away from the man’s eyes.
There was a rush of wind and Jun could finally see. He could see the man in front of him, with long hair and flowing robes. Can feel his hands, rough and calloused from sword practice, can feel his lips warm and soft. Can remember how he used to follow him around and tease him till the tips of his ears turned red, until he was gifted the sweet sound of quiet laughter. Can remember being promised forever.
He gasped, and suddenly he was in a museum again. Though this time, he was staring into the eyes of his zhiji.
“A-Jun,” his beloved said.
He could feel tears in his eyes, “Yan-gege.”
And suddenly they were two magnets, bodies pulled together by an invisible force. Soft, warm hands were on his cheeks, brushing away stray tears. He giggled through his tears; he couldn’t help it. His energy was settled, his body was home, here in Yan An’s arms. Their foreheads rested together, and Wen Junhui allowed himself to breathe out, leaning into the hands on his face.
“A-Jun, my A-Jun,” Yan An’s voice murmured, “I’ve missed you.”
“Yan-gege, you’ve been gone for so long. How could you leave this one out of your arms for so long?” Wen Junhui asked.
Yan An pulled away, and stared into Wen Junhui’s eyes, “Wen Jun will never leave my arms again.”
Wen Junhui beamed, giggling again, “My Yan-gege still thinks I’m pretty?”
Yan An’s hands dropped to grip at Wen Junhui’s waist, hands fitting as though that was where they were meant to be for all of time, “A-Jun is the prettiest. Wen Jun holds more beauty than anything in the world. Love A-Jun. My A-Jun.”
“Yan An, you can’t just say things like that! My heart can’t take it! Such nice words from the most handsome man in the world. My Yan An.”
“Kiss me, please, my zhiji, I’ve missed you for so long.”
Yan An pulls him close and Wen Junhui’s arms automatically loop around his neck. And then there are lips on his. Lips he never thought he would feel again. They were warm and chapped, but Wen Junhui had never tasted anything better. He sighed into it, letting Yan An take control, the same way he had so long ago. Wen Junhui hasn’t been kissed like this in thousands of years, his body heating up in Yan An’s hold. Yan An bites at his lips and Wen Junhui lets him, lets him taste him, and tastes him back. Yan An leaves his lips and kisses his jaw, kisses down his neck until there is only lips and teeth at this throat and Wen Junhui’s breath is hitching.
“Yan An, Yan An, Yan An,” Wen Junhui gasps breathlessly.
“My Wen Jun,” Yan An mumbles into his skin.
“Please, please, let me kiss you again my Yan-gege, my zhiji let me kiss you,” Wen Junhui begged.
Yan An pulled away from his throat and kissed his lips again. This time the kiss was softer, sweeter, more settled. Wen Junhui could feel Yan An’s smile against his lips. Thumbs rubbed gently against his hip bones, and he sighed, pulling away from Yan An and resting his head in the crook of Yan An’s neck and shoulder. Yan An held him in his arms and they looked up at the painting. Yan An pressed a kiss to the top of his head.
They stood together in silence, and Wen Junhui allowed himself to reacquaint himself with the modern world he now lived in. The museum was quiet, just the quiet chattering of patrons discussing the art, none of them giving the two of them a second glance. It was like they were the only ones in the world and separate from it all at the same time.
“Baobei, should I grow out my hair again? Yan-gege always combed my hair so nicely for me.”
Yan An kissed the side of his head again, “A-Jun is the prettiest no matter how his hair is.”
Wen Junhui laughed, “Yan An! My heart! Yan-gege, do you want to take up the sword again? You were always so good with your sword.”
He gave Yan An a cheeky smile, wiggling his eyebrows. Sure enough, Yan An flushed a pretty pink, gripping Wen Junhui’s waist tightly. Wen Junhui knew that his beloved was shy, but it was so fun to tease him so.
“A-Jun is shameless.”
“How can I not be when I am finally in your arms again?”
Yan An squeezed Wen Junhui’s waist again and rested his nose against the side of his face, sniffing and pecking him on the cheek. Wen Junhui giggled, then relaxed fully into Yan An’s hold. This felt right. It had been so long since he had been in the arms of his beloved. Now that he had him once again, he was never going to let him go.
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thefunkao3 ¡ 3 years ago
I Date Winners
Pairing: Kwon Soonyoung | Hoshi x Lee Chan | Dino
Group: Seventeen
Rating: G (General Audiences)
Word Count: 1.2K
Key Words: Track & Field, Flirting, Teasing
Date Originally Posted: February 11, 2022
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Once again, Chan was wishing that he had chosen to do an indoor sport. Maybe if he had chosen volleyball instead of track, he wouldn’t be sweating his ass off before he’d even had a chance to compete. His event wasn’t for another forty-five minutes, he hadn’t even started stretching yet, but his hair was damp on his forehead and his shirt was sticking to his back. Though, to be fair, his friend Seungkwan always looked plenty sweaty after his volleyball games. But never before. There was something to be said about being able to do your pre-game activities in an air-conditioned gym.
The high school they were competing at had them sitting in the stands in a sort of cordoned-off area, away from the regular spectators. The bleachers were made of large concrete, wide and hot as the sun beat down on them. Earlier, he and Wonwoo had managed to lay on the seat side by side before he had to leave to compete in the high jump. Now, Jeonghan was sitting next to him, getting his long hair braided by Joshua who sat on the seat above them.
They were doing the “field” portion of track and field, and Chan was only sort of watching, there were so many events and so many teammates participating that it was almost impossible to watch them all, but he had friends that were closer to him than others that he tried to keep an eye on. Seungcheol had just done his final throw for shot put and Junhui was up next for pole vault. Pole vault was Chan’s least favorite event to watch, it always looked so dangerous, and his fear of heights certainly didn’t help. However, he knew that his hyung would whine at him if he knew that he hadn’t watched and cheered him on. So, he made sure to watch. The boy before Jun had slammed into the very first bar height, and Chan had wanted to laugh, but he knew that he wouldn’t have been able to do any better, and the bar falling so close to him had made him wince.
But then it was Jun’s turn, and his hyung flew over the first level with ease. He yelled loudly, cheering his heart out so that Jun would hear him and turn and beam at him. He may already have a boyfriend, but his hyung was so cute and pretty when he smiled. He pretended to blow a kiss at him, and Jun caught it, pressing it to his cheek. Jun turned away to focus back on his competition, and Chan giggled at the little dance he did.
A shadow loomed over him, and he looked up. Soonyoung stood on the same level he was sitting on, leaning over him and blocking out the sun.
“Flirting with Junnie?” Soonyoung asked, “Right in front of your beloved boyfriend?”
Chan giggled, “Yeah, look how cute he is. And besides, he’s probably going to win his event. I like dating winners.”
Soonyoung jumped down to the next row and made Chan scoot over, before stealing his spot. Chan let himself drop down so that his head was resting in Soonyoung’s lap. Without any prompting, Soonyoung’s hand reached down to smooth through his hair.
“I literally just won the long jump, I’m a winner!” Soonyoung exclaimed.
“I know, but he’s just so pretty. And besides, you flirt with Junnie hyung too,” Chan defended himself.
Soonyoung laughed, “To be fair, everyone flirts with Junnie, it’s impossible not to. You are forgiven.”
Chan giggled. He looked up at Soonyoung, his skin was flushed red, and his hair was plastered to his forehead. He looked exhausted, but his eyes were still shining as he looked down at Chan, still playing with his hair, not minding that he was laying on his tired legs. Chan reached up and grabbed Soonyoung by the neck of his uniform and pulled his face down. He kissed him softly, Soonyoung’s lips a little bit salty from sweat, but Chan didn’t mind. He was used to it, even. After his races were done, he’d probably be even sweatier than Soonyoung managed to be (and Soonyoung was abnormally sweaty), and he knew that Soonyoung would kiss him anyways.
He pulled away, let go of Soonyoung’s uniform, and grabbed one of his hands, “Congrats on your win. You did really well, I’m proud of you.”
Soonyoung smiled again, but this one was softer than his usual teasing grin. It was smaller, but no less sweet, more sincere in its affection. It was the smile that Soonyoung saved just for Chan. Chan wanted to take that smile and hold it in his hands, push it into his chest so he could keep it close to his heart where it was meant to be. Soonyoung’s free hand dropped to Chan’s face, his thumb caressing the skin of Chan’s cheek. It moved at an even pace and Chan sighed, snuggling even closer to Soonyoung.
“Thank you, baby,” Soonyoung said, leaning down to peck Chan’s forehead.
Their coach stood at the bottom of the stairs and called up for their hurdlers to go warm up. Jeonghan stood and kissed Joshua’s cheek before bounding down the bleachers. The hurdlers always took just a little longer to warm up, so Chan was sure that he would only have about five more minutes before he had to go warm up too.
“Are you nervous?” Soonyoung asked.
Chan shrugged, trying to put on a brave face, “Should be fine.”
“My poor nervous baby,” Soonyoung pouted down at him, and Chan chuckled, turning away from him. Soonyoung pulled his face back, “Hey, you’re gonna be fine. The doctor said everyone was looking good, and that you were ready. And you have your ankle brace that you said works really well. You have nothing to worry about.”
Chan nodded. This was his first meet back since he’d accidentally sprained his ankle practicing on a wet track. It had been a stupid idea and his coach had just stopped harping on him about it. The first meet back from injury always had him feeling extra nervous. One of their long-distance runners, Minghao, had a recurring twisted ankle issue. He had once decided that his ankles were strong enough to run without his brace, and he twisted it the very first race he decided to run with it off. Chan didn’t want to have to wear the brace for the rest of his career.
He must have waited too long to say anything, because Soonyoung continued, “You’re going to be fine. The ankle brace is just a precaution for the first race back, you’re not going to have to wear it forever. Besides, sprains and twists are different, and Minghao’s an idiot who keeps stepping in holes.”
Chan giggled. He was sure that Minghao would take offense to that if he had heard, but Minghao was too busy flirting with Mingyu from the spectator section five levels up to hear.
Their coach came back and yelled for the rest of them to come down and warm up. Chan pouted but dragged himself away from Soonyoung’s hold. He stood a step down, Soonyoung grabbing onto his hands and swinging them between them.
“You’re gonna do great, okay baby?”
Chan nodded leaning up to give Soonyoung one last peck, “Thank you.”
He turned to walk down the seats when a hand smacked him on the butt. He turned around to send a playful glare at Soonyoung.
Soonyoung grinned at him, the cheeky one that spelled trouble, “I like to date winners too, go knock’em dead, baby.”
Chan huffed out a laugh and shook his head before jumping down the bleachers. He’d give him a winner alright.
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thefunkao3 ¡ 3 years ago
Stumbling in the Dark
Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x Yang Jeongin | I.N
Group: Stray Kids
Rating: G (General Audiences)
Word Count: 1.1K
Key Words: Sleepwalking, Clumsy Jeongin, Band-Aids
Date Originally Posted:
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Hyunjin knows he should be asleep. He’d like to be asleep even, but he’s not. It’s five o’clock in the morning and Hyunjin is in the kitchen trying to microwave ramen as quietly as he can. He’d stayed extra late at the company, having started choreography practice for his solo cover after group practice had already wrapped up. And even then, he had stayed longer than he had meant to, all the managers and office staff having already gone home for the night. Luckily, one of the night shift security guards had to go home early and offered him a ride home to the dorms. Hyunjin had gratefully accepted the offer, the kind man had dropped him off at their building with an order for him to get some sleep. Which he would be doing if his stomach didn’t feel like it was about to eat itself. Hence the 5 a.m. ramen.
He yawned as he watched the number count down on the microwave, hand shooting out as he managed to open the door right before it hit zero. He sighed in relief that he managed to not wake anyone up. Hyunjin finished making his ramen and sat at the kitchen table. Normally he would stand for such a late-night snack, but his legs are killing him. So, he sits.
He’s just finishing up when he hears a loud crash come from the direction of the bedrooms. He cringes at the noise. Someone must have woken up. If it was Chan, he was going to get in so much trouble. He was supposed to be in bed hours ago. Either he was getting in trouble, or the person making all the noise was going to. He stood up as quietly as he could and threw away his trash. He set his chopsticks in the sink, careful not to clink the metal against the basin.
He turned around and nearly jumped out of his skin. Jeongin was up and standing in the entrance of the hallway, hair adorably ruffled.
“Jesus, baby, you scared me half to death. What are you doing up?” Hyunjin asked.
Jeongin didn’t say anything, continuing to stand still, not moving an inch. Hyunjin furrowed his brows, stepping closer into the minimal light to check on him. Jeongin’s eyes were shut, face slack with sleep, while a giant scrape on his knee dripped blood.
“Oh, honey,” Hyunjin murmured.
Jeongin was sleepwalking. Even on a good day, Jeongin was pretty clumsy, combined with literally being asleep, he was a walking disaster. They learned early on after a harrowing trip to the hospital at 3 a.m. that Jeongin was never allowed to sleep on a top bunk. So now, his boyfriend was sleepwalking and had hurt himself, which was probably what the loud noise had been earlier.
After the first incident, Hyunjin had researched all he could about sleepwalking. And the number one rule, was that you weren’t supposed to wake a sleepwalker, instead just gently leading them back to bed. However, Jeongin was bleeding from the knee still, and there was no way Hyunjin was going to let him go to bed injured.
He approached Jeongin slowly, grabbing his waist and pivoting him back towards the hallway. With a hand on his lower back, Hyunjin managed to guide Jeongin into the bathroom. Over the years, Hyunjin liked to think he had become a pretty good Jeongin wrangler. He turned the light on and shut the door so that he wouldn’t accidentally wake any of the others with the light. He cleared off a space on the counter and lifted Jeongin onto it. After making sure that Jeongin was safely on the counter, and not at danger of falling off, he grabbed the first aid kit from under the counter, and a washcloth.
He wet the cloth with water and patted at Jeongin’s scrape, making sure it was clean. Usually he would use alcohol, but he figured that it didn’t look bad enough to warrant it, and the sting would definitely wake Jeongin. He kneeled down and blew on Jeongin’s knee, trying to dry off the excess water without having to wipe at his wound. He looked up to check on Jeongin, and to his relief, Jeongin’s face was still as cutely blank as it had been earlier.
He rummaged around in the first aid kit and pulled out a bandage that would be large enough to cover the scrape. It was a wide scrape, but it wasn’t very deep, and would probably heal in just a couple of days. He opened the large square bandage and affixed it to Jeongin’s leg, making sure to get every part of the wound underneath it, and not touch any of the redness with the adhesive. Once he was sure he had done it right, he nodded to himself in satisfaction. He was about to stand up when he changed his mind.
Just a couple of days ago, Minho had bought a box of Pororo bandages, mostly for Jisung and Jeongin, and mostly as a joke. But they were cute, and Jeongin’s current bandage was practically the same color as his skin. It was boring and made his injury look more serious than it actually was. He picked out a bright yellow Pororo bandage and placed it right in the center of his bigger bandage. Much better.
Hyunjin nodded to himself again and closed up the first aid kit, placing it back under the sink where it belonged. He tossed the washcloth into the hamper and wiped his slightly damp hands off on his sweatpants. He shut the light off, swung open the bathroom door, and leaned across the hallway to open the door to his bedroom. He picked Jeongin up again to lift him off the counter, but this time he kept him in his arms. With Hyunjin’s own room was just across the small hallway, and Jeongin’s being all the way at the other end. It just made sense for him to bring Jeongin to his room instead of sending him back to his own. It definitely wasn’t an excuse to cuddle his boyfriend to sleep after a very long day.
He carried Jeongin across the hallway and settled him onto Hyunjin’s bottom bunk, trying not to wake up either of his roommates. Jeongin laid down with a sigh, snuggling into Hyunjin’s pillows. Hyunjin stripped himself of his clothes quickly and changed into his pajamas. He lifted the covers on his bed and climbed in after Jeongin. He rearranged them so that Jeongin’s head was on his chest, his leg thrown over Hyunjin’s own. He sighed into the darkness and pressed a kiss into Jeongin’s hair.
Jeongin moved his head, pressing into the kiss and squeezing tighter around Hyunjin’s body. Hyunjin chuckled, combing through Jeongin’s hair with his fingers, “Goodnight, baby.”
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thefunkao3 ¡ 3 years ago
I Pick You (You Pick Me)
Pairing: Nakamoto Yuta/Kim Dongyoung | Doyoung
Group: NCT
Rating: T (Teen and Up Audiences)
Word Count: 1.2K
Key Words: Produce 101 AU, Secret Relationship, Forced Rivalry
Date Originally Posted: January 12, 2020
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Just like they did every Saturday night, the boys of Produce 101 had come together to watch the latest episode. Ever since they had watched the first episode together, they made it a point to watch the rest of the episodes as a group as well. It had become a tradition at this point. It gave the boys a chance to get closer to one another and monitor how they were being portrayed by the show to the public.
Doyoung smiled, patting Jeno on the head. The younger boy had latched onto him early on in the competition, and Doyoung found that he really didn’t mind. The younger boy was sweet and talented and actually listened to Doyoung, unlike those little brats Donghyuck and Chenle (the boys were great, actually, they were just mischievous and young).
Jeno leaned into his side, giggling as he watched the screen. Jeno had done really well in the last performance and was finally hearing all the praise everyone had given him. His eye smile was the brightest Doyoung had ever seen it, and he couldn’t help pressing a kiss to the top of his head. He badly wanted the younger to debut, Doyoung thought he truly deserved to have his dreams come true.
Doyoung looked back to the screen as the music changed. It was now dark and intense, rather than the light and playful music it had been. Doyoung nearly groaned but managed to keep silent. He knew what was coming.
The Doyoung-Yuta battle for first place.
Ever since the first ranking, Doyoung and Nakamoto Yuta, a trainee from Star Road Entertainment, had been trading the first and second place back and forth, and so far it was an extremely tight battle. Doyoung had gotten the first “A” of the season, but Yuta had become the center of the “Pick Me” stage. They were practically neck and neck all season.
He watched himself on screen. His eyes were fierce as he spoke to the interviewer.
“My biggest competition is Yuta. He’s a strong competitor and I need to win,” he had said.
Except, he hadn’t, really. He’d actually been saying how Jihoon was his big competitor, the other boy was the main vocalist of one of the other teams. They were, truly, in competition with one another. With the way contestants were being chosen, every point counted. It was just like how he had said Jongho was his competition the week before, and Youngjae the week before that, every main vocalist was Doyoung’s competition, he wanted to show he was the best there was. And the line about needing to win against Yuta? They had been playing a game in the dorm, and Doyoung was notoriously competitive.
He clenched his fist as the editors showed a clip of him glaring at Yuta as the boy walked away from him. What they cut out was Yuta spraying Doyoung with water before that, and them laughing together after. The next clip showed when Doyoung had been struggling with the dance, and then Yuta laughing at him. What it didn’t show, was Yuta staying up with him late into the night, helping him to perfect the moves.
The episode ended soon enough, the final shot a split-screen of Doyoung and Yuta glaring at one another. It was a ridiculous shot, his picture probably coming from a moment when his contacts were irritating him. But at least it was finally over.
When he finally stood up to leave, Jeno tugged at his sleeve, “You’re gonna beat him this week, hyung, I know it.”
Doyoung didn’t have the energy to tell Jeno that he didn’t need the reassurance, so he just ruffled his hair, “Thanks, kid.”
Jeno flashed him his eye smile before running off, probably to hang out with Renjun or Jaemin, as he usually did after they watched the show. Doyoung was glad that he had Jeno’s confidence and support, but he wasn’t really all that pleased with the whole “rivalry” between him and Yuta that the show was trying to create.
As he walked back to his room, Doyoung could only imagine what the public thought of them. Clearly they were loved, as shown by their high rankings, but it was to be seen how people would think about them being in the group together. If people thought they were such hard-core rivals, how would they react to them being friends in the group. Would they think it all was fake? That they were acting? He didn’t want that to affect the group in any way.
Doyoung collapsed onto his bed face first, letting the tension melt out of his body. He sighed, relishing in the silence of the room. All of the boys that stayed in his room were somewhere else, either practicing more, hanging out in other rooms, or sneaking out to get snacks, so he was alone in his room. It was nice to just lay down in silence for a few minutes.
Only five minutes later though, Doyoung heard the door creak open. He sighed. He knew that sooner or later the boys would be back, but he didn’t want it to be so soon. Before he could guess if it was Minhyuk or Minho, a weight dropped onto his bed. A warm body laid itself on Doyoung’s back. Doyoung’s breath almost left him. Only one person would lay on him like this.
“Yuta,” he murmured.
Yuta hummed above him, pressing light kisses to the back of his neck, “How’d you know it was me?”
Doyoung smiled, even though he knew Yuta couldn’t see him, “Nobody else has the nerve to lay on me like you do. Now get up, I want to look at you.”
“Aw so sweet,” Yuta said, kissing the shell of Doyoung’s ear.
Doyoung knew he was teasing him, but the weight on his back lifted. Yuta’s hands were still pressed by the side of Doyoung’s head, caging him in, so Yuta was just hovering above him. Doyoung turned over, allowing Yuta to lay back down on him, chest to chest. Yuta’s hair tickled his face, so he reached up and tucked the long strand behind his ear.
Yuta was smiling at him and it nearly blinded Doyoung. His eyes were just as bright, gleaming with mirth.
“What’s got you so happy?” Doyoung asked.
“You got a lot of good scenes in the episode tonight, I think you’re gonna take number one from me this week.”
Doyoung scoffed, “Oh please, most of my scenes were either of me supposedly fighting with you, or scolding the young ones. They’re gonna think I’m bossy and aggressive and I’m gonna plummet.”
Yuta frowned, “Not true. The arguing makes you look passionate and the scolding makes you look like a leader in their eyes. You’re number one for sure. Besides, you being bossy and aggressive is kinda hot.”
Doyoung slapped Yuta on the shoulder, “Oh my god, stop. Besides, I think you’ve got the top spot. Your charisma on stage during your performance... wow. Your eyes were–” Doyoung shook his head, “ If they don’t vote you number one, something went terribly wrong.”
Yuta grinned at him again, this one mischievous, “My eyes were what? Tell me Doie, what did you think about my eyes?”
“I thought they were mesmerizing.”
“Oh? Mesmerizing you say? Did I entrance you? Did the ever aloof Doyoung fall under my spell?”
Doyoung groaned, “Oh my god, just shut up and kiss me.”
“Ooh bossy and aggressive, I told you that was hot,” Yuta said, before finally leaning down to kiss Doyoung. Properly this time.
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thefunkao3 ¡ 3 years ago
At the Last Minute
Pairing: Wong Yukhei | Lucas/Na Jaemin
Group: NCT
Rating: G (General Audiences)
Word Count: 1.1K
Key Words: Christmas Shopping, Fluff, Exasperated Jaemin
Date Originally Posted:
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The apartment was warm in a comfortable way, not the sticky warmth it was during the summer. Instead, this was a cozy warmth that only came in the winter when the heating was turned up and it was snowing outside. It was Jaemin's favorite time of year. Jaemin sighed in contentment. He was laying on Yukhei's chest, a large blanket pulled over top of them. Yukhei was warmth underneath him and his chest would rumble when Jaemin dropped a kiss on it.
Yukhei hummed beneath him and Jaemin sighed into his warmth. This was Jaemin's favorite way to spend time with Yukhei. Sure, they had many fun adventures, but there was something so special about being able to just lay with Yukhei like this. Cuddled in Yukhei's arms was where Jaemin felt the safest and happiest. Yukhei stroked his hair and Jaemin nuzzled into the touch.
Jaemin looked up at Yukhei, “What did you end up getting for your mom?"
Yukhei's hand stilled in Jaemin's hair "What?"'
“For Christmas, babe, what'd you get your mom for Christmas?" Jaemin could see the confusion on Yukhei's face and his heart sank, "Baby, you know that your mom is coming to our apartment tomorrow, right?"
Yukhei's face turned pale, "Shit."
Jaemin groaned, throwing the blanket off of himself and got off the couch. He walked to their bedroom, throwing off his pajama pants and trying to find a clean pair of jeans. He grumbled as he pulled on a pair of skinny jeans. He heard a grunt from behind him. Yukhei's face was confused as he stood in the doorway.
"Nana, what are you doing?” Yukhei asked.
Jaemin frowned, "We have to get your mom a gift. Come on, get dressed, the mall should still be open."
Yukhei stood still in the doorway, head cocked to the side.
Jaemin threw a pair of pants at Yukhei, and they landed on his head, "Oh my God Yukhei, you have to get something for your mom for Christmas. If we go now, we can get her something so we don’t have to go early in the morning, now come on.”
Jaemin pushed past Yukhei and waited for him to put his pants on. He slipped his wallet in his pants and began to search for his keys. They weren't on the hook, or in the bowl by the front door.
"Hyung, do you know where my keys are?" Jaemin asked.
"They should be on the coffee table."
"Thank you."
Sure enough, his keys were sitting right in the middle of the coffee table. He put the keys in his pocket. He found his coat and slipped it on, adjusting the long sleeves underneath.
"It's gonna be cold, make sure you bring your coat," Jaemin said.
"I'm a hot guy I'll be fine."
Jaemin shook his head. "It's going to be forty degrees, just bring your coat."
"Ugh, fine."
Jaemin buttoned his coat and mumbled under his breath, "Stubborn boy."
A hot puff of breath hit Jaemin's ear and he jumped back pressing up against a hard chest. Long arms wrapped around Jaemin's waist.
"What'd you say baby?" Yukhei asked.
Jaemin shivered at the murmured words." I said you were a stubborn boy."
Yukhei kissed along his neck and Jaemin giggled at the soft touches. One kiss lingered at the junction of his neck and shoulder and he sighed, allowing himself to melt into Yukhei's hold. He closed his eyes and hummed, letting Yukhei rock them back and forth. Jaemin knows they should leave, but he just wants to stay like this for a little while. So he lets them. They stand in the hallway for a couple of minutes and Jaemin is enveloped in warmth.
“You ready to go baby?" Yukhei asked.
Jaemin untangled himself from Yukhei's arms and slipped his hand into Yukhei’s, twining their fingers together. They left their apartment and Jaemin locked the door behind them. Yukhei swung their hands as they walked down the hallway. Once they got in the elevator and Jaemin leaned his head against Yukhei's shoulder.
"Do you want to drive hyung?" Jaemin asked.
"Yeah, I'll drive," Yukhei said.
It was cold outside and cold in their car when they got in. Jaemin shivered and Yukhei cranked the heat up. He pulled out of their parking lot and placed his hand on Jaemin's thigh. His hand was warm and covered most of his thigh. As they drove down the street, Jaemin rested his forehead against the window.
Outside, nearly every building they passed was covered in Christmas lights. In the dark, the lights twinkled continuously. Jaemin loved the Christmas lights. They reminded him of fairies and stars. He reached down and grabbed Yukhei's hand. He rubbed his thumb along the back of Yukhei's hand.
"The lights look really pretty tonight." he said.
Yukhei tangled their fingers together, "You're prettier."
Jaemin blushed and smacked the back of Yukhei's hand, "Oh my god, shut up."
Yukhei giggled and squeezed his hand. Jaemin rested his head back on the window and hummed along to the radio, allowing Yukhei to drive them to the mall the rest of the way in peace. It wasn't that long of a drive, so only a couple of minutes they were parked in the mall parking lot. Jaemin pulled himself out of the car and pulled his coat tighter around him. Before he could say anything to Yukhei, his boyfriend was already pulling a coat on. Jaemin smiled. Good boy.
Jaemin walked around the front of the car and looped his arm around Yukhei’s. He snuggled into his side and smiled when Yukhei kissed the top of his head. The mall was packed, but Jaemin had expected that. There were still a few days left until Christmas and Jaemin could see hordes of parents fighting through the crowds to get the last of their gifts. Luckily Jaemin and Yukhei had already done all their Christmas shopping for their friends and family. Except for Yukhei's mom, of course. But that should be doable, they still had an hour and a half until the mall closed, they had plenty of time!
"Baby, look." Yukhei said.
Jaemin looked to see what Yukhei was pointing at. Right in the middle of the mall was a giant Christmas tree. It was covered in lights and silver ornaments and was just about the prettiest Christmas tree he had ever seen. He looked up to ask Yukhei a question, when his boyfriend's face fell.
"Oh my God," Yukhei said, "we still have to decorate our Christmas tree."
Jaemin groaned. He grabbed Yukhei by the arm and began to pull him through the crowds, "Let's go, we've got work to do."
0 notes
thefunkao3 ¡ 3 years ago
Finding Home
Pairing: Park Jimin/Kim Taehyung | V
Group: BTS
Rating: G (General Audiences)
Word Count: 1.7K
Key Words: Feelings Realizations, Nonverbal Communication, Snuggling & Cuddling
Date Originally Posted: January 3, 2018
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16 years old
Jimin was sixteen when he moved to Daegu. Before that, it was Gwangju, and before that Jeju. There was a slew of other places before that as well, but they weren’t very long or important stays. Home was Busan, well, technically speaking anyways. He was born in Busan at least. They lived there for around four years until they moved for the first time. They landed in Incheon and it was nice, but the next year they were on to Mokpo. The following years of his life were spent moving from city to city, following his father wherever his job may take him.
It’s an interesting way to live, filled with pros and cons. Moving around could be fun, and he got to live in incredible places, some of them incredibly beautiful. The months they spent living in Tokyo were some of his favorites. He met incredible people too. There was an auntie who lived next door to them in Daejeon who called him every Saturday to see how he was doing. He made tons of friends everywhere he moved, all fun and special to him in different ways.
But of course, there was also a downside to living like he did. It was borderline nomadic in a way. Like, sure, the auntie from Daejeon still called him, but many of the friends he had made had been lost to him. Whether it be time, the distance, or just plain old growing apart, Jimin had lost many of his friends. And while they had been special to him, sometimes they began to run together in his mind.
Like, was Minhyuk the name of his friend in Mokpo, or was it Jisung, or had Minhyuk been in Daejeon. Or did he have no friends named Minhyuk and he was thinking of Minseok. Or was it Seokmin? Could he have a friend named Minhyuk in Mokpo and Daejeon? Multiple Minhyuk’s? It was a common name so it wasn’t quite out of the realm of possibility. And sometimes making new friends was hard. The three months they lived in Texas were some of the loneliest in his life. His lack of English made him weird and unapproachable to the other students, and he left there with not a single friend to speak of.
And moving around brought him to a lot of different places in Korea, and some places out of it. Some places he lived his city friends had never heard of, and his country friends dreamed to go. But living in so many places, he never really connected with any of them. Sure, Japan was beautiful, but he always felt slightly out of place. The air was a little different and so were the people. The food was just different enough to be noticeable and it made his stomach hurt sometimes. Texas was an entirely different kind of culture shock, leaving him exhausted at the end of every day.
He was never in any one place long enough to form a connection to it. At one point he had called Busan home, and then Incheon. But after that, none of the places he lived had ever felt like home. They instead felt like stops on his way to somewhere. Where he was going, he wasn’t quite sure. But he hoped he’d stay in Daegu for a little while at least.
He met Kim Taehyung his first day of class at his new school. They sat next to each other in math and the other had immediately been nice to him. He had smiled widely at him, and it was a charming box shape. He had whispered jokes in Jimin’s ear when the teacher wasn’t looking, making him giggle behind his hand so as to not get caught.
When lunch had come around, Taehyung had flagged him down, the seat beside him empty and waiting for Jimin. He had hustled towards him, cheeks turning pink as Taehyung immediately pulled him into the seat, resting his arm around Jimin’s shoulders.
He wanted to stay in Daegu for as long as he could.
18 years old
Jimin is eighteen years old and his family still lives in Daegu. It’s the longest they’ve lived in one place in what feels like forever. He’s reached high school now, and Taehyung is his best friend. His parents had started joking that he and Taehyung were attached at the hip, and they weren’t really wrong. He and Tae did everything together.
He’d recently gotten his license and the two of them would spend the weekends driving to random places around the city. Sometimes they go for ice cream, or to the movies. They’d gone to the fair every weekend it was in town. Jimin would drive and Tae would be his passenger. He’d read off the directions and play with the radio, belting along to any song that came on. He’d use ridiculous voices until Jimin yelled at him to stop, fearing he would crash.
It was during one of these trips when Jimin discovered his feelings for Taehyung. They were in the ice cream shop close to their high school when it hit him. They were sitting across from each other and Taehyung had his strawberry ice cream smudged under his bottom lip. His eyes were wide as Jimin tried to point it out to him. His tongue traveled his face trying to wipe it off. He was so far off that Jimin couldn’t help but giggle.
Jimin had reached across the table, wiping the ice cream away with his thumb. Taehyung’s eyes had gone impossibly wider at the contact, eyes round. He’d never seen anything like it. Taehyung was looking at him with something akin to wonder and embarrassment. It was confusing for Jimin, especially when he felt butterflies erupt in his stomach. What was this he was feeling?
Tae had giggled out a thanks and continued eating his ice cream. The butterflies in his stomach had started to fly a little faster. It was cute, precious even. Tae’s laughter had always been music to his ears. He loved making his friends happy, and he was always happiest when Tae was smiling with him.
Sitting across from Taehyung like that, eating ice cream and laughing felt like a date. Hell, Jimin had even paid for Tae’s ice cream. And he had supposed that it should have scared him but... he liked it. He liked the thought of dates with Taehyung. Picking him up from his house, driving him somewhere only he knew. Making him smile like that for as long as he could.
He wanted to make Taehyung smile like that forever.
20 years old
Jimin is waiting outside of Taehyung’s class when he hears the thunder for the first time. He groans, fearing the torrential downpour that is bound to be waiting for him when he leaves the building. He taps his foot, checking his phone for the time. 4:45. He’s still got five minutes until Tae’s done, but he fears the rain will start any second now.
He’s about to put his phone away when it lights up with a text from Taehyung.
I have to tlk to my prof for a litttle while after class don’t wait for me ok? Ill be home as soo as I can! xx
Jimin snorts. Of course. Trust Tae to wait till the last minute to tell him to go home. Now he was probably going to get rained on. He couldn’t really fault him though, he knew that things sometimes slipped Taehyung’s mind. So he shoved his phone in his pocket, and got ready to brave the storm.
His first step out of the building was surprisingly pleasant. Rain wasn’t actually pouring from the sky. The wind was a bit wild, but it tousled his hair in way that he knew probably made him look a bit silly, so he couldn’t help but chuckle at the mental image.
He could see rain off in the distance, but it hadn’t quite reached campus yet. He picked up his pace a bit, hoping to get to he and Tae’s dorm room as quick as possible. He was glad that their building was so close to the drama building, so he didn’t really have that far to go.
He made it to their building in record time, managing to get inside before the rain came down. He headed to their room quickly, tossing his bag on the floor without care. He dropped onto their couch with a grunt, pulling the blanket from the floor onto himself. He yanked his sweatpants off, trying to get comfortable. The window next to him showed that he had just missed the rain. It was pouring out now, sky dark and turbulent.
Jimin always loved the rain. He found it calming and soothing in a way. He hadn’t bothered to turn the lights on when he got in, so the dark coupled with the sound of the rain, made him drift into a light sleep.
Until Taehyung got home at least. He swung the door open with a crash, water dripping from his clothes and hair. He was giggling loudly, eyes shining as he closed the door. He crossed the floor with large steps, shaking Jimin with wet hands.
“Jiminie! Jiminie! Chim Chim! Look! It’s raining!”
Jimin rubbed his eyes, trying to wipe the sleep from them. The sight of Taehyung wet and shivering but smiling, was enough to wake him up.
“Jesus Christ Tae Tae, look at you! You’re soaking wet!”
Taehyung only giggled as Jimin ran off to fetch a towel. He made it back quickly, rubbing the blanket all over Taehyung’s head. He dropped the towel and began unbuttoning the younger's top.
“You’re gonna get sick Taehyungie take this off. Come on.”
He pulled Taehyung into his bedroom as the other pulled his clothes off, leaving a trail of wet clothing along the path. He’d yell at him in the morning, but warmth and sleep was more important at the moment. They had to stop while Taehyung fought with his jeans, trying to take them off. He cheered loudly as he got them off, allowing Jimin to pull him into bed.
Taehyung sighed happily the moment they laid down, exhaustion seeping from his bones. They tangled their legs together, Jimin pulling Taehyung closer to him.
“I’m sorry we couldn’t walk home together, but I forgot I had to ask Choi about my monologue.”
“It’s okay. I’m just glad you’re home.”
Jimin placed his forehead against Taehyung’s, who smiled at the contact, before burying his face in Jimin’s shoulder.
Laying here with Taehyung, cuddled under their blankets, with the rain thundering outside, Jimin finally felt like he was home.
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thefunkao3 ¡ 3 years ago
How to Care For a Sad Person
Pairing: Kwon Soonyoung | Hoshi/Lee Jihoon | Woozi
Group: Seventeen
Rating: G (General Audiences)
Word Count: 595
Key Words: Comfort, Humor, Fluff
Date Originally Posted: January 4, 2017
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Soonyoung smiled happily as he heard the front door click shut. He paused the game he’d been playing, ignoring Seokmin’s whines, and hustled to the front hallway. His boyfriend had been gone for a few hours, and he was finally home.
As happy as Soonyoung was for Jihoon to be home, he wasn’t happy to see how upset Jihoon looked. His face looked blank and his eyes were dull. If Soonyoung looked close enough, he could see the slight wobble of Jihoon’s bottom lip.
“Jihoonie? Baby? You okay honey?”
It seemed as though his words had triggered something in Jihoon, who started to cry softly. Soonyoung ran quickly to their bedroom. He hated to leave Jihoon crying alone in the front hallway, but he needed to grab a blanket and send Seokmin home.
He entered his bedroom, eyes carefully scanning the room until they landed on Jihoon’s favorite blanket. As he gathered it into his arms he turned to Seokmin.
“Hey man, I’m gonna have to ask you to leave. Jihoonie had a bad day and I need to make sure he’s okay. Sorry.”
Seokmin stood up quickly, grabbing his things. “It’s no problem hyung. Do you need me to help you with anything?”
“No, I’ve got it. Thanks though.”
He followed Seokmin out of the room and down the hallway. He moved to the living room and began spreading the blanket on the ground. He watched as Seokmin left, kissing Jihoon’s head and saying, “Feel better, hyungie.”
He smiled as Jihoon’s tears began to lessen, but he knew it wouldn’t last for too long. If Jihoon was crying, it had to be serious. He walked around the couch and held Jihoon’s hand, gently guiding him to the living room. He made him lay down on the blanket, before he began to roll him over in it, making him into a sad Jihoon sushi roll.
Jihoon’s sadness had put him in an unresponsive state, hardly noticing as Soonyoung man-handled him. He was placed carefully on the couch, only able to watch as Soonyoung hustled to the kitchen, hearing him fill a glass with water.
He was back in no time, shifting Jihoon’s blankets so his hands would be free to grab the glass. He picked up the remote and slipped in behind Jihoon on the couch, the smaller boy resting against his chest, his legs holding tight to Jihoon’s sides.
He kissed the back of Jihoon’s head, “What happened baby? Do you wanna talk about it?”
Jihoon shook his head, leaning further back into Soonyoung’s hold.
“Do you want to watch a movie?”
Jihoon nodded, so Soonyoung turned on their Netflix, picking Finding Nemo without even asking. He never admitted it, but Finding Nemo was Jihoon’s favorite movie, and it never failed to put a smile on the younger boys’ face.
When it started to play, he began pressing kisses all over Jihoon’s head and shoulders. He could hear when he stopped crying, his little hiccups eventually subsiding. His head fell back onto Soonyoung’s shoulder, allowing him to wipe the leftover tears from his cheeks.
He kissed his jaw gently, happy as he heard Jihoon let out a content sounding sigh. He snuggled even further into Soonyoung’s chest, small smile growing on his face. Soonyoung smiled, pressing yet another kiss to Jihoon’s head.
Now, Soonyoung wasn’t always the best at comforting people when they cried, especially someone like Jihoon. But when the smaller boy fell asleep against his chest with a precious smile on his face, he decided he must be pretty alright at it.
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thefunkao3 ¡ 3 years ago
Love at First Fight
Pairing: Choi Seungcheol | S.Coups/Boo Seungkwan
Group: Seventeen
Rating: G (General Audiences)
Word Count: 854
Key Words: mentions of Past Abuse, Hurt/Comfort, Fighting
Date Originally Posted: February 6, 2017
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Seungcheol walked idly through the park near his house. His classes lately had been stressful, so he had begun taking walks in the park to relax. The air was cool with a slight breeze that lightly ruffled his short hair. A man outside a cafe was playing a guitar as he sang along to the calm melody. It was probably the most at peace Seungcheol had felt in a long time.
He almost shrieked when something hit him hard in the arm, shattering his peaceful mood. He grabbed the person before they could run away and he was about to scold them when he noticed the petrified look on the boy’s face. He had light brown hair and his skin was a shade of pale that only came from true fear. However, it was the shine of unshed tears trapped in wide brown eyes that moved him to action.
“Hey, um, are you okay?” Seungcheol almost smacked himself in the face. Of course he wasn’t okay!
The boy shook his head frantically, “N-no. My ex b-boyfriend is h-here and he’s g-gonna h-hurt me.”
Seungcheol furrowed his brows, if there was anything he hated in the world, it was people who abused their partners. Tears finally escaped the boy's eyes, and Seungcheol wiped them away as he looked around the park.
“Where is he?”
The boy pointed to a tall guy on the other side of the park, who looked as though he hadn’t spotted them yet. Honestly, he didn’t seem too big, Seungcheol was pretty sure he could take him in a fight, but he didn’t want to leave this boy alone as he did it.
“Do you want me to stay with you until he leaves?”
The boy’s eyes lit up, “W-would you?”
“Of course. Would you rather we went to the cafe to wait?” The boy nodded so Seungcheol took his hand, ready to lead him across the street. “I’m Seungcheol, by the way.”
The boy smiled as he clutched tightly to Seungcheol’s hand, “Seungkwan, and thank you. So much.”
“Don’t worry Seungkwan, I’ll keep you safe.”
Unfortunately, it seemed as though Seungkwan’s ex-boyfriend had noticed them as they were talking, and he was approaching them quickly.
“Seungkwan get your ass over here. You think you can just grab all your stuff and leave me? You’re so gonna get it when we get home.”
Seungkwan whimpered when he heard the man’s voice. The man made to grab his arm, but Seungcheol pulled Seungkwan behind him. He could feel Seungkwan cowering behind him as he stared the other man down.
“Get your hands off him, he’s coming back with me.”
Seungcheol scoffed, “Oh please. I’m not gonna let you get anywhere near him. You’re gonna have to go home alone.”
He could tell that the other man was getting mad, and probably ready to fight, but there was no way he was going to let this guy get anywhere near Seungkwan. He had only just met the kid, but he already felt extremely protective of him. Whether it was because of how cute he was, or how blindly he had trusted him, he wasn’t going to put him in danger.
“Seungkwan,” the man had started to speak again, “I don’t know who the hell this guy is, and why he thinks he owns you, but you’re mine, so get the hell over here. We’re leaving.”
Seungcheol could hardly believe his ears. “He doesn’t belong to me, and he sure as hell doesn’t belong to you. So how about you just go home and leave us alone.”
It seemed like that was the last straw for this guy, because he pushed hard at Seungcheol’s chest. He could hear Seungkwan’s scared gasp as he was pushed back, and well, that was the final straw for Seungcheol. He reared his arm back, letting his fist fly. His hand connected to the asshole’s jaw with a sickening crack. Then he slumped to the ground, heavy like a sack of potatoes.
He turned to look at Seungkwan, hoping that he hadn’t scared the boy, hoping that he was okay. Now, Seungcheol had heard of ‘heart eyes’, but he’d never seen them on a person, let alone directed at him. But the look Seungkwan was giving him was anything but fear.
Seungkwan was smiling up at him, and the next thing he knew, Seungkwan was up on his toes, pressing a kiss to his cheek. His full cheeks were dusted a light pink, making him look small and cute. Seungcheol cupped his cheeks in his hands, resting his forehead against Seungkwan’s. He rested there for a minute before pulling back and staring into Seungkwan’s eyes.
“Are you okay?”
Seungkwan nodded frantically, a few tears leaking slowly from his eyes. “Thank you. So much. For everything. I just, thank you so much.”
Seungcheol looked back at the man still out cold on the floor, “Trust me, it was my pleasure. Now, how about we go to that coffee shop anyways.”
Seungkwan blushed, nodding happily, “Yeah, I’d like that.”
Seungcheol smiled and led the way, Seungkwan tucked protectively into his side.
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thefunkao3 ¡ 3 years ago
Deepest Secret
Pairing: Wen Junhui | Jun/Xu Minghao | The8
Group: Seventeen
Rating: T (Teen and Up Audiences)
Word Count: 1K
Key Words: Secrets, Established Relationship, Assassins
Date Originally Posted: January 2, 2017
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Junhui and Minghao didn’t have many secrets in their relationship. They knew everything about each other. They told each other everything, whether they thought it was big or small, they talked about it. They knew that communication was one of the most important parts of making any relationship work. They tried to be as transparent as possible with one another.
Except Junhui did have one little secret. And, okay, maybe little was a bit of an understatement. It was a pretty big secret. He had finally decided to tell Minghao, but he was pretty scared about it. Honestly, he had no idea how his boyfriend would take the news.
You see, Junhui was an assassin. He worked undercover for the government to take out threats to national security. And he was good at it too. One of the best even. He used his expert knowledge of martial arts to dispatch some of the most dangerous people in the world. His targets were neutralized before they could even get a single hit in. Most of the time anyways. When they did get a lucky shot in, he was always able to convince Minghao that it was the result of a clumsy accident.
He had no clue how Minghao was going to handle the news. Sure, the younger knew dangerous martial arts as well, but he had only learned it for possible self-defense. Minghao was a gentle soul, so learning that his boyfriend killed people for a living? He might not be able to handle it.
That’s probably what scared Junhui the most about telling Minghao what his real job was, was the very real possibility that he could lose him. Junhui had never cared about anybody as much as he cared about Minghao. He didn’t know what he’d do with himself if they weren’t together anymore. But Minghao deserved to know. He couldn’t hide this from him anymore.
He was interrupted in his thoughts by the sight of Minghao slinking in through the front door. He seemed not to have noticed Junhui sitting on the couch, so he observed him silently. He’d been gone on a business trip for three days, and it seemed to have taken a toll on him. He had dark bags around his eyes and his normally glowing skin looked pale and dull. He looked just about dead on his feet. Junhui was impressed that he was managing to drag his heavy black duffle bag to their room.
Seeing Minghao so tired made Junhui not want to tell him tonight. Maybe he would wait until he was more well-rested. Tell him when he’d had a few more days to fall back into a normal rhythm at home. But no, he couldn’t do that. He had an assignment in two days that he’d have to leave for. And if he didn’t tell Minghao now, he’d lose his nerve and never tell him.
He took a deep breath as Minghao walked back in, trying to steel his nerves. Minghao looked so cute and soft in a pair of sweatpants and one of Junhui’s larger shirts. He seemed to be headed towards the kitchen, and it looked as though something was bothering him.
“Hao Hao? Can you come here?”
Minghao looked confused, but made his way over to the couch, settling himself in Junhui’s lap, as he often did when he was sleepy. He smiled tiredly as he looked up at Junhui.
“Yes Junnie?”
He grabbed Minghao’s hand in his, and began playing with his fingers, something he only did when he was nervous.
“I’ve got something really important to tell you.”
Minghao sighed, face falling. “Me too.”
Junhui furrowed his brow. What important thing did Minghao have to tell him? Had he been hiding something from him this whole time too? Was that why he had looked so bothered earlier?
“Can um, can I go first?” At Minghao’s nod he took a deep breath and let the words fall from his lips. “I’m a government assassin.”
Now, Junhui wasn’t sure what he was expecting Minghao’s reaction to be, maybe disgust, sadness, possibly anger. He’d even imagined a scenario where Minghao had slapped him across the face. It wasn’t likely, but he sure had thought about it. But this, never in a million years did he expect Minghao’s response to be laughter. And it wasn’t laughter of disbelief either, just pure, joyful laughter spilling out of Minghao like a waterfall.
He stared at Minghao, waiting for him to finish laughing. He eventually settled down, giggling quietly in his lap.
“I’m so glad that’s all.”
“What do you mean ‘That’s all’, I kill people for a living Hao.”
“Me too. That’s what I wanted to tell you.”
Junhui felt as if his world was crashing down around him. He couldn’t believe it. His sweet, little Minghao, a government assassin? There was no way. Besides, he’s pretty sure he would have seen him at headquarters before.
“You, you’re an assassin? For the government?”
Minghao grinned proudly, “Yep, best there is.”
“Really, you’re the best? Cause I like to think I’m pretty good.”
Minghao laughed happily. “Ever heard of The8?”
Now, Junhui had to believe him. The8 was the codename for an assassin that every other assassin had heard of, but no civilian had. Minghao was definitely an assassin for the government but why was he asking about The8?
“Yeah. Legendary assassin, considered to be the best sniper in the history of China’s secret agencies. Why?”
Minghao leaned towards him, lips brushing against his ear as he whispered, “That’s me.”
Junhui laughed, burying his head in Minghao’s chest. “Of course you are.”
When he finally relaxed, he pressed his lips to Minghao’s, feeling him melt into the kiss. When they parted, he smiled softly as he gazed into Minghao’s eyes. They shone so bright, true happiness making them light up. Their talk may not have gone the way he expected it to, but he wouldn’t have traded it for anything.
He stood up, standing Minghao on his feet, “All right, let’s get you some food Mr. Assassin, I’m sure you’re ready to go to bed.”
Minghao only laughed, following him happily to the kitchen.
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thefunkao3 ¡ 3 years ago
I'm Always Hungry For You || 18+
Pairing: Lee Donghun/Kang Yuchan | Chan
Group: A.C.E
Rating: E (Explicit)
Word Count: 1.9K
Key Words: Vampire, Fluff and Smut, Clothed Sex
Date Originally Posted: January 3, 2021
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It was later than Yuchan would like to be out walking alone, but he had missed the last bus home and his phone was dead, so this was his only option. He shivered as a cold breeze blew and pulled his coat tighter around himself. All of his scarves had mysteriously disappeared, so he was Ieft with a frozen neck every time he went outside in the winter.
He hiked his backpack higher on his shoulders, looked both ways down the road, and crossed the street. As soon as he was safely on the sidewalk, a new chill crept up his spine. But this wasn't a shiver of cold, no. Someone was watching him. He could feel eyes on him. He walked a bit faster and heard footsteps behind him. He walked even faster and so did the footsteps. His breath caught in his throat and his pulse began to race.
Strong arms latched around his waist, “Baby, why are you running away from me?"
Yuchan spun around and slapped at a warm chest, "You asshole, you scared me!"
His boyfriend grinned, cheeky smile lighting up the dark night. Donghun pulled him in close and nosed along his cold neck, then kissed Yuchan's cheek.
"I'm sorry, baby. But you weren't home and wouldn't answer your phone," Donghun said.
"My phone died and Byeongkwan hyung and I worked really late on our project. I didn't realize how late it was, and by the time I did the last bus was already gone. Forgive me?" Yuchan asked.
He made sure to pout at Donghun and batted his eyelashes. Donghun sighed and kissed Yuchan. Yuchan sighed into the kiss, savoring the warmth of lips on his. Donghun nipped at his lips and Yuchan giggled at the sharp sting.
"Are you hungry, hyung?" Yuchan asked.
Donghun nodded, "But not if you're tired. I can wait till tomorrow. I can handle it."
Yuchan sighed and pecked Donghun on the lips, "Silly boy. If you're hungry you should eat. Come on, let's go home."
Yuchan slid his hand into Donghun's and began to lead him home. Donghun lifted their hands and kissed the back of Yuchan's. Yuchan smiled. Donghun was always so worried about Yuchan's health, and it was sweet, but not when it came at the expense of his own health. Yuchan needed his boyfriend in tip-top shape. He could handle being a little sleepy if it kept his boyfriend at 100%.
The walk to their house was cold and slow, but not unpleasant. It was like the long walks they would take in the spring under the shade of Donghun's favorite umbrella, except during winter. Yuchan pointed out a dog sitting in a window and Donghun stopped to coo at it, only stopping when Yuchan managed to drag him away.
Yuchan loved their home. It was a large, Victorian-style home on the outskirts of Seoul that had been in Donghun's family for thousands of years. When he and Donghun had gotten serious, Yuchan had moved in. Luckily, it coincided with when his lease ran out so he could move in, no strings attached. Jun hyung and Sehyoon hyung had been sad to lose his portion of the rent (and him too, probably they were friends after all), there was just something different about coming home to the love of your life.
He stepped into the house and immediately sighed at the warmth that washed over him. He dropped his backpack to the ground and put his coat on the rack, closing his eyes and stretching his limbs.
Donghun laughed, “Were you cold, baby?”
Yuchan frowned and turned to his boyfriend, “Yeah, I wonder why. It could have something to do with all of my scarves going missing. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?”
“What, no, what would I do with your scarves?”
Yuchan gripped Donghun by the collar and pulled their bodies close together, “You didn’t take them and hide them somewhere so you could see my neck?”
Donghun chuckled and pressed a kiss to Yuchan’s neck, grinning as he shivered at the touch, “Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t.”
Yuchan allowed Donghun to mouth and kiss at his neck for a little while before he pulled away. Donghun pouted and Yuchan kissed his lips, pulling Donghun away from the doorway. Donghun followed him, arms wrapped around Yuchan’s waist.
“Come on now, hyung, didn’t you say you were hungry?” Yuchan asked.
“Are you sure?” Donghun asked.
“Yes hyung, I’m sure.”
Yuchan wished his boyfriend would be a little more assertive when he was hungry. He knew that it was because Donghun loved him and didn’t want him to get hurt, but it was dangerous for Donghun if he was hungry for too long. Yuchan wanted his boyfriend happy and healthy, and with him for a long time. He could handle a little light-headedness and lethargy for that to happen.
Yuchan pulled away from the hug and grabbed Donghun by the hand. Yuchan pulled him up the stairs, holding tight so that Donghun wouldn’t try to pull away. Yuchan knew that his boyfriend was much stronger than him and would have been able to pick Chan up and throw him down the stairs if he wanted, but Chan knew that would never happen. Donghun was always so careful with him, so gentle as if he was made of porcelain, something to be cherished and protected.
“Did you eat? Are you hungry?” Donghun asked.
“Byeongkwannie hyung fed me tteokbokki, you have nothing to worry about,“ Yuchan answered.
Yuchan stopped climbing the stairs and turned to lean his face close to Donghun’s. He rested his arms on Donghun’s shoulders and leaned close to whisper in his ear, “You know, the sooner you eat the sooner we can have dessert, right?”
Donghun gathered Yuchan in his arms and carried him up the stairs, moving at a quick pace. Chan laughed at the familiar feeling of weightlessness and held on tight to Donghun’s shoulders. Donghun thundered up the stairs as Yuchan giggled, strong arms holding tight under his thighs. Yuchan kissed wherever his lips would reach, cold skin delicious under his tongue. Donghun growled, fingers digging harshly into the meat of Yuchan’s thighs.
“Hurry hyung,” Yuchan said.
Donghun reached the top of the stairs, raced down the hallway, throwing open their bedroom door when he reached it, Yuchan giggling all the while. Donghun threw Yuchan onto the bed, and he bounced when he landed. Donghun crawled onto the bed and fell beside Chan onto the pillows. Yuchan climbed onto Donghun’s lap and smiled as Donghun’s strong hands gripped his waist. Donghun’s eyes were dilated as he looked up at Chan and Chan licked his lips at the hungry look in his eyes. Yuchan pulled his shirt over his head, goosebumps erupting all over his skin as Donghun dragged his hands along his sides.
Yuchan shook his body and leaned down to whisper in Donghun’s ear, “Eat up hyung.”
Donghun grinned and with a sharp noise, large fangs grew from his mouth. Yuchan shivered as the sharp bone glinted in the light. Yuchan let his head fall back and Donghun kissed along his neck, slowly. And then, those sharp fangs sunk into Yuchan’s neck. Yuchan gasped at the sharp sting.
“I’m good hyung, keep going, I’m okay,” Yuchan whispered.
Donghun hummed in response and began to suck the blood from Yuchan’s neck. Soon, Donghun’s cold skin began to warm under Yuchan’s skin, the result of finally feeding after so long without. He placed a hand on Donghun’s head and pet his hair, letting out a groan at a particularly hard suck.
“There you go hyung, you were so hungry weren’t you? But you’re doing so good for me, eating so well,” Yuchan murmured.
With each suck, Yuchan became a little more light-headed, a haze clouding his mind. Donghun pulled him tighter onto his lap, and Yuchan felt his pants begin to tighten. Yuchan whined and rolled his hips against Donghun’s and hissed at the delicious friction.
Donghun grabbed his hips and grinded up against him harder. Yuchan whined again and Donghun finally pulled away from Yuchan’s neck. His lips were covered in blood and Yuchan could feel the red liquid dripping down the side of his neck. Donghun leaned back in and licked along the puncture wounds, helping to heal them quicker.
When Donghun was finally done, Yuchan pulled Donghun by the neck of his shirt and kissed him. His mouth tasted like iron but Yuchan didn’t care, too used to the taste of his own blood for it to bother him anymore. He pressed their hips together, grinding against Donghun with abandon. His pants were unbearably tight and his skin was on fire, and nothing felt so good as Donghun rutting up against him.
“Hyung please, more please, please,” Yuchan whined.
Donghun gripped his hips tight and controlled Yuchan’s wild thrusting, “There you go baby, hyung’s got you. I’m so close, are you close baby?”
Yuchan could only nod, his ability to form words having finally left his mind. Donghun reached his hand up and gripped Yuchan’s hair, yanking on the strands and punching a whine out of Yuchan. He came hard with a whine, whimpering as Donghun groaned under him.
Yuchan collapsed onto Donghun’s chest who stroked a comforting hand down his flushed and sweaty back, “There you go sweet boy. You were such a good boy for hyung, so delicious.”
Yuchan blushed at his words and rolled over onto his back. He pouted up at Donghun, “Dirty.”
Donghun smiled and leaned down to peck him on the lips, “I know baby, I’ll get you all cleaned up.”
Donghun turned to get tissues and Yuchan began to unbutton his jeans. HIs fingers were nearly jelly but he managed to unbutton them, though he couldn’t get them down his legs. Donghun laughed as he saw him.
“Need help, honey?” Donghun asked.
Yuchan tried to pull his jeans off again before he let his arms flop down to his sides and nodded. Donghun smiled and pulled the jeans from his legs, only struggling momentarily at the ankles. After he had successfully helped Yuchan, he undressed himself. Yuchan had to force himself to look away, too tired to do anything else. Donghun began to clean them up, and despite Yuchan’s plans, his cock twitched when Donghun ran the tissue over his sensitive head.
Donghun laughed, “Are you ready again?”
Yuchan flopped his head to the side to look at Donghun, glaring at his boyfriend’s cheeky smile, “No. Too sleepy.”
Donghun threw the tissues away, “I know baby, I’m just messing with you.”
He grabbed two pairs of boxers from their dresser and dressed himself, before manhandling a pair onto Yuchan. Donghun crawled onto the covers and pulled Yuchan under with him, wrapping Yuchan in his arms. Yuchan snuggled close into Donghun’s warm skin, sighing at the kiss Donghun pressed to the side of his head.
“How do you feel sweetheart, you okay? Do you need anything? Hungry? Thirsty?” Donghun asked.
Yuchan shook his head, “Just tired. Feel good.”
Donghun nuzzled along Chan’s neck, “Thank you, baby, I love you.”
Yuchan smiled, “I love you too hyung.”
Yuchan shut his eyes and tucked his face into Donghun’s chest, allowing himself to breathe in the scent of his cologne. Donghun’s arms were wrapped around his waist, strong and sure,  and he knew that the safest place for Yuchan in the world was here, in this bed, with this man. And so, he fell asleep.
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