Wise words from big @willsmith you are the sum of the 5 people you hang around the most. It doesn’t have to be all business money money money. It can be joy, laughter and fulfilment. Spend you time with peps that excel and drive you forward as a human being. -
#bodybuilding #thefitnessadvisor #muscle #trainhard #musclescience #jacked #swole #maxmuscle #strength #bodybuildingscience #guyswithmuscle #musclebuilding #flexibledieting #bodybuilderscience #setsandreps #bodybuilder #quadzilla #traintofailure #highprotein #bigquads #gymlife #gymbros #buildmuscle #muscleman #fitnessfreak #fitnessguru #fitfamily #fitguy #iifymcoach (at Market Harborough)
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As January is coming to a many of you set yourself a news years resolution and are still on track? - Yes. Good keep going. - No. Did any of these happen. Did you have a long day at work, you just can’t make it to the gym, or you end up eating an entire pizza just by accident. - Now, you his could of happened for 2 main reasons. 1️⃣ your NOT ready to change 2️⃣ you set too big a goal and went after it like a bull at a gate. - Now let’s keep this simple and just look at the second one. Some people may have set themselves a goal to loss a stone. But not planned how they are a going to get there and the timeframe it would take. When they see a stall or nothings really changing they give up. - Now what if j broke that down to smaller manageable chunks. Like 0.1lbs. for a weightloss client 0.1lbs Which doesn’t sound alot. But think about what will happen over time. in a year i will be 30lb so the weightloss client will have lost 30lbs. - Be consistent, Reverse engineer (don’t worry when If first heard this phrase I thought WTF) and keep plugging away and your efforts will pay off. - Now I have set myself a goal to be better as a coach by 0.1% everyday. Keep your eyes peaked for an article I have wrote on this. I'll link it to my bio. - You need to find someone to hold you accountable to go workout. Find a gym buddy and send them here.
#bodybuilding #jmaxfitness #muscle #trainhard #musclescience #jacked #swole #maxmuscle #strength #bodybuildingscience #guyswithmuscle #musclebuilding #flexibledieting #bodybuilderscience #setsandreps #bodybuilder #quadzilla #traintofailure #highprotein #bigquads #gymlife #gymbros #buildmuscle #muscleman #fitnessfreak #fitnessguru #fitfamily #fitguy #iifymcoach (at Market Harborough)
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- Yesterday during a discussion with one of my clients he mentioned that he had spoken about me to a local fitness business. Their reaction to who was coaching him was..... Never heard of him, shouldn’t of let the other PT go. - This year one of my goals was to become more well known in my local area. This little convo goes to show I have a lot to do and prove. Now I’m not one to sing from the rooftops look at me or be Jonny Big Bollocks. - I could try and join in on the instafamous hype I need xK followers so this guy knows who I am. But for me helping my local community is more important. That is why this year I am doing more of the following - Leveling it up 1️⃣Nutrition seminars 2️⃣Training Workshops 3️⃣Mentoring - I will let my actions do the talking for me. So stay tuned this year for clients physiques and things I put on. The next workshop being on Arms. Keep your eyes peeled on my story for more details about febs FREE training. -#thefitnessadvisor #girlsthatlift #biglegs #deadlift #bigtriceps #armday #armdayeveryday #weights #armworkout #armworkouts #armpump #squat #benchpress #bodybuilderworkout #powerlifting #bicepscurls #powerliftingworkout #bicepsexercise #tricepsexercise #armstraining #armtrainind #curlsforthegirls #trisfortheguys #gainmuscle #workoutroutines - (at Market Harborough)
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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? it’s SUPER - BS - DONT BUY INTO THE HYPE of super foods or anything similar - Best foods for fats loss Best foods for building muscle Etc - All foods have unique properties that are better in balance. Great post above I strongly advice following @britishdieteticassociation work but that is your choice mofo’s. - If you struggle with your diet seek out advice from someone to help assist you making the right decisions. - -
#bodybuilding #thefitnessadvisor #muscle #trainhard #musclescience #jacked #swole #maxmuscle #strength #bodybuildingscience #guyswithmuscle #musclebuilding #flexibledieting #bodybuilderscience #setsandreps #bodybuilder #quadzilla #traintofailure #highprotein #bigquads #gymlife #gymbros #buildmuscle #muscleman #fitnessfreak #fitnessguru #fitfamily #fitguy #iifymcoach (at Market Harborough)
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Who wants to develop some glutes And lean out their legs? - If you know anyone that would be interested tag them in the comments below. - The workshop will be on 20th January at 2.30pm at it will be FREE to members but anyone else it will be a £7.50 guest fee. -
#bodybuilding #thefitnessadvisor #muscle #trainhard #musclescience #jacked #swole #strength #bodybuildingscience #musclebuilding #flexibledieting #bodybuilderscience #setsandreps #bodybuilder #quadzilla #traintofailure #bigquads #gymlife #girlswholift #buildmuscle #muscleman #fitnessfreak #squats #fitfamily #legs #iifymcoach (at Hashtagym)
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Sharing is Caring!. - Today I had a in depth conversation with a fellow PT about his business and his aspirations. Whilst talking to him I realised I was saying a lot ideas and processes that I was/could do with my own business. Now I could see this PT as competition or he’ll steal my ideas blah blah blah. The truth is there are thousands of people in Leicester alone that need my help. There is more than enough out there for every PT to help. So, if I can educate this PT by default I’ve help impact the lives of the people he coaches and so on and so forth. - This week I also upped my game. A fellow PT approach me about becoming his coach. Same as before I could see that as he’s trying to take my ideas etc. No, this is a platform for me to test all the knowledge I have learned with an individual of his caliber. Yes, I’ll pass knowledge on but he will also raising my game as I will have to learn more to advance both of us. - In the 15years I have been coaching I have always tried to assist people wherever I could. Never have I proclaimed to be a guru, mentor or expert i have just tried to educate based on my experiences. By no means is my business perfect, it is and evolving entity. I am good at evaluating at creating ideas and process as I find it’s the best way I Learn. But whatever I have done I am willing to pass on as best way for me to learn is to teach. I have had a few questions about DD payments for clients which I’ll be sharing on my story at some point. - If there is anything any PT are struggling with comment below or get in touch and I will do my best to guide you further. - -
#bodybuilding #thefitnessadvisor #muscle #trainhard #musclescience #jacked #swole #maxmuscle #strength #bodybuildingscience #guyswithmuscle #musclebuilding #flexibledieting #bodybuilderscience #setsandreps #bodybuilder #quadzilla #traintofailure #highprotein #bigquads #gymlife #gymbros #buildmuscle #muscleman #fitnessfreak #fitnessguru #fitfamily #fitguy #iifymcoach (at Hashtagym)
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Throwback to some Summer Sun in #ibiza. Only another 5Months and it’s going down again #ibizacalling. #ibizaglobalradio #fit #ibizafit #health #sun #funinthesun #ibizaisland (at Blue Marlin Ibiza)
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Ladies Leg Training Workshop - In this edition we will cover how to develop your legs and glutes to give you a more sculpted leaner legs - We will also cover the in’s and out of training. You will be given a sample training routine to take away and trial If someone you know would be interested in this, then send them here. - If you know anyone that would be interested tag them in the comments below. - The workshop will be on 20th January at 2.30pm at @hashtagym it will be FREE to @hashtagym members but anyone else it will be a £7.50 guest fee. -
#bodybuilding #thefitnessadvisor #muscle #trainhard #musclescience #bootygainz #leanlegs #maxmuscle #legs #bodybuildingscience #girlsthatlift #musclebuilding #flexibledieting #bodybuilderscience #setsandreps #bodybuilder #quadzilla #traintofailure #gluteworkout #bigquads #gymlife #glutes #buildmuscle #fitgirls #fitnessgoals #fitnessguru #fitfamily #fitnessgirl #iifymcoach (at Hashtagym)
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#Mindset ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Do you have a fixed or a growth mindset? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Focus on Growth try and incorporate the following: -Acknowledge and embrace your weaknesses. -View challenges as opportunities. -Know your learning style and use the right strategies to maximise it. -Prioritize learning over seeking approval -Focus on the process rather than the end result -Cultivate a sense of purpose -Choose learning well over learning fast. -Reward effort and actions not traits -Learn to give and receive constructive critism -Reflect on your learning Daily -Learn from the mistakes of Others -Never stop learning. Set a new goal for every one you accomplish. Weather your goal is to lose weight, grow muscle or even enhance your business. Surround yourself with people that will motivate you, challenge you and ultimately push your forward towards your goal. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Too many of us are content and get complacent, myself included and we think it’s never gonna happen/change. So we never follow that path. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Find that person/s that will drive your goal/passion forward. This will assist you in making the right steps by questioning you, providing insight and opinions based on experience. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Start today your future self will thank you for it. Try this out and let me know how it goes. - If someone you know would be interested in this, then send them here. -
#mind #thefitnessadvisor #mindblown muscle #trainhard #motivation #mindful #strength #growth #mindgainz #bodybuilder #learning #traintofailure #gymlife (at Hashtagym)
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Saturday Beat to conquer the day. - -
#ibiza #thefitnessadvisor #muscle #fit #strength #motivated #gym #music #gymbeasts #gymlife #ibizaglobalradio
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I love to coach people how to execute exercises effectively. [⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Here I am passing some knowledge bombs onto my boy @andrehayez [⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Stay tuned for my how to videos dropping on my YouTube channel very soon. [⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Get in touch if you need coaching or tips to improve your coaching. If someone you know would be interested in this, then send them here. -
#bodybuilding #thefitnessadvisor #muscle #trainhard #musclescience #jacked #swole #maxmuscle #strength #bodybuildingscience #guyswithmuscle #musclebuilding #flexibledieting #bodybuilderscience #setsandreps #bodybuilder #quadzilla #traintofailure #highprotein #bigquads #gymlife #gymbros #buildmuscle #muscleman #fitnessfreak #fitnessguru #fitfamily #fitguy (at Hashtagym)
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Ladies training Workshop going down on either 13th or 20th January. The workshop will be free for @hashtagym members. It is open to non members at a cost of £7.50. In this workshop we will be going through lower body movements to enhance glute (your butt) which day will you pick? 13/20th comm by below on your preferred day. - If someone you know would be interested in this, then send them here. -
#bodybuilding #thefitnessadvisor #muscle #trainhard #musclescience #jacked #swole #maxmuscle #strength #bodybuildingscience #guyswithmuscle #musclebuilding #flexibledieting #bodybuilderscience #setsandreps #bodybuilder #quadzilla #traintofailure #highprotein #bigquads #gymlife #gymbros #buildmuscle #muscleman #fitnessfreak #fitnessguru #fitfamily #fitguy (at Hashtagym)
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For the first time ever. I have written a vision board. - These are my goals and visions for 2018. Some are related to my physique, some to my personal experiences, some to my business.. - All are put in place to drive me forward in 2018 and ultimately push me forward in reaching my 5year goal. - If you are unsure on how to do this get in touch for some #Creedism -If someone you know would be interested in this, then send them here. -
#bodybuilding #thefitnessadvisor #muscle #trainhard #musclescience #jacked #swole #maxmuscle #strength #bodybuildingscience #guyswithmuscle #musclebuilding #flexibledieting #bodybuilderscience #setsandreps #bodybuilder #quadzilla #traintofailure #highprotein #bigquads #gymlife #gymbros #buildmuscle #muscleman #fitnessfreak #fitnessguru #fitfamily (at Market Harborough)
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The forgotten muscles Over the next couple of days I’ll be explain a little more about muscle that done get the hype that others get but are just as important to our muscular system Today let’s look at the: Rear Deltoids, for your more savvy geeks out there the posterior deltoid. - The rear deltoids primary role is horizontal shoulder abduction, shoulder extension and external rotation. but it’s also assists with stabilisation of the shoulder joint - In most people the rear delt is lengthened and inhibited. In layman’s terms it’s stretched and doesn’t really work. - Why? - Best culprit is poor posture standing, walking at our desks etc. Why, because we are lazy and 9/10 are on our phones. In the gym environment we tend to put too much focus on pressing movements and not enough on pulling movements. As you can see in my shoulder press picture a lot of focus goes on the front delt (anterior for you geeks again) we leads to tightness and dominance. - The following slides are some exercises you can do. The biggest thing is to think about your posture peps- be #posturepolice - Swipe ⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️ If someone you know would be interested in this, then send them here. -
#bodybuilding #thefitnessadvisor #muscle #trainhard #musclescience #jacked #swole #maxmuscle #strength #bodybuildingscience #guyswithmuscle #musclebuilding #flexibledieting #bodybuilderscience #setsandreps #bodybuilder #quadzilla #traintofailure #highprotein #bigquads #gymlife #buildmuscle #muscleman #fitnessfreak #fitnessguru #fitfamily #fitguy #iifymcoach
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The forgotten muscles Over the next couple of days I’ll be explain a little more about muscle that done get the hype that others get but are just as important to our muscular system Today let’s look at the: Glute medius and minimums - The maximus’s poorer cousins don’t get the hype. Which there is nothing wrong with. Everyone loves a perky bum and @ has really pushed glute Work forward and brought it to the mASSES. - The medius and minimus play an important role in stabilising the pelvis. - They are also vital for any athletic performance as they keep hip stabile so you have a platform to propel forward and Direct your power. - Added bonus, when they are worked they assist lifting up the glutes to add more shape. - Neglecting this muscle can lead to knees collapsing inwards during squats. Back pain is another common sign. - The following slides are some exercises you can do. - Swipe ⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️ Try this out and let me know how it goes. - If someone you know would be interested in this, then send them here. -
#bodybuilding #thefitnessadvisor #muscle #trainhard #musclescience #jacked #swole #maxmuscle #strength #bodybuildingscience #guyswithmuscle #musclebuilding #flexibledieting #bodybuilderscience #setsandreps #bodybuilder #quadzilla #traintofailure #highprotein #bigquads #gymlife #gymbros #buildmuscle #muscleman #fitnessfreak #fitnessguru #fitfamily #fitguy #iifymcoach (at Market Harborough)
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The forgotten muscles Over the next couple of days I’ll be explain a little more about muscle that done get the hype that others get but are just as important to our muscular system Today let’s look at the: Tibialis Anterior - This little beauty is runs by the side of your shin bone. - It is vital for maintaining a healthy gait (when your walking, running and sprinting) - Neglecting this muscle can lead to lower limb injuries such as shin splints. - The following slides are some exercises you can do. - Swipe ⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️⬆️ Try this out and let me know how it goes. - If someone you know would be interested in this, then send them here. -
#bodybuilding #thefitnessadvisor #muscle #trainhard #musclescience #jacked #swole #maxmuscle #strength #bodybuildingscience #guyswithmuscle #musclebuilding #flexibledieting #bodybuilderscience #setsandreps #bodybuilder #quadzilla #traintofailure #highprotein #bigquads #gymlife #gymbros #buildmuscle #muscleman #fitnessfreak #fitnessguru #fitfamily #fitguy #iifymcoach (at Market Harborough)
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The forgotten muscles Over the next couple of days I’ll be explain a little more about muscle that done get the hype that others get but are just as important to our muscular system To kick it off today let’s look at the: Adductor Magnus • This could be considered a 5th hamstring • It’s primary role is Hip extensor but it is also involved in knee flexion, and heavily activated during gait (walking or running). • Adductor Magnus will reduce stress on the proximal tendon of the medial hamstrings, if the muscle is strong enough - Could a medial hamstring tear be partially due to over compensating for a weak Adductor Magnus? Quite possible the body will pick up stress in other muscles if the whole system isn’t functioning properly. - Try this out and let me know how it goes. Thanks to my client - If someone you know would be interested in this, then send them here. -
#bodybuilding #thefitnessadvisor #muscle #trainhard #musclescience #jacked #swole #maxmuscle #strength #bodybuildingscience #guyswithmuscle #musclebuilding #flexibledieting #bodybuilderscience #setsandreps #bodybuilder #quadzilla #traintofailure #highprotein #bigquads #gymlife #gymbros #buildmuscle #muscleman #fitnessfreak #fitnessguru #fitfamily #fitguy #iifymcoach (at Market Harborough)
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