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“The thief, as will become apparent, was a special type of thief. This thief was an artist of theft. Other thieves merely stole everything that was not nailed down, but this thief stole the nails as well.”
Dragon Age OC
14 years rp experience, 4 in english, and 2-3 on tumblr
Mun rarely bites
Open to any kind of rp
Or any length
Gladly rps AUs!
Crossover friendly
                    ☸ Home ☸ Dossier ☸ Law ☸ Ask ☸
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Ah! There are 106 of you following me and I’m still trying to understand why! I’ve only had this blog a short time, but I’ve enjoyed every moment of it. I’ve always had a hard time trying to roleplay in new fandoms, but I’ve felt quite welcomed since making this blog. It only makes me wish I’d joined the DARP community sooner!.
This is just a list of people I’ve enjoyed writing with, or seeing on my dash [if I haven’t had the chance to roleplay with them yet because I’m too shy to ask.] If you’re not here, is probably because I don’t see you much on my dash orz
knightcaptaincullen | laetanxavis | ofthewxlds | fractumavis | ladyoftheanderfels | deadlierthanthemales | withoutpeer | makersent |  hawkesunshine | loveandlyrium | whynxtsing | healeranders | deadliestdance | torosxlvaje | virtuesvael | dorfvir | morefirethanthesun | rrivainirogue | glowyapostate | taintedcrown | herorecipe | bythepowerofcullen | inqxisitxr | apostature | errantapostate | xclandestin | bitofatit | wardenofthearcane | thefemalechampion | conxuer | necrxsis | truthshaper | arcxneadvisor | heartlesszealot | jokingtime | xaedificare | lethendralisandvengence | lookdashing 
These are some fantastic people that everyone should be following. I hope for the chance get to know everyone a little better, and one day I’ll get the chance to write with some of these people!
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☠ :NOTP for my muse
While I usually like Hawke and Anders, I played that romance in a few playthroughs, Yofiel just doesn’t feel comfortable with him. She is a very guarded person, and he pretty much wants to spend the rest of his life with her after talking twice. Plus even though they are both mage, and she understands his wish to bring freedom to mages, she is much much more of a middle way person. 
And after what happened in Act III she felt only hurt by him, only betrayal, used.. and still it hurt her to kill him. She saw him as a misguided friend, a mage she could talk to and discuss things. But never more.
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♛ : OTP for my muse
☠ : NOTP for my muse
♙ : Character my muse hates
♗ : Child!Character my muse would adopt.
♠ : Character my muse would have a one night stand with.
♥ : Weird ship I have for my muse.
♜ : My muse's best friend.
☢ : Character my muse is afraid of.
☣ : Character my muse respects greatly.
☩: Crossover Ship with my muse.
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Clearing out the masterlist to start anew and make sure everything’s up-to-date. Please reblog this post if you’re an independent Dragon Age roleplay blog!
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Heart of Archness: Part III (3x03)
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Meredith and Orsino (2012), from Dragon Age II.
Artwork © Mathia Arkoniel
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:3 ormerby ~Milulya
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         ❝That makes the situation sound even worse... and it is always dark in dark town.❞ She didn't like seeing children run around at these hours. Too many bandits and worse.
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        Averill gave the woman a thoroughly disinterested look in response to the thoroughly unhelpful advice. “I’m on a job, jittery clientele don’t come out when it’s light.” Hopefully the dismissive tone would get the woman off her back.
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       ❝Don't you think it is time to stop trying to survive, and instead starting to live?❞ So many years she knew him now, a comrade and friend just like the others and he still didn't allow himself time to relax, to rest to.. start living.      She wondered how long someone could survive with constant stress and paranoia, but still decided to drop the topic for now. She didn't think he would understand her.
       ❝They take care of you too..❞ she replied with a soft smile and then laughed and nodded.              ❝I am attached to him too.. a Mabari chooses it's partner, and I am honored he chose me.. even when he sometimes drives me nuts..❞ she chuckled while the mabari tilted it's head, letting out a questioning, innocent noise.
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      ❝I assure you Hawke, everything I own has some practical purpose.❞ Anything he keeps for sentimentality will remain a closely guarded secret, lest she decide to label him a hypocrite for his objections. 
      He tuts, tongue clicking against the roof of his mouth. ❝ I own other clothing. I simply have no need to wear it when I am outside.❞ The constant need for protection is drilled into his mind. It would take a great deal of convincing to get him to go anywhere without his armour on.  
    ❝I need no companion and I have no time to take care of some animal.❞ Though, he cant deny the idea of some proud beast at his side, like a Mabari, would be of some benefit. Perhaps it is something he could at least consider.
     His gaze flits towards the animal, a brief flicker of amusement in his gaze as he watches them. ❝He is rather attached to you.❞
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       ❝Trying to not get killed or locked away.. saved a few damsels here and there.. the usual.. Do I dare to ask how you spend your time?❞
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"How have you been, sweet thing?"
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“The thief, as will become apparent, was a special type of thief. This thief was an artist of theft. Other thieves merely stole everything that was not nailed down, but this thief stole the nails as well.”
Dragon Age OC
14 years rp experience, 4 in english, and 2-3 on tumblr
Mun rarely bites
Open to any kind of rp
Or any length
Gladly rps AUs!
Crossover friendly
                    ☸ Home ☸ Dossier ☸ Law ☸ Ask ☸
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Hawke by 神樣獵頭 @Pixiv
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Working on my OC blog, will be dragon age based(far from done but I like the theme hahaaa ). replies on here soon ;v;
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|| I probably end up using Gemma as fc. Maimie is beautiful and suits    my Hawke's appearance well, but sadly her expressions are just    not fitting.
|| And that's it what I even look more for than apearance ksdnfdf So    it'll probably be Gemma in the end or... || I keep using only my in game screenshots jsdhfb || Maybe I'll use Maimie as an older Version of her..
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Vivienne is a precious star (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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"Damaged people are dangerous. They know they can survive." —Josephine Hart
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