thedemonconnie · 1 month
ALL MY FELLAS!!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️🦅🦅🗣️🗣️🗣️
Make YOU using THIS PICREW and tag 5 people!!!!
Yep, it's a chain!!!
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@eyesofrhodochrosite @taaaaaaawnyfrogmouth @mikebeanz @ofthefrogs @kredena-dark
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thedemonconnie · 2 months
Oh that’s okay, I hope you are able to at some time in the future
Pardon me, but do you plan on continuing the ineffable baby comic?
Sadly no, not at this point in time, I'm sorry
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thedemonconnie · 2 months
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Made a few more
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thedemonconnie · 2 months
The Ineffable Detective Agency presents: Decoding 1941 Hell – The Hidden Morse Messages
The Good Omens team never fails to surprise us: In the Hell scenes set in 1941, there are subtle beeps in the background that many might have missed: morse code messages! 
We took the time to decode these messages from about 5 minutes of the show – some parts are easy to identify, some parts are really hard due to overlying sounds or noises. 
We used the 5.1 audio and selected only the channel with the morse signals. Check out an easy snippet – which line is it? :)
Then, we applied high- and low-pass filters to emphasize the code’s pitch around 1360 Hz. Some of us have pretty sharp ears, some of us worked with the frequency spectra to mark short and long signals as well as pauses in between. 
Here is what we have heard or seen, together with some facts and thoughts on the lines. Let us know what you think!
S2E4 06:19 to 08:23 “Have a miserable eternity”
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Here are the pieces we have successfully decoded: 
We are wondering why this is different to the text via loudspeaker as well as Furfur’s “have a miserable eternity”...
Do we know a Tommy?
1) There's the Welsh magician/comedian Tommy Cooper (his magical act specialized in magic tricks that appeared to fail), who was the inspiration for the red fez in the magic shop. Cooper died live on television suffering a heart attack. :(
2) There's also the lead character Tommy in Brigadoon, the plot of which feels seriously GO-coded. There is a magic village hidden outside time that only appears in Scotland once every 100 years and is connected to the rest of the world with a bridge, outsiders who find "clues about the village and its people that make no sense", and a plot about unlikely lovers who are separated (because one "can't just leave everything in the real world behind"), and an ending that reunites the lovers against all odds because of the strength of their love ("I told ye, if you love someone deeply enough, anything is possible ... even miracles.")
Could that be the Re-Recording Mixer PAUL McFADDEN?
The phrase "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here" is a quote from Dante’s Inferno, Prelude to Hell, Canto III, Vestibule of Hell: Dante passes through the gate of Hell, which bears an inscription ending with the phrase "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate". So, the minisode is THE place where we get quotes from the two most famous literary accounts of Hell – with Furfur's quotation of Paradise Lost in the dressing room at the Windmill Theater: "In dubious battle on the Plains of Heaven". 
S2E4 09:16 to 10:09 “Processing the Nazis”
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S2E4 11:07 - 13:12: “The offer to return as Zombies”
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These two minutes are very tricky: while in the first half it is ok-ish to identify the signals in the spectrum, the second half is overlaid by so much noise… – yes, we are calling the dialogues and sounds in hell noise now :D – that we chose a different approach. 
It looked as if the sequence starts from the beginning, so we compared both parts, and now we are quite sure that it is the same pattern. 
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So those are the sections we are pretty certain we have correct. However, there is one section we are still unsure on - maybe you can help?
Back to S2E4 06:19 to 08:23
We have been fighting hard with the first six seconds, before “HAVE A DREADFUL ETERNITY” and we think it is:
Who are we talking about now?
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Do you have any other ideas of what this could be? If it is “She’s in ma phone”, what does that mean? Or is the S just noise and it starts with an H? Or even with a B – BE’S IN MA PHONE?
So, what are your thoughts on all of these messages? Why go to the effort of putting morse code here? Is it a fun easter egg, or something more? And why say “dreadful eternity” in morse when the quote used in the show is “miserable eternity”? We have so many questions!
Spoiler: There is more code hidden throughout the series.  Let us know what you see or hear!
-... .    -.- .. -. -..    - ---    . .- -.-. ….    --- - …. . .-. 
An amazing joint effort with @noneorother, @kimberleyjean, @thebluestgreen, and @embracing-the-ineffable at the @ineffable-detective-agency
See more of our posts, plus a collection of Clues and metas from all over the fandom, here.
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thedemonconnie · 2 months
Dagon and Michael having a clandestine meeting on Earth, as suggested by @castlechariot for the Good Omens Gotcha for Gaza
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Check out @goodomensaction and donate to submit a prompt for me or another one of the wonderful artists and writers working on this project!
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thedemonconnie · 2 months
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I hope they absolutely tear shit up in heaven
Micheal lovers, this one’s for you
From @crown-ov-horns post about Micheal in this dress🖤
I’m not too confident in the wings because I’ve literally never drawn anything like them before and I also couldn’t decide on what I wanted to do with the background for a very long time so try not to pay it much mind
I’ve also never drawn chainmail before so hopefully this looks good enough lol
Edit: fixed some things
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thedemonconnie · 2 months
Hello,, Please I want your support to my family survive the war in Gaza 🥺🙏🏻
The situation is very bad here, food shortages, malnutrition, unclean water, and the spread of diseases 💔😔
You can help by donating, or reblog , please do not hesitate to help me 🙏🏻
(vetted here)
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thedemonconnie · 2 months
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I forgot to post this here whoops.
Did some sketch requests on Instagram and someone asked for "Aziracrow drawing portraits of each other". So I, naturally, slipped in a little reference there.
There are many other requests I drew, but I want to fully coloured them, so I'll post them when they are!
I like to think that Crowley has at least some art skills he's gathered throughout the millennia. Not at Aziraphale's level, of course, but it's something.
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thedemonconnie · 2 months
The concept that Beelzebub and Gabriel were created from the same piece of cosmic matter (the glowing female star-hands are God in this manip) and the overall idea that they were married before the Fall and became estranged because of it is inspired by @sapphicscavenger7937 's great fanfic "Strength of God":
Thank you for the inspiration!
(small parts of this video were created with Haiper-AI.)
Beelzebub and Gabriel were created from a single piece of cosmic matter and become a couple pretty quickly. The get married before the Earth was created.
Gabriel is tasked with annunciating the birth of Jesus to Mary. When she tells of the bond between herself and Joseph, Gabriel is bitterly reminded of the love he once shared with Beelzebub.
During the rebellion Gabriel stood by on the side of Heaven as Beelzebub tried to convince him to change the organization. Michael saw it as an attack and quickly fought back to protect her brother while Gabriel was indecisive and wanted nothing to do with the rebellion as Beelzebub Fell. When he regains his memories he still feels guilty about this hurt and betrayal in Beelzebub’s eyes.
When Lucifer comes around for business meetings, Beelzebub cannot help but feel a bitter sadness when reminded of Gabriel during the Fall. They do not regret rebelling, trying to change Heaven, but following Lucifer still led to losing Gabriel, which they both feel conflicted about.
The ex-spouses meet and fight together through the millennia, but the attraction is still there underneath the forced hate, leading to some conflicting and regretful nights.
In the aftermath of Armageddon’t they meet on neutral ground without the pressures of having to fight for their sides and learn to love anew.
Now the "loss of my life" is an affectionate term for them because their broken road led them back together in appreciating and learning about a different side of each other.
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thedemonconnie · 3 months
A Tale of Two Peacocks
The Relationship Between Gabriel and Michael
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Some weeks ago I said I would take on the challenge of looking at the relationship between Gabriel and Michael, then I got sidetracked writing something else* - which is not always a bad thing. But I want to return to this because its too good not to do a post on it, and before I get too deeply involved in the other writing.
This is definitely going to involve some NSWF language - hey, I can't help this, its in the script - so the bulk of this is going to be below the cut. But the short of it is, they have a fairly low opinion of each other.
We need to go back to S1, where there is an interesting set of parallel scenes we should start our discussion with that spells it out for us. The first one is in S1xE2, and the other is actually in one of the deleted scenes from the cold opening of S1xE3, and they both use parallel characters to inform us of what Gabriel and Michael think of each other.
It turns out I've already talked about the first one, in this meta here, where I discuss how Newt is a parallel for Crowley.
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Then [Frobisher] power-walks past. Newt is not even worth her time stopping for. "Need a hand, Dick?" *Snort* - and ouch. That's a below-the belt joke. She's just called him a wanker. In the US you might use the term jerk instead. Someone who's a bit egotistical and more in it for themselves than others. (and I never thought I'd be fact-checking the meaning of this word ever, but there's always a first time...) She's basically just equated him Gabriel, in my book (and in more ways than one.)
And I wrote all that months before I started writing my Crowley-Gabriel parallel/foil series, too.
The other thing about this first parallel scene is the character of Frobisher, who is dressed very much like a demon, but is actually the parallel character to Michael, as we see later on in the paintball fight at Tadfield Manor.
(Er, I know this is all a bit 2nd/3rd hand evidence, but the second scene is a bit more direct, so bear with me.)
The second one, in S2xE3, is the deleted bookshop opening scene.
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Source: Script for the unaired scene of Aziraphale opening his bookshop in 1800
Oh, look at that. Somebody is being called a wanker. Again. This time it's Crowley calling Michael a wanker, however, and its only one step to the side with Crowley being a parallel character to Gabriel (and I challenge you to watch s1 again in this light after finishing this post, and see how many similarities you can see between Crowley and Gabriel showing through even back then.)
OK. So we've established that Gabriel and Michael both think each other are wankers at this point, but what else can we find out about them?
Peacock Fighting
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I've written a couple of posts about peacock symbolism. Firstly, Michael is strongly associated with having many eyes - their Ophanim ring, their costume has eye motifs, and they are essentially head of surveillance for Heaven. So this made me think they might be the peacock referred to in the Job minisode.
But later, after more research, it became apparent the lines paraphrased in Job were definitely referring to Gabriel. (See also Judgement Day.) There are associations with both royalty and vanity there.
They are both peacocks, but for different reasons.
And they are also both in competition with one another.
Gabriel Doesn't Have A Desk
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Desks are a symbol of power in western society.
The bigger, and more solid the desk in a corporate office, the higher up the person is.
The teacher at the front of the room, the authority in the room, has a bigger desk than the students.
Those desks offer protection to the person in authority sitting behind them. They mark a separation between that said authority and the masses they command on the other side. Only the most trusted get to come around to the same side that they are sitting on to be more intimate with them.
At work, your desk is connected to your identity there. Its your place in the organization. You may even individualize it with decorations.
Just take a look at what Newt was bringing on his first day to work in S1xE2:
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Pens, a pen holder, notepads, a ball of rubber bands, a plant (a bromeliad, a plant that does well in fully shaded damp environments, just like Hell) and some rations. Er, I mean lunch. Given to him by God Frances his mother.
The travesty of the modern trend of "hot desking" is de-personalizing the employee. They are no longer a valued employee with a valued place, they're just another faceless cog in the grind.
We see Michael behind a desk as Duty Officer in S2. It's starkly clean and sharp and made of glass, as we would expect to find in Heaven. It's used a shield and badge of office when we see them fulfilling that role.
Michael doubts Gabriel has a desk, although Gabriel insists he does, even though we have never seen it. Yet he still requires the proverbial archive box for moving locations?
I'm just going to leave the parallel between Newt and Gabriel there for further discussion. Please do remember the bottom falls out of Newt's box in the car park, leaving him with an empty box, too.
(Muriel has a glass desk, too, but interestingly they don't have a chair. You might like to compare their encounter with Aziraphale in the Job minisode to the escapade with Crowley in the present day. There is volumes said without words.)
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Just while we are on the subject of desks, thought you might like to compare Crowley's and Aziraphale's desks as well. They are always on about how much paperwork they have to do!
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Sovereign versus Disciplinary Power
This is eventually going to turn into a discussion about fate versus free will at some point, but I do need to talk about the different types of power first, because I haven't done my long promised Power and Authority meta yet. The two concepts are closely related, and Gabriel and Michael are each acting as foils for a side of the concepts.
Gabriel represents sovereign power, the supreme legitimate power of the state. Power and action trickles down from the top, and punishment is almost a show of entertainment, but one designed to educate. "Oh, those angels Fell - if I do something bad, I might Fall, too!" And so Gabriel expects to Fall when he is given his trial, and Aziraphale when he lies to save Job's children.
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Michael is representing disciplinary power, something that lies at the heart of society today. This is where power is spread among individuals, and individuals are more likely to do their own discipline merely because of an overhanging threat of a possibility they may get caught if they do.** Are they being watched? Who might see and report their transgression? Michael has eyes (and ducks) everywhere... So does Orwell's book 1984.
This is a very simplistic view, of course - reality is more complex than that, and is usually a combination of the two, but we have to start somewhere.
Now lets throw the fate vs free will components into the mix. Let us revisit the story of King Cnut and the tide.
The story, if you are not familiar with it, is that Cnut had his throne set on the beach and commanded the incoming tide to halt where it was, and not to wet his robes or feet. Of course, the tide kept rising and splashed the king, where he leapt up and declared his might and power as a king worthless compared to that of God. The story is meant to demonstrate his piety before Heaven, and that he was not the ultimate controller of all things - his sovereign power was limited.
They say time and tide*** wait for no man - we are at the mercy of what ever fate they bring us, and we can't manipulate that. That's decided by the supreme power, the ultimate sovereign power, so to speak.
Gabriel tends to take this line - he does not have control over the summoning of the Four Horsepeople, they are just happening as they supposed to, and that's not his department. Plausible deniability, baby! Back channels? What back channels, Michael?
So if you did want to have some power over it, some free will to control outcomes? But hang on - every one else has free will as well. Sounds a bit chaotic. Who's in charge? Nobody. Everybody. Welcome to Michael's world. They want the power, they're prepared to fight for it, for what they think is right - but so is everyone else.
But what if you were the creator of free will itself? Would you be The One to have control over time and the tides?
Tadfield Manor, Again
Michael is the archangel who throws Lucifer down from Heaven, and we see this play out at Tadfield Manor during the paintball fight, when we are shown that it is actually Frobisher/Michael who shoots the shot that hits Norman/Lucifer in the heart - although we are initially made to think its Nigel/Gabriel who did it. (One day I will teach my self how to make GIFs and make a GIF of this.)
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Frobisher is the more competitive one at all times - she is the only other employee besides the naive Newt to put their hand up when Nigel asks who is looking forward to the Training Initiative and she asks Crowley and Aziraphale "Who's winning?" as she runs past them inside - to which Crowley presciently declares "You're all going to lose."
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If you look at the extended scene in light of the above, you can see sovereign authority of senior manager Nigel/Gabriel is still floating around as a rather toothless tiger to the whims of fate, while everyone else is exercising their free will and disciplinary powers to try and control one another. And, as Crowley says, nobody wins. It's a lose-lose situation.
Michael is competing for an empty dream.
Gabriel is trying his best to survive something that is not what it seems.
And...I think I'll leave it there. Thanks for reading.
*I've started writing a multi-chapter human AU fanfic. But I'm a slow writer, and I'm not writing it in a linear fashion - because it has to be stuffed full of meta, of course - so I decided I better pull myself out of it before I got pulled in too far and finish a couple of things off so you didn't think I'd disappeared completely. I wasn't planning on doing one, but you know how these things go - one day an idea just pops into your head, the next thing the characters are talking to you and taking on their own life and a couple of thousand words later...
**There was a post about the oculus, the round skylight window in the roof of the bookshop and the Panopticon, an infamous prison design where the prisoners can all see each other but can't see if the guard is watching them, but of course I've lost track of it, haven't I.
***The tides are controlled by the Moon and Sun, and ostensibly for this argument, by Heaven as well. They are fated to continue in their set orbit and/or path through the sky - or the Earth on it's orbit around the Sun, is probably the better way of looking at it.
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thedemonconnie · 4 months
I mean.. I have a severed hand if you want it!
Hey boss- or whatever - do you think you could give me a helping hand? (・_・;)
I need to get something done and conscience is being really mean during something that feels suspiciously similar to a therapy session? It's confusing, but I can't really get it done with them around and last time I put them in the quiet jar they tried to possess me soo is it possible to keep an eye on them for a second?
I am not about to babyzit a part of you. Zince when doez my office zay daycare? I'm pretty zure it zayz 'PRINCE OF HELL. DISTURB AT YOUR OWN RISK.'
Zo no, do not dare to leave them here
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thedemonconnie · 4 months
I’m scared to continue my circles of hell series because my account got deleted temporarily because of it
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thedemonconnie · 4 months
The Sixth Circle
The sixth circle of hell is a mass of caverns.. made of flesh.. red meaty flesh, that moves slowly.. up and down as if it were taking a breath… but it’s slimy and wet like putting your hand in someone’s mouth, If you cut into it, it will even start to bleed and eventually clot
There are falls lakes and ponds of the thick, red, bubbling blood, and they’re not empty
If you go fishing you might pull skinless salmon, red fleshy carnivores salmon which stick to the walls of the blood rivers and ponds and suck at them like parasites, These parasites even have parasites of their own, a type of red, bloody, toothed worm, known as a hellwig, if they get behind the eyes, they cause the sufferer to hallucinate horrible things, their darkest anxieties, their most invasive and intrusive thoughts and this eventually leads to madness And they aren’t the only creatures living here, among the demons… deep in the caverns, if you trail the you may find yourself in a den of Red Widowers, giant spiders with exposed brains and giant mismatched eyes, in this place humans who committed sins of despicable violence, the murderers the beaters, the lesser evils, they are made into flies, stuck to the webs of the widowers for them to eat and then shit out over and over and over forever 
Some believe that this circle is a living creature of sorts, though it has not shown itself to be conscious in any way, but still if you were to rest your head on the ground and make no noise you can feel the flesh move up and down, as if it was breathing
Even more ferocious than the demons that dwell here in this fleshy land are the beasts that roam this land Beasts composed entirely of tentacles without head or eyes, just tentecels, tentacles with moving, shredding teeth and mouths,
Giant flying birds without feathers, just pink flesh as if freshly hatched
Along with odd looking gaint plants, that look like they’re made of flesh, that bloom in boils, puss and spores
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thedemonconnie · 4 months
The Fifth Circle
The 5th circle of hell is a sea without a surface but light still comes from what looks like a surface, even if you swam twoards the light with all your might you would never go anywhere and you have to keep swimming for you are not alone in these unholy waters sooner or later you will encounter one of the demon-made sea beasts that live here, the actual demons dwell in a kingdom at the bottom of this surface-less sea. in this circle the humans are left in the water to drown but no matter how much Oxygen they're deprived of the humans never drown they keep suffocating without end until a monster finally swallows them
At the bottom of the ocean lies the city, a city structured mostly by building into the bottom rocks, with buildings stretching up, and see through tunnels for the demons who can’t breathe here’s it’s a highly militarized destination, much of hell’s navy dwells here, constantly on patrol, and prowl, stalking all who pass, waiting for an excuse to practice making the water turn red 
The ruler of this circle is The Mighty Leviathan, the Prince of Envy and the grand admiral of hell 
She’s tall, 6’ 7”, her skin looks almost light lime green in color, yet somehow faded, along her skin pops black scales and barnacles that just barley tinted green, her mouth decored with razor sharp teeth, by the corners of her moth appear slits almost, so she can fully open her jaw,
Emerging from her head, peaking out from her hair are five tentacles, one on the top of her head two on the topside two on the bottom side All black and slimy, with a sea green just like her hair, Exept her hair is at least kept in a ponytail
Her hands are clawed and webed with pointed green fins running down her arms among the scales
Down her back and out writhes a long twisting tail, black and scaly, trailing behind her like a cape
She is also missing an eye, it was stolen by Uriel during the Ineffable Revolution, the eye that remains  still burns green with envy 
A demon with a shriek that can deafen many but can not shock them the same as her Scottish sailor’s tongue
in her “true form” however Leviathan is about 16 miles long
When they aren't governing their circle, they are constantly tormenting their servants and attendants with their demands. Leviathan is capable of making a piercing shriek, so powerful it could shatter the all the glass  in a city if she screamed loud and long enough. But she also has a Beautiful singing voice and loves the opera
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thedemonconnie · 4 months
The Fourth Circle
the fourth circle, the circle of Greed  is a huge industrial power
It's literally just a huge, insanely long, network of machines, basically a giant factory 
The these machines power all of hell, they run on a variety of fuel, Oil, Steam, electricity, human suffering, you know that stuff they process machines also process and refine the ores brought in from the Circle above, and turn it into weapons, cogs stuff for new machines
They also require require constant maintenance.  as some sections are much older than others
Even within this circle there are layers; the top layer is where the rich of this circle dwel, a city of fancy restaurants, motterways filled with reckless drivers, motels, shoddy apartments, mansions and casinos lots and lots of casinos
The second layer is where the main machines dwell, a world of soot, loud clanging, grinding, roaring machines, and screaming
The humans who in life put aside the safety and care of others for their own material gain suffer here forever The demons run the more complex aspects of the machines; making sure they run smoothly, the humans are charged with the more dangerous tasks; cleaning them, fueling them, and whatnot
There No saftey regulations for the humans who are tormented here, they say the reddish brown stains on the gears of some of the machines are actually blood stains of some unfortunate humans who got stuck and then grinded to a paste
Most of the middle class demons who dwell here, lost limbs, and bits of their faces in the fall, but no matter, they replaced them with... Technology!
Some demons have even gone a step further than replacing their limbs, wheels for feet, circular saws and knives for hands to chop up flesh and scrap metal,
The third layer is full of pipes, big ones small ones, long ones short ones, these pipes dictate air-flow of the machines above, where water goes, where trash goes, where waste from the machines above go(and the bathrooms) that sort of thing, this layer is mainly inhabited by ooze-type demons (demons that can squeeze through tight spaces, vents and pipes with ease, either because they're bones are insanely flexible, or because they can turn into a liquid and slither through)
Most of the waste and trash goes to the bottom of this circle; which is now a huge lake of waste and garbage
On this lake is a somewhat pathetic shanty town called "Hell's drop" or
"Heelz Droop" as the sign says (the demon who wrote that sign was illiterate) this part is mainly inhabited by the peasants of this circle 
The Ruler of this Circle is The Prince Mammon,
Her pronouns are she/they she is a Peafowl demon, with a beak and large tail feathers like a peacock, Exept her tail feather “eyes” are actual eyes that blink and move, she can see out of them, but she prefers to have them look in the same direction, it looks bad if they don’t
She’s tall, a bit on the pugier side (not as chubby as Aziraphale, but still a bit chubby) and she has a fat neck (Peacocks have very fat necks)
The two eyes she has on her head are golden colored, and she can actually turn someone into gold just by looking at them if so she wished, but she uses it sparingly, because as much as she loves gold if she uses that power Willy nilly the price of gold could go down! And she doesn’t want that!
She also wears a mask a bit simaler to a plague doctor’s mask Exept it’s white (has lines over the eyes like a peacock) it only goes over the top of her beak, and it’s infinitely more glamorous
She loves to wear extravagant outfits and jewelry she never misses an opportunity to flaunt her extravagant wealth or her tail feathers 
She’s a big fan of Cruella DeVil and even had an authentic puppy skin coat made in her honor!
She wears a mask because she hates how she looks underneath (she has hard stone like blotches underneath) 
A metaphor for how capitalism and greed looks pretty on the outside but has a whole clump of nasties underneath
Mammon as you can probably tell is very vain, and cares a lot about her appearance, she especially proud of her beautiful tail-feathers and can spend hours preening them, (she can also spend hours admiring her reflection in a mirror)
Mammon is the richest demon in hell
And that Fact that she is Hell's grand treasurer may or may not have something to do with that (but seriously it doesn't if she was caught extorting money she'd be in huge trouble)
Mammon is Lucifer's Third favorite prince
Mammon used to be  an Ophanim(the wheels with eyes) and as an angel they were covered in eyes but these eyes only made her look much more beautiful (She was one of the most beautiful angels in heaven)
When she fell all of her eyes  (except for the two dark golden ones) fell out of their sockets and into the sulfur, unable to part with them, Mammon dove into the sulfur and fished them all out, but at this point all of her extra sockets had closed up
And she has started to mutate as well; growing a beak and Tallons and even a huge feathered tail So she decided to place her eyes on the tail so they stare on forever; just as beautiful as before 
Mammon has four Wings all feathered, they used to be gold but after they fell the feathers were seered black and never changed back, they also became still and metallic so as a form of defense Mammon will sometimes launch these feathers from her wings to Peirce the skin of her enemies
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thedemonconnie · 4 months
The Third Circle
The third circle(the circle of sloth) is a giant desert-cave system, filled with sharp rocks and black sand 
It’s a mining city, filled with tracks, mine carts, forges, and valuable materials hiding in the rock,
The buildings here are mostly made of clay and stone, it’s widely regarded as a poor demon’s city, a city for peasants
Those who took credit for hard work at the expense of others, those who took the easy and destructive route instead of trying to find a sustainable workaround. Or those who simply ignored their or others problems, are being tortured, by being forced to mine the rock endlessly, or without food, water, rest or safety regulations, if a human stops working, they're beaten bloody by the demons who supervise the mining. If a human "dies" here their bodies regenerate in hell and they're forced back into work.  they also receive no protection from the occasional black sandstorms that blow through, If it gets in your eyes it can cause violent hallucinations and nightmares 
And no demons will come to help them if that happens just as they refused to help those who begged for it
Demons are provided with saftey equipment and maps, if a human tries to look at these maps, the writing will appear incomprehensible to the human making it useless
Occasionally demons will throw humans into the caves promising them they'll be free if they can find a way out; the thing is there is no way out
And most of the time the humans go mad and end up killings themselves the rest of the time they're hunted down for sport.
The ruler of this circle is the Prince of Sloth; Belphegor
He lives in dark cold stone palace covered overgrown with thick black roots of unknown plant these roots crowd the caves,  the palace overlooks the city portion of the circle 
He is a tall lanky creature standing at 8 feet, 6 inches tall, he has dark skin with black roots growing in it; Except his face on his face he has what looks like a deer skull painted on it, but it’s not paint at all, it’s part of his skin 
He has dark brown hair usually unbrushed and usually worn in a ponytail on his head he has huge antlers tainted with black sand, 
His legs bend backwards like the hind legs of a deer, his feet while having toes and made of flesh and bone are angled and snapped and bent to look like deer feet, also dusty looking
Thankfully they are often hidden by his shoes
His clothes are brown and a bit torn but he doesn’t care to fix them, He dresses like it’s the 70s all over again
His eyes are light brown on earth but in hell they  look completely black and sunken in with a light in the center, 
he doesn't do his princely duties very well because he prefers to focus his time and attention to his personal projects,
His voice is energetic and oddly enthusiastic 
But often distorted, and he can move VERY fast, he is also a master contortionist able to twist his body with ease, he can make his face claylike as well to twist it into horrific faces
He is also Lucifer's (self-admittedly)
least-favorite prince
He is able to become a shadow, creeping through the cracks in the walls, and is able to posses the shadows of others as well, he's a demon who gets High off the fear of others
, he's every moving shadow in your closet, every monster under the bed. He was very notorious for these acts to the point that he got a new name out of it; "The Boogie Man." He loves to terrorize children he finds their terrified expressions hilarious especially right before killing them. He relies on the doubt of his victims’s peers to get to them, for who would believe their ravings that a deer demon is stalking them. 
He also loooves horses, not just any horses mind you but his own personal horses, that he created himself, called night-mares, made of black sand, with curved horns, and flesh tearing teeth, with the ability to smell fear(it riled them up), and he loves them dearly, He loves petting with them, talking with them, riding them
Sometimes he’ll issue a mare to a high ranked demon (usually a knightly one) but they have to take good care of them!  
The consequences of Hurting a night mare.. are dire
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thedemonconnie · 4 months
The Second Circle
The second circle of hell is nicknamed"still the 80s”
For starters it’s an upside down city with humans constantly falling and getting crushed on the rocks below forever and ever 
But there is some symbolism to this
Lust itself is not a sin, it’s as normal and human to feel lust as it is not to feel it 
When it gets out of control, however it becomes a problem, it can cause violence, obsession, unfaithfulness 
It can become a spiral into madness 
As these humans fall into the madness of lust led them to hurt those around them, so shall their eternal fall hurt themselves
The nightlife here is insane, it's always happy-hour, they have strip shows, burlesque, hookers, and even live sex shows!
(It is the circle of lust after all)
You can also delight in narcotics of your choice and are able to get them as easily as getting a drink from a vending machine (and there are drug vending machines) 
The ruler of this circle is None other than the beastly Prince Asmodeus (He/she/they), 
He looks to be in his 40-50s, he has blue eyes with rectangular pupils (cuz he’s a goat) rectangular glasses, and a beard, and chestnut brown hair, and he dresses like it’s still the 80s, he also has six horns
He has “hooves” that look like he’s constantly wearing heels
He also doesn’t have any… “blemishes” per say other then his animal features (It makes it much more easy to attract people to tempt)
Well maybe aside from his slimy worm-like tongue
And a whip like tail (classic succubus feature) with poison thorns that ends in rooster tail feathers (because in some interpretations he’s a c*ck
He also advocates for consent; “one sided lust isn’t lust but violence”
He’s also not alone! He’s actually has a spouse, Princess Lilith, (in my version of you marry into nobility in hell you always inherit the fem version of the title regardless of gender) 
His pronouns are He/She
She and Asmodues and both aromantic but not Ace, they’re queer platonic partners with benefits and their relationship is open
Lilith is a bit younger looking early to Mid 20s 
(I figured since I made Asmodeus a DILF Lilith should be a twink)
She prefers to present as intersex 
(More specifically the variant known as “kinefelter syndrome” in which individuals are “Technically” male but have some differentiation including; wider hips, lack of frontal baldness, lack of chest hair, small testies, female pubic hair pattern, narrow shoulders, long arms and legs and possible boob growth.)
Lilith has dark skin, with vine tattoos, 
Dark Feathers were his hair should be (he’s a screech owl because Lilith in.mythos is a screech ow”!) and she has screech owl “ears” and the tail of a black cat 
And rectangular glasses similar to Asmodeus’
The two of them are in an open, queer-platonic relationship with benifits
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