150711: Gainz
60 minute class
 0-10 minutes: warm up
 10-25 minutes: Strength
Alternating EMOM for 20 minutes
Odd: 3 Front squats (increase weight each round
Even: 3 Strict Chest to Bar (String together if you can, if not do singles. Modification is chest to bar negatives. Train that top range of motion. Must be pronated grip)
 25-45 Minutes: WOD
 Seven Rounds for time of:
15 KB swing 1.5/1 pood
15 power clean (95/65)
15 box jump 24”/20”
 Rest 5 minutes
 50-60 Minutes: Run
 800m run
rest 1 minute
600m run
rest 45 seconds
400m run
rest 30 seconds
200m run
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150710: It’s a douzy…
60 minute class
0-10 Minutes: Warm up
2 rounds
10 push ups
5 turkish get ups per side
10 walking lunge
 10-25 minutes: Gymnastics
 Strict muscle ups (weighted if you can)
 Options for scaling if you do not have a strict muscle up: spotted (one partner assists from behind – hands on waist), banded (set up a “swing” between the rings), or with your feet on the floor. Coach to demonstrate options.
 25-45 minutes: 20 minute AMRAP
2 rope climbs
10 burpees
200m run
 If you are uncomfortable with rope climbs under fatigue you can climb as far as you are comfortable, do rope pulls from the floor (lie on your back and pull yourself to your feet) or do ring rows.
 Rest 5 minutes
50-60 minutes: ROW intervals
10 x 200m
Rest 1 minute between intervals.
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150709: This is gonna hurt
60 Minute class
 0-10 Minutes: warm up
2 rounds of:
500m row
15 Good mornings
 10-35 Minutes: Strength
 Deadlift - Build to a heavy 3 rep
 35-60 Minutes: Wod
Wall Balls
Pull ups
 Rest 3 minutes
Wall Balls
Pull ups
 Rest 1 minute
Wall Balls
Pull ups
 Cool down after class: 1000m light row
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150708: Gonna get so strong….
60 minute class
 0-10 minutes: warm up
Squat and shoulder prep
 10-25 Minutes: Olympic Lifting
EMOM Snatch
Minute 1-3: 3 @ 65%, 2 @ 75%, 1 @ 85%
Minute 4-6: 3 @ 70%, 2@80%, 1 @ 90%
Minute 7-9: 3@75%, 2 @ 85%, 1 @ 95%
Minute 10-12: 3@80%, 2 @90%, 1 @ 100%
These should not be touch and go. Reset between each. If you miss DO NOT try to hit it again. Follow the reps scheme.
 25-40 minutes: Strength
Build to a heavy Back Squat double
 45-60 Minutes: WOD
Crossfit Open 11.2
15 min AMRAP
9 deadlift (155/100)
12 pushups
15 Box Jumps
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150707: Dem Shoulders…
60 minute class
0-10 minutes: warm up
Two rounds of:
250m row
30 second static handstand hold (against the wall or freestanding if you can hold for a minimum of 15 seconds unbroken).
30 Russian kb swings
10-35 minutes: Strength
25 minutes to build to a 3 rep push press, then 3 rep push jerk, then 3 rep split jerk
35-50 Minutes: WoD
3 rounds For time:
Run 200m
7 chest to bar
10 pistols
Scale the number of pistols down if it is too many for you. If you can’t do pistols try lowering yourself to a box on one leg and standing up with both. Or try a pistol while standing on a box or on a plate.
50-60: Midline:
3 rounds:
10-25 GHD sit ups
45 second plank
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150707: Dem Shoulders…
60 minute class
 0-10 minutes: warm up
Two rounds of:
250m row
30 second static handstand hold (against the wall or freestanding if you can hold for a minimum of 15 seconds unbroken).
30 Russian kb swings
 10-35 minutes: Strength
25 minutes to build to a 3 rep push press, then 3 rep push jerk, then 3 rep split jerk
 35-50 Minutes: WoD
For time:
Run 200m
7 chest to bar
10 pistols
Scale the number of pistols down if it is too many for you. If you can’t do pistols try lowering yourself to a box on one leg and standing up with both. Or try a pistol while standing on a box or on a plate.
 50-60: Midline:
3 rounds:
10-25 GHD sit ups
45 second plank
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150706: Under fatigue
60 minute class
0-10 Minutes: Warm up
Agility Ladder
 10-25 Minutes: Gymnastics 14 minute alternating EMOM
Odd minutes: 3-5 strict pull ups
Even minutes: 3-5 strict dips
If this is easy add weight or additional reps. If this is hard, break them into smaller sets or singles. Jump to the top and do a slow negative – 4 seconds down. Use static bar if rings are too challenging.
 25-40 Minutes: WOD
Minute 1: 10 Thrusters (95/65). 1 Burpee
Minute 2: 9 Thrusters. 2 Burpees
Minute 10: 1 Thruster. 10 burpees
This was taken from Rory Zambard (but she did it for 20 minutes). If you want to challenge yourself and try for 20 minutes you can skip the next part of class.
 Rest 5 minutes
 45-60 minutes: Gymnastics under fatigue
10 minute alternating EMOM
Odd minutes: 5-15 kipping pull ups
Even Minutes: 5-10 kipping ring dips
The purpose of this is to test your gymnastics skills once you are already fatigued. Choose a rep range that will be challenging and try to maintain.
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150705 “BRO DAY”
60 Minute Class
0-10 Minutes: Warm up
3 rounds of 10 pushup, 10 turkish get up (5 a side), 3 wall walks
 10-25 minutes: Strength
Bench Press 5x5
Focus on proper technique: elbows in, body tight, keep that butt on the bench!
 30-50 Minutes: WOD
 3 rounds for time:
Row 500m
10 push ups
10 hang power clean (135/95)
 50-60: Midline
3 x10 strict toes to bar
If you can’t get your toes to the bar – get them as high was possible with good form and slowly lower from there. Goal is to string together but choose form first.
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150704 “You a fish...”
60 minute class:
0-60 minutes conditioning/recovery: “Motor Boat”
10 rds of 50 m front crawl/30 DUs or 60 SUs
60-90 minutes midline: planks
crawling planks, plank holds 30 seconds, side planks, dynamic planks, plank, plank, plank, plank, plank.
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150703 “Kan-tuck-ee crawler”
60 minute class
0-25 minutes gymnastics: Muscle ups and HSPUs
10 rds of super set:
Newbs: 3-5 second tempo strict pull ups, 3-5 second tempo strict ring dips, 3 x negative transitions (bottom of dip into top of pull up)
Intermediate: 3 muscle ups, 2 strict handstand push ups
Advanced: 5 muscles ups, 3 strict handstand push ups
Rest 2 minutes between rds.
25-35 minutes barbell gymnastic (focus on cycle vs. weight): Hang Snatch
EMOM x 10 of:
10 unbroken hang power snatch (note to self: start with empty barbell and work up to 75% but don’t kill yourself here, just work on technique and focus on cycling)
Rest 5 minutes then
40-60 minutes metcon: “Hanging out with Amanda”
9-7-5 hang power snatch/MUs (pick a weight that will be challenging but will allow to cycle through fast and with solid form. RX is 135). This should be a sub-7 minute workout. Sub-10 minutes is okay. But anything more than that and you’re missing the point.
replace MUs with burpees and CTB pull ups. If you don’t have pull ups, double the reps and just do burpees (18-14-10 burpees, 9-7-5 hang power snatch). You want to scale so that you are challenging yourself and still getting a metabolic stimulus. If you’re down to singles on any movement, most likely you’re not getting the stimulus you need.
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150702 “Itchy Snatch”
90 minute class
0-30 minutes barbell gymnastics: Snatch
Build to heavy double hang snatch
Build to heavy double snatch pull
Build to heavy double snatch-grip deadlift
30-75 minutes strength: all the squats
build to 5 heavy OHS
build to 5 heavy FS
build to 5 heavy Back Squats
(Note to self: accumulate 15 reps at each variation in the 80 percent range. Quality reps but still work toward accumulating quantity. This means do smaller reps more sets if need be, but maintain perfection - especially within the mind...)
Rest 3 minutes then
78-90 minutes conditioning: Training for “300 FY”
The workout as RX: Accumulate minimum of 300 cals in 10 minutes on airdyne (210 calories on Assault Bike).
Training for this:
4 x 2 minute max cal air dyne rest 1 min between rds. Record calories per round. Experiment. Think about what this would be like without the 1 minute rest in between. How would you pace differently?
#olympic lifting#crossfit#thecrossfitrefugee#vancouver#programming#fitness#athletes#airdyne#air bike#squats#booty
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150701 “The Dude Abides”
60 minute class
0-25 minutes strength: strict pull up/KB push press
Establish a heavy 6-8 rep strict KB press then
20 minute alternating EMOM:Â
Minute 1: 4 strict tempo pull ups (4 second negative)
Minute 2: 8 KB push press
25-45 minutes METCON: “White Russian”
For time
15, 12, 9, 9, 12, 15
Pull up/Push press (155)
Then rest 5 minutes
50-60 minutes conditioning: 1 mile run
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150630 “Agil-a-tea time”
60 minute class
0-20 minutes agility work: ladder
Work through a variety of agility ladder movements with a focus on one leg and lateral jumping/landing.
20-40 minutes met con: “Take me higher”
Rd 1: 20 paralette jumps (and landing; focus on soft, feather like landing), 10 burpees, 5 perfect t2b
1 min rest
Rd 2: 20 12 inch box jumps, 10 burpees, 5 perfect t2b
1 min rest
Rd 3: 20 20 inch box jumps, 10 burpees, 5 perfect t2b
1 min rest
Rd 4: 20 24 inch box jumps, 10 burpees, 5 perfect t2b
1 min rest
Rd 5: 20 30 inch box jumps, 10 burpees, 5 perfect t2b
1 min rest
Rd 6: 100 m bounds, max effort burpees, max effort t2b (be mindful of consistent intensity, if you begin to fail or rest too long, pull the plug; also, note what fatigue has done to your ability to maintain intensity).
Rest 5 minutes
45-55 minutes midline: banded resistance
Dynamic core resistance exercises emphasizing sagittal plane (twisting). You will be fairly fatigued while doing this. Fight for proper movement. If you start shaking, rest.
55-60 minutes flush: light run or airdyneÂ
Just move for five minutes with minimal exertion (just enough to get the blood moving)
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150629 “This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you... no, I’m lying. You’re gonna cry.”
60 minute class
0-30 minutes strength: squat
Work up to 75-85% and then
Accumulate 30 reps in this range. 10 sets of 3. 5 sets of 6. 1 set of 30. Do whatever you want. Be mindful of your goals and rest times.
rest 5 minutes then
30-45 minutes metcon: “Wet noodle arms”
5 rds of 2 rope climbs, 5 KB thrusters (heavy), 100 m farmer carry (same weight as thrusters).
Force rest of 30 secs after each rd.
rest 5 minutes then
50-60 minutes intervals: row
5 x 1 minute max calorie rows
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150628 “Fresh is best, rotten is better”
90 min class
0-45 minutes barbell gymnastics-strength: clean
Build to heavy double clean (15 minutes)
Build to heavy double clean pull (15 minutes)
Build to heavy double clean-style deadlift (15 minutes)
45-60 minutes gymnastics: Muscle Ups
15 minute AMRAP of 2 unbroken Muscle Ups. Get one, no rep. Get three, good for you but it only counts as 1 rep. Get 2, drop, get 2 more, drop, 2 more. Scale appropriately. Rest as much or as little as you want but try to be smart. Think about how many you want to get in 15 minutes and calculate rest based off end goal. Learn. Train.
65-80 minutes METCON: “Elizabeth”
For time: 21 15 9 of cleans and ring dips.
80-90 minutes cool down: Posterior movement
This is a mild yoga routine that emphasizes movement over work. You just did a shit tonne of work, now it’s time to give your body a break and relax.
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