The Cosmos Calls
44 posts
The Grimoire of Avery, non-binary finery of Perth, Australia
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thecosmoscalls · 2 years ago
Low Energy Witchcraft
I'm neurodivergent and i experience really intense burnout. I get to a point where I struggle to even get out of bed, take my meds, remember to drink water, let alone practice. But, when I want to practice i have a list of things i can usually do. Everyone's experiences with burn out/low energy are different so this list may not apply to you, and that's okay. Take what resonates, leave what doesn't and i hope you enjoy my silly little list :)
create a playlist and infuse it with an intention. eg, a money spell playlist filled with songs about wealth.
draw sigils with soap when in the shower. (you can also use a wet wipe if you can't shower)
found some juice? give it a little shake and use the ingredients as a spell.
have food that has grains as ingredients? wow! an abundance spell!
the classic add intention to your tea and coffee.
bind your hair. for me with is as simple as putting my hair in a ponytail.
watch a witchy video. while not technically practising witchcraft, sometimes all you need is to sit back and relax to connect with your practice.
when I have a decent amount of energy I'll grab a large pillar candle and carve sigils into it. I use it as a long-term spell; all I have to do to activate it is light the candle. I like to light one of these spell candles when I'm having a bad day.
if you're religious, pray. Even if you're lying in bed. Even if you haven't showered in a week. If it makes you happy and you can, do it
burn some insence! it smells good, you don't have to really worry about forgetting about it, it's good for cleansing. it's great!
take a nap with some crystals. any restorative crystals or calming crystals work great! just make sure that they aren't geodes or roughs. i'd hate for you to hurt yourself while sleeping.
if you don't have any crystals for your nap, set an intention instead. please let yourself rest.
It's important to remember that you're allowed to take breaks from your craft. If you're forcing yourself to practice when you have no energy because "that's what a good witch would do!" then you're probably going to make your situation worse. it's a great way to fall out of love with witchcraft. give yourself some grace. rest is infinitely more important than 1 full moon, 1 new moon, or missing your daily/weekly/monthly cleanse. You aren't a bad person if you don't pull your morning tarot card or check the astrology forecast for today. and you aren't a bad person if you miss your daily prayer. take care of yourself. your health is WAY more important than your craft. Go get a drink of water and take care of yourself <3
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thecosmoscalls · 2 years ago
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thecosmoscalls · 3 years ago
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thecosmoscalls · 3 years ago
Moon Phases
There are 12 Full and New Moons a year (13 every now and then due to calendar synchronisation - called a Blue Moon) this means there is no need to rush intentions and manifestations, spend time practicing, learning and getting things wrong.
New Moon
→ setting intentions and plans
Waxing Crescent Moon
→ relaxing into and accepting intention
First Quarter Moon
→ take action and push forward
Waxing Gibbous Moon
→ observe, align and trust your intention will form
Full Moon
→ harvest intention, reap rewards or accept intention was not the best for this time, take in the new energy
Waning Gibbous Moon
→ turn inwards and reflect on your intention, or be grateful for the outcome
Last Quarter Moon
→ release old or harmful energy holding you back and give back from your abundance
Waning Crescent Moon
→ reflect with thanks, rest mind body and soul, take peace in the emptiness
Merry meet,
Atti <3
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thecosmoscalls · 3 years ago
How you remember your childhood media is fascinating, man.
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In my head, I remember this exact episode looking just like this… 
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…even though video quality like this was… basically unthinkable to 7-year-old me.
I can picture the way it felt. The spooky atmosphere.
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The size, emptiness, and loneliness of the locations.
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Gags with the guest star… in my head, it all totally looked like this in the early 2000s.
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Of course realistically, this was an ancient 20-inch CRT.
…all the way across the room.
…playing an old VHS taping of a Cartoon Network marathon.
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…so really, I was lucky if it looked like this half the time.
Nostalgia is a heck of a drug, maaan. If only 7-year-old me could have known the sheer visual fidelity with which we now see Shaggy’s arms disappear.
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thecosmoscalls · 3 years ago
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thecosmoscalls · 3 years ago
This pride month, remember that if you’re queer, especially if you’re trans, Apollo fashioned you exactly how he meant to. Everything about you that is different, that is unique, that is beautiful and changing and growing, is by design. No matter how you may have to hide from the confusion and censure of others, Apollo sees you standing in the warmth of the sun, and he loves everything about you. Trans people are special because of their transness, not despite it. Never forget where you came from or why you’re here, and never doubt that you’re loved.
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thecosmoscalls · 3 years ago
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Deity Aesthetic: Persephone 💐
Queen of the Underworld.
Greek Goddess of the dead, life, grain, spring, and nature.
Hellenic Epithets:
Korê (Maiden)
Khthonia (Of the Earth)
Karpophoros (Bringer Of Fruit)
Sôteira (Saviour)
Daeira (Knowing One)
Hagnê (Holy One)
Symbolism of Persephone:
The Pomegranate
Seeds of grain
The Torch
The Deer
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thecosmoscalls · 3 years ago
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Tasseomancy symbols and meanings
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thecosmoscalls · 3 years ago
Offerings: Aphrodite
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Aphrodite is a deity of primordial Greece. She is correlated with beauty, love, glamor, affection, romance, harmony, pleasure, passion, and maternal love. She symbolizes empowerment, emotional healing, and compassion for yourself and others. Aphrodite was shaped of the sea foam of the coast, and thus is strongly associated with water, shorelines, and shells.
Offerings for Aphrodite:
Aster, Cardamom, Cowslip, Daffodil, Daisies, Foxglove, Geranium, Hibiscus, Hyacinth, Hydrangea, Iris, Lilac, Magnolia, Moonflower, Morning Glory, Orchid, Primrose, and Rose.
Amethyst, Aquamarine, Copper, Emerald, Garnet, Jelly Opal, Moonstone, Morganite, Pearls, Peridot, Red Jasper, Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Ruby, and White Opal.
Buckwheat, Burdock, Catnip, Cayenne, Cinnamon, Coltsfoot, Columbine, Frankincense, Meadowsweet, Mugwort, Myrtle, Paprika, Parsley, Rosemary, Saffron, Spearmint, and Thyme.
Antique Combs, Chocolate, Clam Shells, Copper Rings, Earrings, Dolphin Ornaments, Dried Bouquets, Jewelry, Mirrors, Perfumes, Pomegranates, Sand dollars, Scented Lotions, Scented Candles, Starfish, Strawberries, Wine, and Whelk Shells.
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thecosmoscalls · 3 years ago
Mars in Mythology
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In ancient Roman religion and myth, Mars (Latin: Mārs, pronounced [maːrs]) was the god of war and also an agricultural guardian, a combination characteristic of early Rome. He was the son of Jupiter and Juno, and he was the most prominent of the military gods in the religion of the Roman army.
Most of his festivals were held in March, the month named for him (Latin Martius), and in October, which began the season for military campaigning and ended the season for farming.
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thecosmoscalls · 3 years ago
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thecosmoscalls · 3 years ago
Venus in Mythology
Venus is a Roman goddess, whose functions encompassed love, beauty, desire, sex, fertility, prosperity, and victory. In Roman mythology, she was the ancestor of the Roman people through her son, Aeneas, who survived the fall of Troy and fled to Italy. Julius Caesar claimed her as his ancestor. Venus was central to many religious festivals, and was revered in Roman religion under numerous cult titles.
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In myth, Venus-Aphrodite was born, already in adult form, from the sea foam (Greek αφρός, aphros) produced by the severed genitals of Caelus-Uranus. Roman theology presents Venus as the yielding, watery female principle, essential to the generation and balance of life. Her male counterparts in the Roman pantheon, Vulcan and Mars, are active and fiery. Venus absorbs and tempers the male essence, uniting the opposites of male and female in mutual affection. She is essentially assimilative and benign, and embraces several otherwise quite disparate functions. She can give military victory, sexual success, good fortune and prosperity. In one context, she is a goddess of prostitutes; in another, she turns the hearts of men and women from sexual vice to virtue. Varro's theology identifies Venus with water as an aspect of the female principle. To generate life, the watery matrix of the womb requires the virile warmth of fire. To sustain life, water and fire must be balanced; excess of either one, or their mutual antagonism, are unproductive or destructive. Source
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thecosmoscalls · 3 years ago
The Third House in Astrology
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& what planetary placements within it mean!)
What is the Third House?
Communication, transportation, and local community are all governed by the third house. Natal planets in the Third House are motivated by expression and often help guide you to build close relationships with their peers, [including siblings, coworkers, and classmates.]
Mercury in the Third House
This is an especially curious and inquisitive position for Mercury. You are generally very interested in reading, teaching, speaking, exchanging ideas, keeping current with the daily news, and perhaps gossiping. Your interests are many and varied, sometimes to the point that you barely skim the surface of any one topic.
You are also very easily distracted and your attention span can be quite short. Quick to learn, you are swift to share what you know with others. You can be very talkative when you have the chance. You’re a list maker, and you’re likely quite involved in/with your community. Some of you can be quite nervous or fidgety.
Venus in the Third House
You are verbally expressive, diplomatic, and aim to be tactful. You easily win others over with your words, whether it’s because of a likable facility with language, a beautiful voice, or a diplomatic use of words. You readily give out compliments. Some of you might use flattery to your own benefit at the risk of being ingenuine. You are generally a very good mediator, aiming to settle arguments quickly and restoring at least temporary peace.
You have a mischievous side, however, and your desire to be tactful and polite with others doesn’t always succeed. Some of you might engage in a lot of mind games, and others might eventually find out that you don’t always mean what you say or say what you mean! You value mental stimulation and frequent changes of scenery in your love relationships.
Moon in the Third House
You are very responsive, communicative, and curious. You can have a talent for imitating others and/or for picking up languages. You might either intellectualize your emotions rather than truly feel them and deal with them, or you communicate with excessive emotion. Some of you may do both at different times, and as you mature and develop, you learn to find a balance.
Your opinions and ideas change often, and you might find that sometimes you adopt others’ points of view and express their ideas as if they were your own. This is not necessarily because you are a copy-cat, but because you sometimes fail to own your own thoughts, and you are so very sensitive to others’ opinions. You might be quite nervous and restless, requiring frequent changes of scenery, even if the movement or travel takes place locally.
*You often make decisions solely for emotional or personal reasons, because something “feels right” or because you’ve always done it a certain way and you are uncomfortable changing it. Even when you think you’re being rational, your prejudices, intuitions, and feelings influence your thoughts a great deal. You are comfortable talking about feelings and personal subjects, and sharing confidences, which enables others to express their own inner feelings with you as well. You have good psychological insight into others.
Mars in the Third House
You speak your mind quite readily, sometimes shooting from the hip when it comes to expressing your ideas and opinions. You tend to know a lot about a variety of subjects, and like to share that knowledge with others (sometimes too forcefully!). When communicating, you are generally very direct and clear. You can easily get worked up about what others might think are trivial matters.
You love a good debate. Whether you know it or not, or no matter your intentions, you can be provocative in your communication style. You are likely gifted with manual dexterity, although you might easily become impatient with tasks. At your best, you are enthusiastic, animated, and lively in the way you express yourself, and this can inspire others. You will fervently defend your opinions and beliefs, as well as your family and childhood.
Sample from the  Spirit Success report: You will have a lot to say on almost any subject, and can be really informative, or merely disruptive. You may take a difference of opinion as a personal affront because of your strong beliefs, but remember that someone else may have something important to contribute, so is worth listening to. No one is better than you at presenting your ideas. As long as you remain confident, rather than “cocky,” you’ll always find an audience to share your store of knowledge.
Jupiter in the Third House
You are forward-looking–a real planner. You are endlessly curious and enjoy making happy connections with others. Sharing ideas with others is important to you–you take great pleasure in doing so. You are able to see the big picture and thus often are turned to for advice. With your sincere interest in others, you easily put people at ease in social situations.
Saturn in the Third House
The core meaning of the third house lies in the unconscious operating of the mind in familiar surroundings. The third house indicates the natural way you act and communicate with people. People might include your siblings while growing up, co-workers, neighbors, the grocery store clerk, and so on. You can review the way your mind works in these circumstances. In that sense, it’s not unconscious.
The comedy serial, Seinfeld, explored the quirkiness in individual actions and communication in familiar surroundings — the little things that people do and say unconsciously that make them what they are! Yes, the serial about “nothing” was funny.
Saturn in the third house may make you feel ill at ease while you go about day-to-day life. You may come across as cold and reserved. You may be a “man or woman of few words”. This can turn some people off. You can use this to your advantage by listening to people. That way you don’t have to do too much talking, yet people will love you for listening!
Uranus in the Third House
You act and communicate with people around you in an offbeat, eccentric, and zany way. Naturally friendly, you very often make people smile with your wit and easy good-humor. People look upon you to ease a boring day, knowing you will perhaps have something new to say about the mundane. Your eccentricity may puzzle and sometimes annoy some. You win them over with your humility, open mind, and honesty. Creativity in communication and in all that you do sets you apart from most.
Neptune in the Third House
Dry, cold facts are hard for you to absorb, so traditional academics might not appeal. However, you are talented at visualization and whole-style learning. You are perceptive and dreamy, although you often have your head in the clouds and might miss important details. Sticking to schedules can be difficult, and so can tending to errands, communications, and other necessary daily activities. You might “tune out” when you hear specific directions, and consequently miss helpful details. You might as a result frequently be late for appointments or miss them altogether.
In your communications, you can quickly put others at ease, as you seem to intuitively understand them. You express yourself creatively, imaginatively, and with great charm. However, you might also encourage, without even knowing it, misunderstandings, as you rarely are definite in what you say. Learning, especially when young, can be challenged only because you might lack discipline or the style of learning is not creative enough to hold your interest.
Pluto in the Third House
You rarely accept what you hear or what you read as truths. Your mind is very analytical and you instinctively search for hidden meanings. You can be exceptionally persuasive in your self-expression, whether through the spoken or written word, simply because you communicate with authority, conviction, strength, and decisiveness.
You tend to learn through observation rather than by asking questions. In fact, you may be somewhat resistant to learning directly from others, preferring to self-teach. You might fear the loss of self through self-expression, and thus you might choose your words carefully as to avoid letting others know too much about you.
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thecosmoscalls · 3 years ago
The Second House in Astrology
(& what planetary placements within it mean!)
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What is the Second House?
In astrology, the second house, which is also called house of value, is all about possessions, money, material things, earnings and expenditures. It signifies the way someone attracts or repels money, and also the way that he/she/they chooses to spend it.
Mercury in the Second House
You have a very practical mind and intelligence, seeing the obvious, most logical answer to any predicament often well before others. You don’t like to be put on the spot or pushed into talking or coming to a conclusion. Studies are similar–you need to work at your own pace.
You can be quite one-track minded at times, not very happy with multi-tasking, and often quite fixed in your opinions. Sensual stimuli is more relevant to you than abstract concepts.
Venus in the Second House
Tangible expressions of love and affection are important to you. Your tastes are usually “simply extravagant”, well-defined, strong, and something you are proud of. Some might feel you have a talent for finding items of value and good taste. You are attracted to items of quality. You may use generosity for your own benefit–in other words, you might give gifts with expectation of reward. Some of you might be hedonistic and overly attached to winning admiration from a partner, at the expense of discovering true love. Your neck and upper chest are erogenous zones, and your voice is unusually attractive.
You generally don’t jump into a new relationship. If you do, your feelings grow gradually. A partner who makes you feel safe and secure is ideal for you. Once committed, your love is long lasting and sincere. You have strong values and others will find it hard to sway you in this area. Sensual, the world of touch and smell is most appealing to you. Complex or mysterious partners are not as intriguing to you as simple and genuine ones.
Moon in the Second House
When it comes to money, you can be generous and frivolous in your spending habits one day, and frugal the next. You can be quite afraid of being in debt, and you need to feel that the bills are paid in order to feel secure and safe. This is likely also true of savings, as you fear being without.
Still, there are times when you can spend impulsively, on a whim, and this is likely when you are feeling emotionally frustrated. You might also hold onto people quite tightly. Vanity can be an issue. You are often looking for admiration, and you can be quite dependent on others for positive feedback until you learn to develop your own feelings of self-worth. You’re not as emotionally responsive as most people. You tend to hold back and wait before expressing yourself, and when you do it is with deliberation.
*You are likely to be a great collector of things – a real pack rat in fact – for your belongings give you a sense of security and continuity with the past, which is important to you. Antiques or things with sentimental value from your past are especially dear to you.
You may also cling rather tightly to both money and possessions, keeping them “in the family” rather than sharing freely with those outside of your immediate circle.
Mars in the Second House
You are likely to be a hard worker, although you appreciate the process and might be slower than some as you focus on the method and tend to each step deliberately and carefully. You love to produce things of practical value. With making money and acquiring possessions, you are ambitious but you might be impatient or impulsive when it comes to spending. You can be quite possessive, both of material things and of people.
You like a physical challenge, and your physical abilities and energy make up a strong part of your sense of self-worth. Working independently is most appealing, or you value things most when you have achieved something on your own. The world of the five senses is most important to you on sensual and sexual levels. You have a hearty appetite with strong stamina. You defend your values fervently.
Sample from the KidZone report: “This child with Mars in the second house will be of the slow and steady variety. He/she will not like to be rushed. However, the attention span will be good and this child will plod through and produce good, solid results.
This child will be very interested in amassing as much as possible. When these children see something that they want, they will want it very much. And they will work hard to get it. He/she will probably be great at saving pocket money, and will then buy their goodies independently. This child may insist on having complete control over their spending power. They need to be taught early on to reject a sudden impulse to just go and get whatever it is that they want.
The “solid and steady” tag does not apply to acquiring assets. It should be suggested that this child think things through, and to decide whether they truly do want something. Any interference will be met with disdain, because he/she will have very set views. But because of the compulsive nature of Mars, these kids are quite likely to be careless with money. This impulsiveness to “own” can become a big problem. This child will have a very strong sense of ownership and anyone who challenges this will stir up a real anger. This is a lesson better learned while young.
These children may not be absolutely selfish, but they will want to share only on their own terms, not because they have to. If a brother or sister takes something without asking, this youngster will really blow up. And there will be real fireworks if someone damages something of theirs. He/she may be careless, but no one else can be! This will particularly apply to personal belongings. Help this child to learn to be less possessive. A possessive attitude can cause toys and belongings to bring more pain than pleasure, keeping him/her from fully enjoying them.”
Jupiter in the Second House
Others might think you are lucky with money, gifts, or personal possessions. In fact, you are extremely resourceful. You take great pleasure in comfort and the world of the five senses. Sometimes this position points to over-indulgence in these things. A strong self-image or feelings of self-worth contribute to success.
Saturn in the Second House
Traditional astrology interprets Saturn’s presence in the second house to mean a lack of or difficulty in getting real world possessions like money, cars, etc. Moving away from this fatalistic approach, we will try to personalize the meaning of Saturn in the second house for an individual. From a personality standpoint, the second house reflects your attitude to real world possessions.
With Saturn in the second house, you might be unduly pessimistic about your own ability to get possessions. Avoid the pessimism. Then again, you might be overly cautious in the way you invest your finances. I’ll give you an example to illustrate this point.
Saturn in the second house people are more likely to invest their hard earned money in low-risk treasury bonds than in the higher risk stock market. This may be good or bad, depending on how you look at it. Your investments will remain rock solid over the years, but will not grow as much if you had been more of a risk-taker! Given this risk aversion, isn’t it easy to spot why past astrologers might have taken that as an inability to gain wealth or possession? It’s not so much an inability as simply an attitude. Awareness of this attitude can be your strength.
Uranus in the Second House
Your attitude to real world possessions differs from most. You may look at money and cars as a means to an end. If you find that they support the quirky lifestyle that your heart desires then you are all right with having some of your own. You may decide though that these things tie you down to one place and hence subvert your freedom of movement. If this happens then you are likely to shy away from acquiring worldly possessions. The possessions you desire are often ones that help you lead the “free” lifestyle you desire. You may value money in the bank if money can buy you the freedom you crave.
Neptune in the Houses
You may prefer not to attach too much value to money, but if this is overdone, there can be quite a few problems in life concerning money and ownership. You might make money through artistic pursuits but must avoid the potential pitfalls of putting too much faith in ideas that don’t have enough grounding in reality. Financial advice is important to obtain. You may have developed a non-materialistic personal philosophy. This might work well for you, but it could also lead to impractical attitudes and money problems.
When it comes to making money, you tend to act on hunches and intuition. You might have faith that you will come into money one day, or daydream a lot about being wealthy. The trick is to have faith in your own self-worth. If you frequently have money problems, you might want to examine whether you truly are not attached to material things, or if it stems from undervaluing your own worth or value.
When Neptune is in good condition in the second house, there can be a sense that you are wealthy no matter what you actually have, and this faith can bring you exactly what you need. If Neptune is challenged, you may be glossing over practical details and money can too easily slip through your fingers. You might be especially generous, but avoid situations where you get the short end of the stick financially speaking if they lead to feelings of resentment.
Pluto in the Second House
When it comes to building your resources, your instincts are powerful. It’s not very easy for you to let go of things, as you attach much sentimental value to your possessions. Or, you might hold on to things because you fear poverty or because you fear the feeling of helplessness and wanting. Some with this placement feel a powerful need for control over their money and possessions. You could be driven to make money.
Others taking something from you without asking, even right in front of you, could be especially irritating to you. It’s not about being stingy–you simply have a strong sense of ownership and prefer that you are asked. You may experience some form of loss in your life that leads to lessons of change–you learn that strength, worth, value, and wealth come from within.
With finances, you are excellent at strategy and planning. You can spot a good deal or objects of value instinctively. Your advice on these matters can be invaluable to others.
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thecosmoscalls · 3 years ago
Connect with Mercury
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Traditionally held on May 15th, Mercuralia was an ancient Roman festival devoted to Mercury. Roman merchants would sprinkle their heads, their ships and merchandise, and their businesses with water taken from the well at Porta Capena.
Work with Mercury
As we don't all have access to the well at Porta Capena, I celebrate Mercury by using water charged with Mercurial energy in my bathing, cooking and in any spell work related to travel, commerce or communication. Other ways you can work with Mercury include:
Cast communication spells
Cast "call me" spells
Ask Mercury to spread confusion and disinformation amongst your enemies (but make sure you make an offering as a thank you!)
Tap into Mercury energy to manipulate someone - the gift of communication can be beneficial or malicious depending on how you wield it. As with any other time you ask Mercury for assistance, it is best to leave an offering.
Ask the universe questions using your divination tool of choice - Mercury was associated with divination and tends to smile upon those who practice this skill.
Offerings for Mercury
Plants & Herbs: parsley, mulberry, honeysuckle, garlic, burdock
Incense: lavender, coriander, cardamom
Crystals & Minerals: agate, carnelian, jasper
Food & Drink: coffee, tea, wine, honey water, bread, olives
How to charge water with Mercurial Energy
Mercury is already associated with Water, and as such water absorbs Mercury's energy with ease.
Must be completed on Wednesday during Mercury's hours - the ideal time to attract Mercurial energy. If Mercury is in retrograde, don't forget the energy can be more chaotic and unruly than when Mercury is direct.
Fill a container with water (make sure its safe to drink if you plan to do so!)
Light an orange candle and place it on or very close to the container. If you do not have orange candles, white will do just fine. I like to carve Mercury's symbol into them regardless of colour. In addition to the candle, any orange you wear will attract Mercury's energy regardless of the time of day.
Close your eyes and meditate and reflect on Mercury and its power. Take as much time as feels right. Try to stay within the hour of Mercury though or you may attract different energy.
Thank the universe for the energy it has loaned you, then extinguish the candle.
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thecosmoscalls · 3 years ago
The First House in Astrology (& What planetary placements within it signify!)
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What the First House in Astrology Means
The First House defines an individual, their physical body and being, their strengths and weaknesses, as well as their primary character. It is also named "The House of Self" and speaks of our main task in life, our outlook into the world, our ego, and everything we are here for from the start.
Mercury in the First House
You are Mercurial in your appearance and / or manner - particularly if Mercury is in the first 10 degrees of the First House. You're likely restless, adaptable, changeable, easily distracted, versatile and nimble. You enjoy talking (a little too much) and you often monopolize the conversation or fail to listen.
You are mischievous and precocious, lively and interesting and highly adaptable in new situations. In fact, you treat most endeavours with great curiousity and interest.
Venus in the First House
You are a likable, magnetic, attractive, and charming person whose heart is often on your sleeve. Unless Venus is very challenged, you are easy to befriend, diplomatic, and warm in self-expression. You tend to attract others to you quite readily, and rarely come on too strong or aggressively.
Negative expressions of this position include a superficial charm, a tendency to “play dumb” when challenged or in doubt, and two-faced, passive-aggressive behavior. The need to be liked by others, and/or to keep the peace, might lead to feelings of resentment or general unrest if you feel that you give up your own power to others. You might find it difficult to make solid decisions. Your personal sense of style and manner are things that others find fascinating, and you generally pay great attention to how these things benefit you in life.
With your natural charm and magnetic personality, you have a way of winning people over to your arguments. You are probably physically attractive and will maintain this quality well into your later years. You have a deep appreciation for art and enjoy surrounding yourself with beautiful objects. Your love life is very important to you, and you feel a lack if you have no partner in your life. Your appetite for life and for love is hefty, and you enjoy taking the initiative once you are comfortable with a partner. You are ever so charming and attractive, and absolutely hard to miss, no matter what you look like. Your head and face are your most attractive features! This is because your Venus is in the first house of Aries, a sign that rules this part of the body.
Moon in the First House
Your feelings are right out there for everyone to see, and you can come across as emotional and impatient, or nurturing and caring (or both). Your first reaction is emotional, especially if the Moon is in close proximity (within ten degrees) of the Ascendant degree. You need emotional stimulation, movement, and freedom to express yourself in order to feel happy and fulfilled.
Your moods are very changeable, and this can be quite obvious to others. Because of your emotional sensitivity, you might often take things too personally, and react too quickly. Developing an awareness that others’ emotions are just as important, even if they are not as overt and immediate as yours, will be important.
You have a soft exterior and tend to relate very personally and sympathetically to other people. However, you sometimes let your emotions overpower your reasoning and logic, and consequently, you are sometimes biased in your opinions. You are impressionable and rather gentle, or at least that is the way you appear. Your feelings are on the surface and you can not hide your emotions.
Mars in the First House
Mars in the first house of your chart is a commanding position and is even more so if Mars is also conjunct the Ascendant. Your reactions to new situations are immediate and pressing. You are an active, energetic, dynamic, enterprising, and possibly even forceful or aggressive person at times (unless Mars is in strong aspect to Saturn or Neptune).
You often begin new endeavors with enthusiasm, although follow-through may not be present, depending on the rest of your chart. Some of you might be rash, inconsiderate, or overly assertive. People are often impressed with your energy and stamina! You need to be involved, take the lead, and act independently. You don’t enjoy following others or playing waiting games.
Fiercely independent, you are usually direct and straightforward–and this is wonderfully refreshing! Spontaneity is extremely important to you. Some of you might stir up trouble–whether consciously or not–when you’re bored. Your approach to life is physical and active, and your love of competition is notable.
Jupiter in the First House
You present a jovial, kind, altruistic manner to the world around you, generally beginning any new undertaking with optimism and faith. Your belief in the power of positive thinking takes you places. Generally speaking, you are a very principled person with strong morals.
Saturn in the First House
The first house stands for the way in which an individual projects personal energies onto others. This house is fundamental in defining an individual’s personality and Saturn’s presence here is particularly significant. Saturn in the first house people might have a stern exterior. People may comment, “You look so different when you smile!” When you smile the stern exterior drops.
Saturn’s presence in the first house can make you more aware than others of right or wrong in a societal way. Responsibility will be a major concern in your actions. Demands from people around you will dominate your consciousness. You will probably find it extraordinarily difficult to place yourself ahead of others.
Guilt and anxiety might haunt you over issues that others, without this influence, might not consider significant. This misplaced guilt and anxiety may create false sentimentality and attachment to surroundings to the point of neurosis. You are hard on yourself. Self-assertion at work and home might be stressful. Develop awareness about your guilt and anxiety attacks.
Fight the guilt by thinking things through by yourself or with someone you feel comfortable with. To avoid the guilt and anxiety your best bet is to lay low and first let people around you articulate and take what they want and need. Then take what you want. It’s rather important for Saturn first house people to have spouses and partners who understand their self-assertion issue. An understanding spouse or partner will go a long way towards making life pleasant.
Uranus in the First House
Uranus in the first house alters the way an individual projects personal energies onto others. You are likely to seek, nay demand, freedom in the way you present yourself to the world. Dressing simply but quirkily, you will have no problems in asserting yourself. You are not shy to let everyone know where you stand on issues. In fact you take pride in presenting your unique perspective. “I am a simple soul with few wants and needs,” is what you tell yourself.
Neptune in the First House
You might express yourself artistically, and come across as gentle, sensitive, and dreamy, especially if Neptune is close to the Ascendant (within 10 degrees). You are extremely sensitive to your environment. Others tend to see whatever they want to see in you, and you thus can come across very differently to different people. You might tend to encourage this, even without knowing. Your appearance and mannerisms tend to be chameleon-like. You are a peace-loving person.
While you don’t come on strong, you can be subtly alluring and intriguing. Others can be drawn to you and feel that you understand them. You can be moody and your first reaction to problems might be to escape or to feel sorry for yourself, or helpless. You may not feel a strong sense of identity and struggle with your own impressionability. Like a sponge, you absorb the moods of others. Your imagination is powerful. You have an easygoing manner – a “what will be, will be” approach to the world
Pluto in the First House
You radiate intensity, and others’ first impressions of you tend to be strong, one way or the other! In fact, you might often intimidate others with your manner, whether it’s your intention or not. You can be very protective of your privacy, yet you generate much intrigue and interest with your strong presence.
You might struggle with fears of being overpowered, rejected, or minimized, yet few are able to guess that you could be anything less than confident. Your first instinct in new situations is gutsy and determined, defensive and intense. You rarely accept the obvious or the surface of matters — instead you look through situations in order to read any information on hidden levels. Your challenge is to strive to avoid getting your back up more than is necessary and viewing life as a battleground
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