#planet magick
nyxshadowhawk · 4 months
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Occult emblems from Mellon MS 72.
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skeletonmob · 3 months
Worldbuilding Survey 1
A quick worldbuilding poll for my fantasy world, Ouranos. I'm trying to gauge what the distribution of magic is and what the average mage uses. Obviously, I could just make something up, but I think it'd be better if I had some actual data to work with.
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The rest of my art
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furiosophie · 1 year
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i can't wait to go home
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debora-goth · 11 months
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nikkas-cottage · 8 months
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Offering candles to Gaia, the oldest of divinities. 🌿
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khaosritual · 9 months
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triangular-eye · 3 months
dangers of combining mars & pluto
you have free will of course! but these are energies i don’t recommend mixing from my experience, as they can cause havoc & make it harder for you to keep control of the spell & intentions of it. these colours together more likely than not, cause disruptive changes which are unforeseen. but if you have a strong pluto or uranus in your natal chart, you can make these colours work if you are cautious & experienced enough.
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mars (aries/red) energy working with pluto (scorpio/black), is emotionally explosive. danger of creating an emotional tower moment/period in your day to day life. pluto (death & tower tarot cards) is uncontrollable. if pluto is healed, a person can attain power (perceived by himself), out of how one withstands the uncontrollable & remains untouched.
in an unhealthy pluto, combined in this way might attract karma with ‘soul vampires’/psychological predators, as pluto rules these topics & paired with mars, lord of instinct, anger & passion, how somebody ‘burns’. souls that leech & drain primarily operate from the lower consciousnesses (mindset of the root & sacral chakra/MARS categories).
those with an uncontrollable mars (it is a fire element afterall), tend to be overindulgent into every physical activity they find themselves into; whereas a healthy mars would view things as ‘i indulge in what ignites my passion for creating things.
aspects to
children/housing projects (venus), paintings/substances (neptune), internet projects (uranus), sex & sex industry (lilith), intense feelings/strong morals/due to hormonal cycle (moon), business projects/housing abroad/career trajectory (saturn), cross continent travel/career schooling/philosophical awakenings/application of morals (jupiter), critical thinking/thought process/verbal (mercury).
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occultwaters · 6 months
Hello loves, welcome to my blog. Below you will find the links to my posts, feel free to browse. I hope you enjoy your visit. Make sure to read the disclaimer at the bottom before requesting anything!
Observations: I II III
Painful placements: I
Vedic: Coming soon
Extra stuff:
Introduction + free readings (closes April 12th 2024) (FREE READINGS CLOSED FOR NOW)
Just to put this out there so we are clear, divination should not be used as a replacement of legal, financial, and/or medical advice etc. Though I do readings on these topics, it is not to provide professional advice. I very much believe in divination, however I am not responsible for any actions done by anyone on the basis of my readings. Take it with a grain of salt, energy is ever changing.
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kindaspooky-gemini · 2 years
Make magic..
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miasmapuddle · 6 months
the mundane nature of astrology is often overlooked. even a simple category such as a pen can be described as having many differing planetary qualities depending on its innate form and context.
A classical ballpoint pen used for writing is mercurial. A dashing fountain pen used for calligraphy is Venusian and yet also saturnine in the nature of the controlled spurs of ink that spiral out from its tip.
A pen used for lawmaking or recording important truths is jupiterian.
a soft thick nibbed pen used to write feelings is lunar, though the colored highlighter used for quick remarks and the angry scratching out of imperfections in wording is as Martian as a bloody fist.
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andromedasdomain · 11 months
Magical Timing:
Days of the Week: Colors and Planets!* ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
⋆Color: Yellow, Gold ⋆Planet: the Sun
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⋆Color: White, Silver, Blue ⋆Planet: the Moon
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⋆Color: Scarlet, Red, Black, Orange ⋆Planet: Mars
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⋆Color: Purple, Orange ⋆Planet: Mercury
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⋆Color: Blue, Purple, Green ⋆Planet: Jupiter
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⋆Color: Pink, Aqua ⋆Planet: Venus
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⋆Color: Black, Deep Purple ⋆Planet: Saturn
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*I know the Moon and the Sun are not considered planets, but these are the planetary correspondences of each day. “10 Types of Witches - Witchcraft & Magick Explained.” Witchy, witchyhq.com/blogs/news/8-types-of-witches-witchcraft-magic. Accessed 8 Oct. 2023.
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lunasapphire · 1 year
Can someone tell me why I never learned about the five classified dwarf planets in our galaxy? Well of course minus Pluto (but when I was in school that was an actual planet)
But like why don’t we learn about Ceres, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris?
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https-witch · 3 months
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Thoughts on the green practice
💭To me, being a practitioner is about developing a balanced relationship with the Universe & its components. I do not separate my home habits from my craft & beliefs.
As a child I would hang out in the forest a lot & talk to the trees. Maybe I spent so much time with them because I don't see much difference between us anymore. What's best for me is best for them & vice versa. We both need the Sun & the rain. The cycle of the days, the presence of the moon. Good health to survive the season's change & clean, safe grounds to establish roots in. We are stronger than our environment while also being part of it.
This relationship helped me become more mindful of my place in this world. On top of this, travelling a bit & becoming a vegetarian sensitized me to the pride of having a supporting community & the importance of investing in sustainable, local options while shopping for any kind of goods. It is a conscious, constant effort, but it is very rewarding. Here are a few things I do:
👕My clothes are thrifted or gifted. When I don't wear something, I either cut it up to use the fabric on something else, or I give it away. I never throw away clothes.
🫐I try to buy local products in the grocery store. I don't eat meat or products derived from meat.
🫙I thrifted a lot of furniture, tools & decoration. I try to reuse broken materials as well.
🗑️I recycle & compost. Those are free services offered by my city.
🫧I buy very little single-use anything. I don't use ziplock bags or paper towels.
💶I try to be mindful of the companies I invest in.
It's not much, but it's still good. I'm confident my efforts are enough to send good vibes in the Universe.
Just a thought 💭
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deificdahlia · 2 months
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🪷 🌕 Capricorn Full Moon 🌕 🪷
This lunar cycle will soon reach its peak at 29° Capricorn, marking a significant point of culmination and fulfillment. This degree is in the third decan of Capricorn, which is ruled by the Sun ✨☉✨ (chaldean) ~The Throne~ and is also within the Mars bound. This placement imbues the lunar cycle with a regal and authoritative quality, emphasizing themes of leadership, ambition, and self-mastery.
Reaching 29° Capricorn signifies the final degree of the sign, a critical degree that symbolizes the completion of a phase and the preparation for a new beginning. It represents a time when the lessons learned throughout the journey in Capricorn are consolidated, and one is ready to transition into the new energies of the upcoming sign. This peak is a moment of reflection, achievement, and readiness to embrace new challenges.
The Chandra symbol for this degree is “Blue morning glories growing up a tall trellis.” This degree emphasizes that true growth comes from within, much like morning glories needing a trellis to climb. It guides us to cultivate our inner belief and self-reliance which are essential for clarity and enlightenment.
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July's full moon is most commonly referred to as the "Buck Moon" by the Algonquin peoples, marking the period when male deer begin to grow their new antlers signifying themes of growth and renewal. During this lunation, the moon will be conjunct Pluto and asteroid Harmonia, marking a period of profound personal transformation and encourages the release of outdated structures. This alignment brings deep, buried emotions to the surface, urging individuals to confront and release unresolved issues. Amidst this powerful transformation, Harmonia's influence helps in finding inner balance and harmony, guiding you through a journey of emotional purging and renewal with the promise of achieving a deeper sense of peace and stability.
Luna is also experiencing trines with Black Moon Lilith, Mars, Uranus, and dwarf planet Sedna which together work to encourage bold action and revolutionary change. Squares to Eris and Haumea present challenges that spur growth by pushing us to face conflicts and embrace change, ultimately leading to greater resilience and a deeper connection with our core values. Sextiles to Neptune, asteroid Selene, and asteroid Lilith provide spiritual insight and support for emotional release.
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African violets reflect Capricorn's resilience and ambition, thriving with consistent care like Capricorns who succeed through perseverance. Capricorn, linked to Cronus, the god of time and harvest, symbolizes the culmination of effort and patience, much like the steady growth of African violets. This connection highlights Capricorn's ability to thrive through persistent effort and dedication, similar to the enduring nature of African violets.
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Working with Earth
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Welcome to the fourth part of my elemental series! Today we will explore some aspects of working with earth like offerings, devotional activities, common lessons, aspects, and more! With all that said lets get started!
To preface: I am a devotee to water itself, I am a west witch practioner which means I work within the domain of water, the past, divination, and psyche! I also am a general elemental practioner and have experience working with all of the elements and their aspects!
What is working with Earth like?
Per usual: Things can depend on gnosis and the cultural lens we are looking at, however some things are consistent! In general earth is considered a constant force, something you can always tap into because you are always within it, on it, or in the case of astronauts near it. Earth represents consistency, slow but meaningful changes, and perseverance. Earth doesnt have a gender (same with all the elements) so asking during a working relationship can be a great way to bond! In general, Earth is primordial being the very first to be created even if it was just a ball of flames and liquid stone. Earth is considered but also not considered to be the first element to house life! People debate if it was water with the primordial soup or if it was earth giving water a space. However it is clear earth is a major life giver regardless. Earth has many aspects from rot, biomes, to just pure grounding energy, and working results change depending on who you are interacting with.
Some people work with earth as a whole, and we see this with the 'mother nature' archetype! This energy tends to be balanced, loving, and full of trial and error. Another aspect may be with specific biomes like navigating loneliness and introspection with desert, or managing your energy levels with rainforest! In any case, earth has major emphasis on love, grounding forces, but also cycles. All energy you use earth will eventually take back from the living. In this case, earths personality is not set in stone, often times changing and reflecting specific nuances. Another important thing to note is earth has frequently been described as both powerful but also sometimes a push over. We can observe this in mundane life with the invention of GMO's, pollution, etc. Earth allows us humans to do a lot of awful things to earths natural systems (evolution, balancing, etc) however Life will always find a way. It is important to remember you are an animal like any other deer, fish, or bear! Respect the earth as it speaks to you. Earth is a lot more direct because of the heavier role it plays on us. Patience is the best virtue when interacting with earth.
UPG: Earth is an extremely kind spirit to commune with, often happy to speak directly to all of its creatures. Earth usually presents 'slow burn' lessons usually being carried out over seasons, years, or decades. Working with earth is all about taking things one step at a time and learning indirectly not what it means to be human but what it means to be animal. Earth is all about establishing your place within the world, and encouraging you to leave this place better than you found it. Earth represents the present, pausing, and setting up long term goals no matter the weather or struggles we face. Its about unity and learning to love others with the short mark we leave on our home.
A thing to note is earth has a common 'womb' and 'mother' element often being nicknamed mother nature, dirt to life, etc! Most cultures observe earth to be the ultimate womb because of our history. Compared to all the elements earth has the heaviest association to life and birth, just as much as it does death and recycling. This has lead to the darker element of 'rot' being an aspect taking. Rotting and Decay takes time, much like all things.
What are common offerings?
Most people place altars to earth by windows, on the ground floor, and by living rooms! Earth tends to enjoy pretty much all offerings because it not only can represent advancement but also returning to roots. However: There is heavy emphasis on ethical offerings like with crystals, locally sourced items, and growth. So I would hold off leaving a red bull on the altar for now. Earth enjoys going place, so travel altars, smaller altars, or collapsible ones are a great choice! Dont feel limited to one point in your home
In earths case, there is heavy emphasis on longevity! So common offerings usually include dusting and cleaning, taking care of a plant, and things that may require repetition like preparing a meal or drinking water. In my water post I talk about net positive, neutral, and negative offerings and earth is no different. A lot of workings can be done outdoors in forests, prairies, and more. Make sure you are researching what hurts flora and fauna before you go out, for example: Leave the salt at home! Salt can hurt the salinity of the soil and hinder growth.
Some ideas include hosting forest or highway clean ups, going on hikes and nature walks, collecting flowers or just communing with nature, foraging, helping others, and getting crafty!
What are the correspondences?
Crystals - Smokey Quartz, Amazonite, Obsidian, Jasper, Malachite, Aragonite, Super Seven, Moldavite, Unakite, and Septarian Herbs - Dandelion root, Hawthorn, Linden, Oak, Red clover, wood sorrel, Rasberry Leaf, Food plants (nuts, berries, gourds, etc), Pacholi, Ivy, Fern Colors - Green, Brown, Gold Energy Centers - Root, Sacral Zodiacs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Tools - Terracotta pots, Coins, Plants, Plates, Crafts Scents - Musk, Soil, Moss
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arsanimarum · 1 year
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There's Mars in full armor at twelve o'clock high and following him, the majestic Sun; next comes Venus holding her arrow of desire and after her Mercury with his staff and serpent. The wistful Moon, old Saturn with his scythe, and vital Jupiter bearing a flowering bough complete the circle.
Mars: growth, strength, health, defense, sex life, matrimony, hostility. Sun: illumination, energy, action, hope, self-expression, motivation Venus: love, desire, harmony, constancy, friendship, unity, beauty Mercury: wisdom, intelligence, opinion, fear, debt, nervous tension Moon: enchantment, dreams, wishes, moods, plans, habits, ways Saturn: peace, divination, change, ambition, progress, patience, loss Jupiter: law, honor, expansion, humor, wealth, adventure, bold quests
Albertus Magnus, Bavarian philosopher, first established the type of magical work governed by each heavenly body.
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