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In order to maintain separation from the canon of The Vampire Diaries so as to help those who are not immersed in the character lore of the show and/or books, while leaving room for those who are fans to play with show mechanics, the Event will be set in an alternate version of Hogsmeade; Scotland’s answer to Mystic Falls, if you will! There will be an array of key locations for you to play in, but for the most part it is just a little town in Scotland with a history of being home to supernatural creatures.
The Black Family are not the Originals, but they are something of a pillar of the supernatural community, and one or two of them has always been in residence in the large manor house outside town that they have called home for… many years. There are many generations of the family, and they are principally a family of witches; but the core, and commanding family structure is made up of members of the family who were born as siphon witches, and when they were at an age where they felt ready, were made vampires, and so became Heretics, or witch/vampire hybrids.
The oldest of them is Arcturus Black, who was turned almost 900 years ago in what would become modern day Korea, while the Originals were still hiding from their father. The youngest current Heretic is Narcissa, who was turned almost two centuries ago.
The plan is that on the night of Halloween, Regulus will join the ranks of the vampires who raised him, and also be turned into a vampire, able to use magic as and when he pleases by using himself as a magical conduit. The celebration happens every year; but with the induction of a new family member being so rare, this year there are more supernatural guests than usual filling Hogsmeade for Halloween, with intentions both good and… less than good.
While we engage in the Event, it is our intention that THREE IN GAME DAYS should equal ONE IRL WEEK. This will give everyone plenty of time to respond and react to plot events as they unfold! If it seems like things are moving too slowly, we will of course readjust, but while discussing this seemed to make the most sense for moving us along while leaving enough room for everyone to explore the plot as thoroughly as they please.
To help us to keep track of this timeline, your illustrious prefects will be putting together an interactive calendar, and we will be asking that whenever you start a new thread, you make a note of the day the thread is occurring at the beginning! We will do our utmost to keep the calendar up to date with events that happen on each day as we progress.
We encourage you to start talking about relationships with other characters, and considering things you might want to explore with your characters for the event; but we ask at the same time that everyone come into this looking to interact with as many different players and characters as possible.
The Event will commence from the 1st of October, so there is plenty of time to claim characters. Everyone will be allowed to take TWO CHARACTERS; we ask that you limit yourself to one main canon character, until the final week before the Event kicks off, at which point if there are main canon characters still unclaimed you will be welcome to claim them as your second character. Otherwise, feel free to call dibs on minor canon characters and OCs as you please.
In the coming days once signups are open channels for the Event will start to go up, both to note claimed characters and make room for you to ask questions. A more precise premise will be posted in the coming weeks.
We’re very excited about this AU, and hope you are too!
🩸 Your Humble Prefects 🩸
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Do you love the Marauders? What about The Vampire Diaries? Lucky you for the months of October and November, TAFP Discord Server is hosting a Marauders TVD AU Event! Want to join?
🩸You must be 25 or older to join the server.
🩸Message us for a link!
🩸Sign up in server!
It’s that easy! Hope you join us for this fun, stress free event!
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This is a little rough, but it’s unfinished business for @theadultfandomproject back to Hogwarts train
“What are you doing out here?” Regulus hissed between clenched teeth. “You can’t be here!”
James was standing outside the Slytherin common room, invisibility cloak thrown over himself, just his face pressed through the opening, trying to catch Regulus’ attention.
“I missed you,” James said with a shrug. “A whole summer holiday without you,” he bemoaned.
“For fuck’s sake, James,” Regulus huffed, finally moving away from the entrance to the common room and sidling up directly next to James. “Fine, come on.”
Regulus led him away from the dungeons, up a few flights of stairs and into a broom cupboard.
“Take off that ridiculous cloak, James.”
James obliged, immediately lunging forward and wrapping Regulus in a hug, breathing him in. Regulus was momentarily stunned; the two of them didn’t hug. They weren’t friends, or even friendly.
He pushed James off of him.
“I thought you were done with this nonsense — following me around and making me your pet project,” Regulus complained, crossing his arms over his chest.
James sputtered. “You’re — what? You’re not a pet project! I thought we were getting along last year.” James looked crestfallen, like Regulus had just shit all over everything James had worked for — shut down his whole affectionate spiel before he could even begin it.
“I decided I didn’t hate you last year, that’s not the same thing.” Regulus leaned against the wall of the cupboard, the portrait of relaxed as James continued to stand there, mouth agape like a fish out of water.
“No, I thought…”
“Thought what, James?” Regulus asked, a sneer on his face. “That suddenly we were friends?”
James shook his head, thoughtfully. “No, not friends. I thought… that we had some unfinished business, perhaps.”
“Unfinished business?” Regulus asked, more confused than irritated now. What did James mean by unfinished business? Nothing was ever started between the two of them. James flashed a wide grin, suddenly closing in on Regulus, crowding his space.
“Unfinished business,” he repeated — whispered. Suddenly James’ hands were against the wall on either side of Regulus’ head, boxing him in. Regulus looked from one to the other, wondering if he should duck out of this, escape James before this escalated any further. “I haven’t stopped thinking about you.”
Regulus swallowed, throat suddenly gone dry. “There’s nothing to think about, James. You’re delusional.”
“No,” James disagreed. “I don’t think I am, and I don’t think you’ll have the wherewithal to fight it for much longer.” James lowered one of his hands to Regulus’ face, fingers cradling his jaw as his thumb stroked Regulus’ cheek bone.
Regulus’ breath hitched. He looked up and caught James’ eye, so sincere and gentle; Regulus wanted to dive in, for a split second not worried if he would drown right there in them. No one knew how much Regulus had dreamt of this moment, to feel James’ hands upon his skin.
No one was ever supposed to know.
There was a war rising inside Regulus, hand itching to push James away, to pull him in closer, when all at once James’ lips were on his, pressing firmly. It was a question and an answer all in one, a plea to let this happen.
“James,” Regulus said, pulling away for a breath.
“Please, Regulus,” James begged. “I don’t want to lose any more time with you. We’ve wasted enough of it, haven’t we?”
Regulus thought for a moment before nodding his head, realizing suddenly how right James was, how there was so much left for them to do, to discover within one another. The entire summer was lost, but there was the entirety of the school year before them for hidden touches and kisses, dark secrets and bright dreams.
This time, when James kissed him back, Regulus answered in kind, unaware and uncaring about the passage of time around them.
“It’s our last year here, can you believe it, Rem?” Sirius asked, suddenly sitting next to Remus on his bed, looking up at him. Remus felt his blood run hot at the proximity, cheeks flushing pink instantly.
He only hoped Sirius didn’t notice.
“Mhm,” he agreed, not daring to speak, in case his voice came out unsteadily.
“Where are James and Peter?”
“Mmm, out I believe,” Remus said dumbly. He wasn’t sure where they had gone, only knew that they wouldn���t be back for a while.
All that he knew was that they weren’t here and that left him alone with Sirius, struggling to breathe.
“You okay?” Sirius asked, clearly noting the tension in Remus’ body, the quiver in his voice. Remus nodded his head again, attempting to form a response, an explanation that would make sense.
“Do you ever feel like…” Remus tried, paused. “Like we’re going to finish this school year and we’ll all part ways and in the end there will still be unfinished business somewhere?”
“Like with school you mean? With classes you didn’t take or something?” Sirius asked, sincerely. Leave it to Sirius to wonder about Remus’ academic interests, rather than to assume he was on the receiving end of romantic turmoil.
Remus shook his head. “Like with people, with us.”
“Me and you?” Sirius’ eyes were earnest, hanging off of Remus’ words. It was now or never.
“Yeah, me and you. I don’t want to end this year without… without finishing what started all those years ago.” Remus took a deep breath, bracing himself. “What started the first time I ever saw you.”
Sirius smiled. One of those big grins that lit up his eyes. “Moony…” he said. It was chiding, teasing, and Remus’ heart swelled. Remus has been terrified of broaching the subject with Sirius, confident he would be rejected right there on the spot. Maybe he had been wrong to expect that. “Are you saying…”
Remus nodded, heart in his throat.
“Me?” Sirius asked, hand pressed to his chest, still teasing. He was enjoying torturing Remus.
“Fuck off, Pads,” Remus said with a laugh. He was sweating now, waiting for Sirius to be serious.
Sirius tutted. “I don’t think so,” he said. “I’m not leaving this dorm with any unfinished business.”
With that, Sirius leaned into Remus, pushing them both down onto the bed, and pressing a firm kiss to his lips.
Unfinished business, indeed.
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Do you love the Marauders? What about The Vampire Diaries? Lucky you for the months of October and November, TAFP Discord Server is hosting a Marauders TVD AU Event! Want to join?
🩸You must be 25 or older to join the server.
🩸Message us for a link!
🩸Sign up in server!
It’s that easy! Hope you join us for this fun, stress free event!
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In order to maintain separation from the canon of The Vampire Diaries so as to help those who are not immersed in the character lore of the show and/or books, while leaving room for those who are fans to play with show mechanics, the Event will be set in an alternate version of Hogsmeade; Scotland’s answer to Mystic Falls, if you will! There will be an array of key locations for you to play in, but for the most part it is just a little town in Scotland with a history of being home to supernatural creatures.
The Black Family are not the Originals, but they are something of a pillar of the supernatural community, and one or two of them has always been in residence in the large manor house outside town that they have called home for… many years. There are many generations of the family, and they are principally a family of witches; but the core, and commanding family structure is made up of members of the family who were born as siphon witches, and when they were at an age where they felt ready, were made vampires, and so became Heretics, or witch/vampire hybrids.
The oldest of them is Arcturus Black, who was turned almost 900 years ago in what would become modern day Korea, while the Originals were still hiding from their father. The youngest current Heretic is Narcissa, who was turned almost two centuries ago.
The plan is that on the night of Halloween, Regulus will join the ranks of the vampires who raised him, and also be turned into a vampire, able to use magic as and when he pleases by using himself as a magical conduit. The celebration happens every year; but with the induction of a new family member being so rare, this year there are more supernatural guests than usual filling Hogsmeade for Halloween, with intentions both good and… less than good.
While we engage in the Event, it is our intention that THREE IN GAME DAYS should equal ONE IRL WEEK. This will give everyone plenty of time to respond and react to plot events as they unfold! If it seems like things are moving too slowly, we will of course readjust, but while discussing this seemed to make the most sense for moving us along while leaving enough room for everyone to explore the plot as thoroughly as they please.
To help us to keep track of this timeline, your illustrious prefects will be putting together an interactive calendar, and we will be asking that whenever you start a new thread, you make a note of the day the thread is occurring at the beginning! We will do our utmost to keep the calendar up to date with events that happen on each day as we progress.
We encourage you to start talking about relationships with other characters, and considering things you might want to explore with your characters for the event; but we ask at the same time that everyone come into this looking to interact with as many different players and characters as possible.
The Event will commence from the 1st of October, so there is plenty of time to claim characters. Everyone will be allowed to take TWO CHARACTERS; we ask that you limit yourself to one main canon character, until the final week before the Event kicks off, at which point if there are main canon characters still unclaimed you will be welcome to claim them as your second character. Otherwise, feel free to call dibs on minor canon characters and OCs as you please.
In the coming days once signups are open channels for the Event will start to go up, both to note claimed characters and make room for you to ask questions. A more precise premise will be posted in the coming weeks.
We’re very excited about this AU, and hope you are too!
🩸 Your Humble Prefects 🩸
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hey! would love a link to join the server if possible!
Hey there! Send us a DM for a link!
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In order to maintain separation from the canon of The Vampire Diaries so as to help those who are not immersed in the character lore of the show and/or books, while leaving room for those who are fans to play with show mechanics, the Event will be set in an alternate version of Hogsmeade; Scotland’s answer to Mystic Falls, if you will! There will be an array of key locations for you to play in, but for the most part it is just a little town in Scotland with a history of being home to supernatural creatures.
The Black Family are not the Originals, but they are something of a pillar of the supernatural community, and one or two of them has always been in residence in the large manor house outside town that they have called home for… many years. There are many generations of the family, and they are principally a family of witches; but the core, and commanding family structure is made up of members of the family who were born as siphon witches, and when they were at an age where they felt ready, were made vampires, and so became Heretics, or witch/vampire hybrids.
The oldest of them is Arcturus Black, who was turned almost 900 years ago in what would become modern day Korea, while the Originals were still hiding from their father. The youngest current Heretic is Narcissa, who was turned almost two centuries ago.
The plan is that on the night of Halloween, Regulus will join the ranks of the vampires who raised him, and also be turned into a vampire, able to use magic as and when he pleases by using himself as a magical conduit. The celebration happens every year; but with the induction of a new family member being so rare, this year there are more supernatural guests than usual filling Hogsmeade for Halloween, with intentions both good and… less than good.
While we engage in the Event, it is our intention that THREE IN GAME DAYS should equal ONE IRL WEEK. This will give everyone plenty of time to respond and react to plot events as they unfold! If it seems like things are moving too slowly, we will of course readjust, but while discussing this seemed to make the most sense for moving us along while leaving enough room for everyone to explore the plot as thoroughly as they please.
To help us to keep track of this timeline, your illustrious prefects will be putting together an interactive calendar, and we will be asking that whenever you start a new thread, you make a note of the day the thread is occurring at the beginning! We will do our utmost to keep the calendar up to date with events that happen on each day as we progress.
We encourage you to start talking about relationships with other characters, and considering things you might want to explore with your characters for the event; but we ask at the same time that everyone come into this looking to interact with as many different players and characters as possible.
The Event will commence from the 1st of October, so there is plenty of time to claim characters. Everyone will be allowed to take TWO CHARACTERS; we ask that you limit yourself to one main canon character, until the final week before the Event kicks off, at which point if there are main canon characters still unclaimed you will be welcome to claim them as your second character. Otherwise, feel free to call dibs on minor canon characters and OCs as you please.
In the coming days once signups are open channels for the Event will start to go up, both to note claimed characters and make room for you to ask questions. A more precise premise will be posted in the coming weeks.
We’re very excited about this AU, and hope you are too!
🩸 Your Humble Prefects 🩸
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Do you love the Marauders? What about The Vampire Diaries? Lucky you for the months of October and November, TAFP Discord Server is hosting a Marauders TVD AU Event! Want to join?
🩸You must be 25 or older to join the server.
🩸Message us for a link!
🩸Sign up in server!
It’s that easy! Hope you join us for this fun, stress free event!
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About Muse in Secret by winlark
"It's been days... And I'm still thinking about it." -Spence
James Potter, best selling novelist, has struggled to find inspiration for his next novel, until he goes to France and happens upon his muse.
Regulus Black is charming, and James longs for the days where he could get away with kissing another man… Wait, what? He couldn’t… Could he?
A Jegulus endgame period drama– just a little angst and a happy ending. Just what the doctor ordered.
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About For Reasons Unknown by m3535, Zayhad
"Devoured it. Immediately added their 10 other fics to my reading list." -Spence
A story of a group of teenagers, uncontrollable circumstances and bravery beyond which a teenager should have to conjure. 
The story follows Regulus and Sirius Black through their adolescence until Hogwarts, where their lives are forever changed by James Potter, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew.
It’s a character study of our favourite marauders as they navigate their way through school- staying true to key canon characteristics and hints, but changing a few key details, which leads the story in an entirely new direction.
If you liked this, the same collaborators have other Moonseeker fics for your reading pleasure! Pick your poison.
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This Month We're reading,
Muse in Secret by Winlark
As nominated and voted for by members of the Reading Team on the server.
James Potter is a well respected author in Victorian England when he catches the eye of a French aristocrat. Regulus agrees to become his muse in secret, spiriting James away to Parisian life.
Have you read this fic? What did you think? Don’t forget to give kudos and leave comments! ❤️
If you’d like to learn more about The Adult Fandom Project, click here.
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For Reasons Unknown
By m3535, Zayhad
As nominated and voted for by members of the Reading Team on the server.
It is a scandal, yes, but not a huge surprise that Sirius the rebel is sorted into Gryffindor, but when the same thing happens to his younger brother, the perfect son, a model Slytherin, everybody is in shock. Regulus is not at all happy about finding himself in the wrong house and neither is his family. Non-canon, obviously. Regulus/Remus slash
Have you read this fic? What did you think? Don’t forget to give kudos and leave comments! ❤️
If you’d like to learn more about The Adult Fandom Project, click here.
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This month we’re reading;
Ten Reasons to go to Michigan
By greyeyedmonster18
As nominated and voted for by members of the Reading Team on the server.
Here’s ten reasons we think you should read it (PS. Any “spoilers” are from the summary)
Newly divorced, grouchy novelist Remus Lupin, looking to re-ignite his “spark”
Ceramic Artist Sirius Black– trust us, it’s compelling as hell
Fresh Starts, and all the bumps along the way
Coffee shop meet-cute
Smol Harry
A snarky neighbour to become great friends with
An amazing editor who is also a hell of a cheerleader
A giant ass (eventual) love confession
A happy ending
“A story of simple pleasures, love, and home.”
Link to the summary here.
Have you read this fic? What did you think? Don’t forget to give kudos and leave comments! ❤️
If you’d like to learn more about The Adult Fandom Project, click here.
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Reading Team Recommends;
The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
The results are in, and an overarching theme in feedback has been "breath-taking world building"
One member of the reading team says:
The way Samantha paints a world where the different cultures and religions are intertwined, each with their own piece of the puzzle to the truth of the world is so well done. The symbolism between the Dragons and the Knights of the six virtues was just fantastic. Every character had flaws (some more than others) but there was no hero really, each person had to face their own prejudice to work together. Beautifully well done, and just increduibly human.
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Reading Team Recommends;
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
The results are in, and an overarching theme in feedback has been “bing-worthy”
One member of the reading team says:
Yeah how does she make every ship so intensely compelling and unique???
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Reading Team Recommends;
Wading in Waist-high Water by Colgatebluemintygel
The results are in, and an overarching theme in feedback has been “Hilarious”
One member of the reading team says:
I'm like halfway through this and the slow burn is excellent. So fucking good!
Join us in the sheer indulgence of,
Pinning Wolfstar (a classic)
Grandmother of British baking Minerva
The twitter nicknames (has me rolling every time)
*erotically kneads dough*
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This month in the Adult Fandom Project we’re reading:
blue and yellow skies by alarainai
Nominated and voted for by members of the Reading Team on the server.
#starchaser is trending. Regulus Black ✓ @littleking Why is this a thing? I don't even like Potter. James Potter ✓ @jfprongs Replying to @littleking He's lying. We're desperately in love. Regulus Black ✓ @littleking Replying to @jfprongs die :)
Have you read this fic? What did you think? 
Quidditch rivals turn to fake dating? Completely obsessed! 🌟
The witty banter is unmatched in this. If you looking for something that is angsty but still makes you laugh this is it! 💖
If you’d like to learn more about The Adult Fandom Project, click here
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